Teachers Teaching Teachers #64 - What if our students started using Goolge Reader?

­ In Medias Res: Research, RSS and Google Reader

We invite you to join us in the middle of what promises to be a series of conversations about research, RSS, and using Google Reader in the classroom. Although we tried to stay focused on Google Reader we did stray into other topics, such as: evaluating easily accessible online resources (blog, podcasts, news articles, magazine and journal articles, Wikipedia entries, web sites...). We also plan to discuss using library database (or the Deep Web) later this month.

We've been here before, especially last spring on Teachers Teaching Teachers:  http://teachersteachingteachers.org/?cat=13

Take note of this podcast: http://teachersteachingteachers.org/?p=88

Also, now we have Eric Hoefler's "Research 2.0" as a resource: http://hoefler.wikispaces.com/Research%202.0

So if you want to find out where we've been. There are some resources for you!

To follow where we might go next, listen to the podcast attached to this post. On this webcast, TTT 64,  the teachers (and Lee Baber's student, our special guest, CJ) began talking about how we want to do the "research, RSS, Google Reader..." thing better this year. Joining Paul Allison, Lee Baber, and Susan Ettenehim were:

  • Donna Bragg, Lehigh Valley Writing Project, Pennsylvania
  • Gail Desler, Area 3 Writing Project, California
  • Barbara (Bee) Dieu, Sao Paulo, Brazil ( whose students are aggregated at http://dekita.org/orchard )
  • Tricia Scott, Delaware Writing Project

Please join us!

We're working on a wiki page to capture our planning for the fall. We would love for you to take a moment and read our thoughts so far, to follow a few of the suggestions, and to add to this page.

Using Google Reader

And, of course, you've got to join us on this Wednesday's Teachers Teaching Teachers (at 9:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Pacific on EdTechTalk.  Help us form a collaborative project around Google Reader and blogging.

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