Chat Log for TTT#110
20:50:03 SusanEttenheim: hi bill
20:50:33 Bill O'Neal: HI Sue
20:50:56 Bill O'Neal: Sorry I missed last week. We had a power outage/storm and our main breaker was fried!
20:51:13 SusanEttenheim: yikes! all fixed now? can you skype?
20:52:10 Bill O'Neal: NOt tonight. I installed a surround sound system on the pc only to discover there is no headphone jack included. I'll deal with it tomorrow...
20:52:23 SusanEttenheim: ohhh noooo
20:52:33 paulallison: hi
20:52:34 SusanEttenheim: hi darrenmurphy welcome
20:52:38 SusanEttenheim: hi martin
20:52:39 SusanEttenheim: welcome
20:52:42 SusanEttenheim: hi paul
20:52:45 Martin Jimenez: Hello
20:52:49 SusanEttenheim: welcome ;)
20:52:51 paulallison:
20:52:54 SusanEttenheim: hi beil welcome!
20:53:09 Martin Jimenez: am I in the right place for the Teaching Teaching Teachers?
20:53:12 beil: TY
20:53:32 SusanEttenheim: you certainly are Martin... not quite broadcasting yet welcome!
20:53:59 SusanEttenheim: Martin what brings you here tonight... and you beil? Glad you can join us!
20:54:08 SusanEttenheim: what state? what do you teach?
20:54:50 Martin Jimenez: I'm attending as part of an Online Professional Development assignment for my Masters in Educational Technology
20:55:17 SusanEttenheim: glad you're here! Which one of our illustrious troopers is your teacher? :)
20:55:23 Martin Jimenez: I'm in California, I teach 10th grade World History and AP World History
20:56:12 Martin Jimenez: my teacher isn't here
20:56:45 SusanEttenheim: hi sjones welcome
20:56:45 paulallison: What is eduglu?
20:57:09 sjones: hi how do I get to the Teachers teaching teachers webcast?
20:57:36 SusanEttenheim: hi sjones - this is it!
20:57:39 Martin Jimenez: am I supposed to have a teacher with me? I don't understand
20:57:56 SusanEttenheim: no not at all I was just kidding!
20:58:05 Martin Jimenez: ah, ok :)
20:58:11 sjones: what is the chat about
20:58:28 SusanEttenheim: sjones what and where do you teach?
20:58:33 SusanEttenheim: do you all have skype?
20:58:40 Martin Jimenez: yes, I do
20:58:44 sjones: i teach in pittsburgh 8th grade social studies
20:58:46 sjones: No I don't
20:59:03 SusanEttenheim: beil where and what do you teach?
20:59:10 SusanEttenheim: Hi Joyce!!
20:59:31 joycevalenza: hi susan!
20:59:40 sjones: Aren't we supposed to hear something? A speaker?
20:59:45 SusanEttenheim: can you turn on your skype?
20:59:53 SusanEttenheim: sjones not broadcasting yet
21:00:00 Martin Jimenez: sure
21:00:02 joycevalenza: it's on i think
21:00:12 paulallison: We will be broadcasting in a few mintues.
21:00:16 sjones: Okay
21:01:21 paulallison: Check out the latest links in our friendfeed room:
21:01:32 sjones: Who is the host?
21:01:52 paulallison: Um... I'm the host, and Susan Ettenheim.
21:02:18 sjones: oh okay! nice to meet you both
21:02:19 paulallison: Susan is having a few technical difficulties, but we will begin shortly.
21:02:22 sjones: ok
21:02:35 paulallison: Do you blog with students?
21:02:42 paulallison: What platform do you use?
21:02:59 sjones: No i don't blog with students
21:03:02 SusanEttenheim: you should hear us any second now
21:03:06 sjones: we use it for Graduate school
21:03:19 sjones: to communicate with classmates
21:03:38 paulallison: And/or we'll be talking about PowerPoint reform if Joyce is able to join us in skype
21:04:06 sjones: oh okay
21:04:32 SusanEttenheim: can you hear us everyone?
21:04:35 SusanEttenheim: hi alice!
21:04:38 SusanEttenheim: how are you?
21:04:42 alicebarr: hi Susan!
21:04:47 alicebarr: Can hear you fine
21:04:52 jeffmason: yes 5 by 5
21:04:54 SusanEttenheim: great - thank you
21:04:58 SusanEttenheim: hi durff
21:05:07 Martin Jimenez: where are we supposed to hear/see you?
21:05:08 mrsdurff: hi susan
21:05:09 paulallison:
21:05:24 mrsdurff: martin ETT A
21:05:33 mrsdurff: click the black icon
21:05:37 SusanEttenheim: thanks durff
21:06:07 SusanEttenheim: hi mr shelhart welcome
21:06:25 Mr. Shelhart: Hi Susan
21:06:31 sjones: This webcast is on power point reform to use in schools?
21:06:59 SusanEttenheim: could everyone please -introduce yourself?
21:07:18 mrsdurff: Durff from Hagerstown, Maryland
21:07:22 alicebarr: Hi Alice Barr Instructional Integrator, Maine
21:07:35 Bill O'Neal: Bill O'Neal from Lawrence Twp, NJ
21:07:40 alicebarr: What???
21:07:46 alicebarr: Still teaching??
21:07:50 alicebarr: Yikes!
21:07:54 sjones: This webcast is on power point reform to use in schools?/
21:07:58 SusanEttenheim: we would love to call you all in to join in the conversation tonight
21:08:03 sjones: okay
21:08:13 SusanEttenheim: sjones- we're touching on a few subjects tonight
21:08:17 sjones: I will type-- having some tech problems
21:08:27 SusanEttenheim: some nights we have one main theme and some we chat
21:08:31 sjones: oh okay
21:08:31 SusanEttenheim: hi lorna
21:08:39 SusanEttenheim: hi courosa
21:08:40 sjones: How long have you been teaching?
21:08:41 SusanEttenheim: welcome
21:08:42 Lorna: Hi Susan
21:08:50 jeffmason: pensacola FL
21:08:56 SusanEttenheim: This is my 6th year - and you?
21:09:06 SusanEttenheim: jeff what grades do you teach?
21:09:13 SusanEttenheim: hi kcaise welcome!
21:09:13 mrsdurff: wow that's delicate joyce
21:09:19 sjones: 2 years in PA
21:09:22 courosa: hi susan, hi all
21:09:24 kcaise: hi all
21:09:35 SusanEttenheim: lol durff
21:09:52 jeffmason: @susan 9-12 gifted science biology and AP biology
21:10:17 SusanEttenheim: welcome! now is what joyce is saying familiar to you all?
21:10:26 sjones: yes
21:10:35 sjones: we are learning to teach wikis in my grad school progra
21:10:53 sjones: I would like to use them for my classroom in the future
21:10:58 mrsdurff: experiment in awfulness
21:11:02 SusanEttenheim: hi jose welcome! I got your message
21:11:06 SusanEttenheim: hi sarah welcome
21:11:07 alicebarr: Becasue that's what the students think the etachers want
21:11:14 JoseRodriguez: Hi
21:11:35 SusanEttenheim: yes alice and the teachers say it's boring and terrible too so how do we stop this cycle?
21:11:36 sjones: Yeah I need to learn to use them
21:11:39 lee baber: Hello everyone
21:11:52 SusanEttenheim: hi lee
21:12:04 sjones: hi
21:12:05 courosa: i have the same issue with my preservice teachers, they feel that there are expectations to use particular technologyies that they have seen.
21:12:06 mrsdurff: so basically you had learners develop their visual literacy
21:12:12 SusanEttenheim: hi sue welcome
21:12:27 sjones: Wiki's are new for me and i am only 23
21:12:29 alicebarr: Give kids a choice? Some will use PP but others may look for another medium
21:12:31 Sue Waters: Hi
21:12:34 sjones: I never really heard of them
21:12:44 JoseRodriguez: I caught gail's twit on today's show
21:12:48 Sarah S: @susanE - hi! Happy summer - well, almost for you.
21:12:55 SusanEttenheim: is anyone using powerpoint on google presentations?
21:13:03 alicebarr: Stop teachers from saying "make a powerpoint that ..."
21:13:17 courosa: some students need a host of exemples of various types, the good, the bad, the ugly
21:13:23 mrsdurff: like the Google homepage - simple is more
21:13:33 alicebarr: Instead "demonstrate how you know the content"
21:13:35 mrsdurff: bingo
21:13:43 gail desler: I'm adding "templated" to my list of new adjectives
21:13:48 mrsdurff: the slides are for the audience
21:14:00 lee baber: alice we are working on the island actively again
21:14:13 lee baber: are u reay to play?
21:14:25 alicebarr: @lee So glad to see you! Absolutely!
21:14:48 alicebarr: Will be teaching grad classes this summer for 3 weeks, but I am game
21:14:55 sjones: What school in PA is she talking about
21:15:16 SusanEttenheim: alice will they be making power point presentations?
21:15:36 alicebarr: :( NO WAY!
21:15:59 alicebarr: Death by Powerpoint!
21:16:00 SusanEttenheim: :) what will they be makin alice?
21:16:31 sjones: I think power point diminishes student creativity
21:16:35 gail desler: Welcome Sue Waters - the Edublogger!
21:16:38 mrsdurff: regimented
21:16:40 alicebarr: Their choice but week 1 is podcast and vodcast, Week 2 is Read/Wrie web
21:16:45 mrsdurff: vs flexible
21:17:04 SusanEttenheim: in what way sjones?
21:17:13 courosa: @sjones I am not sure if PowerPoint does, but prescriptive use certainly does. I have seen many innovative uses of slide decks.
21:17:22 gail desler: @sue - we're talking about breaking the rules for PowerPoint now and will be talking about Edublogs next
21:17:35 Sue Waters: @Gail I did try to log in earlier but thought I had missed the session
21:17:41 alicebarr: I think the students can use Powerpoint, BUT they key skill is PRESENTATION How to Engage audience!
21:17:54 sjones: Yes I agree
21:18:01 Sue Waters: @Gail time zones drive me crazy
21:18:08 sjones: STudents need to prepare for the presentation part of it
21:18:14 sjones: and not read from the slides
21:18:23 alicebarr: 21st century skill is engage audience
21:18:28 courosa: @alice and not always presentation, sometimes facilitation more than presentation.
21:18:31 sjones: right!!
21:18:31 mrsdurff: who is that presenter....seth godin?
21:18:45 courosa: engagement certainly
21:19:09 Mr. Shelhart: I still work in the corp. world while working on my teaching degree...PLEASE stop the cycle of lame powerpoint shows.
21:19:18 sjones: I think power point is acceptable for elementary students and middle school students, not so much high school
21:19:35 jeffmason: did someone mention "pecha kucha" ?
21:19:43 sjones: I like to have my students create interactive webpages
21:19:48 mrsdurff: powerpoint itself is not the point or lack thereof
21:19:55 mrsdurff: it is slide design
21:20:30 mrsdurff: and that design, good or bad, can happen in a number of tools
21:20:40 Bill O'Neal: Giving a PowerPoint lesson to new Summer Institue recruits tomorrow...
21:20:46 JoseRodriguez: ppt is a tool... It is but one way to publish new learning.
21:20:53 courosa: @lee Teachers/students fall back on directed instruction as well, and the safe things, but I think as you may allude, it's a mindset that we need to escape. Forget safe, let's award risk and innovation.
21:21:13 courosa: Reward dissent.
21:21:21 lee baber: i agree courosa
21:21:26 JoseRodriguez: encourage dissent
21:21:36 Sarah S: @courosa Absolutely!
21:21:44 sjones: I agree @ courosa
21:21:46 JoseRodriguez: A mashup of web 2.0 tools
21:21:53 lee baber: i encourage the newest tewels
21:22:01 lee baber: (notice the new spelling)
21:22:01 sjones: What do you suggest Lee
21:22:02 lee baber: :)
21:22:04 JoseRodriguez: I lean forward to web-based tools
21:22:26 mrsdurff: what is the best power point you have ever seen? what made it so good?
21:22:29 Bill O'Neal: THey want them to learn something akin to this
21:22:47 JoseRodriguez: What does lessig use?
21:23:43 courosa: @mrsdurff Visual, non-linear, and ones that the presenters don't follow by the script. The best PowerPoint presentations are ones that presenters barely use as a script but as a backdrop to good conversation.
21:23:44 alicebarr: Dodging Bullets in Presentations
21:24:23 courosa: Lessig uses/used Powerpoint, but it is exported to other forms (e.g., Flash). Lessig is a classic minimalist.
21:24:23 sjones: exactly
21:24:39 JoseRodriguez: A ppt with hyperlinks.... I like student presentations that take you on a web tour.
21:24:41 lee baber: @sjones I think things like webcam max
21:24:44 sjones: I do not use them very much because they do not encourage real discussion
21:24:50 sjones: ohok
21:25:14 alicebarr: Presenting about Presenting
21:25:24 lee baber: newest version of video tools for us to use for live video
21:25:28 sjones: I agree that students need to be prepared to "wow" board rooms
21:25:34 sjones: RIGHT!!!
21:25:43 sjones: Lincoln's words were enough
21:25:47 lee baber: push the envelope on becoming well versed in compression issues
21:25:50 courosa: The Lincoln piece was good, and there was also am Obama version.
21:26:09 lee baber: how to use the good and easy compression tricks out there to keep trying to be more live
21:26:10 sjones: I would have loved to use your Gettysburg idea this year
21:26:21 lee baber: more here and now feel
21:26:24 JoseRodriguez: I've used ppt to create .mov with student voice over, embedding video and music
21:26:25 lee baber: more interaction
21:26:36 paulallison:
21:26:51 courosa:
21:27:18 mrsdurff: visual rhetoric
21:27:33 lee baber: @alec... can you help suggest some cool stuff to encourage both teachers and students to use
21:27:37 mrsdurff: vs. linguistic rhetoric
21:28:54 courosa: @lee looking up my resources now
21:29:08 JoseRodriguez: David Jakes did a great presentation at CUE - California Computer Using Educators this past Spring on Digital Story-Telling.
21:29:11 lee baber: thanks
21:29:30 sjones: I would really like to incorporate storytelling into my classroom
21:29:39 jeffmason: have students present a topic using concept map
21:29:47 sjones: the students can maybe write their opinions on historical events
21:29:59 courosa:
21:30:25 gail desler: David Jakes is doing a 10 steps to better PowerPoints at NECC
21:30:26 paulallison:
21:31:33 sjones: Thank you
21:31:45 sjones: I am saving the links to read more in depth
21:32:02 courosa: And the next thing not on that list ... is this Flickr meme. Some are not appropriate for kids, but a lot of them are great for getting students to think visual.
21:32:16 courosa: ... and they are quite humorous
21:32:37 sjones: Hello Sue!
21:32:41 courosa: you could pull out a few good examples.
21:32:42 Sue Waters: Hi@sjones
21:33:09 Sue Waters: she is freezing here in Australia
21:33:21 sjones: How cold
21:33:23 mrsdurff: what time is it there sue?
21:33:26 paulallison:
21:33:29 Sue Waters: 9.33 am
21:33:29 courosa: Hi Sue!
21:33:47 mrsdurff: a day forward - yes?
21:33:54 Sue Waters: yes I am tomorrow
21:34:04 mrsdurff: back to the future
21:34:05 Sue Waters: and you are yesterday :)
21:34:18 Sue Waters: you are summer and I am winter
21:34:21 mrsdurff: i always was late
21:34:29 sjones: Hello to tomorrow
21:34:51 courosa: @mrsdurff you are likely ahead of me, so you are early in my books
21:35:05 mrsdurff: i am very slow alec
21:36:23 SusanEttenheim: hi dennisar welcome!
21:36:27 mrsdurff: i am known for taking cabs
21:36:40 dennisar: @Susan hello
21:36:57 SusanEttenheim: where are you and what do you teach please?
21:37:04 lee baber: hi dennis
21:37:19 dennisar: @lee good evening
21:37:27 alicebarr: Hi Dennis!
21:37:29 kcaise: sue's blog is so helpful
21:37:38 dennisar: Hello alice
21:38:22 joycevalenza: Schools seem also to like the name--learnerblogs too
21:38:30 sjones: I need to check them ou
21:38:38 sjones: they seem wonderful for new teachers
21:38:43 sjones: needing ideas and support
21:39:00 kcaise: edublogs is more userfriendly for newbies (in my opinion)
21:39:04 joycevalenza: oh good.
21:39:04 courosa: all my students used edublogs this year, and they were quite happy with everything.
21:39:22 dennisar: What are the advantages of edubloggers? I use blogspot.
21:39:34 sjones: What did the students use them for
21:39:49 dennisar: Is it a walled garden?
21:39:59 joycevalenza: I know it's crazy, but our district blocks blogspot but not edublogs
21:40:07 courosa: @dennisar from my perspective, less creepy community ... better for education, AND it's Wordpress, much nicer platform.
21:40:09 alicebarr: Not a walled garden but GREAT support and easy to set up
21:40:23 sjones: How do the students use the edublogs?
21:40:27 alicebarr: All thye users are pretty much educators
21:40:49 Martin Jimenez: at my school site a lot of blog spots and postcasts are blocked as well, even if they are educational
21:41:00 sjones: Yes same here
21:41:03 Sue Waters: re-students
21:41:13 sjones: My district in PA blocks a lot of things
21:41:26 joycevalenza: which district sjones?
21:41:32 dennisar: @joyce @courosa could i switch to wordpress and take my archived posts with me form blogspot?
21:41:41 joycevalenza: yes!
21:41:45 joycevalenza: it's easy
21:41:47 courosa: @dennisar Yes!
21:41:56 courosa: lots of people do.
21:42:03 joycevalenza: we had to move many of our teachers' blogs
21:42:09 joycevalenza: 2 minute process
21:42:15 courosa: that's one of the best things about XML ... you can move content more easily around the web.
21:42:32 beil: There is a script you can insert in your blog to take out the menu bar that has the 'next blog' link
21:42:36 courosa: China blocks much more than edublogs.
21:42:43 sjones: oh ok
21:42:45 dennisar: really - now this is interesting - can you direct me to a tutorial?
21:44:49 dennisar: @sue waters - what's you connection to edublogger?
21:44:50 Sue Waters: @dennisar it is really easy you just import in the dashboardd
21:44:56 joycevalenza: if you start an edublog, in site admin there is a link to
21:44:59 Sue Waters: I am the Editor of Edublogger
21:45:22 joycevalenza: import posts, categories and comments from another blog
21:45:49 lee baber: i like the idea of us using the new funnymonkey drupal platform
21:45:53 dennisar: @joycecalenza thanks
21:45:59 joycevalenza: no problem
21:46:29 courosa: You could just subscribe to them all in Google Reader, share a tag, then use the Google public page.
21:46:30 dennisar: @sue waters editor of a blog? confused. obviously uninformed.
21:46:54 courosa: or just use a common tag
21:47:09 courosa: lots of non-techy ways of aggregating
21:47:12 Sue Waters: @dennisar the Edublogger was set up by Edublogs - to support the edublogging community
21:47:13 SusanEttenheim: hi Steve
21:47:17 beil: I have a long link that shows how to remove 'next blog', it won't paste into this chat window....can I send it some other way?
21:47:40 lee baber: Yes alec,,, that is essential to learn
21:47:47 lee baber: and teach the kids from the start
21:47:49 Steve: Hi Susan
21:47:56 SusanEttenheim: beil can you drag it in?
21:48:06 lee baber: using either one platform or individual blogs
21:48:11 courosa: @beil the only way iI have been ever able to paste into this chat is first paste into a Word document, then drag the URL from Word to the chat.
21:48:23 joycevalenza: we set up wiki lists of the kids blogs
21:48:27 courosa: It's so awkward, I really wish they would fix that or get a new chat client.
21:48:49 SusanEttenheim: joyce did you google reader at all to follow each other?
21:48:52 joycevalenza: but so many of their blogs are project specific
21:48:54 lee baber: i open a new window of firefox and drag the link in to this chat
21:49:04 beil:
21:49:19 courosa: there you go @beil
21:49:20 beil: That may have worked....let me know if you got it
21:49:24 joycevalenza: to some degree, but the class wikis kinda gather them easier
21:49:39 sjones: I like wiki's- they are effective
21:49:48 sjones: and the kids really seem to enjoy them and benefit from them
21:49:59 SusanEttenheim: how do the wikis update themselves?
21:50:11 joycevalenza: it depends upon the task
21:50:49 joycevalenza: they don't, but most of our project-specific bloggers blog everyday
21:50:59 joycevalenza: not perfect
21:51:12 joycevalenza: google reader is better for updates
21:51:13 SusanEttenheim: so do they post a link to every blog post to the wiki? cooll....
21:51:22 joycevalenza: no need.
21:51:37 joycevalenza: we just got used to checking those links.
21:51:48 SusanEttenheim: ahhh
21:51:49 joycevalenza: their google readers are pretty crowdedd
21:52:03 dennisar: i find google reader very useful aggregator
21:52:04 joycevalenza: with all the other stuff we told them they needed
21:52:04 SusanEttenheim: where can we find that 31 comments?
21:52:07 joycevalenza: eeek
21:53:17 Sue Waters:
21:54:35 dennisar: blogging and commenting are challenging skills that has to be learned over time. you have to commit to the learning curve and to the time it takes to fell at home in that learning space.
21:55:06 gail desler: @dennisar I agree!
21:56:36 dennisar: i talk about my learning in 2.0 with colleagues and they have a hard time relating to the context i'm speaking about
21:56:39 Gary: If student blogs were like FaceBook you might have much more participation by secondary students but ...... obvious problems.
21:57:33 dennisar: @gary - my grandson (15) invited me to be his friend on facebook yesterday
21:57:36 joycevalenza: Our administrators send out a letter each year describing our excitement about 2.0 tools
21:57:46 joycevalenza: and their use in learning
21:58:34 dennisar: @sue waters - the conversation after al's experience has been very important
21:59:25 dennisar: @joycevalenza - administrators advocating 2.0 - wow - are the letters online?
21:59:32 Gary: @dennisar - I am a retired teacher - most of my "friends" are former students. Rule: only after they graduate.
22:00:07 dennisar: @gary - yes yes
22:01:41 SusanEttenheim: hi ben welcome
22:02:11 alicebarr: Hi Ben!
22:02:30 alicebarr: Ben is one of our students. I hope he comes back
22:02:57 kcaise: it would be interesting to hear his take on things alice
22:03:00 dennisar: @joycevalenza - i agree - k12onlineconference 08 call for proposals reflect the next generation conversation you speak about
22:03:48 kcaise: wb ben
22:03:51 alicebarr: We had a similar conversation today. Students are helping teachers in our Staff class. They had some interesting conversations about PPT
22:03:57 alicebarr: Hi Ben!
22:03:57 SusanEttenheim: how many of you are getting reading to
22:04:23 dennisar: Ben, do you blog?
22:04:30 ben_mcnaboe: haha...hello ms it ok that I am here?? sorry..i was just fooling around a bit with edtechtalk
22:04:46 alicebarr: Not a problem you are here! WElcome
22:04:54 dennisar: welcome ben ---
22:05:04 ben_mcnaboe: ok...goood...thank you
22:05:34 dennisar: Levels of quality...
22:06:26 dennisar: Characteristics of levels of quality - kids are real sharp about that if you let them talk about it.
22:06:30 joycevalenza: Susan and Paul, have you had Renee Hobbs on yet?
22:06:57 SusanEttenheim: you recommend it Joyc?
22:07:19 joycevalenza: Yes! she is doing important work on fair use and mixing and mashing
22:07:25 kcaise: that is often how i train teachers, show students and they bring along their teachers
22:08:58 lee baber: yes paul.. i am ready to close as well... :) it has been great
22:09:04 dennisar: Mind shaping - it takes a lot of care
22:09:18 kcaise: i think we included 5th graders in that assessment as well in texas
22:09:44 Sue Waters:
22:10:02 joycevalenza: thanks, Sue!
22:10:08 dennisar: @sue waters - thanks
22:10:39 joycevalenza: nope
22:10:46 SusanEttenheim: that's great - the need for conversation!
22:10:50 Sue Waters: @dennisar that is okay
22:11:14 joycevalenza: see you at Edublogcon!
22:11:19 joycevalenza: Saturday
22:11:31 joycevalenza: thank you!
22:11:35 alicebarr: Anyone coming to EduBlogger con East?
22:11:38 Sue Waters: Have a good time at NECC
22:11:41 Sue Waters: everyone
22:11:41 alicebarr: July 14 in Newton, MA
22:11:46 lee baber: dc is right next door for me
22:11:50 dennisar: what's that alice?
22:11:53 lee baber: night
22:12:00 joycevalenza: i'll be there but doing workshop
22:12:01 fceblog: Thank you all.
22:12:04 alicebarr: Free EduBloggerCon
22:12:11 alicebarr: Alan November has given space
22:12:14 dennisar: oh, liz is working on that. right
22:12:23 Martin Jimenez: thx, everyone :)
22:12:27 alicebarr: @dennisar yes
22:12:31 joycevalenza: night
22:12:32 lee baber: night
22:12:36 alicebarr: Night all
22:12:45 alicebarr: Lee I will see you in SL
22:12:48 ben_mcnaboe: bye...thanks for letting me pop in
22:12:54 dennisar: good night all - see you at blc08
22:13:01 mrsdurff: nite!
22:13:08 alicebarr: See you at BLC!
22:13:13 SusanEttenheim: night all !
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