Jeff - Mon, 2008-08-25 10:21
Post-Show description:
Exhausted from their tag team effort last week, John & Dave take the week off, but fortunately, Jennifer Wagner and Alvin Trusty step in at the last minute to co-host with Jen & Jeff. Items covered include copyright and fair use, tools for the geographically challenged, student kindles, plenty of Myplick references, and lots more.
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
18:54:30 Alvin Trusty -> Where do I skype?
18:54:47 JL -> skype 'worldbridges'
18:57:02 JL -> Hey JDub
18:57:27 JenW -> Hey JL
18:57:34 JL -> wanna join in as a guest host?
18:57:47 JenW -> sure -- let me grab my headphones
18:58:05 JL -> cool - skype 'worldbridges' when ready
18:58:08 JenW -> and find some links?? or do you have them??
18:58:29 JL -> BYOL or steal others :)
18:58:40 JenW -> I shall byol
18:58:46 JenW -> let me start skype
19:03:19 mrsdurff -> hi Mac!
19:03:41 mrsdurff -> my clock says 7:03
19:03:51 Sarah S -> Thanks, no I'm multitasking. :)
19:03:55 JenW -> its 4:03 in CA -- so we are early
19:03:56 mrsdurff -> sure
19:04:08 mrsdurff -> no thanks
19:04:17 mrsdurff -> i'm cooking
19:04:33 mrsdurff -> Mexican cassoroloe
19:04:47 mrsdurff -> tastes better than spelling
19:05:29 Rene -> -Puentes al Mundo: !topic 123
19:07:02 Pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: parece que no sale mi imagen
19:07:21 Rene -> -Puentes al Mundo: Solo puedo ver el logotipo que has configurado.
19:07:30 Rene -> -Puentes al Mundo: La imagen de los arboles.
19:07:47 JenM -> Bonk's Web 2.0 Class: http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk/Syllabus_R685_Fall_of_2008.htm
19:08:21 Pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: s'
19:08:25 Pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: si
19:08:28 Pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: si
19:08:59 JL -> http://addthis.com/
19:10:01 JenW -> http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/arthur_benjamin_does_mathemagic.html
19:11:02 Alvin Trusty -> http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/08/judge-copyright.html
19:14:01 Pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: salgo de aqui
19:14:07 JenM -> Commoncraft at SXSW: http://www.commoncraft.com/help-us-speak-sxsw ... and ... http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/ideas/view/836
19:15:14 JenW -> what is south by southwest??
19:15:18 JL -> http://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/shows/detail3755.html# http://www.internetevolution.com/author.asp?section_id=466&doc_id=161919& http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=anatomy-of-a-social-hack
19:15:50 JoseRodriguez -> @JenW a conference
19:16:00 JenW -> LOL I figured that out :)
19:16:20 JoseRodriguez -> it is south of southwest :-)
19:16:32 JenW -> ahhh I thought it was north of the northeast??
19:17:00 JoseRodriguez -> probably close to my house
19:17:01 JenW -> :)
19:17:26 JoseRodriguez -> or webcast
19:17:44 JoseRodriguez -> yeah arvind was there
19:17:46 JenW -> http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games.htm
19:17:54 JoseRodriguez -> cool
19:18:23 mrsdurff -> i am geographically challenged
19:18:38 renetv -> -Puentes al Mundo: Buen Día Jose.
19:18:50 mrsdurff -> i've heard of that
19:18:58 mrsdurff -> i lived there
19:19:39 Steve_K -> Could someone share the link to the stream? Thanks.
19:19:46 renetv -> -Puentes al Mundo: Estoy hacien pruebas
19:19:49 Alvin Trusty -> http://www.chillingeffects.org
19:19:51 JoseRodriguez -> or just send flat stanly around
19:19:58 mrsdurff -> it should begin automatically
19:20:03 JenW -> which link??
19:20:35 JoseRodriguez -> What's your project page link @jdub
19:20:45 JenW -> projectsbyjen.ning.com
19:20:50 JenW -> that is the GROUP
19:20:59 JenW -> http://www.jenuinetech.com is the main site
19:21:00 Steve_K -> UStream, if you're using it tonight.
19:21:12 JoseRodriguez -> Thanks, these are always fun. will try to participate in more this year
19:21:15 JenW -> ahhh -- I don' believe we are Steve
19:21:30 JoseRodriguez -> I am listening on ustream right now
19:21:48 JenM -> Kindle Student Version: http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/08/23/amazon-confirms-student-version-of-... ... and ... http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?ie=UTF8&nodeId=20014...
19:22:09 JenW -> really??? Hmmmmm
19:22:17 JenW -> can you help SteveK then??
19:22:19 JenW -> thanks
19:22:51 JoseRodriguez -> Hi James
19:23:06 JoseRodriguez -> Hi Rene...
19:23:28 JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: Hola Rene
19:23:36 JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: We are in Edtechtalk room
19:23:41 JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: if you want to join us.
19:23:54 Cathy E -> $536.00 for text books for a semester- just did it
19:24:13 Cathy E -> my daughter
19:24:16 JL -> http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-textbook18-2008aug18,0,4712858.s...
19:24:32 mrsdurff -> your daughter but mom paid
19:24:38 mrsdurff -> right Cathy?
19:24:39 Cathy E -> yep
19:24:40 JL -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EdTechTalk http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Cite&page=EdTechTalk&i... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citing_Wikipedia
19:25:46 JoseRodriguez -> cool,.... wikipedia is a great source of info I encourage use with my students
19:25:58 JenW -> http://www.stainedglasscollage.com/?feature=1
19:26:24 Alvin Trusty -> http://slideology.com/
19:26:48 JoseRodriguez -> enphasis on the word legal
19:27:23 JenW -> :) always with that emphasis
19:28:08 JenM -> Microst Office Suite: http://www.microsoft.com/student/discounts/theultimatesteal-us/default.aspx
19:28:45 JoseRodriguez -> OpenOffice has a better price
19:29:03 mrsdurff -> and Jose likes that price
19:29:17 JoseRodriguez -> our school macs come with office pre-loaded.
19:29:23 JL -> http://www.myplick.com/view/7lBHXSzQe4s/Tips-for-Podcasting http://www.myplick.com/
19:29:24 JenW -> just loaded Ope Office on my new HP
19:29:47 JoseRodriguez -> last pc I store bought MS Office was over a hundred bucks, ouch
19:30:02 JL -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/26531262@N02/sets/72157605203585551/
19:30:25 JoseRodriguez -> slidecasting?
19:30:53 JoseRodriguez -> I just heard of flickr audio seems pretty cool
19:31:26 JL -> http://www.slideshare.net/jboutelle/slidecasting-101/
19:31:39 JL -> (slidecasting = slideshare + audio)
19:31:42 JenW -> http://www.teachersfirst.com/index.cfm
19:31:57 JoseRodriguez -> Thanks @JL
19:32:07 Alvin Trusty -> http://resipsablog.com/2008/08/23/become-an-efficient-researcher-top-twe...
19:33:01 JenM -> EdTech Research: http://www.pbs.org/teachers/learning.now/2008/08/new_national_center_for...
19:33:52 JoseRodriguez -> OK folks, gotta run. It's been fun... bye
19:33:59 JenW -> see you jose
19:34:19 JL -> http://www.getmooh.com/index.asp http://yearbookyourself.com/ http://cbs3.com/local/kimberly.jernigan.second.2.801089.html
19:34:55 JenW -> I did yearbook myself - and had a good laugh
19:35:47 mrsdurff -> kidnap?
19:35:50 JenW -> http://www.aussiebloggers.com.au/blogpost.html
19:36:16 JenM -> Popular Websites for Kids: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/most_popular_websites_for_kids.php ... and ... http://www.nielsen-netratings.com/pr/pr_080815_UK.pdf
19:36:30 Alvin Trusty -> http://tineye.com
19:38:23 mrsdurff -> jen is sooo with it
19:38:41 mrsdurff -> I heard of stardoll - c'mon jen
19:39:05 JL -> http://www.personalizemedia.com/2008-metaverse-tour-video-the-social-vir...
19:39:23 mrsdurff -> i heard that jl
19:39:34 JL -> http://www.tweetdeck.com/beta/
19:40:28 JenW -> http://www.mrscarosclass.com/powerpoints.htm
19:41:11 JenW -> http://www.mrscarosclass.com/powerpoints.htm
19:41:19 JenW -> http://play.typeracer.com/
19:41:30 sr -> where is the audio stream please
19:41:45 Alvin Trusty -> http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/17717
19:41:46 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/live (ustream)
19:42:02 JL -> if it doesn't play automatically, click paly
19:42:10 mrsdurff -> time to walk away
19:42:27 JenW -> are the olympics over yet???
19:42:59 JenM -> Blog Action Day: http://www.anchormast.com/2008/08/17/blog-action-day-2008-get-ready/ ... and ... http://blogactionday.org/
19:43:49 JL -> http://www.metafilter.com/74318/US-Presidential-Campaign-Videos
19:44:10 JL -> http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/
19:44:39 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/node/3262
19:45:48 JenW -> http://njtechteacher.blogspot.com/2008/03/make-way-for-ducklings-on-goog...
19:46:24 Alvin Trusty -> http://www.myplick.com/
19:47:20 JenM -> http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/20080824
19:48:09 JL -> http://educon21.wikispaces.com/
19:49:29 sr -> new to me LOL
19:49:40 Jason R -> Greetings.
19:49:49 JenM -> tag "for:edtechtalk" to add a link for next week
19:50:08 Sarah S -> Some of the Learning conf is in SL ahead of time too.
19:50:32 JenM -> For Jeff: http://www.darcynorman.net/2008/08/19/mollom-just-got-punted/
19:51:13 Sarah S -> Sounds very un-conference-like - open to lots of suggestions.
19:54:35 Jason R -> night
19:54:42 Cathy E -> night
19:54:47 JenM -> night!
19:54:57 sroseman -> goodnight and good luck
20:00:09 DaveC -> Arg, it was 7:00 (EST) not 8:00 wasn't it ....
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