EdTechWeekly #68
admin - Mon, 2008-03-10 08:09
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
EdTechWeekly #68 sans Jen
March 9, 2008
March 9, 2008
Chat Log Below
18:37:41 alicemercer -> Hi Jeff and John!
18:38:09 JohnS -> Hello
18:37:41 alicemercer -> Hi Jeff and John!
18:38:09 JohnS -> Hello
18:38:10 alicemercer -> That was creepy, sound just came up
18:38:32 alicemercer -> No echo for me
18:38:56 alicemercer -> You want me try?
18:39:10 alicemercer -> I can't turn off stream?
18:39:42 alicemercer -> I hear an echo on this one
18:40:13 alicemercer -> Okay, why does Ustream player PLAY when I don't have > pressed?
18:40:17 alicemercer -> WEIRD
18:40:35 alicemercer -> echo again
18:40:41 alicemercer -> now gone
18:40:48 alicemercer -> just for a bit
18:40:54 alicemercer -> Fine now
18:40:59 alicemercer -> ????
18:41:07 alicemercer -> The traveling echo chamber
18:41:10 alicemercer -> I'm good
18:41:25 alicemercer -> I have to reinstall VAC JL, you KNOW this is painful for me, lol
18:41:37 alicemercer -> I can't hear an echo
18:41:47 alicemercer -> Must be just for him?
18:41:56 alicemercer -> YEP! Happens to me
18:42:08 alicemercer -> Happy to be your sound check girl
18:44:06 alicemercer -> ok the short echoes I'm getting from time to time, I think it's just latency stuff
18:44:18 alicemercer -> like for 2 seconds it'll come up
18:44:33 alicemercer -> NO!
18:44:37 alicemercer -> Not subscribe
18:44:41 alicemercer -> Ustream
18:44:45 alicemercer -> you want me back there?
18:45:03 dave -> please try subscribe :)
18:45:06 alicemercer -> You want me on sbuscribe
18:45:13 alicemercer -> Sounds good
18:45:41 alicemercer -> Lost sound now? Oh, easy to hit button and undo
18:46:10 alicemercer -> Hey, you blanked again?
18:46:20 alicemercer -> I think it's the roar
18:46:23 alicemercer -> NOT me
18:46:39 alicemercer -> When he hits Ustream roar, and I can't hear ANYTHING
18:46:54 alicemercer -> OUCH!
18:50:10 alicemercer -> Oh, is that the YouTube videos?
18:50:13 alicemercer -> Man...
18:50:46 alicemercer -> I haven't listened to those videos yet
18:50:54 alicemercer -> Evil he is!
18:51:07 alicemercer -> Put the ROAR on when he talks
18:51:36 alicemercer -> It fades out every 20 sec or so
18:51:50 alicemercer -> I'm moving to UStream
18:51:52 Peter Clitheroe -> Not so late this week
18:52:20 alicemercer -> I'm listening to see if it's here too, keep up
18:52:23 alicemercer -> constant chatter
18:52:31 alicemercer -> So I can see if it's happening here
18:52:40 alicemercer -> I'm going back to see if it's there?
18:52:56 alicemercer -> now
18:53:02 alicemercer -> I'm on Subscribe
18:53:11 alicemercer -> I'll type now when it' fades
18:53:12 alicemercer -> now
18:53:29 alicemercer -> it cuts off
18:53:40 alicemercer -> I'll send a note when it does
18:54:10 alicemercer -> now
18:54:27 alicemercer -> It has a cut sound, like a click off
18:54:29 alicemercer -> ?
18:54:30 alicemercer -> now
18:54:38 alicemercer -> right before you talked JL
18:55:09 alicemercer -> I'll give feedback
18:55:13 alicemercer -> Cause I'm a PITA
18:55:43 alicemercer -> I did it once
18:55:51 alicemercer -> I was SOOO sick with am. sickness
18:55:52 alicemercer -> now
18:55:58 alicemercer -> now
18:56:16 Cindy Seibel -> Thanks
18:56:17 alicemercer -> So I had the kids sing
18:56:23 alicemercer -> you faded briefly jl
18:56:28 Cindy Seibel -> I am a grad student with Alec Couros
18:56:43 Cindy Seibel -> the story???
18:56:49 Cindy Seibel -> nop[e
18:56:54 alicemercer -> Hungry hungry from Cat in the Hat songbook during Read Across America
18:56:58 Cindy Seibel -> WE block that site
18:56:59 Gary -> He drowns in SecondLife
18:57:03 alicemercer -> I feed the kids the line, and they sang
18:57:08 alicemercer -> Little cut
18:57:14 alicemercer -> at the end of JL
18:57:15 alicemercer -> now
18:57:16 Cindy Seibel -> We're having part of our class in SL this week
18:57:37 alicemercer -> Ugh, I would hate that
18:57:43 Cindy Seibel -> It will be great
18:57:44 alicemercer -> NOOOOOOO!
18:57:47 alicemercer -> cut
18:57:49 alicemercer -> now
18:57:59 Cindy Seibel -> Some students have not been there before
18:58:04 alicemercer -> now
18:58:06 Cindy Seibel -> She's going to teach the rest of us
18:58:31 cherylsweb20 -> Hello
18:58:57 alicemercer -> That sounds dangerous
18:59:32 alicemercer -> I went swimming at Palm Springs.
18:59:35 alicemercer -> nAH NAH
18:59:56 Cindy Seibel -> Alec - be careful
19:00:06 courosa -> teehee
19:00:12 alicemercer -> I'm ready
19:00:14 courosa -> i should have signed in as not alec
19:00:23 alicemercer -> Yeah, like "DURFF"
19:00:31 alicemercer -> Or guest4919
19:00:33 courosa -> so, how did the audio start automatically?
19:00:37 Gary -> Alec - web casting during your oil change?
19:00:42 alicemercer -> It's Ustream
19:00:43 Cindy Seibel -> @courosa told them about our class this week - we need Raine to tutor us
19:01:00 alicemercer -> I miss Jenn doing the intro
19:01:01 courosa -> she really should :-)
19:01:14 courosa -> the ustream feed doesn't usually start automatically
19:01:15 JohnS -> Me too, alice
19:01:24 courosa -> i didn't have to click start
19:01:28 alicemercer -> well, at least we don't have smell-o-vision
19:01:34 Durff -> what did i do alice? cooking...
19:01:41 dave -> http://www.olpcnews.com/countries/haiti/olpc_haiti_xo_laptop_abject_pove...
19:01:50 alicemercer -> No, the all guy show, smell-o-vision, not a good combo
19:01:56 courosa -> olpc fanboy
19:02:03 alicemercer -> No trials, no qualitative?
19:02:10 alicemercer -> WTF would you do it that way?
19:02:23 alicemercer -> Talk about sticking heads in the sand
19:02:29 alicemercer -> Yep, not much
19:02:47 alicemercer -> or they'll strip the cooper out
19:03:04 courosa -> agreed
19:03:10 alicemercer -> We've had HVACs disabled and totally ruined here becuase of cooper being striped.
19:03:24 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/node/3056 What is EdTechTalk? Why do you participate?
19:03:32 alicemercer -> What is ETT? A place to share links, ideas, and tools
19:03:52 dave -> @courosa fanboy :P
19:03:55 alicemercer -> It's a collective (shh, that's sounds very socialist)
19:04:13 Gary -> What is wrong with socialist?
19:04:31 alicemercer -> It used to be scary, now it just sounds sad Gary.
19:04:33 alicemercer -> LOL
19:04:34 JohnS -> Free Animated Download of Horton Hears a Who!: http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/article/CA6536378.html
19:04:44 Gary -> Understood.
19:05:00 alicemercer -> That's where I feed kids the lines to sing "Hungry, hungry"!
19:05:38 dave -> http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=91667
19:06:01 courosa -> cool
19:06:19 courosa -> love the tagging
19:06:32 JL -> http://community.cue.org/ The CUE Community
19:06:33 courosa -> moodle still the best choive
19:06:46 courosa -> choice
19:06:49 alicemercer -> YES, I was there!
19:06:57 alicemercer -> Not being used much...
19:07:15 alicemercer -> There is a real 1.0 aspect to how some do that conf.
19:07:24 Gary -> of Apple - Mac came later
19:07:31 JohnS -> Encyclopedia of Life: http://www.eol.org/index and Biology Animation Library: http://www.dnalc.org/ddnalc/resources/animations.html
19:07:44 JL -> http://2008.sxsw.com/coverage/ south by southwest festivals + conferences
19:08:47 Gary -> The Biology Animation Library is great and easy to use.
19:09:11 Durff -> 3
19:09:20 dave -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Academic_use
19:10:17 courosa -> well it is not a primary source, so use appropriately
19:10:19 alicemercer -> I think that you should cite "background" sources
19:10:44 alicemercer -> Dave, folks still use encyclopedias when they shouldn't
19:10:49 Gary -> Wikipedia sometimes points you in the right direction if you are careful.
19:10:58 alicemercer -> Yep Gary
19:11:09 alicemercer -> Background info sources
19:11:13 Gary -> But don't depend on it.
19:11:34 courosa -> and at least one @ reference
19:11:48 alicemercer -> HA!
19:12:25 courosa -> i used wikipedia a lot in my dissertation, there was simply nothing else as current
19:12:28 JL -> http://valleywag.com/tag/jimmy-wales/ Jimmy Wales - Valleywag
19:12:31 Gary -> @ reference from Twitter - that might be confusing for most teachers
19:13:24 JL -> http://omeka.org/
19:13:24 alicemercer -> DON"T WANT DETAILS!
19:14:14 JohnS -> United Nations Data Access System: http://data.un.org
19:14:50 dave -> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2008/03/06/facebook-study.html
19:15:01 alicemercer -> Interesting piece on wikipedia: http://www.needleworkspictures.com/ocr/blog/?p=226
19:15:22 alicemercer -> about how it models a way of teaching unit themes and ideas
19:15:39 alicemercer -> Oh, I commented on that. I couldn't believe that. DON"T TALK to each other? Please!
19:15:53 Gary -> Only ws considered cheating because it did not happen in the hallway.
19:15:54 courosa -> When will professors actually get it? It's 90% assignment design ... design assignments where cheating is impossible, but collaboration is a must.
19:15:58 alicemercer -> We were assigned group research projects
19:16:03 JL -> http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/04/scrabulous-founders-look-to... What Price Scrabulous? - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times
19:16:36 courosa -> hehe
19:16:50 courosa -> twitter plays scrabulous for me
19:17:08 alicemercer -> Ah, ISTE and commons
19:17:10 JL -> http://www.ijohnpederson.com/2008/03/06/creative-commons-and-the-nets-fo... ijohnpederson » Creative Commons and the NETS for Students Standards
19:17:10 alicemercer -> lol
19:17:17 JohnS -> Common Craft: Twitter in Plain English: http://www.commoncraft.com/Twitter
19:17:25 alicemercer -> You go John!
19:17:52 alicemercer -> Sharing random stupid details.
19:19:06 alicemercer -> Hey, I couldn't get directions to Ontario Airport on my way back from CUE
19:19:13 courosa -> my voicethread on twitter ... 60 responses, there is no way I would have received that type of response without twitter.
19:19:24 dave -> http://www.dangerouslyirrelevant.org/2008/03/cell-phone-came.html
19:19:35 alicemercer -> My network let me down :(
19:19:41 alicemercer -> Oh, that was scary seeing the comments
19:19:46 Gary -> Twitter allows coursoa to allow us to follow his oild change.
19:19:52 sroseman -> dave, what is your twitter name
19:20:25 alicemercer -> I haven't looked so I don't know if the students egged on
19:20:47 Gary -> Did sound disappear?
19:20:49 alicemercer -> California law says, teachers can be taped
19:20:53 alicemercer -> Not for me Gary
19:20:53 Lisa Parisi -> I saw all those videos.
19:21:00 Gary -> Thanks
19:21:03 alicemercer -> Lisa, you commented.
19:21:10 Lisa Parisi -> I think we should always behave as if we are being taped
19:21:10 alicemercer -> Law in CA says YES!
19:21:10 JL -> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/internet_explorer_8_has_arrived.php Internet Explorer 8 Has Arrived - ReadWriteWeb
19:21:23 alicemercer -> You are NOT in a private sitautation teaching
19:21:24 courosa -> @gary ... I was looking for a new vehicle too ... it wasn't JUST an oil change. :-)
19:21:32 dave -> anyone try the 'subscribe' button?
19:21:38 alicemercer -> Lisa, we all make mistakes, and do stupid stuff.
19:21:58 Lisa Parisi -> Yes, but not nasty or violent
19:22:00 JL -> http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/02/29/paypal-to-safari-us... PayPal to Safari users: 'Ditch it'
19:22:00 alicemercer -> I don't know cause I didnt' see if I've done anything that stuipd
19:22:10 Lisa Parisi -> Mostly I have just told kids to stop talking.
19:22:16 Lisa Parisi -> Ok..yelled to stop talking
19:22:17 JohnS -> Drop.IO: http://drop.io/ and Recuva: http://www.recuva.com/
19:22:51 alicemercer -> My 30 min video won't go over the net? Darn!
19:23:38 dave -> http://whydoeseverythingsuck.com/2008/02/death-of-relational-database.html
19:23:44 alicemercer -> Lisa, I'll look at it later. I didn't want to look yesterday. Too happy after CUE, didn't want to be depressed.
19:24:37 JL -> http://hashtags.org/ Hashtags
19:24:54 pgoerner -> Played with hastags yesterday...very nice
19:24:59 Lisa Parisi -> Alice, mostly what I got was these are very rude children and overwhelmed teachers
19:25:05 pgoerner -> Going to be great for following along at conferences
19:25:10 alicemercer -> Well, the cure for not knowing what fields you need in a relational database is easy, add a new table, lol
19:25:15 Johns -> World Wide Telescope: http://worldwidetelescope.org/
19:25:15 pgoerner -> big stuff with south by southwest
19:25:54 courosa -> The TED talk around this is quite interesting.
19:25:59 cherylsweb20 -> I tried it, but it wasn't actually running yet-only saw videos
19:26:09 alicemercer -> Oh, we've all yelled, but it shouldn't be your default
19:26:17 dave -> http://openhabitat.org http://tallblog.conted.ox.ac.uk/index.php/2008/03/05/the-habitat-project...
19:26:57 courosa -> cool, useful
19:27:04 JL -> http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080302-first-spam-felony-convicti... First spam felony conviction upheld: no free speech to spam
19:27:23 alicemercer -> Pgoerner: You SURE you want to follow me ;-)
19:27:38 cindyseibel -> agribulture
19:27:43 Lisa Parisi -> Isn't is farmer time?
19:27:43 pgoerner -> to loose money
19:27:44 cindyseibel -> agriculture
19:27:46 JL -> http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB120406767043794825-UOLcfJA8x9Gw9o... Daylight Saving Wastes Energy, Study Says - WSJ.com
19:27:46 alicemercer -> Yes, to get more sunlight.
19:27:46 Durff -> cows?
19:27:47 Lisa Parisi -> or to save energy
19:27:48 courosa -> don't know, saskatchewan doesn't
19:28:01 Peter Clitheroe -> So I can get to sleep earlier :)
19:28:03 Johns -> Connexions: http://cnx.org/ and ChitChat: http://chitch.at
19:28:07 Lisa Parisi -> i forgot and brought my daughter to rehearsal late today
19:28:35 alicemercer -> Lisa, BAD mommy!
19:28:36 alicemercer -> Lol
19:28:41 pgoerner -> jen's drinking baileys...and watching sunsets?
19:28:57 alicemercer -> PG is she on twitter?
19:29:06 pgoerner -> yes...she just tweeted
19:29:09 alicemercer -> no sound?
19:29:16 alicemercer -> out again
19:29:22 alicemercer -> latency?
19:29:26 Durff -> sound fine here
19:29:26 pgoerner -> I'll tell her we missed her!
19:29:38 dave -> http://www.macrumors.com/2008/03/03/apple-is-number-one-laptop-supplier-...
19:29:43 alicemercer -> Yeah, I want her back doing intro. nothing personal JS
19:29:47 Lisa Parisi -> fine here too
19:29:55 Gary -> sound - I had to retart.
19:29:57 alicemercer -> must be me then
19:29:59 JL -> http://wowowow.com/
19:30:04 dave -> hee hee
19:30:10 cindyseibel -> lol
19:30:36 Peter Clitheroe -> Getting echo here !
19:30:40 courosa -> i predict crash and burn
19:30:42 JL -> http://education.alltop.com/ Alltop.com - Education
19:30:46 Durff -> none here
19:31:05 cindyseibel -> and educationaltechnology.ca
19:31:11 Johns -> Tiny huge 1 terrabyte optical disk: http://thetechdon.com/tiny-huge-1-terrabyte-optical-disk/ and How to Create a Timeline in Excel: http://www.vertex42.com/ExcelArticles/create-a-timeline.html
19:31:39 JL -> echo on ustream?
19:31:42 pgoerner -> Alec- I saw this last night- nicely done for a 3 yr old!
19:31:42 courosa -> let the format wars resume!
19:31:44 Durff -> no
19:31:46 JL -> or 'subscribe'
19:31:51 Durff -> audio is fine
19:32:13 lthumann -> No echo here. Alec your daughter was adorable.
19:32:13 courosa -> thanks cindy :-)
19:32:33 alicemercer -> del.icio.us tag for:edtechtalk
19:32:34 courosa -> @pgoerner ... she was so excited to get comments.
19:32:47 courosa -> @lthumann :-)
19:32:48 pgoerner -> oh, bummer, and I didn't :(
19:32:51 Lisa Parisi -> thank you for links and chat
19:32:58 alicemercer -> What's the post show?
19:33:00 Peter Clitheroe -> Sorry JL, ws referring to wowowowow :(
19:33:06 pgoerner -> Yes- she would be good at that!
19:33:08 Durff -> they sound so depressed without jen
19:33:08 courosa -> sorry man
19:33:19 loonyhiker -> alec: your daughter inspired me to try SL again
19:33:33 lthumann -> Should we make comments about how there's a woman behind every man?
19:33:37 alicemercer -> is that bitterness I hear?
19:33:53 alicemercer -> Hey, I was in Palm Springs
19:34:01 Durff -> a better woman behind every good man
19:34:15 lthumann -> Better said Durff
19:34:20 pgoerner -> not me
19:34:21 courosa -> huh?
19:34:22 Durff -> yup
19:34:24 lthumann -> not m
19:34:26 lthumann -> me
19:34:38 Lisa Parisi -> not me
19:34:42 Gary -> @courosa - Sorry I had to log out - yes I know it was more than a oil change. I watched it from Rocky Mountain House, AB in a hotel room. I was amazed you were doing it.
19:34:47 loonyhiker -> so u want us to subscribe?
19:34:48 Durff -> not moi
19:34:50 Peter Clitheroe -> not me
19:34:56 Lisa Parisi -> i just came into edtechtalk live and logged in there and sound started
19:35:07 Lisa Parisi -> hi jeff
19:35:11 Lisa Parisi -> March 20th
19:35:14 alicemercer -> Hey can we plug It's Elementary
19:35:16 courosa -> now it's echoey
19:35:19 Lisa Parisi -> just plugged it in
19:35:22 Durff -> aice
19:35:40 Durff -> who is our guest?
19:35:46 courosa -> @gary I quit when the salespeople started looking like they were ready to jump me.
19:36:07 courosa -> that subscribe button is making me confused
19:36:15 Gary -> It did end suddenly - I was Praxis6942
19:36:23 loonyhiker -> i hit subscribe and then it echoed
19:36:24 Durff -> what?
19:36:33 courosa -> yes, it echos
19:36:35 Durff -> i did not subscribe
19:36:46 pgoerner -> yeah on echo, or two browsers open
19:36:48 loonyhiker -> aha that works
19:37:04 lthumann -> Now I hear the echo. As you described why.
19:37:04 Durff -> hey alice plug us!
19:37:10 courosa -> but it just came on as soon as I got in anyways ... i don't get the subscribe button.
19:37:31 courosa -> as in i don't understand it
19:37:33 pgoerner -> subscribe doesn't work in my firefox for some reason
19:37:36 Johns -> It did look like ustream is starting automatically
19:37:54 Johns -> it does require flash, which could potentially be an issue
19:38:04 pgoerner -> yes we can?
19:38:05 Lisa Parisi -> I agree
19:38:11 Durff -> don't tell them that
19:38:15 pgoerner -> very political like
19:38:37 JL -> if anyone else wants to join in, skype 'coarsesalt'
19:38:49 Durff -> teachers still do it
19:39:01 Durff -> so those kids come to the librarian
19:39:02 Lisa Parisi -> Durff when are we getting together?
19:39:11 Durff -> idk
19:39:25 Durff -> we have spring break
19:39:32 Durff -> so after that
19:39:43 Durff -> like in april
19:40:04 lee ann -> Good Evening..all
19:40:18 Johns -> hello, lee ann
19:40:50 JoseRod -> shout out to the edtechtalk folk
19:40:52 pgoerner -> OK. thanks gang- I've got to run. Homework calls! Great links!
19:41:05 lee ann -> with the daylight savings..i missed most of the show.. :(
19:41:08 lee ann -> running late
19:41:16 JoseRod -> :-)
19:41:25 lee ann -> is this where the cat calls begin?
19:41:28 JoseRod -> I've been listening the whole show
19:41:34 Durff -> don't get a big head jose
19:41:43 Durff -> shhh!
19:41:45 JoseRod -> lol
19:42:04 lee ann -> I havent either John!
19:42:26 Durff -> okay, party at john's next weekend - every one come
19:42:43 Durff -> that way he can meet every one
19:42:47 JoseRod -> Alice is exactly like she sounds.
19:42:59 Durff -> be nice jose
19:43:23 lee ann -> Is this post show?
19:43:32 Durff -> yes
19:43:37 JL -> yes, very post
19:43:57 Durff -> post post show or p.p.s.
19:44:14 JoseRod -> And LiveBlogging is the Bomb!
19:44:32 alicemercer -> What is that tool Jose?
19:44:32 JoseRod -> I used link to Cover it live from edtechweekly
19:44:42 lee ann -> bye all
19:44:44 Lisa Parisi -> Bye
19:44:44 Durff -> nite all and take care
19:44:56 JoseRod -> same as I used at CUE
19:44:58 Gary -> Again - great show.
19:45:09 Johns -> shortest show+postshow ever?
19:45:15 lee ann -> yes
19:45:19 lee ann -> what s up?
19:45:24 alicemercer -> Gary, which show?
19:45:24 JoseRod -> everybody is tired
19:45:26 lee ann -> everone is sick?
19:45:28 JoseRod -> atleast I am
19:45:38 lee ann -> ahhh..and where is Jen?
19:45:41 Johns -> tired. lots to do. the links were fast.
19:45:42 alicemercer -> Jose, an dDurff, want to do a quick check in
19:45:47 JoseRod -> sure
19:45:48 Johns -> Jen is in Florida. She should be back next week
19:45:53 lee ann -> nice
18:38:10 alicemercer -> That was creepy, sound just came up
18:38:32 alicemercer -> No echo for me
18:38:56 alicemercer -> You want me try?
18:39:10 alicemercer -> I can't turn off stream?
18:39:42 alicemercer -> I hear an echo on this one
18:40:13 alicemercer -> Okay, why does Ustream player PLAY when I don't have > pressed?
18:40:17 alicemercer -> WEIRD
18:40:35 alicemercer -> echo again
18:40:41 alicemercer -> now gone
18:40:48 alicemercer -> just for a bit
18:40:54 alicemercer -> Fine now
18:40:59 alicemercer -> ????
18:41:07 alicemercer -> The traveling echo chamber
18:41:10 alicemercer -> I'm good
18:41:25 alicemercer -> I have to reinstall VAC JL, you KNOW this is painful for me, lol
18:41:37 alicemercer -> I can't hear an echo
18:41:47 alicemercer -> Must be just for him?
18:41:56 alicemercer -> YEP! Happens to me
18:42:08 alicemercer -> Happy to be your sound check girl
18:44:06 alicemercer -> ok the short echoes I'm getting from time to time, I think it's just latency stuff
18:44:18 alicemercer -> like for 2 seconds it'll come up
18:44:33 alicemercer -> NO!
18:44:37 alicemercer -> Not subscribe
18:44:41 alicemercer -> Ustream
18:44:45 alicemercer -> you want me back there?
18:45:03 dave -> please try subscribe :)
18:45:06 alicemercer -> You want me on sbuscribe
18:45:13 alicemercer -> Sounds good
18:45:41 alicemercer -> Lost sound now? Oh, easy to hit button and undo
18:46:10 alicemercer -> Hey, you blanked again?
18:46:20 alicemercer -> I think it's the roar
18:46:23 alicemercer -> NOT me
18:46:39 alicemercer -> When he hits Ustream roar, and I can't hear ANYTHING
18:46:54 alicemercer -> OUCH!
18:50:10 alicemercer -> Oh, is that the YouTube videos?
18:50:13 alicemercer -> Man...
18:50:46 alicemercer -> I haven't listened to those videos yet
18:50:54 alicemercer -> Evil he is!
18:51:07 alicemercer -> Put the ROAR on when he talks
18:51:36 alicemercer -> It fades out every 20 sec or so
18:51:50 alicemercer -> I'm moving to UStream
18:51:52 Peter Clitheroe -> Not so late this week
18:52:20 alicemercer -> I'm listening to see if it's here too, keep up
18:52:23 alicemercer -> constant chatter
18:52:31 alicemercer -> So I can see if it's happening here
18:52:40 alicemercer -> I'm going back to see if it's there?
18:52:56 alicemercer -> now
18:53:02 alicemercer -> I'm on Subscribe
18:53:11 alicemercer -> I'll type now when it' fades
18:53:12 alicemercer -> now
18:53:29 alicemercer -> it cuts off
18:53:40 alicemercer -> I'll send a note when it does
18:54:10 alicemercer -> now
18:54:27 alicemercer -> It has a cut sound, like a click off
18:54:29 alicemercer -> ?
18:54:30 alicemercer -> now
18:54:38 alicemercer -> right before you talked JL
18:55:09 alicemercer -> I'll give feedback
18:55:13 alicemercer -> Cause I'm a PITA
18:55:43 alicemercer -> I did it once
18:55:51 alicemercer -> I was SOOO sick with am. sickness
18:55:52 alicemercer -> now
18:55:58 alicemercer -> now
18:56:16 Cindy Seibel -> Thanks
18:56:17 alicemercer -> So I had the kids sing
18:56:23 alicemercer -> you faded briefly jl
18:56:28 Cindy Seibel -> I am a grad student with Alec Couros
18:56:43 Cindy Seibel -> the story???
18:56:49 Cindy Seibel -> nop[e
18:56:54 alicemercer -> Hungry hungry from Cat in the Hat songbook during Read Across America
18:56:58 Cindy Seibel -> WE block that site
18:56:59 Gary -> He drowns in SecondLife
18:57:03 alicemercer -> I feed the kids the line, and they sang
18:57:08 alicemercer -> Little cut
18:57:14 alicemercer -> at the end of JL
18:57:15 alicemercer -> now
18:57:16 Cindy Seibel -> We're having part of our class in SL this week
18:57:37 alicemercer -> Ugh, I would hate that
18:57:43 Cindy Seibel -> It will be great
18:57:44 alicemercer -> NOOOOOOO!
18:57:47 alicemercer -> cut
18:57:49 alicemercer -> now
18:57:59 Cindy Seibel -> Some students have not been there before
18:58:04 alicemercer -> now
18:58:06 Cindy Seibel -> She's going to teach the rest of us
18:58:31 cherylsweb20 -> Hello
18:58:57 alicemercer -> That sounds dangerous
18:59:32 alicemercer -> I went swimming at Palm Springs.
18:59:35 alicemercer -> nAH NAH
18:59:56 Cindy Seibel -> Alec - be careful
19:00:06 courosa -> teehee
19:00:12 alicemercer -> I'm ready
19:00:14 courosa -> i should have signed in as not alec
19:00:23 alicemercer -> Yeah, like "DURFF"
19:00:31 alicemercer -> Or guest4919
19:00:33 courosa -> so, how did the audio start automatically?
19:00:37 Gary -> Alec - web casting during your oil change?
19:00:42 alicemercer -> It's Ustream
19:00:43 Cindy Seibel -> @courosa told them about our class this week - we need Raine to tutor us
19:01:00 alicemercer -> I miss Jenn doing the intro
19:01:01 courosa -> she really should :-)
19:01:14 courosa -> the ustream feed doesn't usually start automatically
19:01:15 JohnS -> Me too, alice
19:01:24 courosa -> i didn't have to click start
19:01:28 alicemercer -> well, at least we don't have smell-o-vision
19:01:34 Durff -> what did i do alice? cooking...
19:01:41 dave -> http://www.olpcnews.com/countries/haiti/olpc_haiti_xo_laptop_abject_pove...
19:01:50 alicemercer -> No, the all guy show, smell-o-vision, not a good combo
19:01:56 courosa -> olpc fanboy
19:02:03 alicemercer -> No trials, no qualitative?
19:02:10 alicemercer -> WTF would you do it that way?
19:02:23 alicemercer -> Talk about sticking heads in the sand
19:02:29 alicemercer -> Yep, not much
19:02:47 alicemercer -> or they'll strip the cooper out
19:03:04 courosa -> agreed
19:03:10 alicemercer -> We've had HVACs disabled and totally ruined here becuase of cooper being striped.
19:03:24 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/node/3056 What is EdTechTalk? Why do you participate?
19:03:32 alicemercer -> What is ETT? A place to share links, ideas, and tools
19:03:52 dave -> @courosa fanboy :P
19:03:55 alicemercer -> It's a collective (shh, that's sounds very socialist)
19:04:13 Gary -> What is wrong with socialist?
19:04:31 alicemercer -> It used to be scary, now it just sounds sad Gary.
19:04:33 alicemercer -> LOL
19:04:34 JohnS -> Free Animated Download of Horton Hears a Who!: http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/article/CA6536378.html
19:04:44 Gary -> Understood.
19:05:00 alicemercer -> That's where I feed kids the lines to sing "Hungry, hungry"!
19:05:38 dave -> http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=91667
19:06:01 courosa -> cool
19:06:19 courosa -> love the tagging
19:06:32 JL -> http://community.cue.org/ The CUE Community
19:06:33 courosa -> moodle still the best choive
19:06:46 courosa -> choice
19:06:49 alicemercer -> YES, I was there!
19:06:57 alicemercer -> Not being used much...
19:07:15 alicemercer -> There is a real 1.0 aspect to how some do that conf.
19:07:24 Gary -> of Apple - Mac came later
19:07:31 JohnS -> Encyclopedia of Life: http://www.eol.org/index and Biology Animation Library: http://www.dnalc.org/ddnalc/resources/animations.html
19:07:44 JL -> http://2008.sxsw.com/coverage/ south by southwest festivals + conferences
19:08:47 Gary -> The Biology Animation Library is great and easy to use.
19:09:11 Durff -> 3
19:09:20 dave -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Academic_use
19:10:17 courosa -> well it is not a primary source, so use appropriately
19:10:19 alicemercer -> I think that you should cite "background" sources
19:10:44 alicemercer -> Dave, folks still use encyclopedias when they shouldn't
19:10:49 Gary -> Wikipedia sometimes points you in the right direction if you are careful.
19:10:58 alicemercer -> Yep Gary
19:11:09 alicemercer -> Background info sources
19:11:13 Gary -> But don't depend on it.
19:11:34 courosa -> and at least one @ reference
19:11:48 alicemercer -> HA!
19:12:25 courosa -> i used wikipedia a lot in my dissertation, there was simply nothing else as current
19:12:28 JL -> http://valleywag.com/tag/jimmy-wales/ Jimmy Wales - Valleywag
19:12:31 Gary -> @ reference from Twitter - that might be confusing for most teachers
19:13:24 JL -> http://omeka.org/
19:13:24 alicemercer -> DON"T WANT DETAILS!
19:14:14 JohnS -> United Nations Data Access System: http://data.un.org
19:14:50 dave -> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2008/03/06/facebook-study.html
19:15:01 alicemercer -> Interesting piece on wikipedia: http://www.needleworkspictures.com/ocr/blog/?p=226
19:15:22 alicemercer -> about how it models a way of teaching unit themes and ideas
19:15:39 alicemercer -> Oh, I commented on that. I couldn't believe that. DON"T TALK to each other? Please!
19:15:53 Gary -> Only ws considered cheating because it did not happen in the hallway.
19:15:54 courosa -> When will professors actually get it? It's 90% assignment design ... design assignments where cheating is impossible, but collaboration is a must.
19:15:58 alicemercer -> We were assigned group research projects
19:16:03 JL -> http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/04/scrabulous-founders-look-to... What Price Scrabulous? - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times
19:16:36 courosa -> hehe
19:16:50 courosa -> twitter plays scrabulous for me
19:17:08 alicemercer -> Ah, ISTE and commons
19:17:10 JL -> http://www.ijohnpederson.com/2008/03/06/creative-commons-and-the-nets-fo... ijohnpederson » Creative Commons and the NETS for Students Standards
19:17:10 alicemercer -> lol
19:17:17 JohnS -> Common Craft: Twitter in Plain English: http://www.commoncraft.com/Twitter
19:17:25 alicemercer -> You go John!
19:17:52 alicemercer -> Sharing random stupid details.
19:19:06 alicemercer -> Hey, I couldn't get directions to Ontario Airport on my way back from CUE
19:19:13 courosa -> my voicethread on twitter ... 60 responses, there is no way I would have received that type of response without twitter.
19:19:24 dave -> http://www.dangerouslyirrelevant.org/2008/03/cell-phone-came.html
19:19:35 alicemercer -> My network let me down :(
19:19:41 alicemercer -> Oh, that was scary seeing the comments
19:19:46 Gary -> Twitter allows coursoa to allow us to follow his oild change.
19:19:52 sroseman -> dave, what is your twitter name
19:20:25 alicemercer -> I haven't looked so I don't know if the students egged on
19:20:47 Gary -> Did sound disappear?
19:20:49 alicemercer -> California law says, teachers can be taped
19:20:53 alicemercer -> Not for me Gary
19:20:53 Lisa Parisi -> I saw all those videos.
19:21:00 Gary -> Thanks
19:21:03 alicemercer -> Lisa, you commented.
19:21:10 Lisa Parisi -> I think we should always behave as if we are being taped
19:21:10 alicemercer -> Law in CA says YES!
19:21:10 JL -> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/internet_explorer_8_has_arrived.php Internet Explorer 8 Has Arrived - ReadWriteWeb
19:21:23 alicemercer -> You are NOT in a private sitautation teaching
19:21:24 courosa -> @gary ... I was looking for a new vehicle too ... it wasn't JUST an oil change. :-)
19:21:32 dave -> anyone try the 'subscribe' button?
19:21:38 alicemercer -> Lisa, we all make mistakes, and do stupid stuff.
19:21:58 Lisa Parisi -> Yes, but not nasty or violent
19:22:00 JL -> http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/02/29/paypal-to-safari-us... PayPal to Safari users: 'Ditch it'
19:22:00 alicemercer -> I don't know cause I didnt' see if I've done anything that stuipd
19:22:10 Lisa Parisi -> Mostly I have just told kids to stop talking.
19:22:16 Lisa Parisi -> Ok..yelled to stop talking
19:22:17 JohnS -> Drop.IO: http://drop.io/ and Recuva: http://www.recuva.com/
19:22:51 alicemercer -> My 30 min video won't go over the net? Darn!
19:23:38 dave -> http://whydoeseverythingsuck.com/2008/02/death-of-relational-database.html
19:23:44 alicemercer -> Lisa, I'll look at it later. I didn't want to look yesterday. Too happy after CUE, didn't want to be depressed.
19:24:37 JL -> http://hashtags.org/ Hashtags
19:24:54 pgoerner -> Played with hastags yesterday...very nice
19:24:59 Lisa Parisi -> Alice, mostly what I got was these are very rude children and overwhelmed teachers
19:25:05 pgoerner -> Going to be great for following along at conferences
19:25:10 alicemercer -> Well, the cure for not knowing what fields you need in a relational database is easy, add a new table, lol
19:25:15 Johns -> World Wide Telescope: http://worldwidetelescope.org/
19:25:15 pgoerner -> big stuff with south by southwest
19:25:54 courosa -> The TED talk around this is quite interesting.
19:25:59 cherylsweb20 -> I tried it, but it wasn't actually running yet-only saw videos
19:26:09 alicemercer -> Oh, we've all yelled, but it shouldn't be your default
19:26:17 dave -> http://openhabitat.org http://tallblog.conted.ox.ac.uk/index.php/2008/03/05/the-habitat-project...
19:26:57 courosa -> cool, useful
19:27:04 JL -> http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080302-first-spam-felony-convicti... First spam felony conviction upheld: no free speech to spam
19:27:23 alicemercer -> Pgoerner: You SURE you want to follow me ;-)
19:27:38 cindyseibel -> agribulture
19:27:43 Lisa Parisi -> Isn't is farmer time?
19:27:43 pgoerner -> to loose money
19:27:44 cindyseibel -> agriculture
19:27:46 JL -> http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB120406767043794825-UOLcfJA8x9Gw9o... Daylight Saving Wastes Energy, Study Says - WSJ.com
19:27:46 alicemercer -> Yes, to get more sunlight.
19:27:46 Durff -> cows?
19:27:47 Lisa Parisi -> or to save energy
19:27:48 courosa -> don't know, saskatchewan doesn't
19:28:01 Peter Clitheroe -> So I can get to sleep earlier :)
19:28:03 Johns -> Connexions: http://cnx.org/ and ChitChat: http://chitch.at
19:28:07 Lisa Parisi -> i forgot and brought my daughter to rehearsal late today
19:28:35 alicemercer -> Lisa, BAD mommy!
19:28:36 alicemercer -> Lol
19:28:41 pgoerner -> jen's drinking baileys...and watching sunsets?
19:28:57 alicemercer -> PG is she on twitter?
19:29:06 pgoerner -> yes...she just tweeted
19:29:09 alicemercer -> no sound?
19:29:16 alicemercer -> out again
19:29:22 alicemercer -> latency?
19:29:26 Durff -> sound fine here
19:29:26 pgoerner -> I'll tell her we missed her!
19:29:38 dave -> http://www.macrumors.com/2008/03/03/apple-is-number-one-laptop-supplier-...
19:29:43 alicemercer -> Yeah, I want her back doing intro. nothing personal JS
19:29:47 Lisa Parisi -> fine here too
19:29:55 Gary -> sound - I had to retart.
19:29:57 alicemercer -> must be me then
19:29:59 JL -> http://wowowow.com/
19:30:04 dave -> hee hee
19:30:10 cindyseibel -> lol
19:30:36 Peter Clitheroe -> Getting echo here !
19:30:40 courosa -> i predict crash and burn
19:30:42 JL -> http://education.alltop.com/ Alltop.com - Education
19:30:46 Durff -> none here
19:31:05 cindyseibel -> and educationaltechnology.ca
19:31:11 Johns -> Tiny huge 1 terrabyte optical disk: http://thetechdon.com/tiny-huge-1-terrabyte-optical-disk/ and How to Create a Timeline in Excel: http://www.vertex42.com/ExcelArticles/create-a-timeline.html
19:31:39 JL -> echo on ustream?
19:31:42 pgoerner -> Alec- I saw this last night- nicely done for a 3 yr old!
19:31:42 courosa -> let the format wars resume!
19:31:44 Durff -> no
19:31:46 JL -> or 'subscribe'
19:31:51 Durff -> audio is fine
19:32:13 lthumann -> No echo here. Alec your daughter was adorable.
19:32:13 courosa -> thanks cindy :-)
19:32:33 alicemercer -> del.icio.us tag for:edtechtalk
19:32:34 courosa -> @pgoerner ... she was so excited to get comments.
19:32:47 courosa -> @lthumann :-)
19:32:48 pgoerner -> oh, bummer, and I didn't :(
19:32:51 Lisa Parisi -> thank you for links and chat
19:32:58 alicemercer -> What's the post show?
19:33:00 Peter Clitheroe -> Sorry JL, ws referring to wowowowow :(
19:33:06 pgoerner -> Yes- she would be good at that!
19:33:08 Durff -> they sound so depressed without jen
19:33:08 courosa -> sorry man
19:33:19 loonyhiker -> alec: your daughter inspired me to try SL again
19:33:33 lthumann -> Should we make comments about how there's a woman behind every man?
19:33:37 alicemercer -> is that bitterness I hear?
19:33:53 alicemercer -> Hey, I was in Palm Springs
19:34:01 Durff -> a better woman behind every good man
19:34:15 lthumann -> Better said Durff
19:34:20 pgoerner -> not me
19:34:21 courosa -> huh?
19:34:22 Durff -> yup
19:34:24 lthumann -> not m
19:34:26 lthumann -> me
19:34:38 Lisa Parisi -> not me
19:34:42 Gary -> @courosa - Sorry I had to log out - yes I know it was more than a oil change. I watched it from Rocky Mountain House, AB in a hotel room. I was amazed you were doing it.
19:34:47 loonyhiker -> so u want us to subscribe?
19:34:48 Durff -> not moi
19:34:50 Peter Clitheroe -> not me
19:34:56 Lisa Parisi -> i just came into edtechtalk live and logged in there and sound started
19:35:07 Lisa Parisi -> hi jeff
19:35:11 Lisa Parisi -> March 20th
19:35:14 alicemercer -> Hey can we plug It's Elementary
19:35:16 courosa -> now it's echoey
19:35:19 Lisa Parisi -> just plugged it in
19:35:22 Durff -> aice
19:35:40 Durff -> who is our guest?
19:35:46 courosa -> @gary I quit when the salespeople started looking like they were ready to jump me.
19:36:07 courosa -> that subscribe button is making me confused
19:36:15 Gary -> It did end suddenly - I was Praxis6942
19:36:23 loonyhiker -> i hit subscribe and then it echoed
19:36:24 Durff -> what?
19:36:33 courosa -> yes, it echos
19:36:35 Durff -> i did not subscribe
19:36:46 pgoerner -> yeah on echo, or two browsers open
19:36:48 loonyhiker -> aha that works
19:37:04 lthumann -> Now I hear the echo. As you described why.
19:37:04 Durff -> hey alice plug us!
19:37:10 courosa -> but it just came on as soon as I got in anyways ... i don't get the subscribe button.
19:37:31 courosa -> as in i don't understand it
19:37:33 pgoerner -> subscribe doesn't work in my firefox for some reason
19:37:36 Johns -> It did look like ustream is starting automatically
19:37:54 Johns -> it does require flash, which could potentially be an issue
19:38:04 pgoerner -> yes we can?
19:38:05 Lisa Parisi -> I agree
19:38:11 Durff -> don't tell them that
19:38:15 pgoerner -> very political like
19:38:37 JL -> if anyone else wants to join in, skype 'coarsesalt'
19:38:49 Durff -> teachers still do it
19:39:01 Durff -> so those kids come to the librarian
19:39:02 Lisa Parisi -> Durff when are we getting together?
19:39:11 Durff -> idk
19:39:25 Durff -> we have spring break
19:39:32 Durff -> so after that
19:39:43 Durff -> like in april
19:40:04 lee ann -> Good Evening..all
19:40:18 Johns -> hello, lee ann
19:40:50 JoseRod -> shout out to the edtechtalk folk
19:40:52 pgoerner -> OK. thanks gang- I've got to run. Homework calls! Great links!
19:41:05 lee ann -> with the daylight savings..i missed most of the show.. :(
19:41:08 lee ann -> running late
19:41:16 JoseRod -> :-)
19:41:25 lee ann -> is this where the cat calls begin?
19:41:28 JoseRod -> I've been listening the whole show
19:41:34 Durff -> don't get a big head jose
19:41:43 Durff -> shhh!
19:41:45 JoseRod -> lol
19:42:04 lee ann -> I havent either John!
19:42:26 Durff -> okay, party at john's next weekend - every one come
19:42:43 Durff -> that way he can meet every one
19:42:47 JoseRod -> Alice is exactly like she sounds.
19:42:59 Durff -> be nice jose
19:43:23 lee ann -> Is this post show?
19:43:32 Durff -> yes
19:43:37 JL -> yes, very post
19:43:57 Durff -> post post show or p.p.s.
19:44:14 JoseRod -> And LiveBlogging is the Bomb!
19:44:32 alicemercer -> What is that tool Jose?
19:44:32 JoseRod -> I used link to Cover it live from edtechweekly
19:44:42 lee ann -> bye all
19:44:44 Lisa Parisi -> Bye
19:44:44 Durff -> nite all and take care
19:44:56 JoseRod -> same as I used at CUE
19:44:58 Gary -> Again - great show.
19:45:09 Johns -> shortest show+postshow ever?
19:45:15 lee ann -> yes
19:45:19 lee ann -> what s up?
19:45:24 alicemercer -> Gary, which show?
19:45:24 JoseRod -> everybody is tired
19:45:26 lee ann -> everone is sick?
19:45:28 JoseRod -> atleast I am
19:45:38 lee ann -> ahhh..and where is Jen?
19:45:41 Johns -> tired. lots to do. the links were fast.
19:45:42 alicemercer -> Jose, an dDurff, want to do a quick check in
19:45:47 JoseRod -> sure
19:45:48 Johns -> Jen is in Florida. She should be back next week
19:45:53 lee ann -> nice
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