Graham Stanley

IHAQ#5 - Why does Sugata Mitra anger so many educators?

I Have A Question#5
May 4, 2014 
Featured Question:
From +Benjamin L. Stewart     
*Why does Mitra anger so many in education? 

Related Links

Possible Upcoming Questions

  • I think it would be interesting to hear about peoples productivity workflow, what are the ways you work? How does tech help or interfere, are there best practices for curating, organizing and how can we best teach students to form good productivity habits online? This is something I think about every day. With so many choices of tools, how do we narrow down the field and choose the essentials that really help us be more productive, better communicators etc.
  • Do the students have a PLN have they mastered social networking; are they prepared to lead others? How are they forming relationships?
  • How do you find out about cool conferences?
  • Why are fewer people participating in free online conferences, webinars and moocs? over saturation or????
  • What potential does social media have for professional development in education?
  • How about the fight to stay relevant or cutting edge in your field? Anyone feel that it's more challenging by the day?






I Have A Question#5
May 4, 2014 
Featured Question:
From +Benjamin L. Stewart     
Why does Mitra anger so many in education? 


Related Links

Possible Upcoming Questions

  • I think it would be interesting to hear about peoples productivity workflow, what are the ways you work? How does tech help or interfere, are there best practices for curating, organizing and how can we best teach students to form good productivity habits online? This is something I think about every day. With so many choices of tools, how do we narrow down the field and choose the essentials that really help us be more productive, better communicators etc.
  • Do the students have a PLN have they mastered social networking; are they prepared to lead others? How are they forming relationships?
  • How do you find out about cool conferences?
  • Why are fewer people participating in free online conferences, webinars and moocs? over saturation or????
  • What potential does social media have for professional development in education?
  • How about the fight to stay relevant or cutting edge in your field? Anyone feel that it's more challenging by the day?
  • What's New?  (old style ETW link dump)

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