Chat Log for TTT#92 - 02.20.08

20:50:31 Lee Baber -> hey there ho there
20:50:34 SusanEttenheim -> hi plugusin welcome
20:50:36 SusanEttenheim -> hi lee
20:50:41 Lee Baber -> hi pugusin
20:50:46 Lee Baber -> plugusin
20:50:51 Lee Baber -> where are you from?
20:50:54 paulallison -> hi
20:51:00 Lee Baber -> hi paul
20:51:08 Lee Baber -> hi george may
20:51:13 paulallison -> plugusin is Bill?
20:51:14 Lee Baber -> mayo
20:51:58 plugusin -> Hey Paul...This is Bill.
20:52:13 George Mayo -> Hi everyone
20:52:30 M. Dodes -> Good Evening
20:52:30 George Mayo -> Hi Lee
20:52:36 Lee Baber -> hi bill
20:52:40 Lee Baber -> Hello M. Dodes
20:52:48 plugusin -> Hey Lee...
20:54:25 plugusin -> Doing some serious multi-tasking here! Got Twitter screaming, email open....crazy stuff!
20:54:47 MichaelDodes -> I've been learning to use a tablet all this week, I think I'm in love with OneNote
20:55:12 plugusin -> @michaeldodes: Never used a tablet. What's your first reaction?
20:55:59 MichaelDodes -> First reaction is "what's so special" but its ability to isolate images, use actual handwriting, and its portability and ease of organization makes it good.
20:56:42 plugusin -> Portability would be key for me...I'm looking for the "all in one" carry it anywhere and do anything with it tool. Still not there yet.
20:56:55 MichaelDodes -> It's lighter than a laptop by a few pounds
20:57:04 MichaelDodes -> but you pay for that in performance and storage and cost
20:57:45 MichaelDodes -> but break off the keyboard and it's very portable...I also use a handheld PDA which works well for basic stuff.
21:00:11 plugusin -> Hey @abaralt and @thekyleguy and @loonyhiker Glad you're here!
21:00:20 loonyhiker -> thanks glad to be here!
21:00:33 abaralt -> Thanks. My first time. Should I be hearing anything yet?
21:01:02 plugusin -> @abaralt : Nope...not yet, I don't think. There's some planning going on behind the scenes right now.
21:01:11 abaralt -> Thanks.
21:01:41 Lee Baber -> Hello Luke
21:01:45 luke -> hi
21:01:47 loonyhiker -> i had to run out and look at the moon before i came in here lol
21:02:04 Lee Baber -> We will be running out to look at the moon right after we are here
21:02:10 luke -> these going to be a lunar ecliespe tonight
21:02:21 Wendy D -> Lunar eclipse started
21:02:22 Lee Baber -> yes Luke
21:02:39 plugusin -> Luke, glad you're here! Looking forward to hearing from you!
21:02:53 lorna -> r u streaming?
21:03:11 Lee Baber -> we have some cool looking clouds over our moon ...should be cool
21:03:14 Lee Baber -> yes Lorna
21:03:15 paulallison -> We are still pulling it together. Soon Susan will be streaming.
21:03:32 luke -> is everyone in chatroom?
21:03:35 lorna -> great
21:03:36 Lee Baber -> click on edtechtalk A but we are not streaing yet
21:03:41 paulallison -> Can anybody else hear the conference call?
21:03:45 Lee Baber -> Luke.. i believe so
21:04:08 SusanEttenheim -> hi everyone
21:04:13 luke -> Hi everyone
21:04:13 SusanEttenheim -> we're not streaming yet
21:04:14 DBragg -> hi all
21:04:18 plugusin -> @paulallison : We don't have you in the conference call...but we've got everyone else.
21:04:45 George Mayo -> hi wendy
21:05:00 Lee Baber -> Luke..plugusin is Bill
21:05:02 DBragg -> anyone looked outside to see the lunar eclipse?
21:05:05 thekyleguy -> Hey folks.
21:05:06 Wendy D -> Hey George.
21:05:13 Lee Baber -> Wl
21:05:20 luke -> Hi everyone?
21:05:24 GingerTPLC -> good evenin' all!
21:05:25 Lee Baber -> Welcome abaralt
21:05:27 abaralt -> New to this. Where should I click for sound?
21:05:29 Lee Baber -> Hi Ginger
21:05:43 luke -> I think aliens make the eclispe :p
21:05:44 plugusin -> @abaralt : They're not streaming the sound quite yet....
21:05:46 Lee Baber -> We will be broadcasting in EdTechTalk A in just a second
21:06:15 NCavillones -> evening, all.
21:06:21 Lee Baber -> when we begin , click on EdTechTalk A ..I will let you know
21:06:23 luke -> how do i talk with my mic
21:06:27 Lee Baber -> hello NCavillones
21:06:30 luke -> ?
21:06:31 Lee Baber -> Hi krs1010
21:06:36 Lee Baber -> Like
21:06:49 abaralt -> Hey Wendy
21:06:55 Wendy D -> Hi Anna
21:06:58 Lee Baber -> you can not use a mic unless I show you how to download an application called Skype
21:07:09 krs1010 -> Hi, Lee
21:07:17 Lee Baber -> Luke..
21:07:21 krs1010 -> I am new to this "world"
21:07:21 Lee Baber -> that was for you
21:07:43 luke -> ohh so i dont nned to use the mic right?
21:07:44 Lee Baber -> I will show you how to download skype on your laptop so you can use a headset for the next time
21:07:51 Lee Baber -> right Like
21:07:53 Lee Baber -> luke
21:07:54 Lee Baber -> sorry
21:08:03 Lee Baber -> you can be just on phone and chat tonight
21:08:09 luke -> ok
21:08:10 plugusin -> @krs1010 : Glad you're here! No sound quite yet....Still planning!
21:08:20 luke -> wheres paul
21:08:31 DBragg -> with waldo
21:08:34 krs1010 -> Thanks - I was wondering if I was doing something wrong
21:08:46 luke -> where are they that it's 7:30 there??
21:08:50 SusanEttenheim -> no sound yet dont' worry!
21:09:15 luke -> kool
21:09:30 Wendy D -> COLD! Brrrr.
21:09:33 luke -> wow
21:09:36 krs1010 -> Is there a topic tonight?
21:09:38 luke -> brrr i agree lol
21:09:46 Lee Baber -> krs1010
21:09:49 Lee Baber -> yes
21:09:54 Wendy D -> Some of us are on to talk about Darfur Blogging project
21:10:01 luke -> why cant i just type lol i hate auto emotes!!! arrrrrg
21:10:13 krs1010 -> sounds cool
21:10:21 Lee Baber -> we are talking about a project Mr. Mayo and his class are doing about Darfur
21:10:36 krs1010 -> amazing
21:10:43 Lee Baber -> my student Luke and his students will talk a bit tonight live
21:11:27 plugusin -> Here's a beginning to explore:
21:11:44 luke -> thats keyboard sounds cute lol
21:12:02 plugusin -> Here's another :
21:12:07 Lee Baber -> Hi Luke
21:12:19 Lee Baber ->
21:12:25 luke -> i did some more reasearch
21:12:32 loonyhiker -> am i doing something wrong, if I click on it, i lose this window. it won't let me copy it either. might be my "vista"
21:13:00 luke -> i he sounded fine to me
21:13:27 luke -> does this chat have a limit
21:13:35 Lee Baber ->
21:13:41 Lee Baber -> darfur project
21:13:42 luke -> i hate aouto emotes :)
21:13:45 George Mayo -> wondering if any students are in here?
21:13:46 SusanEttenheim -> can you all hear ?
21:13:47 Wendy D -> Wiki support for Darfur Blog
21:13:48 luke -> :P
21:13:53 rosiiex3 -> Rose is here
21:14:01 Lee Baber -> we are now on edtechtalk A please click on audio stream now
21:14:08 Lee Baber -> Thanks Wendy
21:14:11 pablob93 -> Pablo is here
21:14:15 lizbdavis -> I can hear now - had some trouble getting on.
21:14:17 loonyhiker -> aha found i can hit ctrl and hit the link
21:14:19 lizbdavis -> Hi everyone.
21:14:37 krs1010 -> I hear it!
21:14:37 Lee Baber -> edTechtalk A for audio stream
21:14:39 Lee Baber -> HI Liz
21:14:40 Lee Baber -> Welcome
21:14:49 Lee Baber -> No, Luke no limit on the chat room
21:14:51 lizbdavis -> Hi Lee
21:14:57 claire -> hey guys
21:14:58 luke -> virginia !!
21:15:08 luke -> kool
21:15:15 Wendy D -> Hi everyone - especially students! Thanks for being here.
21:15:18 Lee Baber -> Hello Claire
21:15:22 luke -> wec :P
21:15:26 Lee Baber -> thank ou for coming tonight
21:15:28 pablob93 -> where audio stream now
21:15:44 luke -> 8-) kool
21:15:46 SusanEttenheim -> edtechtalk a
21:15:49 Lee Baber -> pablo..go to the EdTechTalk A links upper right of this screen
21:15:58 SusanEttenheim -> you can get to it at and click listen
21:16:01 Lee Baber -> and click on one of the audio streams
21:16:13 Wendy D -> Thank you Rose!!!
21:16:19 Lee Baber -> iTnes, realplayer or windows media
21:16:37 Lee Baber ->
21:16:48 claire -> This is cool
21:16:56 luke -> what happened
21:17:19 plugusin -> Hey Rose...We lost your audio! Listening to Ian now.
21:17:26 claire -> what do i do
21:17:29 claire -> how do i talk
21:17:30 Lee Baber -> LUke to go to a link..control click it to have it open in a new window
21:17:39 rosiiex3 -> ok is there something i can do to fix it
21:17:42 Lee Baber -> then you wont keep logging out
21:18:01 Luke -> i cant get it to load anyway
21:18:05 Lee Baber -> Rose..let me chat you on a backchannel to help you
21:18:10 claire -> do i just talk when i talk
21:18:13 rosiiex3 -> ok
21:18:16 SusanEttenheim -> hi ginger welcome
21:18:23 pablob93 -> great job ian
21:18:39 Luke -> wow thats sounds pretty cool
21:18:57 GingerTPLC -> hello--I'm bringing in students who have studied this extensively
21:19:04 Luke -> ohhh no
21:19:05 claire -> cool
21:19:09 Wendy D -> Ginger - what age level?
21:19:16 SusanEttenheim -> ginger - where are you?
21:19:21 GingerTPLC -> 6-7th grades
21:19:25 pablob93 -> this sounds really good
21:19:30 GingerTPLC -> I'm in KS, Turning Point Learning Center
21:19:32 Wendy D -> I'm looking for class to Skype with - My third graders want to share their press releases.
21:19:36 SusanEttenheim -> welcome!
21:19:42 Wendy D -> If interested, email me [email protected]
21:20:04 GingerTPLC -> i'm interested in what they'll say--they have some definite opinions
21:20:18 GingerTPLC -> Hello ElizabethTPLC!
21:20:31 GingerTPLC -> Is Eric in here?
21:20:47 elizabethtplc -> I dont know, let me see
21:20:55 Wendy D -> This is really an empowering experience for the students involved.
21:21:03 Lee Baber -> hello tplc
21:21:04 elizabethtplc -> I dont think so
21:21:10 Lee Baber -> i mean elizabeth
21:21:24 Lee Baber -> welcome
21:21:31 elizabethtplc -> thank you
21:22:07 GingerTPLC -> Hello Olivia!
21:22:09 SusanEttenheim -> hi olivia welcome!
21:22:10 Lee Baber -> Welcome Olivia
21:22:16 GingerTPLC -> Elizabeth's here too
21:22:17 OliviaTPLC -> Hey
21:22:19 pablob93 -> Global Awareness
21:22:24 Wendy D -> Awareness is the first step toward action!
21:22:34 OliviaTPLC -> Ginger told me it was about Darfur
21:22:35 pablob93 -> People need to now
21:22:44 GingerTPLC -> it is--do you have audio yet?
21:22:50 Lee Baber ->
21:22:54 claire -> When can Claire talk
21:22:54 Lee Baber -> yes ginger
21:22:59 SusanEttenheim -> yes ginger
21:23:00 Lee Baber -> click on edtechtalka
21:23:03 pablob93 -> check that site out its geat
21:23:06 SusanEttenheim -> click on edtechtalka
21:23:13 GingerTPLC -> I'm sorry-olivia--do you have audio yet?
21:23:34 Lee Baber -> oh .. i see
21:23:35 OliviaTPLC -> one second
21:23:51 SusanEttenheim -> hi dgoodman welcome
21:23:52 GingerTPLC -> speaker icon at the top right hand corner of screen is what works for our computers
21:23:57 dgoodman_1958 -> hello
21:23:58 Lee Baber -> sorry! Ginger
21:24:16 GingerTPLC -> that's ok Lee--you were helping out--I need to be more specific!
21:24:26 plugusin -> @dgoodman : Glad you're here!
21:24:53 Luke -> um can i talk
21:24:56 Luke -> can i cut
21:24:57 Luke -> in
21:25:00 Luke -> plz
21:25:05 Lee Baber -> We are talking about a project Mr. Mayo and his class are doing a project and we are discussing it tonight
21:25:13 claire -> Can i talk to?
21:25:26 claire -> talk luke
21:25:45 dgoodman_1958 -> glad to be here plugusin
21:25:51 Luke -> yes
21:26:07 Lee Baber -> Susan can you add claire..or is it too much..
21:26:40 Luke -> i need to say something about food
21:26:41 claire -> please?
21:26:42 SusanEttenheim -> lee we're working on it
21:26:57 Luke -> yes
21:27:01 Luke -> ?
21:27:13 dgoodman_1958 -> hi durff
21:27:19 GingerTPLC -> Olivia, we're going to be adding our input to Mr. Mayos' project once again. This time here:
21:27:22 Durff -> hi deb
21:27:42 SusanEttenheim -> hi durff!
21:27:52 Wendy D -> Scavenger hunt for elementary students who would like to participate and learn more before the March 6 blog date
21:27:58 SusanEttenheim -> claire - you can also make your comment here
21:28:05 Lee Baber -> hello Durff..thank you for coming
21:28:10 Durff -> hi susan
21:28:29 claire -> Can I talk about the Rapes or is that to much?
21:28:31 Durff -> hi lee
21:28:40 abaralt -> Great scavenger hunt. Did 3rd graders already do it this year?
21:28:42 Durff -> someone on twitter reminded me
21:28:46 Lee Baber -> Durff we will talk about a webcast next week
21:28:51 Durff -> ok
21:28:51 Lee Baber -> good
21:28:52 Luke -> that alll
21:28:54 GingerTPLC -> Claire--it's happening
21:29:00 claire -> what?
21:29:00 NCavillones -> @claire: talk about the rapes. its important
21:29:03 GingerTPLC -> and it's tough to talk about , but it's important
21:29:08 NCavillones -> they are using rape as a weapon
21:29:09 Lee Baber -> I agree Like
21:29:12 Luke -> yes it is
21:29:13 Lee Baber -> Luke
21:29:17 claire -> On here or on the webcast talking
21:29:28 Luke -> and muredr and the fact that the farmes are defenceless
21:29:28 NCavillones -> webcast probably
21:29:35 SusanEttenheim -> you can talk here claire
21:29:36 Wendy D -> Please email me if you would like my third graders to share their press releases [email protected]
21:29:40 NCavillones -> hi michael
21:29:42 Lee Baber -> Welcome Michael
21:29:43 SusanEttenheim -> welcome back michael
21:29:45 pablob93 -> Awareness is the first step
21:29:50 Luke -> and are getting chopped down without being able to gight back
21:29:58 rosiiex3 -> i agree with luke
21:29:59 pablob93 -> and nobody has taken the step
21:29:59 MichaelDodes -> Hi Nancy, and everyone, sorry had to take care of something else
21:30:01 Wendy D -> @Anna Yes, third graders have done the scavenger hunt this year
21:30:08 Lee Baber -> we are talking about Darfur with three classes... who are blogging for awareness
21:30:10 NCavillones -> if people had been more aware of hitler's plans, maybe he couldve been stopped, right?
21:30:18 sroseman -> excuse me I am being paged
21:30:32 claire -> Ok, So the janjaweed are killing the women by rape mostly. Also when they get raped and have accdiental pregnancys they can be a disgrace to their village because of that women had sex before they were married
21:30:41 MichaelDodes -> Ever see the movie "The Wave" I believe it's called? It's great for teaching students about the nazi mentality although it is a little dated
21:31:00 Lee Baber -> is excellent for this issue
21:31:02 pablob93 -> Global esponsibility
21:31:07 GingerTPLC -> Great question--what responsibility do we have?
21:31:08 Lee Baber -> yes pablo
21:31:14 Luke -> but ofern they massacre the villa\ge and theese no one left to be discatced
21:31:23 Luke -> *disgraced
21:31:28 NCavillones -> its hard to say, in regards to responsibility
21:31:34 pablob93 -> Responsibility to stand up for those with no voice
21:31:36 NCavillones -> indvidually, our resources are limited
21:31:50 NCavillones -> so do we have a responsibility to pool our resources
21:31:56 pablob93 -> Thats global responsibility
21:31:59 NCavillones -> put pressure on our government to do more
21:32:04 Lee Baber ->
21:32:08 Luke -> i think the third graders need 2 know
21:32:15 Luke -> i serouis
21:32:17 Lee Baber -> good point Luke
21:32:22 Luke -> dont hide them
21:32:25 George Mayo -> Project question for us: What's our Global responsibility to help those suffering in Darfur?
21:32:27 claire -> Check out which is our classes webblog
21:32:29 Lee Baber -> Well said
21:32:33 GingerTPLC -> We have a lot of talk about Geneva conventions and the responsibility of being party of the UN
21:32:43 Lee Baber -> Thanks Claire for the link
21:32:52 Luke -> i need to say something
21:32:54 Durff -> thanks heymilly for that ustream!
21:33:10 heymilly -> Hey!
21:33:23 pablob93 -> Gretat respect to Stevn Speilberg for standing up for the People of Darfur.
21:33:29 heymilly -> No worries - It's pretty cool...
21:33:30 pablob93 -> *Steven
21:33:43 Lee Baber -> What link Pablo?
21:33:56 heymilly -> Its cool to see it from NZ :)
21:34:02 claire -> And Bush has warned the next president to pay attention to the signs of genocide
21:34:08 pablob93 -> it should be on the Blog page for Darfur
21:34:12 OliviaTPLC -> I wish we learned about world politics in 3rd grade.
21:34:18 OliviaTPLC -> Prevent ignorance.
21:34:20 claire -> shouldnt he pay attention to it also?
21:34:28 NCavillones -> yeah, what has Bush done?
21:34:30 Lee Baber -> let your 3rd g. teacher know that Olivia
21:34:35 GingerTPLC -> many think that 3rd graders and even 7th graders are too young
21:34:36 OliviaTPLC -> About the world, politics, what's been happening, try to keep them out of the dark.
21:34:42 Luke -> bush has done nothing to stop it >:(
21:34:43 NCavillones -> other than to acknowledgethe problem?
21:34:43 OliviaTPLC -> I think she forgot who I am.
21:34:47 GingerTPLC -> @Lee great idea
21:34:48 pablob93 -> Thank you very much
21:34:53 Wendy D -> Spielberg situation brought up a whole new topic - whether politics should be involved with the Olympics. We had a great discussion about that.
21:35:02 claire -> am i ever gonna get to talk?
21:35:06 Lee Baber -> I believe Luke had something to say
21:35:08 Wendy D -> Parents of third graders have actually been very supportive.
21:35:09 Lee Baber -> ok
21:35:10 NCavillones -> lol
21:35:22 pablob93 -> Is there room to talk
21:35:44 GingerTPLC -> this January's state of the union was the FIRST time genocide came from Bush's mouth?
21:35:48 GingerTPLC -> is it too late?
21:35:49 claire -> When i was in 3rd grade i was learning to ride my bike not learning about darfur
21:35:55 plugusin -> @pablob93 : I don't think so...talkers are on a Skype conference call.
21:36:00 claire -> YES! (gingerTPLC)
21:36:06 Wendy D -> Website created by last year's third graders
21:36:10 plugusin -> Do you have a question? Ask it in the chat....
21:36:18 claire -> Me and pablo are never gonna get to talk?
21:36:21 Lee Baber ->
21:36:34 rosiiex3 -> haha Claire..
21:36:36 pablob93 -> Bush just relized about Darfur after he came out of Africa
21:36:42 claire -> rose :)
21:36:54 claire -> I mean 3rd graders know more
21:36:57 claire -> then our president
21:37:03 pablob93 -> true
21:37:08 George Mayo -> susan - is Claire up
21:37:13 rosiiex3 -> I know they surprised me!
21:37:17 pablob93 -> he'd fail at are you smarter than a 5th grader
21:37:20 OliviaTPLC -> Do we really think that kids are too young to learn about genocide? I mean. Look at the stuff we see on TV. How is some of that stuff any different?
21:37:23 George Mayo -> Pablo- are you ready
21:37:28 GingerTPLC -> Bush likely knew, but he's got hands tied by bureaucracy
21:37:41 pablob93 -> Yes wut will I talk about
21:37:46 GingerTPLC -> we're BUSY in Iraq and Afghan.
21:37:57 GingerTPLC -> going into Darfur puts US at risk.
21:38:02 OliviaTPLC -> Another country started Rwanda's genocide.
21:38:36 OliviaTPLC -> We're busy in Iraq because our president wanted to overthrow another axis of evil.
21:38:42 OliviaTPLC -> and set up a government.
21:38:42 Luke -> we need to get the @#$% out of those places you cant kill terroism it's a state of mind ... you cant kill it :(
21:38:50 Luke -> *>:(
21:38:52 GingerTPLC -> agreed
21:38:54 MichaelDodes -> what? like the war on drugs? or the war on poverty?
21:38:54 pablob93 -> true
21:39:06 GingerTPLC -> or the war on PEOPLE in poverty
21:39:07 OliviaTPLC -> And Afghanistan was because Osama bin Laden apparently is there.
21:39:21 Wendy D -> A number of my students are Jewish. They learn about genocide as part of their Hebrew school studies. They definitely understand the meaning of genocide.
21:39:22 Lee Baber -> Hi Derrall
21:39:23 GingerTPLC -> @olivia *apparently
21:39:28 Luke -> check out the lunar eclispe it's sooooo cool
21:39:34 OliviaTPLC -> too cloudy
21:39:34 derrallg -> Hi Lee
21:39:46 Lee Baber -> Luke I am going out when we are done to watch it
21:39:51 elizabethtplc -> ya, we can't see it either
21:40:08 GingerTPLC -> Our local middle school talks WWII and genocide and say "let it never happen again" and feel all good about themselves
21:40:19 OliviaTPLC -> Of course.
21:40:26 OliviaTPLC -> We have to make our people feel good
21:40:30 OliviaTPLC -> keep them in the dark
21:40:40 OliviaTPLC -> how many times do you see something about Darfur in the media?
21:40:42 NCavillones -> "never again" is the party line--easier said that done
21:40:49 plugusin ->
21:41:14 Lee Baber -> we are looking forward to joining the blogs starting tomorrow
21:41:17 GingerTPLC -> Olivia, what SHOULD we (the US) do in/for Darfur?
21:41:27 MichaelDodes -> I do think it's important we teach our students that it's not only important to remember history and acknowledge it and not to repeat mistakes...but also that part of having a social conscience is moving to action from those feelings that "something is very very wrong with this situation"
21:41:28 Luke -> me?
21:41:30 Lee Baber -> we have not yet blogged ..only webcasting
21:41:37 George Mayo -> is it possible to get rafi or pablo in?
21:41:40 GingerTPLC -> these women are rising their lives because there's no other choice for them
21:41:42 OliviaTPLC -> Well, technically, since it's a genocide, the Geneva war code should have us interfere
21:41:50 OliviaTPLC -> So we should present that idea to the UN
21:41:53 pablob93 -> yeah that would be good
21:41:56 OliviaTPLC -> and fund them
21:41:59 OliviaTPLC -> because obviously
21:42:03 OliviaTPLC -> we can't do this ourselves.
21:42:09 OliviaTPLC -> 9 trillion in debt
21:42:16 GingerTPLC -> that's the question. the us has been denying genocide and calling it civil war
21:42:22 OliviaTPLC -> borrowing 200 billion from china every year
21:42:39 pablob93 -> true
21:42:43 GingerTPLC -> @olivia *easy girl*
21:43:00 Lee Baber -> what do you think LUke?
21:43:16 pablob93 -> Mayo can I get on
21:43:31 Lee Baber -> What do you thnk Luke? this jsut to make teachers happy .your interest?
21:43:39 Lee Baber -> or is it real?
21:43:50 Luke -> welll of couse it's real
21:43:56 Luke -> it happening right now
21:44:28 George Mayo -> Susan- can we drop rose and claire now and bring in Pablo & Rafi?
21:44:39 OliviaTPLC -> really, there was a civil war going on before, but it was a religious issue. then we interefered, and that fighting flared up.
21:44:49 pablob93 -> yeah that works -pablo
21:44:51 OliviaTPLC -> back to darfur
21:45:02 GingerTPLC -> Was it religious, or was it left-over colonialism from the Dutch?
21:45:12 GingerTPLC -> should they foot a large amt of the bill?
21:45:20 claire -> it actually started when the second civil war ended in sudan
21:45:54 Durff -> lihonda - how does the eclipse look to you?
21:46:04 Durff -> oh she left
21:46:22 Durff -> lihonda - how does the eclipse look to you?
21:46:38 DBragg -> the eclipse is great in eastern PA
21:46:46 Luke -> it looks cool
21:46:49 Lee Baber -> DBragg... cool
21:46:51 OliviaTPLC -> nonetheless, we interfered in their daily life. We could try another assination attempt on another world leader.
21:46:56 OliviaTPLC -> *could have
21:47:51 Luke -> mrs. baber
21:47:53 Luke -> ?
21:47:57 Lee Baber -> Yes lUke?
21:48:11 GingerTPLC -> Micheal Jackson is easier to understand. MJ = weird = bad = interesting
21:48:18 Luke -> cna i bring my laptop to clas
21:48:28 GingerTPLC -> Darfur = bad feelings = guilt = ignore it and it'll go away
21:48:29 DBragg -> makes you wonder what our priorities are...darfur or brittany
21:48:34 Luke -> michel jackson need to leave
21:48:39 Luke -> like this universe
21:48:44 DBragg -> good point ginger
21:48:47 GingerTPLC -> who chooses to put what in the media?
21:48:48 Lee Baber -> Yes.. I will help you with it but you must bring it directly to my clas when you first arrive at school.. OK?
21:48:49 claire -> haha-luke
21:48:54 Luke -> kk
21:48:58 Luke -> lol
21:49:02 Durff -> darth is here
21:49:24 plugusin -> @michaeldodes : I agree with your comments on moving students to action. In Denmark, students are taught to identify their own values and then to take action on those values.
21:49:37 GingerTPLC -> If the media is putting in the bunk, then we need to change/convince the media too.
21:49:44 Lee Baber -> Wonderful Plugusin
21:49:50 GingerTPLC -> but how does one do that?
21:49:51 Luke -> they want stories that sell
21:49:55 Luke -> they a bussness
21:49:57 OliviaTPLC -> Our world is so wrapped up in celebrities, and the celebrities try to do some cause to make the rest of the world aware. Yet we don't see it. Mainly because we're talking about how wonderful their new album is.
21:50:01 Lee Baber -> True Luke
21:50:02 OliviaTPLC -> example?
21:50:04 Luke -> not an inforemrer like they should be
21:50:10 GingerTPLC -> yep, so they tell us what to buy and what to care about
21:50:15 Luke -> ya
21:50:16 OliviaTPLC -> Michael Douglas as an activist for nuclear proliferation
21:50:36 GingerTPLC -> LOVED talking with him this year! What did you think, Olivia?
21:50:36 claire -> True that
21:50:57 OliviaTPLC -> He never gave us good, solid, one sided answers.
21:50:58 Wendy D -> Angelina Jolie, Mia Farrow, George Clooney for Darfur.
21:50:58 GingerTPLC -> btw--he's AGAINST nuke prolif
21:51:07 NCavillones -> getting ready to watch eclipse, good night al
21:51:10 MichaelDodes -> @ginger lol
21:51:15 claire -> We got a hit in the capital of sudan
21:51:25 Lee Baber ->
21:51:30 plugusin ->
21:51:49 Lee Baber ->
21:51:59 OliviaTPLC -> But overall, he was interesting to talk to. And now I can say I've talked to Michael Douglas, the actor.
21:52:16 GingerTPLC -> Is just knowing enough? What do we do besides just talk? Or is there anything we can do as students?
21:52:22 Lee Baber -> my students joined today and one of them thought the youthtwitter was just about fashion and such!
21:52:23 OliviaTPLC -> What can one group of kids do to help darfur?
21:52:31 claire -> ECHO
21:52:35 Luke -> echo
21:52:47 claire -> it sounds like hes making a really big speech
21:52:52 claire -> like martin luther kind
21:52:54 claire -> kind**
21:52:56 claire -> king**
21:52:58 MichaelDodes -> Raise money for humanitarian support? Send letters of support to those fighting the cause?
21:52:58 OliviaTPLC -> I mean, what, 5 kids? Helping an entire country.
21:53:00 Lee Baber -> REALLY BIG
21:53:03 OliviaTPLC -> How is that possible?
21:53:05 GingerTPLC -> words can lead to action, but don't have to
21:53:14 Lee Baber -> if you are typing..please put your mic on hold till you talk.. OK?
21:53:26 OliviaTPLC -> But then again. One person can mislead an entire country.
21:53:28 Luke -> me?
21:53:32 plugusin -> I'd argue that you've taken action. Our class knows about Darfur because of Rafi and Pablo.
21:53:35 Wendy D -> One group of students can inform others, write letters, podcast or blog their views, raise money, share with their families.
21:53:36 Lee Baber -> no LUke
21:53:40 Luke -> examlp adolf hitler
21:53:45 Lee Baber -> the phone does not pick it up that much
21:53:48 OliviaTPLC -> exactly
21:53:51 Luke -> he mislead a whole country
21:54:08 MichaelDodes -> One student out here did a project to collect phone cards to support our troops in Iraq and got thousands of dollars worth of cards.
21:54:19 loonyhiker -> thanks for the links and the info y'all. I enjoyed hearing the students! i have to go now!
21:54:20 plugusin -> Awareness is step one, right?
21:54:30 claire -> byee loonyhiker
21:54:34 Lee Baber -> to hear the podcast from our conversation on this subject last Friday ...
21:54:37 Wendy D -> Awareness leads to action. No action without awareness.
21:54:38 GingerTPLC -> now THAT is action!
21:54:42 Lee Baber -> By
21:54:44 OliviaTPLC -> But really, what does it all matter? Would a few hundred dollars really help? Or is it going to just go to a fund with eventually ends up into one person's pocket.
21:54:46 GingerTPLC -> Divestiment work!
21:54:47 Lee Baber -> bye
21:54:58 claire -> ya divestment
21:55:08 Lee Baber -> We should do that Luke.. :)
21:55:22 claire -> The Seniors are getting i think 15,000 dollars from montgomery county
21:55:27 Luke -> once again i dont mean to be a war mounger but all this talk is noce but we need to do something
21:55:53 GingerTPLC -> Luke, I'm with you on that
21:56:05 OliviaTPLC -> Write a letter to someone who really doesn't care. Who will respond with an automated letter?
21:56:11 OliviaTPLC -> Not to sound pessimistic
21:56:19 MichaelDodes -> Well, Olivia, we can build paths to the country that we can put faith in, not every organization is corrupt, and maybe we save 1 refugee, or 1 family at a time, but there is not going to be one thing that this country, much less our students can do that is going to majorly change all of the country at once, but we can teach them to chip away at it.
21:56:41 OliviaTPLC -> How much will it cost?
21:56:42 GingerTPLC -> @olivia--I wonder if the Senators/Congressmen get LOTS of letters, there can be a shift
21:56:51 claire -> We are trying to get people to try to do things with us.
21:56:53 OliviaTPLC -> Possibly. But do they really care?
21:56:57 GingerTPLC -> they need to be sure to get the letters from those who fund their elections!
21:56:58 rosiiex3 -> yes thats the point ginger
21:57:13 claire -> ya ginger that is a good point
21:57:16 GingerTPLC -> So we need to get to those people first--the ones with the deep pockets
21:57:32 OliviaTPLC -> Because, all the time, our politicians promise the moon and the stars in their campaign, and what do we get? Nada.
21:57:49 GingerTPLC -> Sudan sells oil to china
21:57:58 GingerTPLC -> china funds the war
21:58:02 MichaelDodes -> What if we motivate our students to take action, and one of them ends up starting a major humanitarian organization that supports the refugees
21:58:10 Luke -> no they dont >:
21:58:21 claire -> China gets oil from Sudan- China funds the war
21:58:23 rosiiex3 -> Peacekeeping!
21:58:31 Lee Baber -> Luke.. he is the movie maker...
21:58:38 Luke -> china has a miniscule part in this
21:58:46 Luke -> ohh
21:58:49 Lee Baber -> here is the search on his involvement in this issue
21:58:50 rosiiex3 -> not at all Luke
21:58:55 Luke -> why would he be in the olompics
21:58:57 MichaelDodes -> We teach students science not so they'll make a major subatomic discovery, but to give them the tools to move to a point where they can make a difference.
21:59:03 rosiiex3 -> China is a huge part in this
21:59:05 plugusin -> @michaeldodes : I'm with you. This is bigger than Sudan. It's about recognizing injustice and recognizing responsibility to a world community.
21:59:10 GingerTPLC -> US is even ignoring the humanitarian problems inside china, so they don't care about what china does to others
21:59:12 claire -> Luke- China is not the whole part but a very big part
21:59:28 plugusin -> Those ideas translate across individual issues.
21:59:35 Luke -> we ignore all but china is not the problom here
21:59:47 claire -> They will not help them because china thinks it will cut off their oil supply
21:59:50 rosiiex3 -> it sometimes is
21:59:50 MichaelDodes -> Maybe we won't fix Darfur, but if everyone thinks no action is worthwhile because no action will result in major change, then we get no chance.
21:59:59 MichaelDodes -> er no change
22:00:37 GingerTPLC -> @michaeldodes Yep, right on
22:00:49 claire -> Also- if everyone says yes to help in the UN the sudanesse government will say yes but on a condition and that condition is usually about chinas oil supply
22:01:01 claire -> so china will say no
22:01:11 plugusin -> Listen to these kids wrestle with powerful issues together. That's a product we should celebrate.
22:01:26 plugusin -> It's the best outcome of the Many Voices project.
22:01:55 Lee Baber -> I agree plugusin
22:02:18 SusanEttenheim -> plugusin - do you have askype id?
22:02:40 Wendy D -> Yes. These are issues that the adults can't solve, either. Many adults aren't even thinking about it.
22:02:52 Luke -> [i]the problom is the [/i]china doen't rely on sudans oil as much as you think
22:02:56 plugusin -> @susane : wferriter
22:03:02 George Mayo -> well put Bill
22:03:07 SusanEttenheim -> ohhhhh of course!
22:03:14 SusanEttenheim -> lol
22:03:25 claire -> The oil makes their ecomomy get stronger and stronger a
22:03:49 claire -> And everyone wants a stronger economy
22:03:59 Luke -> sudan dosent produce that most oil
22:04:21 Luke -> and with iol need they can sell to any one
22:04:30 Luke -> china can get from anyone
22:04:32 claire -> i know, but it is alot
22:04:38 claire -> They get from alot of people
22:04:43 rosiiex3 -> but they are in partnership with Sudan
22:04:46 GingerTPLC -> @luke, but they're not
22:05:01 claire -> ROSE- thankyou for that word i was trying to think of the word
22:05:04 Luke -> sudan could cut off right now and china would hardly flinch
22:05:16 rosiiex3 -> But they need the
22:05:19 rosiiex3 -> money
22:05:25 Luke -> sudan?
22:05:30 GingerTPLC -> sure, but china's sending money to sudan
22:05:38 Luke -> they can sell to anyone
22:05:41 rosiiex3 -> yes
22:05:42 GingerTPLC -> and there's the detriment
22:05:53 rosiiex3 -> but they arent
22:05:59 Luke -> but they could
22:06:04 Luke -> ir they need to
22:06:26 rosiiex3 -> but thats not happening
22:06:29 claire -> China is providing sudan with the war materials they need csuch as the helicopters and guns, so they would never cut chinas oil cupply out
22:06:32 claire -> supply**
22:06:45 rosiiex3 -> EXACTLY
22:06:50 Wendy D -> I'm very proud of Mr. Mayo's students!!!
22:06:57 rosiiex3 -> thank you
22:07:00 Luke -> but china dosent have control of what the world does to stop em'
22:07:02 claire -> because they wouldnt have all their militarys weapons
22:07:10 MichaelDodes -> It's also teaching them skills they will need to use down the line and much of it is collaborative and helps them develop a collective voice so they're not shouting into the void.
22:07:45 GingerTPLC -> Love this transparancy you all are showing now
22:07:51 GingerTPLC -> Kansas!
22:07:53 Luke -> we cant argue more later i think i see whta ur saying
22:07:59 Luke -> :)
22:08:03 claire -> FINALLY
22:08:08 Luke -> not
22:08:11 Luke -> jk
22:08:14 Luke -> jk'
22:08:20 Wendy D -> Visit
22:08:21 plugusin -> @michaeldodes: Right---collaboration and collective voice is very cool.
22:08:25 Luke -> but i still stand buy my piont
22:08:26 Wendy D -> [email protected]
22:08:30 claire -> :p
22:08:30 Durff -> Abu Dhabi? Vance?
22:08:34 Luke -> lol
22:08:36 rosiiex3 -> thats fine
22:08:39 Wendy D -> Blurb is awesome, too!!
22:09:03 plugusin -> @wendyd : Thanks for the kind words...
22:09:18 plugusin -> [email protected]
22:09:23 MichaelDodes -> How dull would this chat be if one person lectured us on Darfur, how much have we all learned tonight and how excited have we gotten by talking to others?
22:09:40 MichaelDodes -> we've still received lots of good content, without being focused solely on a lecturer
22:09:42 SusanEttenheim -> how true michael!
22:09:49 Wendy D -> Power of collective consciousness and knowledge.
22:09:59 Wendy D -> All of us know more than one of us.
22:10:06 claire -> I think it is awesome how kids have really done this whole lecture
22:10:12 plugusin -> @michaeldodes : I've learned more about how collaborative projects based on real world topics motivate kids.
22:10:30 plugusin -> That's a lesson for teachers, huh?
22:10:36 MichaelDodes -> I'm just saying, we're an example and some of the things that motivate us, motivate our kids
22:11:20 Lee Baber ->
22:11:27 plugusin -> @michaeldodes : Absolutely....why can't these kinds of learning experiences make their way into our classrooms?
22:11:40 Wendy D -> Other students who do research can post/add to the wiki.
22:12:11 Luke -> or eat brownies
22:12:16 Luke -> no bed
22:12:17 claire -> i think that the big reason we are doing this is just to tell people what is happening
22:12:22 Luke -> only brownies
22:12:26 claire -> eat brownies would be fine with me
22:12:28 plugusin -> Y'all kids are on the money.
22:12:31 GingerTPLC -> hey all, thanks for the discussion--can't wait for Blog for Darfur day!
22:12:35 Luke -> lol
22:12:37 MichaelDodes -> This was a great chat, thank you all those who spoke, it was enlightening both about Darfur and how to teach students
22:12:40 Lee Baber ->
22:12:42 Wendy D -> Very fun!!!!
22:12:43 Luke -> ty all
22:12:48 claire -> ty all?
22:12:48 Luke -> c ya
22:12:54 plugusin -> Good night!
22:13:00 OliviaTPLC -> night
22:13:00 claire -> Nighty Night
22:13:01 DBragg -> good night!
22:13:06 Luke -> night yall
22:13:08 Wendy D -> Good evening all!
22:13:43 SusanEttenheim -> thanks everyone!
22:13:51 Durff -> nite all
22:13:51 Lee Baber -> Thank you Susan
22:13:55 Lee Baber -> Nite
22:14:05 Lee Baber -> Go look at the moon.
22:14:05 George Mayo -> Thanks!
22:14:18 Lee Baber -> hope to talk to yo usoon george
22:16:46 MichaelDodes -> I'm impressed, this was definitely worth catching. If I can ever get students to do things like
22:17:04 MichaelDodes -> Good night!