COOLCast - October 5, 2011

Post-Show description: 
Topics: platform options for course events, central cores and threads in MOOCs, designed around the loudest shouters, continuity in open learning topics, 'distributed' teacher goals vs. learner centralized desires, city tour bus vs. independent roaming, and lots more meandering...

Chat Log Below

Public Chat

Stephen Downes: Hola
jefflebow: Hey Stephen
Jeff: Hangin' out w/ extras this evening
pgeorge: audio is great
Jeff: Hey Peggy
Helga: sound is fine
Jeff: wanna join in?  Haven';t 'hungout' with you in quite a wihle
Jeff: Hangout link is:  All welcome
pgeorge: good morning!
pgeorge: I have to be a listener today--still recovering from surgery and can't sit up yet.
Jeff: we hear you
Jeff: you're hangout cursed
pgeorge: Hi Vance Steven, Kusa and Helga. Greetings from Phoenix AZ
Jeff: What OS Stephen?
pgeorge: my audio is great in Livestream
Jeff: yeah, I hungup on Skype
Jeff: I suggest - Windows7 audio mixer
Jeff: I mean, volume mixer
Stephen Downes: I am speaking in Skype
Stephen Downes: I have the volume mixer open, I always use it
Stephen Downes: You have me turned down
Vance: are you hearing the stream? because we don't see you in the hangout
pgeorge: yes
Vance: hi peggy
Vance: we have elluminate through if you need one in a pinch
pgeorge: I love version 11
Lisa M Lane: aha! hi all
pgeorge: I can't see the hangout chat
pgeorge: I'm only in ETT
Jeff: If anyone would like to join Hangout, URL is:
pgeorge: Joyce Valdez or Valenza?
pgeorge: :-)
Lisa M Lane: cleaning my desk while we chat -  I blame the web for this
Vance: This is the edtech crew podcast with Joyce Valenza
pgeorge: thanks for link Vance
pgeorge: Publish is great but isn't working well with version 11 yet
pgeorge: I have Publish
Vance: thanks Peggy
Lisa M Lane: I'm thinking we should download and convert old sessions asap
Vance: I want to podcast recent learning2gether episodes
Vance: you can see I've done a bunch already
Vance: but not the latest ones
pgeorge: I could help Vance if you're using v 10--Publish isn't working with v 11
Vance: I'll check that, and thanks
pgeorge: LearnCentral is going away
pgeorge: I record in v 11 Blackboard Collaborate then re-record with SnapzProX to upload to
 Lisa M Lane: I'll have to try that - I have Snapz
Lisa M Lane: I need to be able to record G+
Vance: my video froze in the coolcast
Lisa M Lane: Vance, mine does that if the connection tries anything else
Lisa M Lane: sounds like real world interaction to me
pgeorge: SnapsProworks great for recording G+
retsam: how did you check the tag? by Googling?
Jeff: used to be technorati
retsam: cool
 retsam: very smart.
pgeorge: can you use posterous to share?
Vance: sorry? Posterous to share?
Vance: sorry I was looking away from this window :-)
pgeorge: for Jeff
Vance: oh, yes, posterous as a means for community sharing?
pgeorge: yes
Vance: small to medium
pgeorge: yes-town hall meetings--great brainstorming re giudelines/policies for the community
pgeorge: is Jenny posting comments in hangout?
Vance: yes
Vance: but they are reading them
Jeff: Jenny Ankenbauer: For example, my course is for women who are working through issues of relocating to Turkey, seeking political asylum. Pretty specific discussions as a vehicle to learn English. So ho
pgeorge: thanks Jeff
retsam: anyone thought about brainwashing in a MOOC?
retsam: I am here. Carol.
retsam: lol
retsam: the blocked list in China is very long - many good sites are blocked.
pgeorge: what a great tool to know about
retsam: lol
pgeorge: ipadio is great for audio bligging
pgeorge: bligging is a new term :-) hard to type laying on my side by my computer :-)
retsam: :)
Lisa M Lane: eyejot
Lisa M Lane:
pgeorge: you can choose which notifications you want on G+
carolyeager: Hi Sam :-)
retsam: hi Carol
pgeorge: have you seen that site--Is it just me? :-)
retsam: which site?
pgeorge: let's you check if the website is down for everyone or just your :-)
retsam: lol.
 Jeff: Love that site Peggy. thx
pgeorge: :-)
pgeorge: I like the way you're streaming Hangout with images on the side, Jeff. The floating message doesn't cover the images. :-)
pgeorge: hahahaha
pgeorge: there's no such thing as getting caught up either!
pgeorge: great analogy about fishing
pgeorge: same is true about exploring new tools--you can't possibly "keep up" with them all and shouldn't expect to
 Lisa M Lane: can we no longer affect other people's microphones?
pgeorge: another great conversation! thanks everyone!
pgeorge: great summation Vance! :-)
pgeorge: so true Stephen
pgeorge: Phoenix AZ 8:51am
jefflebow: Thanks Peggy - sending you healing vibes from Busan
Stephen Downes: I'm getting a Google Ad popover
pgeorge: thanks!!!
pgeorge: only small popup ads I can close--not intrusive
pgeorge: an AZ colleague :-)
pgeorge: you don't have to use slides inCollaborate :-)
pgeorge: bye all
Stephen Downes: right!

Hangout Chat

Stephen Downes: Hiya
Lisa M Lane: is livestream chat at
Stephen Downes joined group chat.
Lisa M Lane: 'cause I'm not seeing video there
Stephen Downes: Hiya again
Lisa M Lane: hey
Stephen Downes: one moment
I hear you fine
Jeff Lebow:
carol yeager: text chat is fine in the hangout
Jenny Ankenbauer: I am here. I am muted. My camera is off because I didn't know the dress code! Hello all. I am hanging out.
Jeff Lebow: no dress code  Chime in whenever you like
carol yeager: hi Jenny
Jenny Ankenbauer: What does that look in a diagram?
Kate Robbins: what about Google Circles
w/google groups
Jenny Ankenbauer: I'd resist...
carol yeager: and she has cross-pollinated with CMC11 in one topic area
it happened to dovetail into a discussion topic I had started ... worked so nicely
Jenny Ankenbauer: Push or pull? That is the question as i see it.
The push is the right of the members. The pull can be an intrusion or a sharing...depending on the individual.
Jenny Ankenbauer: For example, my course is for women who are working through issues of relocating to Turkey, seeking political asylum. Pretty specific discussions as a vehicle to learn English. So how would I allow others to enter in the community without that background knowledge or community commitment and/or approval?
I have I don't know why my mic is out.
Jenny Ankenbauer: It helps, but I want to be selfish with my students comments, but want them to access Jeff's stuff!
Who read the article on multitask or cognitive load?
You will all be fried too soon! Oh my!
Jenny Ankenbauer: The firewall thing" is in Turkey too. I never know from week to week when bliptv or youtube or even Vimeo is out. Google sites is a never, and once in a while Google docs goes away...we limp by with proxy's or asking for duplicate venues to post materials.
Kate Robbins: not yet
Jenny Ankenbauer: That is really not acceptable...not that I am a real stickler but I could loose all my rights immediately. So I agree with Stephen not to encourage anything.
I use NING. I have a website that I am using as a companion site. Ning works with Google docs too. Why? I don't know why feeding Google Docs through NiNG works around Tr. Block.
What is the url for ping?
I need that.
Jeff Lebow:
Jenny Ankenbauer: OHHHHH
carol yeager: Lisa .. was that ijive?
Lisa M Lane: eyejot
carol yeager: thx, Lisa
Vance Stevens: I forgot I was muted
Jeff Lebow: we hear you Jenny
Kate Robbins: Introducing my partner/husband, David
and showhing him coolcast
I want him to join Change 11
Jenny Ankenbauer: I either have voice or ears...which should it be? What is better for me? An online ditty.
carol yeager:  @ Jenny
Jeff Lebow: you can also listen to us at
Jenny Ankenbauer: Jeff, what are you streaming? TR has blocked you! 21/09/0201 tarih ve 2011/3177 This is your sentence. Here is the court you were tried in.
Kate Robbins: spam and farming for sure
Jenny Ankenbauer: Jeff I have no idea why Edtalk was blocked as of 9/21. I'll find out by asking my friends at the Embassy. I am sure it is a mistake. What a bummer for me.I'll send you a screen shot. via email.
Jeff Lebow: livestream. Bummer. How about the audio only icecast below?
Jenny Ankenbauer: No sound or mic so I guess I'll try next week. I did hope to share with the group some ideas I have on how collaboration for one is cooperation for another, and according to the readings this week, w/o metacognition it is single loop learning as Senge would say. Why would we talk about collective learning without metacognition. I've more to read and learn...see you all collectively on Friday. Mereble.
Jenny Ankenbauer left group chat.
carol yeager: bye Jenny
look forward to hearing/reading your thoughts
Kate Robbins: educators trying to get an "A"
like doctors being terrible patients
Kate Robbins: But you're dealing with people who have spent their lives learning & teaching the guided method.
Kate Robbins: helpful, thank you