Conversations Episode 95 March 21, 2011
This week, Maria, Lisa and Sheila discussed the topic of acceptance of all students. We talked about UDL and how that can help us accept differences among behavior, both social and academic.
11:29:51 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Hi there! What is the topic today? 11:30:50 Lisa Parisi: Different Strokes for Different Folks - UDL
in action 11:30:57 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): cool! 11:30:58 MariaK: different strokes, for different folks - udl in practice 11:30:59 PeggyG: Hi Scott! 11:31:14 PeggyG: great topic! love talking about UDL! 11:32:21 PeggyG: we had a great webinar on Classroom 2.0 LIVE
recently with Karen Janowski on UDL and resources to reach ALL learners :-) 11:33:19 Lisa Parisi: Welcome all 11:33:33 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): I better find my headset... I
have some questions 11:33:50 Sheila: Welcome to Conversations! 11:34:15 PeggyG: I love the new Icecast feature on ETT! Don't have
to choose which icon to use (per Jeff) and there is almost no lag in the audio.
:-) 11:34:32 PeggyG: Hi jgates513 :-) 11:34:33 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): icecast better than ustream? 11:34:55 PeggyG: no video on icecast but if you're just listening
to audio it's great 11:35:04 Sheila: Less bandwidth with no video. 11:35:10 PeggyG: exactly 11:35:17 Sheila: Maybe next time? 11:35:26 jgates513: not hearing anything on icecast. Should I be,
at this point? 11:35:28 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Reducing lag is my main goal 11:36:01 PeggyG: This is the link for the recording with Karen
Janowski--lots of great resources! 11:36:22 PeggyG: Maria isn't using Icecast today because it's
brand new on the site 11:36:29 MariaK: you bet me peggy - as usual. quick draw peggy with
the fantastic trigger finger 11:36:36 PeggyG: :-) 11:36:48 Sheila: THanks PeggyG! She is an amazing resource! I want
her to come to our school district and present. 11:37:03 PeggyG: I'm an eager learner but not a presenter :-) 11:37:20 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): So, it is 100% differentiation
for 100% of the students? 11:37:39 PeggyG: I think everything about UDL is valuable for all
learners! 11:37:54 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): replace
"differentiation" with "customization" 11:38:37 PeggyG: Link for
the UDL Toolkit created by Karen Janowski and Joyce Valenza--it's fantastic! 11:38:54 PeggyG: you're going to miss your student teacher Lisa!! 11:39:47 edwin cesasr yauyo soto: hi 11:40:02 PeggyG:
Karen's blog post: It's not about the tools; It's about the
Possibilities--talks about differentiation and engagement 11:40:05 MariaK: hello 11:40:06 Sheila (again): Welcome to conversations. 11:40:53 MariaK: from Karen J Flexibility is embedded within the
curriculum. 11:40:56 PeggyG: Hi Jackelin 11:41:17 PeggyG: Welcome everyone! We're talking about UDL today 11:41:27 JACKELIN M. TITO MENDOZA: HI KAREN 11:41:33 PeggyG: what a great story Lisa!! 11:42:29 JACKELIN M. TITO MENDOZA: HOW ARE YOU 11:43:41 PeggyG: those choices are so important! 11:45:14 connect2jamie: Good morning all! 11:45:38 Sheila (again): Morning! 11:51:23 Sheila (again): Welcome to Conversations! 11:52:16 PeggyG: I wish we could copy/paste here. I was using
google translate too but couldn't paste it here :-( 11:52:44 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): had to paste translated text to
a word doc, then drag into chat. 11:52:55 Sheila (again): :) 11:52:55 PeggyG: aha! thanks for the tip 11:53:49 PeggyG: that is such an awesome video Maria! 11:54:22 MariaK: 11:54:57 PeggyG: everyone has a strength! 11:55:21 PeggyG: 11:55:32 PeggyG: direct link to the video-starts playing
immediately 11:55:58 Sheila (again): THanks Peggy for the headsup 11:57:09 PeggyG: there are so many school rules that are not
appropriate for all kids! hats are a perfect example--especially in AZ where
kids need to be protected from the sun 11:59:33 Sheila: In Iceland, you are not allowed to wear outside
shoes inside. Makes sense to me. Can wear slippers :) 12:00:36 PeggyG: Teacher shared this on listserv this week: Case
#2 - 5th grader - very low reader - special ed.
He desperately wanted to read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I hooked him up with the books and the audio
books. He took them home and read all 5
books over the weekend. This is a kid who "doesn't like to
read." He came back and asked for the
last book 2 more times. A month ago - or
so - he told me that he had read the entire book by himself and he "didn't
miss any words." It wouldn't have
been possible without the audio books.
He did pass his state reading assessment 12:01:22 PeggyG: I agree Sheila about Iceland :-) 12:02:07 PeggyG: fidget toys :-) love the term and great idea! 12:02:08 connect2jamie: I'm a big believer in audiobooks. My own
daughter needed them. She's in college and doing great now--she just couldn't
read what all the other kids in her class could in 4th-5th grades. She listened
and read and it bridged the gap for her. 12:02:54 PeggyG: I am too @connect2jamie! 12:03:44 connect2jamie: just spent a huge amt of $ in my library
for audiobooks. My asst is slightly annoyed w/ me b/c they're kind of a pain to
deal with. LOL! 12:03:54 PeggyG: why a pain? 12:04:08 PeggyG: do you have headsets? 12:05:27 PeggyG: some teachers think it's cheating and not fair to
let some kids listen to books when others are required to read them--that's the
attitude that needs to change 12:06:06 stephenveliz: Not quite the same as watching the movie in
place of reading the book. 12:06:29 connect2jamie: There's more processing that we have to do
w/ audiobooks that the vendors do withour books, plus, we have to check that
all the CDs are returned, and track them down when one is missing. And she
worries that they'll be scratched, etc. It's just "other" stuff that
you don't have to worry about with books. But it's not about us. It's about
what kids need. So I figure she'll get over it! :) 12:06:35 PeggyG: Thomas Jefferson: There is nothing more unequal
than the equal treatment of unequal people. 12:06:40 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): So, what does UDL "look
like"? Can every teacher do it successfully?
12:07:05 stephenveliz: Blog link? 12:07:14 PeggyG: aha @connect2jamie--management kinds of issues 12:07:33 PeggyG: blog link for what? 12:08:15 Sheila (again): Good quote! 12:08:26 Lisa Parisi: 12:08:26 connect2jamie: We buy earbuds from Follett--$1.16 each.
Right now I'm just giving them away, but next yr we're adding them to the
student supplies list. 12:08:31 Sheila (again): Am going to use it with admins about
teachers. ;) 12:08:33 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): UDL seems intuitive to all of us
here in the echo chamber, but how do we help other teachers understand UDL? 12:08:36 PeggyG: you have to drag the url-can't copy/paste 12:08:37 stephenveliz: thanks. 12:08:53 MariaK: - also
fantastic resource for UDL 12:09:25 PeggyG: show them the UDL Toolkit Scott. They all
understand that they are responsible for teaching all learners regardless of
handicapping conditions or special needs 12:10:42 stephenveliz: jamie - we added headphones to our supply
list this year 12:11:05 stephenveliz: difficult to get them to carry them in
binders, etc. 12:11:53 PeggyG: CAST is
another fantastic resource for UDL 12:12:18 PeggyG: :-) 12:14:13 PeggyG: "Differentiating Instruction-One Size
Doesn't Fit All-Effective Strategies to Improve Student Performance" 12:14:41 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): UDL helps the child learn
in the way that fits the best. But what
happens next year? If next year's
teacher is 'old-school', has a year of UDL in my classroom helped or hurt the
child? 12:14:45 PeggyG: that site has links to all subject areas related
to differentiating 12:15:20 Sheila (again): Hopefully, it gives the child a voice of
reason of what works for him/her 12:15:27 PeggyG: @Scott-they may need parents to advocate for them
next year to let the teacher know what their child needs 12:15:59 PeggyG: doesn't have to be called UDL-may scare the
teacher but they understand that sometimes kids need alternative ways to learn 12:17:37 stephenveliz: Used to worried about letting my classroom
get "out-of-control" - now worried that someone will walk into a
silent room 12:17:48 PeggyG: great point stephenveliz 12:18:29 MariaK: 12:18:51 PeggyG: cool Maria!! modeling beeswax! 12:19:25 Lisa Parisi: I like it. 12:19:43 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): and it doesn't roll away when
dropped 12:19:50 connect2jamie: @stephen what age students do you work
with? I'm at elementary, and we're thinking teachers will keep track of the
earbuds for the primary students. Don't know abt older kids. Actually, most of
them have earbuds at home anyway by 4th-5th gr. 12:19:53 PeggyG: I used to hand out "goop" for teachers
to squeeze during faculty meetings :-) Great de-stresser! like beeswax :-) 12:21:37 PeggyG: Lisa-take the playdough to your next faculty
meeting :-) 12:22:09 Lisa Parisi: Peggy, my faculty already thinks I'm
crazy. I don't need to prove it. 12:22:13 Lisa Parisi: :) 12:22:15 PeggyG: :-) 12:23:17 PeggyG: I found that most kids are very good about
"tuning out" outbursts from Asperger kids or Tourette's Syndrome
kids. They can be very accepting and tolerant 12:23:27 Lisa Parisi: It's true, Peggy. 12:23:45 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Have you tried a stand-up desk
or table? Something like a tall cafe
table? 12:23:52 PeggyG: don't "hide" the disability but teach
tolerance and understanding 12:25:22 Kelly Jurkowski: in my room we talk about the idea that
"fair" does not mean the "same" 12:26:18 PeggyG: you can't afford to sacrifice entire years of
learning for these kids! 12:27:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): everyone needs a pressure-relief
valve. 12:27:35 PeggyG: for sure!! 12:27:35 connect2jamie: Hopefully they DID work with him @lisa 12:27:46 PeggyG: that is such a sad story Lisa! 12:28:03 connect2jamie: Oh my. So frustrating 12:28:18 PeggyG: they are breaking the law by violating the IEP!
you can't discipline/suspend for behavior on their IEP 12:28:45 Lisa Parisi: They can, Peggy, when he is a danger to
others. Throwing chairs is a danger. 12:28:54 connect2jamie: yes, that's right @lisa 12:29:01 PeggyG: allowing him to throw chairs is not on the IEP 12:29:27 PeggyG: I'm referring to specific behaviors or activities
you must provide for them to be successful 12:29:52 PeggyG: Courage to Teach is a great book! 12:29:52 Lisa Parisi: It was not in his IEP just in the
notes. 12:30:08 PeggyG: too bad 12:30:43 PeggyG: 12:30:51 PeggyG: Link for Courage to Teach 12:31:50 MariaK: -more on
courage to teach from Parker J. Palmer 12:32:12 PeggyG: they will learn that! we had a Tourette's child
that both of his parents were also Tourette's and his dad was a very successful
judge 12:32:20 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): Cheaper here... 12:32:58 connect2jamie: good point--our curriculum is so
prescriptive and lock-step that it's frustrating 12:33:10 PeggyG: maybe cheaper Scott but have to pay for shipping.
Shipping is free for me on Amazon with Prime :-) 12:33:40 connect2jamie: LOVE Amazon prime! :) 12:33:47 PeggyG: me too! 12:34:04 PeggyG: you have all done a fantastic job of making the
case for differentiation and UDL! 12:34:09 connect2jamie: Thanks everyone! Interesting discussion as
usual! 12:34:11 stephenveliz: Thanks.
My first one. I'll be back. 12:34:23 PeggyG: Great conversation, as always! 12:34:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): free shipping for many items at
alibris 12:34:41 Sheila (again): Thanks for coming! 12:34:46 connect2jamie: Yes @stephen! This is always an hour that
I look forward to each week! 12:34:49 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr): But I do like my free Amazon
prime! 12:34:58 PeggyG: I saw that option Scott-if you buy several books
from one vendor you are eligible for free shipping--I think 12:35:06 Lisa Parisi: 12:35:49 Lisa Parisi: Bye
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