Women of Web 2.0 Show 80

Join the Women of Web 2.0, for our Wow's of the week, our interview with the Ed Tech Posse. Find our how they got their name! Later in the show John Schinker is the host for the game show! It did get a little controversial, but rumor has it there will be a rematch! The Ed Tech Posse include: Alec Couros, Dean Shareski, Rob Wall, Rick Schwier,

The game winning limerick:

There once were some gals who were wow.

Eachweek they delighted in showing us how

From places apart they challened us to start

Transforming the classroom NOW!

 The Delicious account links:   http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080610

The Chat!

 20:19:18  dave -> -EdTechTalk: heloz

 20:35:05  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: We're here early!  Must be anxious

 20:38:39  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: yup

 20:38:48  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: i'm hoping for blood!

 20:39:06  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: hockey fan.

 20:39:13  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: What do I need to do to have sound once we start?

 20:39:41  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: When they start streaming, they'll use EdTechTalk A, over there on the right.

 20:40:10  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: Depending on what kind of computer/software you have, one of those links should work.

 20:40:25  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: There's also an embedded player, but you would have to reload this page to see it, and that would kick you out of the chat.

 20:41:08  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Ok. Thanks  I had trouble with the sound last time i was here.  Guess I'll wait til they start and see what happens.

 20:49:56  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: Greetings!

 20:50:05  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: how is the sound coming through just practicing

 20:50:23  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: hearing loud and clear

 20:50:32  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the sound check

 20:50:44  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: misst2: can you get the stream?

 20:51:30  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, thanks.

 20:51:58  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: cool.

 20:52:44  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @lthumann hello from HOT HOT HOT SC im in Rock Hill for the summer--away from Myrtle Beach tourists

 20:52:48  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: hi folks

 20:52:57  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: from getting cooler Montreal

 20:53:14  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: omg!

 20:53:25  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: don't trust him!

 20:53:27  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes,  been hot here is Savannah and air conditioner has been not working properly

 20:53:38  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: that couros dude is nothing but trouble

 20:53:51  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: 98 F today here ht indox well over 100

 20:53:57  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: yes

 20:54:09  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: What's going on Montreal..some weather problem, Sharon

 20:54:14  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Sounds great in Dallas

 20:54:27  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: gas too expensive in montreal to use skype

 20:54:54  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: should we be "viewing" something other than chat?

 20:55:15  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @JLwagner I once got a $600 bill for an internet connection for a hour preso

 20:55:17  injenuity -> -EdTechTalk: Hey there. Do you guys want an elluminate room for this?

 20:55:25  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Jen don't faint when you get that bill

 20:55:32  injenuity -> -EdTechTalk: i've got one set up with unlimited seats if you want it

 20:55:35  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: oh cathy, that is horrible, 600.!

 20:55:52  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: the conf finally ate the cost b/c it wasnt clearly stated that presenters had to pay

 20:55:52  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello

 20:56:56  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: My unhappy kids are in bed.

 20:57:23  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: It's 9pm in NJ - the kids are long asleep.

 20:57:25  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 20:57:32  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: debbie, why are they unhappy?

 20:57:34  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: Will you be using oovoo

 20:57:47  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: are you here?

 20:57:51  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: am i here?

 20:58:05  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: who's here?

 20:58:05  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: 9pm here in Ohio, too, but it is summer break, so they get to stay up late.  (They are unhappy because I am "the worst mom ever" - a title I wear proudly!

 20:58:10  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes guest 478.  You are here.

 20:58:14  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: no oovoo .. too many people. there are 10 people on the call

 20:58:17  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Yes you are there :)

 20:58:31  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: I wish ooVoo hadn't started to charge

 20:58:32  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: What a roll call!! :-)

 20:58:34  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: when does the fighting start?

 20:58:37  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Loved their FREE product

 20:59:03  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Evening, y'all

 20:59:12  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @guest478  When does it END? (-:  They fight with me more than with each other. (-:

 20:59:15  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I wonder if there will be a new WOW chat record tonight?

 20:59:32  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: THE BELL!!  I love it!

 20:59:36  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Yes they do. (-:

 20:59:38  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi Bud

 20:59:47  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: MORE COWBELL

 20:59:54  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: The bell's  "Jen" thing :-)

 21:00:02  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: Start up the cowbell music Rob

 21:00:03  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: how do you get the collars on the turkeys?

 21:00:07  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: 8:59 ECT by my .mac

 21:00:15  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Everyone needs a different bell sound. *grin*

 21:00:16  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello to all, this is going to ROCK!

 21:00:27  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: You are on air!

 21:00:27  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Format?? Really??

 21:00:30  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: better go for colors for chat

 21:00:42  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: i got blue

 21:00:43  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Seat belt fastened and I am ready

 21:00:48  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: green

 21:00:55  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: This is going to be fun!

 21:00:55  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Purple over here

 21:01:04  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: turquise

 21:01:07  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: I'll take lavender for $50

 21:01:09  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Hello again mrsdurff

 21:01:10  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: Mom & me listening to the big game show standoff

 21:01:11  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I was wondering who would get to see the questions :-)

 21:01:12  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Teal here?

 21:01:17  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi paul

 21:01:21  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: I didn't bring a cowbell - sorry. :-(

 21:01:26  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello everyone

 21:01:27  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: darn

 21:01:29  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: teal works@debbie

 21:01:31  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Possee against WOW--interesting!

 21:01:41  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Men vs women????

 21:01:43  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: no cow bell? awww

 21:01:47  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: I won't even try to keeep up with this, tonight.

 21:01:49  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: you guys haven't met john

 21:01:54  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Hi @lparisi

 21:01:55  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: I'm goin' for hot pink

 21:01:56  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome to the ROOM

 21:01:58  guest478 -> -EdTechTalk: eight questions... blah

 21:02:02  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi dave

 21:02:05  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: categories - it's a guy thing

 21:02:06  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: hi @lthumann

 21:02:08  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi rick

 21:02:13  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: Hello everyone.

 21:02:14  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Blue...Colors are running out

 21:02:18  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: hi all

 21:02:19  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi vicki

 21:02:21  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl darn near impossible already

 21:02:24  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: hi vicki

 21:02:26  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: hi alec

 21:02:32  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Carlene!

 21:02:34  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: Hi y'all.  Is everyone enjoying their summer.

 21:02:36  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi lisap

 21:02:39  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: I guess I'll take rotting avacado

 21:02:42  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone.

 21:02:44  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Not summer yet Vicki

 21:02:44  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi vikci

 21:02:48  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: summer is too short

 21:02:50  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Vicki - glad to see you are yourself tonight

 21:02:50  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: It was hard to figure out what kinds of questions to submit.

 21:02:51  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hey derrall

 21:02:52  mmiller -> -EdTechTalk: I'll try orange

 21:02:52  Diane H -> -EdTechTalk: What a night for my computer to start acting up :-(

 21:02:53  Rick Schwier -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone

 21:02:54  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Nice color Jeff B

 21:02:55  injenuity -> -EdTechTalk: how do you get audio?

 21:02:59  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Hello to all..I've finally made it as school is OUTT

 21:03:02  carlenewalter -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Dean! Thank you for adopting me!

 21:03:03  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: it just wouldn't be the same without dogs barking

 21:03:04  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Sarah

 21:03:05  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: be nice

 21:03:07  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: We are enjoying all the chatter

 21:03:10  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: let go lets go

 21:03:11  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk:  r here and readye

 21:03:22  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: I hope you are all ready for some fun!

 21:03:24  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: hello!

 21:03:25  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: I muted myself once and it was very painful

 21:03:25  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: hello

 21:03:27  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: whats the record in chat?

 21:03:27  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @cherit - I'm still not myself yet.  I just about burned out the last few weeks of school.

 21:03:28  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: are we placiong bets?

 21:03:28  mmiller -> -EdTechTalk: okay orange is pink that is weird sorry

 21:03:29  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all!!

 21:03:29  CdnMathTeacher -> -EdTechTalk: Hellow

 21:03:32  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: @injenuity - bottom right, click on one of the "liten links"

 21:03:37  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: hello

 21:03:39  kstevens77 -> -EdTechTalk: i know i just got here, but brb

 21:03:43  kdumont -> -EdTechTalk: Hello All!

 21:03:55  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen

 21:03:56  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Hello everyone

 21:04:04  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi janice

 21:04:06  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: @Vicki - but I'm not you tonight ;)

 21:04:08  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi KellyD

 21:04:12  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi jeannine

 21:04:12  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Here is our DELICIOUS LINK FOR TONIGHT ---- http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080610

 21:04:17  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Hello room and I listening. I work with John S

 21:04:21  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Hello, loud and clear. Stream is good.

 21:04:23  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: many people wish I could mute myself!

 21:04:25  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hi http://blogpublic.lib.msu.edu/index.php?blog=35&title=ibreadcrumb&more=1...

 21:04:28  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Todd!!  Debbie here!

 21:04:42  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Debbie, this is my first time with this

 21:04:42  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: cow bell please

 21:04:43  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa !!

 21:04:45  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: *mission impossible theme playing here*

 21:04:45  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Here we go!!! :-)

 21:04:50  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Be sure to choose your COLOR

 21:04:52  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: blast off!

 21:04:53  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: lisa lane - don't want you to mute yourself

 21:04:59  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: I played Guitar Hero with my students today.... awesome

 21:05:01  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://lite.weblin.com/?http://edtechtalk.com

 21:05:05  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: I am brown

 21:05:08  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: HI Karen

 21:05:10  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi robin

 21:05:11  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome to EVERYONE in the chat room

 21:05:13  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: I am whatever this color is

 21:05:14  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: LOL mrsdurff Thanx!

 21:05:17  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Karen!

 21:05:17  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: we are SOOOO happy you are here

 21:05:18  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, how do you get in on the audio chat

 21:05:21  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: quite a crowd tonight

 21:05:23  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, Lisas!!

 21:05:24  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi JenW

 21:05:27  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: days have no meaning in the summer

 21:05:33  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: hehehe

 21:05:39  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Jen - So Cal yea!

 21:05:40  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi durff

 21:05:47  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi derrall

 21:05:49  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: No fair talking about summer ....still 2 1/2 weeks left

 21:05:50  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd - click on the EdTechTalk-A channel to the right.  Should launh audio for you.

 21:05:53  robin ellis -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone

 21:05:54  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Ed tech posse mugs as prizes?

 21:05:56  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Kyle - good to see you here.

 21:05:56  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Yep Cheri -- you need to come back and visit!!!

 21:06:08  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Let's do a state, country, continent count.....North Carolina

 21:06:08  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Wow lisa where are you

 21:06:14  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Ohio here!

 21:06:14  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: <----California

 21:06:16  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Great to see EVERYONE here!

 21:06:19  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: cousin of webkinz?

 21:06:20  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Long Island, NY, USA

 21:06:24  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, I can hear John and the ladies talk. Can we talk to or is it closed audio

 21:06:25  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Savannah, Georgia

 21:06:26  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Maine

 21:06:26  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: California

 21:06:28  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: I will do anything for a mug (except follow instructions and write a question)

 21:06:30  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Wildomar, CA  USA

 21:06:30  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: Jay, Maine, USA

 21:06:30  Rick Schwier -> -EdTechTalk: I see Kevin Caisse is here.  Hey Kevin!

 21:06:31  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: http://horizonproject2008.wikispaces.com/Awards

 21:06:33  CdnMathTeacher -> -EdTechTalk: Manitoba, Canada

 21:06:35  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: California

 21:06:37  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Boston - go celtics!

 21:06:37  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: New Joisey

 21:06:43  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: anything?

 21:06:44  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Just the 9 of us in teh chat broadcasting

 21:06:48  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Alce, are we giving away mugs?

 21:06:50  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: you heard it here

 21:06:51  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Closed audio - there are 10 people on the skype to listen to.  Talk via this chat room!

 21:06:52  injenuity -> -EdTechTalk: i'm not smart enough to figure out the technology here, so you all have fun and good luck to everyone :)

 21:06:55  Diane H -> -EdTechTalk: Ontario, Canada

 21:06:56  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Kennebunkport, Maine

 21:06:57  mmiller -> -EdTechTalk: Springfield, MO

 21:06:58  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: MOntreal QC

 21:07:00  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: Rock Hill, SC tonight

 21:07:02  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Phoenix AZ

 21:07:04  jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: Hanwell, NB, Canada

 21:07:13  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: oh coooool, NB!!

 21:07:17  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Cool, thanks Debbie

 21:07:23  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: San Diego-ish

 21:07:26  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: my computer typing is very slow tonight, but welcome

 21:07:40  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi kyle

 21:07:41  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl so is mine

 21:07:43  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa.....U.S. Open week

 21:07:47  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: Pensacola, FL

 21:07:56  robin ellis -> -EdTechTalk: Quakertown, PA

 21:07:58  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada

 21:07:59  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd - They will drop del.icio.us links here in the chat room, too.

 21:08:01  Diane H -> -EdTechTalk: Good award show!

 21:08:01  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: yes, have done with other people

 21:08:10  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Fort Collins, CO, USA

 21:08:14  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks cathy jo,  good to know

 21:08:15  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: There is an elluminate recording in there as well.

 21:08:20  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah Bud

 21:08:25  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hey, Jen!

 21:08:27  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Pat!

 21:08:27  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Excellent debbie

 21:08:30  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi pat

 21:08:30  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.paperbackswap.com/index.php

 21:08:41  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: I think we have the US covered well. Go Canada, too

 21:08:45  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah Jen

 21:08:47  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:08:48  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski No kidding - traffic is gonna be amazing!

 21:08:52  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: Hello!

 21:08:56  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi  HELLO!!!

 21:08:59  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Tiger Pines

 21:09:02  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Never heard of voice messging in Skype.  Cool!

 21:09:06  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Jen, didn't know that.

 21:09:09  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Cathyjo

 21:09:10  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Grandma will LOVE that with the kids...

 21:09:18  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi colleen

 21:09:18  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen

 21:09:23  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Great idea!

 21:09:24  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: so glad Canada is well represented.

 21:09:25  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I didn't know that either

 21:09:26  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi branson

 21:09:27  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: hi, colleen!

 21:09:30  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Is voicemail now free on Skype? I've had it with Pro version

 21:09:31  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisas!!!

 21:09:33  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Hello ROOM --

 21:09:37  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi colleen

 21:09:39  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @branson another SC-ian?

 21:09:40  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Karen

 21:09:41  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: welcome to those I missed as I was rambling!!!

 21:09:43  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Colleen!

 21:09:51  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: We haven't heat since 2007

 21:09:57  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen

 21:10:00  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi derrallg Hey Sarah!

 21:10:00  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: how many Lisas we got in here now?

 21:10:03  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi penny

 21:10:05  Diane H -> -EdTechTalk: We have to support our Canadian heros!

 21:10:10  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Three Lisas I think

 21:10:13  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: three lisalane

 21:10:14  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: like paperback swap is www.bookmooch.com

 21:10:23  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: Hello ladies and gentlemen

 21:10:24  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: One durff and 2 Lisas

 21:10:27  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: have done many pb swaps

 21:10:27  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: four lisa i think

 21:10:28  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa #3

 21:10:32  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Bookcrossing is another cool book exchange site - free because you FIND the books which get left around town...

 21:10:34  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hey matt

 21:10:36  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: oh, thumann are you a lisa too?

 21:10:37  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: https://acrobat.com/

 21:10:40  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Hi to all Lisas

 21:10:47  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 21:10:51  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey derrall...whats happening!!

 21:10:54  carlenewalter -> -EdTechTalk: Please send the heat wave to Saskatchewan

 21:10:56  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Mrs Durff - - Yup, we have 4!

 21:11:00  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi rodd

 21:11:00  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: Not suffering...I love the heat!

 21:11:00  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: since 1956

 21:11:07  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: yup 4 lisa's

 21:11:09  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @matt back pain from moving

 21:11:14  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: It is so hot here don't take an egg outside - it will boil in your hand.

 21:11:17  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi alec

 21:11:18  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: how is everyone doing finishing up for the school year?

 21:11:28  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Passed 100 today

 21:11:28  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi maureen

 21:11:29  Rodd Lucier -> -EdTechTalk: Hi All...

 21:11:31  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: DONE for the Summer!

 21:11:34  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: KarenJan - Finish?

 21:11:35  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: great, just teaching teachers now for the week

 21:11:35  robin ellis -> -EdTechTalk: we have until the 18th Karen

 21:11:42  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: We are not used to the heat here in Ontario!!!

 21:11:44  bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Hi mrsdurff

 21:11:45  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: parisi the temp?

 21:11:47  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: 104 in Phoenix today--but it's a dry heat :-)

 21:11:48  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg...you moved again?!

 21:11:53  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Yes durff

 21:11:55  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: I agree, Vicki- NC has been boiling- way too early!

 21:11:56  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: I have only one class... all others senior who graduated

 21:12:03  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: it was like 87 today -- but the server room that I work in was 54

 21:12:06  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: oh my - hope you have A/C\

 21:12:08  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: My oven is a dry heat too

 21:12:18  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: matt he didn't want to live near you

 21:12:18  bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Done with kids- still writing comments, attending meeting hades

 21:12:19  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Nice 76 in Los Angeles

 21:12:19  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: @WDL Lucky you!

 21:12:29  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: http://lite.weblin.com and try it out.

 21:12:30  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: I was 103 today here.

 21:12:31  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: My room has AC thanks to an IEP

 21:12:32  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Paul--that's really funny!!!

 21:12:34  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG - I'm from Bakersfield, CA (we say "it's not the humidity - it's the HEAT!")

 21:12:35  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi ben

 21:12:37  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @matt classrooms yes, at least my SSR books remained packed

 21:12:44  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi - how does that work?

 21:12:47  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: I feel for you all on the east coast.

 21:12:51  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: window AC?

 21:12:53  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa Lane--Yes!! :-)

 21:12:54  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: @Sarah S Yeah, got to play some video games with graduates this week

 21:12:59  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: Cheryl, I am using it with Facebook..cool

 21:13:03  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: pioneer is a nice word for old

 21:13:05  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Storms are rolling in here - will finally cool off.

 21:13:08  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @derral...what grade are you teaching next year??

 21:13:09  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: Cathyjo OWNS a EdTch Posse MUG!!!

 21:13:09  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan You should know...IEP says AC so window air gets put in

 21:13:13  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: 101 NC and of course 0% humidity :) Really 100%

 21:13:19  bhazzard -> -EdTechTalk: good evening...

 21:13:27  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: age is a relative thing--says someone who is very old :-)

 21:13:30  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: blame it on rob

 21:13:34  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi - I've never seen that written into an IEP!

 21:13:44  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: We have it all Karen

 21:13:45  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @matt either 4th or 5th

 21:13:47  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Blame what on me?

 21:13:51  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: well you benefit!

 21:13:55  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: for everything

 21:13:57  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: our teachers are dying in the heat

 21:14:02  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi steve

 21:14:05  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, what type of questions is the game show going to consist of

 21:14:07  branson -> -EdTechTalk: hello from Tega cay

 21:14:08  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: What are we blaming RobW for?

 21:14:14  branson -> -EdTechTalk: hi Cathyjo

 21:14:15  bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: our server had a hissy fit becasue of heat I think- shut itself off this afternoon

 21:14:21  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: I am sworn to secrecy! (-:

 21:14:24  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: for creating the posse

 21:14:25  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: pioneer = seasoned

 21:14:27  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @Branson YEAH a fellow SC ian

 21:14:30  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: thanks

 21:14:36  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg...thats great...I'll have to get more detials later...

 21:14:46  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, I want to go to John's blog and enter a question. I just don't know the topics

 21:14:51  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Rick is our hero.

 21:15:00  branson -> -EdTechTalk: this is my 2nd visit to wow

 21:15:09  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd - Hmmm...I think the question are set.  Topics are all over the board!

 21:15:13  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: We're not accepting question submissions anymore.

 21:15:16  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: my hero too

 21:15:17  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: ive been absent lately@branson

 21:15:22  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: with the chat moving this quickly, it is likely that i will miss much - sorry if it appears i am rude

 21:15:25  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 21:15:35  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: welcome branson, this is a great show to

 21:15:35  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: Try to keep up, durff

 21:15:38  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi mandy

 21:15:47  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @mrsdurff If you can't be rude in here, where can you be? :-)

 21:15:48  mandyfish -> -EdTechTalk: Hello

 21:15:49  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: who are the guests tonight? having a hard time following everything

 21:15:50  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i'm trying john

 21:15:59  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Please use the 3rd button from the RIGHT to expand your chat window!!!

 21:16:02  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl @branson is also a cutting edge media spec/tchr librarian

 21:16:06  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: cuz it is going to MOVE fast tonight

 21:16:06  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan this is EdTech Posse

 21:16:09  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJohn It's the 4/5 folks of the EdTech Posse with the 4 WOW ladies.

 21:16:14  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: John S - is it too late to submit a question on your blog

 21:16:15  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: A chance to brush up on my Evelyn Wood speed reading dynamics

 21:16:17  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I feel like I've been one of Alec's students too--all via his ustream! Have learned so much!

 21:16:17  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Durff - of all people, you are the best at keeping up.

 21:16:21  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: THAT'S an understatement!!

 21:16:30  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: Alec is my hero

 21:16:31  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i'm trying janice

 21:16:33  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: it is the Edtech posse - Rich Schwier, Alec Couros, Rob Wall, and dean Sharekai

 21:16:34  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: awww ... thanks Peggy

 21:16:35  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: (Courousa is a marathon tweeter!)

 21:16:40  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW wish I had a 21 inche monitor to make the chat big enough

 21:16:42  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: too kind lisa

 21:16:53  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: 53 in chat room

 21:16:55  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: pkay taking chat screen out and enlargening it

 21:17:00  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: true he is

 21:17:04  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks to Alec for all his tweets - great to see his students work, glad he shares so much!

 21:17:11  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: he cooks too

 21:17:12  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: hmmmm maybe we should have had this at NECC

 21:17:14  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, the tiny chat window is a challenge.

 21:17:19  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @Sarah S I agree!

 21:17:23  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi jaynie

 21:17:24  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: feel sorry for Dean because he get people to watch his golf swing?

 21:17:27  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: with buzzers, shirts, etc  :)

 21:17:31  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi penny

 21:17:39  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @Debbie Hit that window-in-window button to make this BIG

 21:17:50  CdnMathTeacher -> -EdTechTalk: I thought that Dean's twitter name (@shareski) was because he likes to share so many resources!

 21:17:54  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Where did the Possee name come from?

 21:17:56  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @LisaMLane THANKS!  Much better.

 21:17:59  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: Dean did an amazing job on our keynote for Flat Classroomproject this past year.

 21:18:03  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg -- I loved the 2 different shoes the best -- and the fastforward family events!!

 21:18:08  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: good qt peggy

 21:18:24  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:18:26  Rick Schwier -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Rob...If you see this, remember to tell people about Heather.

 21:18:31  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: http://flatclassroomproject.wikispaces.com/Keynote - Dean's keynote AND a tutorial on how to use greenscreen.

 21:18:36  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: favorite dean moment--the dog at something else

 21:18:48  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: I loved Dean's greenscreen howto.

 21:19:04  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hey Doug

 21:19:09  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hello tester

 21:19:10  branson -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the link to tute on greenscreen

 21:19:11  tester -> -EdTechTalk: testy

 21:19:12  cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: ds you made it!

 21:19:16  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: It was so powerful b/c we didn't know how to do it and after he taught us -- we got a $15 piece of plastic and began green screening.  It was exciting.

 21:19:17  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: he doug

 21:19:18  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: dean made me brve enuf to do green screen for live news at school KEWL

 21:19:22  branson -> -EdTechTalk: were planning to add one this year

 21:19:24  ds -> -EdTechTalk: hi Derrall, and all

 21:19:25  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: glad you made it doug

 21:19:30  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Any 3rd grade teachers?

 21:19:34  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Actually one of Dean's (2 Dean's in 1 video) I didn't know it was Dean twice...I tried to figure out who the other guy was in the jacket

 21:19:38  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: the infamous iriver

 21:19:41  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: It shows how powerful the network is and how the teacher doesn't have to be the expert any more.

 21:19:47  ds -> -EdTechTalk: me too, glad I could thx @mrsdurff

 21:19:49  branson -> -EdTechTalk: good to know Cathy, be calling for help

 21:19:57  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: lol JenW - my students took a while to figure out that it was Dean twice too.

 21:20:06  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: yep -- I didn't get it  :)

 21:20:11  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Just make sure none of the kids are wearing nothing close to green...or you will have ghosts :)

 21:20:26  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: ooh I gotta try that at work

 21:20:32  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: wow, lot of people here!

 21:20:32  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @Joselyn - We've added backlighting now, it gets rid of the green halo around the hair.

 21:20:34  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: blue can disappear as well

 21:20:38  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: I wanna be a cowboy

 21:20:45  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: green ghosts?

 21:20:50  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Those podcast conversations with several people are always great!

 21:21:14  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi jaymie

 21:21:24  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Great connection with the 3 amigos :-)

 21:21:29  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: it was lane asking about the name, wasn't it?

 21:21:29  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Nice....I did some PSAs that were great except for the ghost effect :)  Also have to love all of the editing with video...does he use Premiere or an Apple product?

 21:21:31  branson -> -EdTechTalk: our kids would love ghosts!

 21:21:33  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: I've been listening for a long time, even though there was a loong vactaion. Great stuff.

 21:21:38  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: I am teaching podcasting tomorrow to teachers

 21:21:44  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: back again!

 21:21:46  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: @durff When you remove all green color to remove background, you also remove their green clothing

 21:21:46  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: outlaws

 21:21:50  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: can they ride?

 21:21:52  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @janicesteanes ME TOO

 21:22:08  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hilarious!

 21:22:11  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd How are the classes going?

 21:22:12  bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Vicki- thx for the link re green screen- on my list to do for next year. I can only do it with Frames now, want to use "real' video.

 21:22:19  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi bruce

 21:22:30  Bruce -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all

 21:22:34  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Going very well, everyone loves Protopage and Delicious

 21:22:37  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: parisi i see what you mean

 21:22:39  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: we should rent some ponies for the posse to use at NECC

 21:22:43  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi - sometimes you want to make green erased -- however it is very easy -- there is a place on ebay where you can buy chromakey plastic for like $15 or $20

 21:22:45  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: It needs more cow bell....

 21:22:45  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: The Blogging is going really well too

 21:22:48  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Use Photobooth if you have leopard to do green screen easy.

 21:22:57  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 21:22:59  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: welcome to user user -- most unique name of the night

 21:23:06  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:23:07  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome to everyone else who is here!!

 21:23:11  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: I saw dean at Safeway tonight lol

 21:23:13  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, podcasting is always a blast to teach the teachers.

 21:23:15  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: did anyone Twitter this!!

 21:23:16  srenatee -> -EdTechTalk: :?

 21:23:25  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: I think we'll need a 367 for that photo

 21:23:27  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: we need to photoshop a Dean on a "quarter" horse

 21:23:28  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: I Tweeted it.

 21:23:29  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hey Patrick

 21:23:35  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Several have twittered it

 21:23:36  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: user? is guest478 here?

 21:23:38  srenatee -> -EdTechTalk: chat wasn't listening

 21:23:40  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Lthumann

 21:23:44  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd Glad its going well and being received enthusiastically!

 21:23:47  srenatee -> -EdTechTalk: already know answer

 21:23:48  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, when the questions start, do we answer them on this chat

 21:23:55  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: Jdub, has anyone tweeted about anything else in the last 12 hours?

 21:24:01  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: You were laughing about the pony

 21:24:06  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd - THEY will answer them.  We get to listen. (-:

 21:24:08  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: alas  - I would not know

 21:24:20  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: yes, the pony cracked me up

 21:24:26  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @JohnS :D :D

 21:24:27  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: I bet I laugh about that for a couple of days

 21:24:28  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: um...Canadians are Americans, aren't they? geographically

 21:24:32  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: That Elluminate session was great

 21:24:36  CdnMathTeacher -> -EdTechTalk: That's such a great question.

 21:24:37  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes

 21:24:41  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: North Americans

 21:24:41  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: They don't like to be called that.

 21:24:54  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, I understand that. But if we know the answer, can we type it in this chat or is that frowned upon. Just want to know the protocol

 21:25:02  mandyfish -> -EdTechTalk: Americans generally refers to U.S Citizens

 21:25:04  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: very interesting corporate perspective of education

 21:25:06  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: it's OK -- Alec made me an honorary Canadian, so I'm good

 21:25:08  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: 57 in chat room

 21:25:15  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Let's ask the host.  @JohnS?

 21:25:16  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: only?

 21:25:20  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: no answers from the chat room. Especially from people who may have seen some of the questions ahead of time.

 21:25:20  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: you bet Lisa! Cross over anytime.

 21:25:25  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the count karenjan

 21:25:26  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: When and where is their podcast?

 21:25:30  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: DM any answers -- LOL

 21:25:35  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I was surprised to learn the copyright rules were different in Canada from US

 21:25:36  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: to Jen -- thanks

 21:25:39  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: I believe my EdTechPosse mug is actually Canadian territory.

 21:25:42  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: isn't the record 62  or 63 for the chat?

 21:25:43  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: edtechposse.ca

 21:25:44  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Okay so we just listen, thanks john

 21:25:45  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: husband looking over shoulder, asked, "how come there's now video?

 21:25:49  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: we hit 82

 21:25:50  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: http://edtechposse.ca/

 21:25:53  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: good point BudHunt!

 21:25:54  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: no video?

 21:25:56  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: sorry

 21:25:58  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: tell everyone agn how to dm in chat AND to who

 21:25:59  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: what about those who submitted qts? can't we anwser?

 21:26:02  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: crazy notion, that philosophy drives technology use.

 21:26:18  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Lisa -- you can answer -- but that would take the FUN out of the show

 21:26:18  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: I gotta get back up there and practice my language skills

 21:26:21  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:26:22  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @cathyjo - this is how you respond to a particular person -- you may also IM someone by double clickingon their name.

 21:26:26  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: I am waiting for some discussion around geopolitical issues? driving ed tech (public)

 21:26:27  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Lisa -- Durff

 21:26:33  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: ma'am

 21:26:37  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: sorry -- not to LisaP or Lisa Lane

 21:26:37  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Maybe we can do it like American Idol and call in our votes after the show :-)

 21:26:43  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @Joselyn - what is your specific question.

 21:26:47  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: I need to call Durff -- Durff

 21:26:49  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: yes ma'am

 21:26:49  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Keep speculating, Rick.  You're wise.

 21:27:23  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Ok Jen, you got the name down

 21:27:24  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Interested in how Canadian politics is reflected in ed tech philosophy and implementation...

 21:27:29  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: now what?

 21:27:34  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: When I listen to WOW2 group I see the SNL skit with the girls of NPR

 21:27:38  Rick Schwier -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, Bud...but stammering can double as wisdom!  Doppelganger!

 21:27:47  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, please send me an instant message just to me so I can see what it does on my end. If you do not mind

 21:27:57  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: @Paul :)

 21:28:03  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: @Paul  that SNL skit is really right on! 

 21:28:04  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: Hello all

 21:28:08  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: Ah, d jakes is here!

 21:28:12  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @Rick - In my case, stammering works.  You - you're wise.

 21:28:14  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi carolyn

 21:28:17  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd - just double click Debbie's name.

 21:28:17  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @cfoote hey girl

 21:28:21  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: Hello CarolynF

 21:28:22  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi jakes

 21:28:23  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: is SNL a good thing?

 21:28:28  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: we lose Alec for just a sec

 21:28:29  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Carolyn

 21:28:31  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: @carolynfoote hello

 21:28:32  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: don't worry-- he will be back

 21:28:35  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: Hi :)

 21:28:40  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Remember -- there is a 30 second delay

 21:28:41  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: glad someone put a reminder on twitter

 21:28:41  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl SNL hysterical!!

 21:28:42  bhazzard -> -EdTechTalk: JoselynTodd K-12 Education is the domain of the provinces so the federal government has limited control / influence

 21:28:44  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Vicki, i know that. I wanted to see what kind of message I get on my end

 21:28:49  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: @CherylOaks  Yeah, it's a good thing.  Very funny.

 21:28:53  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: hey cathy!

 21:28:56  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd -- lol

 21:28:56  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Heh - Alec speaks the truth - so he's silenced.  Coincidence?

 21:28:59  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: okay, i'll go with it.

 21:29:04  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: What happened to Alec

 21:29:11  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: ha -- he silenced himself   :)

 21:29:18  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: its a conspiracy

 21:29:19  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: we were having too much fun and he spun off into space!

 21:29:22  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: @bhazzard- nice. and thank you

 21:29:23  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: dramatic pause

 21:29:34  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: slight moment of PANIC -- but he is back with us

 21:29:48  bhazzard -> -EdTechTalk: I wonder what the differences are in edTech philosophy between provinces due to the diverse political foci of each province

 21:29:53  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: they censored me, it was just too profound it would people's brains away

 21:30:04  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: we are using a SKYPE conference call tonight -- 10 people on 1 skype call -- pretty good so far.  :)

 21:30:07  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: that's me - a poor teacher with loads to learn

 21:30:09  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: blow

 21:30:11  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: It is not about the technology, however, LACK of technology is a barrier that can divide one from progress.

 21:30:14  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: cool Jennifer

 21:30:15  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: That is such an important point--good teacher first, technology second

 21:30:17  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: but is it possible to be a good teacher and choose not to use technology?

 21:30:20  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi jeff

 21:30:25  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Vicki and Debbie, thanks for the instant message. This is all new to me.

 21:30:28  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: I agree Vicki

 21:30:30  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: isn't tech kind of like TV? it accentuates you, so if you're bad....

 21:30:32  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: NO Karen...not anymore

 21:30:32  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: So perhaps it is provincial control instead... 

 21:30:32  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: I think so, Karenjan

 21:30:41  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan  I think it is, but the tech can make a teacher even better!

 21:30:45  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @karenjan: Of course - depending on how you define technology.

 21:30:47  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: good question Karen

 21:30:47  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan - Technology is just another tool in the toolkit.  We need a toolkit comparable to those in the arsenal of today's student.

 21:30:49  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @lparis agreed

 21:30:55  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: @mrsdurff hello

 21:30:58  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: @@vicki -- necessary but no sufficient conditionn

 21:30:59  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Sometimes, it IS about the technology.

 21:31:06  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: we must model 21st century learning for our colleagues

 21:31:07  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: purpose comes first

 21:31:09  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: differentiation is vital and tech helps

 21:31:18  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @Pat sometimes I take my students outside for some powerful conversations.

 21:31:21  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Please understand that techology makes ALL the difference in the world for kids with special needs/learning challenges

 21:31:22  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hello jeff mason

 21:31:27  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: I am not sure tht technology can be seperated from a well rounded education any more

 21:31:32  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: once you have the technology you have to get it out of the way for the learning to occur

 21:31:34  lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: yes...Karen, exactly

 21:31:35  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Technology makes my 3rd grade teaching much more effective and productive

 21:31:36  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: http://ustream.tv/channel/open-thinking

 21:31:39  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @lisap I agree that was how i came to focus on it

 21:31:42  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi tom

 21:31:49  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: GREAT anology with the hammers and wood.  Wow.

 21:31:49  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: choosing the appropriate tool for the learning is important--may be technology and may not

 21:31:51  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi - you HAVE to be cloned

 21:31:54  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: good analogy

 21:31:55  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: there are many opportunities that just are not available without the tech

 21:31:56  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @Pat I believe in teachers having the tools and the choices to do just about anything -- takethem outside.  Use technology -- podcast -- make videos.  Having a choice.

 21:31:59  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Her's Jen's Website -- http://injenuity.com/

 21:32:05  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: I will get her UStream

 21:32:09  Rick Schwier -> -EdTechTalk: That was a great question, Vicki.

 21:32:16  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @djakes are you behaving?

 21:32:29  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: I was just at a meeting this afternoon and one of our teachers asked for MORE laptops-the kind of thing it is is good to hear.

 21:32:35  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi ginger

 21:32:36  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: she wants to do things and we don't have enough access

 21:32:45  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski He's awfully quiet, huh?

 21:32:46  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: So what are the nails in that analogy?

 21:32:46  tomwhyte1 -> -EdTechTalk: Kid asleep, we will see for how long

 21:32:47  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: @vicki -- good to hear -- after a day of teaching blogging tools when half the things I wanted to show were blocked!

 21:32:57  pwoessner -> -EdTechTalk: greetings friends, finally have stable connection here...

 21:33:04  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: hi pwoessner!

 21:33:07  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: so great to see the engaging interaction in the chat room

 21:33:10  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: nails, learning theory maybe?

 21:33:12  Gingerk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi!

 21:33:12  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi patrick

 21:33:15  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: But waht about tech skills in themselves?  I am thinking that kids without minimal experience are gong to get left in the dust

 21:33:16  Rick Schwier -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski is our own little greenscreen virus!

 21:33:20  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Lets get going with the questions

 21:33:35  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: this qt has often been asked - can you be a good teacher without using tech>? what do you think?

 21:33:40  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: This link will help   http://injenuity.com/archives/174

 21:33:44  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd patience.  Many great minds here

 21:33:46  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: dean, dean, dean, dean, dean, dean, dean (chanting)

 21:33:59  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: smiles -- CathyJo???   :)  Really???  sighs

 21:34:05  kstevens77 -> -EdTechTalk: running around. gonna have 2 catch the podcast version. everyone have a good evening

 21:34:09  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: no you can not, this day and age you need to incorporate technology to prepare for teh 21st century

 21:34:12  tomwhyte1 -> -EdTechTalk: Depends on what the definition of technology is...

 21:34:14  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: yea, john

 21:34:23  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: John John John John

 21:34:33  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: John Schinker will be our game show host! Great!

 21:34:34  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: for you tom what is the def?

 21:34:41  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: haha

 21:34:50  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Go John!

 21:34:50  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: someone has invoked mcluhan. tech is the medium?

 21:34:53  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hi Susan

 21:34:57  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: John is the man

 21:34:58  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: nothing wrong with that dean or vcki KEWL

 21:35:00  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @mrsdurff - You can be a good teacher and only have your own mouth and hands, however, technology is a great amplifier if the teacher has a comfort level.

 21:35:01  susan -> -EdTechTalk: hello

 21:35:03  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: if you did not know -  JENNIFER Wagner is VERY competitive!!!

 21:35:04  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: The blackboard is now the web...get rid of the blackboard 100 years ago...could one be a good teacher sure...but then the blackboard did not hold virtually the entire body of knowledge currently in existence

 21:35:07  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: like our whiteboards--we made them out of shower wall

 21:35:13  tomwhyte1 -> -EdTechTalk: Anything from a piece of cave drawings to web2.0, always have had technology

 21:35:26  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: cut them up into slate sized pieces

 21:35:39  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:35:52  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: hey guys..I was a background extra in a local tv show here..and they were using the GREEN SCREEN

 21:35:55  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @john :D

 21:36:02  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Brian Lamb!

 21:36:06  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: interesting tom - i do think i must agree

 21:36:13  tomwhyte1 -> -EdTechTalk: Technology is a tool, need people trained and comfortable with the tool, people can still mess up overheads though

 21:36:30  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: everyone's here -- even without Downes it's like cosmic convergence

 21:36:31  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Judges decision is final!

 21:36:32  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah, bell!

 21:36:37  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: Why did we use blue screen in the 70s?

 21:36:41  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: *grin*

 21:36:45  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: oh, cosmic convergence, YIKES

 21:36:48  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: they have a bell!

 21:36:50  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Brian. Did you bring a cowbell?

 21:37:00  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: blue and green r in the same spectrum a blue screen can do chrma as well

 21:37:01  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: oh oh

 21:37:01  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg Wasn't it an ILM thing?

 21:37:05  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: I think we should only ask factual questions...no bother with questions about understanding ;) or real learning ;)

 21:37:07  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: scorekeeper=judge??

 21:37:09  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: somehow that does not sound fair john

 21:37:17  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @derralG - I think it was because often the blue screen was to replace the sky and they cut it out by hand, didn't they.

 21:37:21  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I have fingers :-)

 21:37:25  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: no math please

 21:37:27  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: who will keep WOWS  -- score

 21:37:34  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: Of course we could not wear green or white in front of the green screen

 21:37:38  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: ok peggy it is all about you

 21:37:40  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: who will keep POSSE's core??

 21:37:47  CdnMathTeacher -> -EdTechTalk: About the mini whiteboards - I just laminated white cardstock with a grid on one side (for graphing)

 21:37:49  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: i'm not even participating and I"m getting nervous

 21:37:51  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @sroseman Who'd want to anyway?

 21:37:58  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: i keep red tshirts in studi for kids who wear blue or green

 21:37:59  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: i can't even remember all these categories

 21:38:00  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:38:07  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: go for the begie option

 21:38:08  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Where's Paula Abdul when you need her?

 21:38:09  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: Is there a licensed outlet where we can bet on the outcome?

 21:38:10  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: vegie

 21:38:26  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @blamb You be bookie

 21:38:30  tomwhyte1 -> -EdTechTalk: Gong Show?

 21:38:30  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: you create it brian

 21:38:32  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @blamb: Send me some cash - If you win, I'll send you some back.

 21:38:32  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: I'll keep score

 21:38:42  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: you can make 'whiteboards' by putting card stock inside a sheet protector and use dry erase markers

 21:38:48  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: Good ol' days= 2005?

 21:38:54  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: Lisa has a point. I'm taking bets (and shaving a little off the top)...

 21:38:56  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: ha ha

 21:39:04  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: don't use cash - use lindens

 21:39:05  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: There is no way they can even pick a category and be in the chat room at the same time

 21:39:15  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: @blam I'll give you may paypal account

 21:39:24  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: LOL gotta say no Googling

 21:39:27  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: I wish I could pay for gas in Lindens

 21:39:28  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: do do dooo do doo do doo do doo doo do doo

 21:39:32  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: doo doo doo doo doo

 21:39:33  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: whose bill gates ha ha

 21:39:42  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Who's getting older....Steve Jobs because he has to sell 10 million iPhones by the end of the year :)

 21:39:44  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: Jeff - send me your paypal account info, and I'll send you my mortgage

 21:39:45  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @carolynfoote Was that Jeopardy music?

 21:39:46  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: (jeopardy theme)

 21:39:46  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 10

 21:39:53  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol..yes, lisa ;)

 21:39:58  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: hehehe Carolyn

 21:39:58  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:40:03  ebrunsell -> -EdTechTalk: @kcaise whiteboards - I cut shower board into 2 x 3  squares.  Use a jigsaw near the top to cut a handle.  Great for group work & handle can be used to hang at the front board

 21:40:06  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: I know!!

 21:40:10  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Posse has 10

 21:40:11  pwoessner -> -EdTechTalk: i know this one

 21:40:12  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: WOW is ZIP

 21:40:14  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: those thieves

 21:40:19  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: remember you are 30 seconds behind us

 21:40:27  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi paul

 21:40:30  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: we're all gonna be in here going "pick me! pick me!"

 21:40:36  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: apple stole it from the orange

 21:40:39  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: @ebrunsell great idea! I will have to remember that

 21:40:42  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: beep

 21:40:44  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: jeopardy song

 21:40:44  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @JenniferW some of us are light years behind you

 21:40:45  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: Wow ‚Äì 0  Posse - 10

 21:40:54  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Lifeline?  Steals?  Blended Gaming

 21:40:55  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 10  wow -0

 21:41:07  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: it had any?

 21:41:07  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: lemme go out to the garage and look

 21:41:08  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: that was Vicki -- right??

 21:41:12  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: i had an apple 1IIe

 21:41:21  branson -> -EdTechTalk: I used remember thaat one

 21:41:22  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: oh oh I got it right!

 21:41:27  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 10  wow2 0

 21:41:30  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: i had the IIc

 21:41:33  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol..is this a trick

 21:41:41  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: John Shinker invented it

 21:41:43  ebrunsell -> -EdTechTalk: @kcaise I make sure I have a class set of 15 (30 students working in pairs)

 21:41:43  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: my husband had a IIc

 21:41:45  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: ladies!

 21:41:45  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Posse 20 -- WOW 0

 21:41:48  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Some things never change- can't I still by an ibook for $1300 or close to it?

 21:41:50  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: i had IIes and IIcs for a LOOOONG time

 21:41:51  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: TRS 80 COCO for me!

 21:41:55  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: hint: mute mike while googling

 21:42:01  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: I had an Apple II

 21:42:04  djakes -> -EdTechTalk: This is like the Bears vs. Packers

 21:42:07  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: jen - you're letting out the score too soon

 21:42:08  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @LisaLane *LOL!*

 21:42:08  toob -> -EdTechTalk: OMG TRS 80! Wheee!

 21:42:09  ebrunsell -> -EdTechTalk: @kcaise students are required to have dry erase marker as a supply - I keep them in a box in my room

 21:42:13  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: The Women are cheating?

 21:42:16  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: The IIe was the upgrade

 21:42:17  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 10   wow2 10

 21:42:20  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: Commodore 64 for me

 21:42:25  JL -> -EdTechTalk: they're 'collaborating'

 21:42:25  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: ooooh hotmail 1996

 21:42:26  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Come on WOW....

 21:42:27  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: wooo -- we finally got one

 21:42:30  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: Mac classic was my first.

 21:42:30  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @@djakes....t touch 'em all

 21:42:34  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 20    wow 10

 21:42:36  branson -> -EdTechTalk: anyone remember Fred mail

 21:42:41  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: oh my

 21:42:42  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: TRS 80 and Commodore 16

 21:42:43  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: like UseLess...

 21:42:45  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: from the "past"

 21:42:50  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Al Rogers used Fred Mail

 21:42:51  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: Wow ‚Äì0  Posse - 20

 21:42:54  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: can we give hints from chat?

 21:42:55  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Blasts from the past!

 21:42:56  toob -> -EdTechTalk: Timex Sinclair 1000

 21:43:01  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: I remember Fred mail

 21:43:02  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: I remember Fred mail.

 21:43:05  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg I was waiting for someone to mention the Commodore 64 :D

 21:43:08  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I used Fred mail too :-)

 21:43:10  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: i know

 21:43:10  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: UseNet = network for user sof ?????

 21:43:12  branson -> -EdTechTalk: tellin age here

 21:43:14  kdumont -> -EdTechTalk: Whiners of the web 2.0?

 21:43:15  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: i know it

 21:43:15  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: any one know the score

 21:43:15  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: @ebrunsell awesome way to stock up on markers. the front office used to not want to give out that many markers

 21:43:21  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: will there be a pong question now?

 21:43:22  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 20   wow 20

 21:43:22  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: woo hoo women

 21:43:23  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Whiners -- Love it

 21:43:29  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Frogger!

 21:43:31  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: ooooh distrib online asynchronous chat system

 21:43:31  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: You go, WOW

 21:43:32  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: MissT -- thank you!!!

 21:43:39  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk:   not before internet ... ran on the internet .. that was teh net part

 21:43:39  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks misst2

 21:43:41  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: way to go WOW

 21:43:47  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: Wowo I just remebered I had a timex sinclair 1000.  Completely forgot about that 1

 21:43:50  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: oohh

 21:43:57  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 21:44:03  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: oh boy whats happening

 21:44:05  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Good grief

 21:44:09  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: oi vih

 21:44:19  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i can't even type it

 21:44:22  toob -> -EdTechTalk: The TS 1000 was so tiny! And the buttons were so hard to press.

 21:44:22  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Cite your sources

 21:44:26  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: it's that sad

 21:44:28  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: is that your best answer???

 21:44:35  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: these are defintiely for the old geeky people

 21:44:36  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: WOW pull it back in...the posse is leading you astray

 21:44:38  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: The 30 second lag makes it interesting

 21:44:45  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: I sucked

 21:44:48  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse  20  wow  20

 21:44:57  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: where is that question from ?

 21:44:57  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: Who would have known that one?

 21:45:00  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: oh yeah right

 21:45:05  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: good score misst2

 21:45:07  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: That was unfair.....

 21:45:10  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: .zr, cs, and ??? first one again?

 21:45:10  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski It's the pressure

 21:45:11  tomwhyte1 -> -EdTechTalk: Tough...

 21:45:17  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: good luck and good night all!

 21:45:19  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: .nato

 21:45:21  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: nato

 21:45:21  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: This is fun!!! :-)

 21:45:22  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: misst2 you have things mixed up

 21:45:24  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: who said it!

 21:45:25  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: thx Debbie

 21:45:26  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: nato

 21:45:27  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: What about a category about home brew

 21:45:28  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford  .nato

 21:45:38  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: chat has a lag too

 21:45:42  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: .wow

 21:45:42  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Very interesting rules...totally blended gaming

 21:45:48  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 21:45:49  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: I'm feeling very lucky not to be on the spot for these questions...

 21:45:55  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 20  wow 10

 21:45:56  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: LOL@sharonp

 21:45:58  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: ding

 21:45:59  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: the boys just won

 21:46:00  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: dwaRLICK

 21:46:06  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 20   wow 20

 21:46:10  branson -> -EdTechTalk: finally knew an answer

 21:46:11  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: WILL r

 21:46:16  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 30  wow 20

 21:46:19  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Donna

 21:46:23  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: yes

 21:46:24  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: yeah

 21:46:26  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: finally

 21:46:26  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: clap clap

 21:46:27  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: go Joyce

 21:46:30  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 30  wow 30

 21:46:30  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: jOYCE wALLENZA?>>>

 21:46:43  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: Valenzia

 21:46:47  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Thx

 21:46:47  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Didn't know that one.

 21:46:50  branson -> -EdTechTalk: this is anew one to remember

 21:46:55  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa  I also missed a 3 foot putt for a 73 last week...CAn't handle pressure

 21:46:58  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: they should do twitter names for the Posse team

 21:47:03  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 40  wow 30

 21:47:05  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: clarence

 21:47:07  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: oh no!

 21:47:07  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: What no Seriously Wired? That guy is great!:p

 21:47:08  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski you poor thing

 21:47:13  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Come on WOW

 21:47:17  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 40  wow 30

 21:47:20  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: take your time WOW

 21:47:21  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Spelling of that? Oooh .... evevn if it was wrong?

 21:47:24  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: I know

 21:47:25  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: storytime for The Boy‚Ñ¢, then I'll be back...

 21:47:27  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: if you put $ on the girls - i am sorry

 21:47:28  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Ian Jukes?

 21:47:32  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: i know this one!

 21:47:33  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: Yep

 21:47:40  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: tied score coming up

 21:47:42  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yes!!

 21:47:43  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: ian jukes

 21:47:50  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford kuropatwa

 21:47:52  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: WOW - You are going to be embarassed now!

 21:47:55  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: This is fun

 21:47:56  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: There you go

 21:47:59  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: yeah girls

 21:48:00  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: thx pat

 21:48:00  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: (-:

 21:48:01  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @dnorman - how did you get a trademark

 21:48:09  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 40       wow 30

 21:48:13  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: kkeep the answers out of the chat folks

 21:48:15  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: someone type the blogs as they are asked

 21:48:25  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: not the answers

 21:48:26  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 40  wow 40

 21:48:28  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Going to bed now. I am teaching a class in the morning with John S the host of this. Get to bed John. I need you alert for tomorrow.:D

 21:48:31  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 21:48:37  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @cathyjo - I'm sure JohnS can post links later.

 21:48:41  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: wohoo

 21:48:43  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Loved that question!!

 21:48:47  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: is this tennis scoring?

 21:48:49  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: want names now tho-oh well

 21:48:50  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: who said that

 21:48:54  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 40  wow 40

 21:48:58  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Can this end in a tie?

 21:48:58  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: yeah!

 21:49:04  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: yes who said it

 21:49:04  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: ask the ck the chat room

 21:49:07  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Chat Jeopardy... I think I may give it a try in the classroom

 21:49:12  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Cathjo - Hold on...I'll try to grab theom from the google doc I have access to...

 21:49:14  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Paul!

 21:49:23  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa

 21:49:24  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi linni

 21:49:25  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: thx debbie

 21:49:37  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: 2cents : david warlick, weblogged : will richardson; never ending search : Joyce Valenza; designed to inspire : jen maddrell ; remote access: clarence fischer;  the committed sardine: Ian Jukes ; Taste of Tech: Schinker; Open Thinking : Alec Couros

 21:49:50  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @paulhami No "Hi Lisa"s allowed -- there are 4 Lisas in here! :-)

 21:49:54  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Sarah S

 21:49:55  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Here are the blogs:     *   Webblog-ed (Will Richardson)     * Two Cents' Worth (David Warlick)     * Practical Theory (Chris Lehman)     * Designed to Inspire (Jennifer Maddrell)     * The NeverEnding Search (Joyce Valenza)     * Remote Access (Clarence Fisher)     * The Committed Sardine (Ian Jukes)     * Taste of Tech (John Schinker)     * Open Thinking and Digital Pedagogy (Alec Couros)     * Moving at the Speed of Creativity (Wes Fryer)

 21:49:56  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: clarke

 21:50:00  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Google--quick

 21:50:06  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, @paulhami!

 21:50:07  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse  50   wow 40

 21:50:07  Todd -> -EdTechTalk: Debbie, good night and tell John I really enjoyed this. Signing off now 9:50

 21:50:11  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: That was hello to all 4, of course!

 21:50:13  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: or don't

 21:50:15  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: AND wome!

 21:50:17  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @Todd 'Night!

 21:50:22  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: now it is getting HARD

 21:50:23  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: women...

 21:50:28  Diane H -> -EdTechTalk: Wish I'd said that :-)

 21:50:33  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi rick

 21:50:36  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Ooooh good guess

 21:50:40  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: welcome to the chaos

 21:50:41  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Hello KarenJan!

 21:50:45  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 50  wow 40

 21:50:46  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi adrian

 21:50:49  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Sure papert learned it from skinner

 21:50:52  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: I thought asimov

 21:50:56  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: everyone know that one!

 21:51:05  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: wow  40  posse  60

 21:51:06  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: i think I should get partial points

 21:51:10  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: that's a good quote

 21:51:13  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: papert?

 21:51:14  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: Bill Gates

 21:51:19  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: oooh?

 21:51:26  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: When I get to NECC, I'll just tell every restaurant t charge the meal to "Lisa" then and see what happens. :)

 21:51:39  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Seymour Papert-logo creator :-)

 21:51:43  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: I think I said that :) I certainly believe it!

 21:51:45  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @lthumann I'll pay if they send me chocolate

 21:51:46  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: aaah simov

 21:51:47  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 60   wow 40

 21:51:48  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: nice steal

 21:51:54  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: gary stager

 21:52:01  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:52:08  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: there have been no women writers quoted

 21:52:10  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: no WAY!

 21:52:15  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: wow  40  posse 70

 21:52:21  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: good piont derrall

 21:52:23  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @derrall - GOOD POINT!!

 21:52:24  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: point

 21:52:25  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @derralg - no women quoted -- I think the possee submitted the questions.

 21:52:27  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: WOW--force them to quote a woman

 21:52:28  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: you're right... no women

 21:52:29  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: right derrallg

 21:52:30  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @derralig--I noticed that too!

 21:52:33  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: vicki

 21:52:42  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: too many teachers

 21:52:53  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Who said, "The Bears are a disgrace to football teams everywhere"

 21:53:06  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Oops...inadvertant oversight.  I assue you all that the posse did NOT submit all the questions!

 21:53:07  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I thought I heard typing :-)

 21:53:13  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: ;-) 

 21:53:13  Rick Schwier -> -EdTechTalk: Ditka?

 21:53:15  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse  70   wow  40

 21:53:16  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: Who said, "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing"

 21:53:19  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: yes, I have a VERY loud keyboard

 21:53:25  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Mayor Daley?

 21:53:29  ds -> -EdTechTalk: Lombardi

 21:53:31  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski who hasn't?

 21:53:36  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Green Bay guy

 21:53:41  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: soup

 21:53:45  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: alphabet

 21:53:46  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: alpha!!

 21:53:50  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: mmmm soup

 21:53:53  CdnMathTeacher -> -EdTechTalk: I thought we're weren't supposed to know all the answers anymore, but rather where to find them!

 21:54:06  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: ALPHA

 21:54:10  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: I am withw you cdnMath

 21:54:12  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: doo doo doo doo dooo doo doo

 21:54:13  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @CdnMathTeacher that works unless the answer is always Google

 21:54:14  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: soup

 21:54:14  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: w00t alpha

 21:54:17  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: doo doo doo doo doo dooo

 21:54:19  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Yep how to find the answers is more impt

 21:54:43  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: @CdnMath teacher They should have a googling contest.

 21:54:45  117 -> -EdTechTalk: wOOt?

 21:54:52  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: reaaly simple synd

 21:55:02  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Nice answer!  JohnS thought no one would know RSS!

 21:55:11  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: close enuf

 21:55:12  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: Nobody REALLY knows what RSS is

 21:55:13  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: You go, Vicki

 21:55:13  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Why did he think that?

 21:55:16  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Vicki's the expert on RSS :-)

 21:55:17  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: go Vicki

 21:55:19  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: back.

 21:55:20  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 70        wow  50

 21:55:21  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: points?

 21:55:25  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi rick

 21:55:25  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: yuk

 21:55:28  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: hi Lucy!

 21:55:29  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Aha

 21:55:30  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: hi lucy

 21:55:31  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: AJAX yuk

 21:55:33  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: *shrug*  Maybe because he's had to explsin it to me about 5 times!

 21:55:35  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Ajax is a suburb of Toronto

 21:55:37  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: i know what it means

 21:55:39  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi lucy

 21:55:41  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Ajax- yes!

 21:55:46  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Java!?

 21:55:48  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: oh funny paul

 21:55:51  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Carolyn! Hi Mrs. Durf, Derall!

 21:55:52  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: I clean my tub with it

 21:55:55  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: there googling and stalling

 21:55:57  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: it's the drag-and-drop program, yes?

 21:55:57  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Who's the guest tonight?

 21:55:58  lthumann -> -EdTechTalk: We know what this stuff is, but define it? CRAZY!

 21:56:00  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Sorry I am so late

 21:56:02  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: I do love Widgets....

 21:56:04  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: its so abrasive

 21:56:08  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: it is NOT a cleaner

 21:56:11  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Hah - yep, cleaning product, with you...

 21:56:11  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: Lucy-- a face off betw ed tech posse and wow

 21:56:12  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: no points

 21:56:12  117 -> -EdTechTalk: hi lucyhi

 21:56:14  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: -10 for edtechtalk for NOT knowing this.

 21:56:18  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: 0

 21:56:19  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: AH

 21:56:24  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Interesting!

 21:56:27  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: really???

 21:56:28  djakes -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Lucy

 21:56:31  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: we are 3 down???

 21:56:34  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Davide

 21:56:37  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Er David

 21:56:43  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: HI Lucy!!

 21:56:43  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: and not Microsoft!

 21:56:44  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: wow 50   posse 75

 21:56:51  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: "make" and "happen"

 21:56:57  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: FOSS?

 21:56:57  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: Dave Jakes, how are you?

 21:57:00  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: FOSS

 21:57:02  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: wow  50  posse 76

 21:57:06  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon P! When do you leave? I'm so excited for you

 21:57:07  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: fabulously...?

 21:57:07  kdumont -> -EdTechTalk: Jakes!

 21:57:10  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: I like mint foss

 21:57:11  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: think science

 21:57:12  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: go sharon!

 21:57:14  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Is this a quiz?

 21:57:14  djakes -> -EdTechTalk: @mrabrams. doing well

 21:57:18  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: open source software?

 21:57:21  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: You are really keeping points?

 21:57:23  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:57:25  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: hi Lucky - leaving on June 26

 21:57:25  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: @dnorman :)

 21:57:31  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I just know FOSS from our science kits

 21:57:32  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: @Lucy - hi

 21:57:33  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: hi LUCY

 21:57:34  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: add Libre for full FLOSS

 21:57:39  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Posse 200 Wow 4

 21:57:39  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: slow chat tonight

 21:57:40  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: FOSS is Wonderful!

 21:57:40  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: wow 60  posse 76

 21:57:48  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: use a CF bulb in your LAMP stack

 21:57:49  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: limping along....

 21:57:49  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Whew... you've got some time

 21:57:53  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Oh this is fun.

 21:57:57  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: I FLOSS every night.

 21:57:59  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: We use FOSS

 21:57:59  branson -> -EdTechTalk: oh missed that

 21:58:01  branson -> -EdTechTalk: what is foos

 21:58:02  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: meta prep..

 21:58:03  117 -> -EdTechTalk: What is Wow? I'm new to this

 21:58:04  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: FOSS You.

 21:58:05  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:58:13  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Good one, RobWall!

 21:58:14  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @117 - Women of Web 2 - ;-)

 21:58:15  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: oh for a sec I thought EdTech Posse had a lamp as well as a mug

 21:58:20  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: or perl for the P

 21:58:20  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: TMI

 21:58:21  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: superkalifrackich

 21:58:22  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: @Lucy -- Yes, we are keeping SCORE

 21:58:24  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: I use .asp on Access/IIS

 21:58:29  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: and we are hoping that it is TIED

 21:58:29  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:58:32  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: It's interesting there have been no pedagogical questions, really, probably b'c they're hard to write and judge.

 21:58:36  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: So  I can't IM you the answers? :)

 21:58:38  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm really impressed!!

 21:58:42  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: CEU?

 21:58:43  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: Bud hunt...yes, i noticed that

 21:58:45  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: finish already PLEASE

 21:58:51  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: All programming languages that interact with databases

 21:58:55  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: wow  60   posse 86

 21:58:56  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: @Bud did you submit any?

 21:58:56  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: obsolete

 21:58:57  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Ture Bud... interesting point...

 21:59:01  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: I know FOSS cuz I read Alec's dissertation!!

 21:59:01  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: confining

 21:59:03  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: prison

 21:59:05  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: True Bud...

 21:59:05  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Go girls!

 21:59:09  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: library media specialist

 21:59:10  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lms

 21:59:14  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: go sharon

 21:59:15  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALIST!

 21:59:17  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Go WOW

 21:59:21  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Girls Rule

 21:59:22  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: well done ladies

 21:59:27  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: Wer'e proving the wisdom of crowds is a myth

 21:59:29  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: yeah

 21:59:31  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Boys Drool as we like to say in my house

 21:59:35  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol shareski

 21:59:36  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:59:37  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 86  wow 70

 21:59:39  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Woot! WOW2!

 21:59:40  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: ceu

 21:59:41  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: credit educational unit

 21:59:43  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: recertification

 21:59:44  janicestearns -> -EdTechTalk: They are called Teacher Librarians in my district ow.

 21:59:45  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: did I miss what FOSS was?

 21:59:46  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Chief Executive Undertaker

 21:59:50  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: continuing education unit

 21:59:53  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: looks

 21:59:53  sheila -> -EdTechTalk: can I get them for listening to this?  CEU?

 21:59:58  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Posse should pass for winning points to WOW

 22:00:01  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @misterabrams - Free and Open source software

 22:00:03  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: free open source software, foss

 22:00:03  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Free and Open Source Software

 22:00:05  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i like the undertaker one

 22:00:05  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: canadian educational umbrage

 22:00:08  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: thanks

 22:00:08  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @sheila that would be nice

 22:00:13  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: @shareski: Is a crowd a dictionary?  Is there wisdom in knowing definitions?

 22:00:19  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 22:00:20  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 22:00:23  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: ha ha

 22:00:23  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: oh oh can I enroll?

 22:00:30  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: wtf?

 22:00:40  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 22:00:43  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: lol we talk about how acronyms aren't important but what do we do.

 22:00:43  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: I know that WTF is, but shouldn't say it here

 22:00:47  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: wow 70  posse 86

 22:00:50  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: we used CEU's on k12online conference, right?

 22:00:54  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @dnorman - that was NOT one of the acronyms

 22:01:00  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: good point Peggy

 22:01:01  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: it should have been...

 22:01:03  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: had a great side conversation with @lparisi talked about collaborating on a book!

 22:01:05  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: a free for all

 22:01:21  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: @peggyG YES it should count then

 22:01:22  sheila -> -EdTechTalk: pins and needles . . .

 22:01:23  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: cool @karenjan

 22:01:31  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Come on WOW...

 22:01:33  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: That was my thought!

 22:01:34  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan @LParisi Wow...what a book that would be!

 22:01:35  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: cheating? there's no cheating?

 22:01:39  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: It should count!

 22:01:58  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: Isnt Dean on the k12online planning board? it should count

 22:01:59  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @KArenJan @lisaParisi Very Cool!

 22:02:04  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Oh good question

 22:02:06  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: blogger

 22:02:07  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: something audio...

 22:02:10  ds -> -EdTechTalk: true

 22:02:12  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: did they watch le web?

 22:02:17  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: it was odd, though.

 22:02:21  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: then odeo

 22:02:22  JL -> -EdTechTalk: blogger is also correct

 22:02:24  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Wow

 22:02:30  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk - recommended you site at an IEP meeting today - always amazed by how comprehensive it is you are doing great stuff!

 22:02:36  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: wow 70  posse 96

 22:02:39  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: there was a whale.

 22:02:41  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: twtr

 22:02:50  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: no vowels

 22:02:50  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i can't spell as it is

 22:02:53  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: 404

 22:02:59  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: How do you spell Twitter with 140 characters?

 22:03:02  ds -> -EdTechTalk: lol re whale, he's back

 22:03:08  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk what is your site?

 22:03:11  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: twttr

 22:03:13  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan Thanks a lot. Have many ideas for new activities this summer.

 22:03:16  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: are the messages here being submitted for the people on audio?

 22:03:16  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: dnorman you have been really funny lately

 22:03:19  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: twittr

 22:03:20  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: twittR

 22:03:25  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Hahahahha

 22:03:28  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: very funny!

 22:03:30  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: posse 96  wow  70

 22:03:30  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: 404's a fine answer, @dnorman.

 22:03:33  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @patsine - mathplayground.com and look at Thinking Blocks there's nothing like it!

 22:03:35  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: crash every half hour

 22:03:36  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @PatSine It's http://www.MathPlayground.com

 22:03:43  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: c'mon the crashing isn't that consistent

 22:03:45  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Nice collaborative chat.  We might have given WOW and Posse a run for their money

 22:03:49  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: posse 96 wow 73

 22:03:51  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Stanford

 22:03:55  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: U Penn

 22:03:55  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: devry

 22:03:55  Pat Sine -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk thanks

 22:03:56  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: missed one. posse is at 106

 22:03:58  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: stanford

 22:04:00  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: ooooh

 22:04:01  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: Twitter was spelled "away message status"

 22:04:04  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: I knew that one

 22:04:14  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: hahaha

 22:04:27  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: roomba

 22:04:28  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Who???

 22:04:33  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: QWERTY keyboard

 22:04:36  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: is roomba really common?

 22:04:37  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: or twttr was spelled 'stressing out'

 22:04:38  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: quick google it!

 22:04:41  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: What was the question?

 22:04:47  ehelfant -> -EdTechTalk: go vicki

 22:04:47  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: *)

 22:04:56  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: @mrsdurff hahaha!

 22:04:59  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Good grief.  This feels like an Obama/Clinton debate.  Go Vicki

 22:05:03  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: pager

 22:05:13  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Yay Vicki!

 22:05:13  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: wow.

 22:05:16  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: yeah Vicki

 22:05:19  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: but there was just one, so he got a no-carrier signal

 22:05:20  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i had a motorola

 22:05:24  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: lol lol

 22:05:25  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Way to go Vicki!

 22:05:26  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hooray Vicki!!

 22:05:28  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: watson, I need you.

 22:05:30  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: way to go Vicki

 22:05:35  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: 'come here watsonI need you

 22:05:39  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 22:05:44  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: *choochoo*

 22:05:45  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: i think they should get at least 20 points for that

 22:05:49  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: And the phone was the size of a briefcase

 22:05:50  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Netscape

 22:05:51  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: go uiuc!

 22:05:51  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: Watson, come here, I need you

 22:05:52  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: He'd just spilled some acid on himself - and needed help.

 22:05:55  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Mozaic

 22:05:56  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: they tried jeff mason

 22:05:56  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: mosaic

 22:05:58  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Even I knew that one!

 22:06:01  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: IE 1.0

 22:06:06  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you Lisa!!!  

 22:06:07  bmuench -> -EdTechTalk: yay my alma mater

 22:06:14  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: hail to the orange...

 22:06:16  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: I thought it was interesting that he called from Bell Labs

 22:06:27  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: (just doing my historian duty -- occupational hazard)

 22:06:34  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: 1990

 22:06:36  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: 2001

 22:06:38  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: 2000

 22:06:40  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: @misterabrams- did you graduate from U of I

 22:06:41  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: @bmuench when did you graduate?

 22:06:41  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: 76

 22:06:42  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: 1949

 22:06:49  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: No

 22:06:49  bmuench -> -EdTechTalk: 1996

 22:06:50  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: 1999

 22:06:52  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: no earlier

 22:06:53  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: That's not the same

 22:06:54  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: I did, 1998 in bio education

 22:07:00  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: 1994

 22:07:02  Rick Schwier -> -EdTechTalk: Wishing we had @dnorman on the team to answer the acronyms earlier

 22:07:03  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: 95

 22:07:11  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: yeah. you guys sucked. sorry.

 22:07:16  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i though 96

 22:07:18  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: 88

 22:07:30  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: 99

 22:07:33  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: 95

 22:07:34  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Some time in the last century.

 22:07:41  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: remind me what IPO stands for please?

 22:07:41  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: dont' use nantucket

 22:07:48  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I think we've covered all the possibilites

 22:07:50  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: HAHAHAHA Jen

 22:07:51  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: initial public offering = IPO

 22:07:55  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: initial public offering - when the stock went live

 22:07:56  bmuench -> -EdTechTalk: good to have another u or i 'er here mister a!

 22:07:57  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: ok ty

 22:07:58  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: 98!!!!!

 22:08:00  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: doh. and yay

 22:08:09  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 22:08:11  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: muahahaHAHAH

 22:08:11  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Go WOW

 22:08:15  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: 1990- Undergrad in scienc ed U of I-Urbana-Champaign

 22:08:16  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: We are unbiased.

 22:08:17  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: 30 second delay

 22:08:18  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: nantucket!

 22:08:25  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: he,he,he,

 22:08:25  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford you graduates in 98 from u of I?

 22:08:28  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: excellent - the limericks happened!

 22:08:33  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: keep it clean!

 22:08:36  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: well done, steve

 22:08:39  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 22:08:42  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Go WOW2!

 22:08:47  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: WOW2's is coming

 22:08:49  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: you will VOTE

 22:08:50  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: surfing the web

 22:08:51  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: milking a cow?

 22:08:56  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: having a cow

 22:08:58  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: nice sarah s

 22:08:59  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Transforming the Classroom NOW

 22:09:00  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @SarahS :)

 22:09:07  bmuench -> -EdTechTalk: sarah exactly what i was thinking!

 22:09:08  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: good one Jen!

 22:09:08  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: of milking the class cow

 22:09:12  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: surfing the web

 22:09:14  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: doing stuff NOW

 22:09:14  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: How to clean your  teeth with FLossy

 22:09:15  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: teaching the NOW

 22:09:16  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: I like JenW's answer..

 22:09:17  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Getting it to us now!

 22:09:17  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thinking with heart

 22:09:19  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: that might now be it

 22:09:22  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: finding out how?

 22:09:23  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: making it happen NOW

 22:09:24  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: wasn't me -- it was our GROUP

 22:09:28  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Jen wins

 22:09:30  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: Jen's answer was the official answer

 22:09:32  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 22:09:33  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: being judged on humor

 22:09:35  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: no

 22:09:37  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Noooo

 22:09:37  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: and creativity

 22:09:39  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: w00y!!!

 22:09:39  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: it was a combination effort

 22:09:39  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Hmmm

 22:09:41  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: yes

 22:09:42  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: hmmm

 22:09:42  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes!!!!

 22:09:44  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: Very Good

 22:09:44  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: too many syllables

 22:09:45  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: w00t

 22:09:46  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Woot!

 22:09:47  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Cow is funnier

 22:09:48  Diane H -> -EdTechTalk: YES!!!

 22:09:49  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

 22:09:49  sheila -> -EdTechTalk: ok

 22:09:50  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: great answer

 22:09:52  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: sos so

 22:09:54  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: good

 22:09:55  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: too many syllables, yes durff

 22:09:56  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Cleaing out Windows with Flossy

 22:09:57  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: i like cows

 22:09:58  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: @dnorman you're bad

 22:10:01  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: rofl

 22:10:02  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 22:10:06  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: they're verbose and bossy in person, too.

 22:10:07  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: how not to get lossy

 22:10:11  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lolol

 22:10:12  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: BOOM.

 22:10:14  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: fossy

 22:10:14  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: how not to be crossy

 22:10:16  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: how can you rhyme with possee?

 22:10:17  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: they are rather saucey

 22:10:17  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: yes :)

 22:10:18  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: the true meaning of FOSS

 22:10:23  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: how to get saucy

 22:10:25  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: WOW2 is Transforming the Classroom NOW

 22:10:26  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Ok...this is NOT a poetic group! (-:

 22:10:28  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: how to be crossy and bossy with fossy

 22:10:29  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: that a rolling stone gathers no mossy!

 22:10:30  bmuench -> -EdTechTalk: how to roll so we won't get mossy

 22:10:32  jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: how edupunk gathers no mossy

 22:10:34  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: to dance like Bob Fosse

 22:10:37  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: EDTECH --- is Clearning out windows with Flossy

 22:10:38  ds -> -EdTechTalk: is Flossy a cow?

 22:10:39  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: nice lisa lane

 22:10:39  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: Making new learning our VOW

 22:10:40  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol, jeannine

 22:10:43  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: oh jeannine

 22:10:43  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: waiting with baited breath!

 22:10:46  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: flosse

 22:10:47  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: LMAO!

 22:10:50  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: how to get off hte hossey...

 22:10:52  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: I think WOW takes that round...

 22:10:56  adrian bruce -> -EdTechTalk: quasi maybe?

 22:11:04  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: wow got that

 22:11:06  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Wow is better

 22:11:12  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: the way slick and glossy.

 22:11:13  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: so they lose points for that

 22:11:14  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: aw, c'mon way less than half use Windows

 22:11:15  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Josse?

 22:11:15  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:15  jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: WOW 4 sure

 22:11:16  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: WOW wins

 22:11:18  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: *cough*lame*ahem*

 22:11:19  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:19  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: WOW is definitely the winner on this one!

 22:11:20  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: Go WOW

 22:11:20  sheila -> -EdTechTalk: redo!

 22:11:21  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: :-)

 22:11:22  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: wow

 22:11:23  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:23  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:24  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: if you voite WOW -- say WOW

 22:11:24  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: vinegar (screw rhyme, it makes environmental sense)

 22:11:26  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:28  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:28  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: hm, i think ed tech

 22:11:28  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: WOW wins!!!!!

 22:11:29  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: so bad

 22:11:29  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:29  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: WOW is better

 22:11:30  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @sarah - you are good!

 22:11:30  celliott -> -EdTechTalk: WOW - hands up

 22:11:31  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:31  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: Posse

 22:11:32  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:32  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:33  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: Hey guys who do you vote for?

 22:11:34  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:34  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: if you vote POSSE -- POSSE

 22:11:35  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:37  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: MOM

 22:11:38  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: What?

 22:11:39  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: wow   wow

 22:11:39  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:40  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Please repeat the WOW limerick

 22:11:40  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: they drive us to all getl get suacy

 22:11:43  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:11:43  DonnaDesRoches -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah for WOW!

 22:11:44  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: wow

 22:11:44  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: ;-)

 22:11:45  bmuench -> -EdTechTalk: posse

 22:11:56  Vicki Davis -> -EdTechTalk: @alice lol

 22:11:58  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: saucy

 22:11:58  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Sauc

 22:11:59  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: I love the Bob Fosse one

 22:11:59  adrian bruce -> -EdTechTalk: WOW 4 sure

 22:12:00  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: I'll kick him for y'all!

 22:12:00  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:12:01  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:12:04  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: souinds good

 22:12:05  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: it's clearly a TIE

 22:12:10  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Debbie

 22:12:11  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:12:12  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: biased

 22:12:13  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Yep, women RULE!

 22:12:15  JackieB -> -EdTechTalk: I MISSED it? Oh  no.

 22:12:19  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: oh no he didnt

 22:12:20  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: looks like we need a summer poetry class or two

 22:12:20  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: way to make a perfect sexism call!

 22:12:21  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Oooooh SLAM!!!!

 22:12:21  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Oh that does it!

 22:12:22  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Ladies ROCK!!

 22:12:24  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: BTW - best t-shirt i ever saw - I AM the man from Nantucket

 22:12:27  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: by default, women win!

 22:12:30  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: Ba-da-BOOM

 22:12:36  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 22:12:37  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: I like it stevesoko

 22:12:40  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: John, you're OUTA here!

 22:12:41  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Sexism can be very subtle... :)

 22:12:47  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: There are enough questions for another show like this!

 22:12:48  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: hey, I said the mossy line

 22:12:48  Bud Hunt -> -EdTechTalk: and maybe a special panda to teach us all a lesson

 22:12:48  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: why not bossy?

 22:12:51  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: okay okay

 22:12:52  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: uh oh here comes the edupunk thing

 22:13:01  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: scoring dispute

 22:13:08  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: all or nothing question-yes!

 22:13:08  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:13:10  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Steve -- that is funny

 22:13:10  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: i demand a recount

 22:13:12  kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: NOOOO. WOW win. I'm outa here.

 22:13:12  cathyjo in SC -> -EdTechTalk: live rematch at NECC

 22:13:17  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: rematch

 22:13:18  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: give everyone a mug

 22:13:21  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: great show.

 22:13:22  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: rematch at NECC

 22:13:22  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: thanks KMulford!!

 22:13:27  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: yes a rematch

 22:13:30  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: great show

 22:13:31  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: How about the superdelegates?

 22:13:31  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: rematch would definitely be fun!

 22:13:31  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Karen - would that not be FUN

 22:13:32  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: yes at necc

 22:13:33  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: WOW Wins

 22:13:34  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: WOW

 22:13:38  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: What about MI and FL

 22:13:40  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: super show!!!!!

 22:13:41  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: what's a necc?

 22:13:54  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Count the delegates

 22:13:55  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @jen - i have to enjoy it virtually - won't be going to NECC

 22:14:02  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: national Education Computing COnference

 22:14:03  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Bravo!

 22:14:04  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: clap clap

 22:14:06  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: Hey, aren't we ALL winners?

 22:14:07  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan -- me TOO

 22:14:10  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: My mom says 20 points to Wow

 22:14:12  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: can you do NECC vitually?

 22:14:15  ds -> -EdTechTalk: great job JS

 22:14:16  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: Good job All!

 22:14:16  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: LOL -- yes, Brian --- we are ALL winners

 22:14:19  courosa -> -EdTechTalk: yes, brian!

 22:14:20  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: cheri

 22:14:22  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: *virtually

 22:14:22  JenniferW -> -EdTechTalk: Lisa -- I plan too

 22:14:24  DonnaDesRoches -> -EdTechTalk:  great fun - thanks all!

 22:14:25  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Yes Lisa

 22:14:26  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: 's mom knows

 22:14:26  JoselynTodd -> -EdTechTalk: Very fun...thanks all..entertaining

 22:14:27  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: scores feel like oppression by the hegemony.

 22:14:27  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: possee is much better than punk

 22:14:34  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: The Wow Posse

 22:14:35  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: durff

 22:14:36  shareski -> -EdTechTalk: A sound like a Canadian

 22:14:37  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Cool chat room action.  Thanks, all!

 22:14:38  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: great show

 22:14:39  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: This was my first edtechtalk. This was neat.

 22:14:39  Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Go wheel!

 22:14:43  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lisam - expect lots of ustreaming and live blogging

 22:14:44  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Great show! definitely do a rematch.

 22:14:46  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: fantastic show!! that's for the brilliant idea!

 22:14:49  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: rematch at necc

 22:14:49  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: D'Arcy - we should be posthegemonic by now...

 22:14:51  colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Fun night - thanks!

 22:14:54  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Great idea for using this medium

 22:14:56  cheryloakes wow 2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: night, all

 22:14:59  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: post-posthegemonic

 22:14:59  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: cool!

 22:15:03  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: KONRAD!

 22:15:04  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan and Paul -- thanks, I'll do that

 22:15:06  WickedDecentLearning -> -EdTechTalk: good night

 22:15:11  ds -> -EdTechTalk: great show all thanks

 22:15:12  JackieB -> -EdTechTalk: I missed it. Hmph. Bye!

 22:15:13  Diane H -> -EdTechTalk: Fun! Thanks folks!

 22:15:13  misterabrams -> -EdTechTalk: good night all of the Illini fans out there!

 22:15:16  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Sounds like another great show next week

 22:15:16  sheila -> -EdTechTalk: This was fun! Thanks!

 22:15:17  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: Does this hppen every tuesday?

 22:15:18  carolynfoote -> -EdTechTalk: bye all!  it was fun :)

 22:15:19  blamb -> -EdTechTalk: Peace out everytone!

 22:15:26  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: JenW - Told you it would be good!

 22:15:27  Lisa M Lane -> -EdTechTalk: thanks so much for doing this!

 22:15:29  jeannine -> -EdTechTalk: thank you ladies and gentlemen

 22:15:31  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: bye all

 22:15:32  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Yes dsawyer but different topics

 22:15:35  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: thanks WOW

 22:15:38  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: peace, yo. out.

 22:15:38  celliott -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for stirring my thinking skills

 22:15:39  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: great show ev1 - thank you for sharing

 22:15:39  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: @dsawyer - Not like this, but yes!

 22:15:43  dsawyer -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks

 22:15:46  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: nite johnboy

 22:15:47  paulhami -> -EdTechTalk: Goodnight!

 22:15:49  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: night all

 22:15:49  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, everyone

 22:15:51  dnorman -> -EdTechTalk: um... the mic is still on...

 22:15:52  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Awesome! can't wait to listen to the podcast again!!

 22:15:54  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: goodnight

 22:15:57  JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: Good night, Grandma

 22:16:13  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: That was a blast.  Thank you all WOW & POSSE!!!

 22:16:15  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: we have fireflies tonight

 22:16:16  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: More limericks next time!

 22:16:24  misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: that would have been interesting

 22:16:27  cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: Jen if you were here you could see them too

 22:16:28  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: John you were an awesome moderator!

 22:16:42  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Night all

 22:16:45  celliott -> -EdTechTalk: goodbye

 22:16:54  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: Anyone know the final chat room total?  It was packe in here!

 22:17:01  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: (packed)

 22:17:06  kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: it was over 82

 22:17:08  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: 37 i heard

 22:17:16  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: 82? wow

 22:17:21  Debbie -> -EdTechTalk: I counted 43 at one point.

 22:17:27  mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: well nite ye all

 22:17:33  Paul R Wood -> -EdTechTalk: Nite all

 22:17:40  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: 10 on skype, right?

 22:17:45  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Great show!!

 22:17:50  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: thanks fr coming out folks

 22:18:03  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks again

 22:18:12  LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Night everyone


We mentioned our missing Posse member last night, but didn't introduce her. Heather Ross is an instructional designer at the Saskatchewan Institute for Applied Science & Technology in Saskatoon. She's known on her blog (http://www.mctoonish.com/blog/) and in the Twitterverse as @mctoonish, and she has been a strong voice in the EdTech Posse for a couple of years. Sorry she couldn't make the show last night. We would have done better in the quiz with her in the saddle!

We missed Heather too! Next time. Cheryl