EdTechWeekly #86
JenM - Mon, 2008-07-21 11:35
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EdTechWeekly #86
July 20, 2008
19:01:01 Scott Shelhart -> 6 pm in Indiana.....
19:01:02 justinreeve -> howdy
19:01:04 mrsdurff -> hi justin
19:01:12 justinreeve -> hey Mrs. D
19:01:17 Scott Shelhart -> @Durff More chicken (on the grill)
19:01:17 ds -> gotta go rent Fargo
19:01:24 ds -> 4 o'clock
19:04:05 dave -> http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/
19:05:37 dave -> http://edugrids.org/book/kmason/4-1430-kim-mason-dasher
19:06:43 JenM -> minilaptop: http://www.msimobile.com/WhereToBuy.aspx ... and ... http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/msi-wind-u100-002la/4505-3121_7-33132899... ... and ... http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20080714PD219.html
19:06:47 mrsdurff -> yeah John!
19:06:52 mrsdurff -> hi jenw
19:06:59 ds -> JDub, in the house
19:07:10 ds -> woohoo JS
19:07:22 JenWagner -> Saw the ASUS yesterday -- I think that is what it is called. It was very cool
19:07:42 JenWagner -> first time I ever played with LINUX
19:08:10 ds -> Hi Kevin, welcome
19:08:17 kevinh -> Hello
19:08:23 kevinh -> Right room?
19:08:25 ds -> audio available by clicking on speaker icon for EdTechTalk A
19:08:29 mrsdurff -> yes'
19:08:30 ds -> yes this is the right room
19:08:41 JohnS -> eee User Wiki: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ and Nifty Tools for your Asus eeePC: http://www.linux.com/feature/141099
19:09:23 Scott Shelhart -> FYI, stream worked automatic on this show. Several had trouble on other shows today.
19:09:35 JenWagner -> Yes, @johns -- it was out of the box ready...........and I liked the tabs at the top. I thought they were student friendly
19:09:37 ds -> thanks for feedback Scott
19:09:49 justinreeve -> that's pretty sweet
19:09:55 justinreeve -> I've been wanting to find an excuse to get an Eee
19:10:10 ds -> I love my eeepc--great little machines
19:10:24 mrsdurff -> why dave?
19:10:25 ds -> Hi Karen, welcome
19:10:33 KarenJan -> Hi, durff and Jen!
19:10:37 KarenJan -> Hi, ds
19:10:42 mrsdurff -> hi
19:10:42 JenWagner -> I will purchase one when the screen is larger
19:10:46 Alvin Trusty -> My iPod Touch fits in my pocket... and does my email.
19:11:07 KarenJan -> how are they for students
19:11:15 KarenJan -> Hi, shelia!
19:11:21 JenWagner -> @johnschinker -- Barbara Barreda bought a bunch for her school. Maybe later I can connect you and her
19:11:27 mrsdurff -> amazing
19:11:29 sheila -> Hi Karen!
19:11:39 dave -> http://www.jumpcut.com/
19:11:44 ds -> for the past couple of weeks, I've been restricted to Blackberry and eeepc access mostly--keyboard on eeepc takes some getting used to, but gets better with time
19:11:51 ds -> "...this time" lol
19:11:53 JohnS -> We bought some for sixth graders
19:12:06 dave -> http://edugrids.org/book/kwmuirhead/5-1300-ken-muirhead-uploading-editin...
19:12:08 sheila -> @MrsDurff - Did you sleep at all?
19:12:13 KarenJan -> perfect, i have some flip video from BLC and wondered how I could edit it
19:12:20 ds -> hey Cathy, how is FLA?
19:12:42 Cathy E -> FL is hot
19:12:43 JenWagner -> DS == Doug or Debbie??
19:12:50 ds -> dougsymington
19:12:58 JenWagner -> ahhhh :) Hey Doug
19:13:01 KarenJan -> can you embed video in wikis or blogs?
19:13:01 Scott Shelhart -> last link = access denied
19:13:10 dave -> @karen yes
19:13:17 KarenJan -> thanx
19:13:39 JenWagner -> @karenJan -- I know you can in PBWiki --- and Wordpress
19:13:59 Cathy E -> @karen and wikispaces
19:14:14 JohnS -> Tips for Standardizing Your IT Infrastructure: http://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/techplan/page9439.cfm?rss=1
19:14:19 justinreeve -> in older versions of WordPress, embedding is disabled, but it's allowed in the later ones
19:14:36 JenM -> test your web design: http://browsershots.org/ ... and ... http://browsershots.org/http://www.edtechtalk.com/
19:16:00 dave -> http://ed366h.wetpaint.com/?t=anon
19:16:27 JenWagner -> Really? I could NOT figure out wetpaint -- and I tried and tried. I could not customize it
19:17:10 JenWagner -> should I give it 3rd time??
19:17:15 mrsdurff -> I am figuring it out for a classs
19:17:22 mrsdurff -> makes me do it
19:17:44 JenWagner -> I did not have to figure out Wikispaces or PBWiki --- maybe that is why I fought WetPaint....PERSONALLY, I had to figure it out
19:17:45 dave -> http://edugrids.org/book/cmmyer/2-1300-colleen-myer-using-wiki-organize-...
19:17:46 JenM -> The Open Classroom - some examples ... http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/514
19:18:24 Scott Shelhart -> edugrids .org link........access denied again
19:18:41 dave -> @Scott yes... it will be access denied until later this week
19:18:46 ds -> @Scott some of the sites listed will be opened this week
19:18:52 dave -> just setting it up for the podcast
19:18:55 ds -> once permissions have been secured
19:18:56 Scott Shelhart -> ok...thanks
19:19:11 JohnS -> Open Source Assistive Technology Software: http://www.oatsoft.org/
19:20:35 dave -> http://ltc.umanitoba.ca/wiki/Connectivism_Planning_Page
19:20:45 mrsdurff -> hi JimP
19:20:51 JimPAX -> Hello.
19:21:17 KarenJan -> thank u for including AT software! it's too often overlooked
19:21:22 JenWagner -> -1 I decided NOT to do it. Will be able to read all about it on blogs and twitter
19:22:06 mrsdurff -> Is Elluminate even that big?
19:22:33 JenWagner -> were they going to use Elluminate???
19:23:00 mrsdurff -> oh, i thought so
19:23:07 mrsdurff -> hi jspence
19:23:11 ds -> was gonna say, just like WalMart . re scale
19:23:21 jspence -> Hi mrsdurff
19:23:22 JenWagner -> it would be interesting to see how they break up the groups
19:23:27 JenWagner -> VERY INTERESTING
19:23:58 JenWagner -> invite all 1,000 attendees
19:24:11 JenWagner -> you can opt for grades
19:24:37 JenWagner -> how many people do you really think will do this???
19:24:47 JenWagner -> how many do you think just joined because it WAS the thing to do
19:25:06 ds -> JDub, you think so
19:25:11 KarenJan -> i joined to gain from the wisdom of Stephen and George
19:25:19 JenWagner -> I think they need to realize a lot of people it was just the "TOOL OF THE WEEK"
19:25:23 ds -> sheep-like behaviour, in the edu-verse?
19:25:39 JenWagner -> LOL -- at DS -- smiles, I do --- but I was thinking lemmings -- not sheep
19:25:49 ds -> baaaaa
19:25:57 JenWagner -> :) what do you think??
19:26:00 KarenJan -> where else can you have a free opportunity to learn from those two who are so respected in education circles
19:26:03 mrsdurff -> 600? wow
19:26:22 JenWagner -> Will it stay open or is it a one session thing and then poof, it closes??
19:26:29 ds -> think it's great to have the problem of #s
19:26:37 ds -> relevant to what we do
19:26:58 KarenJan -> this is one tool that has value - advancing our own thinking and knowledge
19:27:04 ds -> scalability and sustainability are two key elements to all ID and delivery
19:27:21 ds -> or should be
19:27:23 JenWagner -> @ds -- I remember when my project jumped from 200 registrants to 1,000 -- but there was NOT a great deal of interaction other than emails.
19:27:29 JenM -> Firefox add on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1941
19:27:38 mrsdurff -> they need to offer course to smaller groups repeatedly
19:27:43 JenWagner -> all I had was to update the webpage -- they have a MUCH bigger job
19:27:50 ds -> many of those enrolled aren't liable to be "wallflowers"
19:27:59 dave -> i'll be a wallflower
19:28:00 JenWagner -> do we have a list of enrollees??
19:28:09 dave -> quiet... slip into the background kinda guy
19:28:21 JohnS -> SMS Poll: http://www.smspoll.net/
19:28:24 ds -> @dave--that's what I was thinking
19:28:27 mrsdurff -> Does FF3 have all the good add-ons yet?
19:28:34 JenWagner -> I just hope it goes well -- because our network has not been kind to things that don't go perfect
19:28:58 mrsdurff -> no one is perfect
19:29:01 ds -> the network needs to get a grip > "if you're not part of the solution...."
19:29:14 mrsdurff -> pollyeverywhere
19:29:28 JohnS -> http://www.smashingapps.com/2008/07/18/13-most-unusual-search-engines-yo...
19:29:29 KarenJan -> do you know about the Click,Speak FF add-on for text-to-speech for students who struggle with reading?
19:29:31 mrsdurff -> not polly, poll
19:29:58 mrsdurff -> does it work with FF3?
19:30:03 KarenJan -> yes
19:30:27 sheila -> @KarenJan - good to know.
19:31:26 dave -> http://edugrids.org/book/susan/5-1400-susan-yeo-davison-class-cookbook-u...
19:31:42 mrsdurff -> it's the connections
19:32:36 KarenJan -> @sheila - has a toolbar so it's always available, too
19:32:42 ds -> cut and paste > old school, love it
19:32:42 sheila -> life skills at our school
19:32:45 JenWagner -> making it work exactly how she needed it ---
19:33:05 mrsdurff -> oh dear
19:33:17 ds -> yikes
19:33:21 mrsdurff -> hi alec
19:33:23 sheila -> blood and guts!
19:33:28 ds -> "don't do that" vifdeos, gotta love it
19:33:30 mrsdurff -> and gore
19:33:33 bmuench -> i need these kinds of ideas to pass on to my teachers!
19:33:35 ds -> Hey Alec
19:33:42 courosa -> hey all
19:33:58 dave -> yo ac
19:34:04 JenM -> Edu 2.0 Backlash? ... http://www.dumbestgeneration.com/welcome.html ... and ... http://www.edge.org/discourse/carr_google.html
19:34:15 ds -> welcome back, btw -- loved hearing 'bout your exploits in Greece
19:34:15 dave -> pat pat
19:34:41 mrsdurff -> who pats me on the back?
19:34:51 courosa -> @ds Greece was amazing, if you ever need a tour let me know.
19:34:53 dave -> pat pat
19:35:03 mrsdurff -> thank you dave
19:35:13 ds -> love to be able to take you up on that one day--never been
19:35:14 mrsdurff -> however sarcastic that is
19:35:41 courosa -> @ds thekyleguy got the one day version on Corfu, it was so much fun.
19:35:43 KarenJan -> @courosa - how was the conference itself?
19:35:57 ds -> very cool
19:36:02 courosa -> @KarenJan poor. :-(
19:36:07 KarenJan -> they will probably be the most flexible generation of all
19:36:35 mrsdurff -> why courosa?\
19:36:40 KarenJan -> @courosa - too bad - sounded like it had great potential. How would you have improved it?
19:36:54 JenWagner -> A college professor said the same thing to me about spell check
19:37:29 KarenJan -> @jen - there have always been poor spellers, now they can have greater success for the first time
19:37:29 ds -> was gonna say, take it from someone living in the land of "newlyweds and nearly deads" age--or presence or lack thereof--is not related to one's
"level of stupidity"
19:37:51 scott s -> our school has a grade 3 teacher that tells her students to rely on spell on spellcheck
19:37:57 JohnS -> Wordpress Theme Generator: http://www.yvoschaap.com/wpthemegen/ and Do Template: http://www.dotemplate.com/
19:37:58 JenWagner -> @karenjan -- I used the excuse that my spell check was broken and that is why there were so many errors. He tapped my head and said "Is this spell checker broken"
19:38:04 courosa -> @mrsdurff @KarenJan Too much poorly presented material, reading from PowerPOint, and most of the people lost in the 1990's
19:38:13 JenWagner -> @karen -- I agree with you -- but I know I could have done better and was using an excuse
19:38:19 scott s -> gotta ren....bye
19:38:22 KarenJan -> death by ppt, ugh!
19:38:23 courosa -> awww ... thanks for the Jen :-)
19:38:38 JohnS -> Wordpress Theme Gen: http://www.wordpressthemegen.com/
19:38:38 dave -> jen loves all the western canadian boys
19:38:42 JenM -> @alec :)
19:38:44 dave -> or should that be boyz
19:39:01 JenWagner -> Ohhh more themes to wander through :)
19:39:05 courosa -> beware the easterner boyz
19:39:06 bmuench -> will it work with edublogs?
19:39:21 dave -> https://secure.logmein.com/home.asp?lang=en
19:39:46 KarenJan -> @courosa - disappointing for you, I'm sure but did you get to spend time with family?
19:39:52 Cathy E -> I love logmein - I use it all the time
19:40:07 JenWagner -> CLAPPING -- I can make my OWN template --- instead of tweaking somone else's -- thanks JOHN!!!
19:40:29 Alvin Trusty -> I use Hamachi (owned by LogMeIn) and VNC on my machines. Very secure.
19:41:05 ds -> love the anecdotes re practical use of tools
19:41:24 courosa -> @KarenJan I did get to see my relatives, and met some great people. I have the opportunity to help 'fix' the conference, but I would rather create 'our' own than fix an existing one. Time for a European unconference.
19:41:31 JenWagner -> Yes, we do VPN's at my work
19:41:32 JenM -> More on learning and design ... http://innovatingeducation.wordpress.com/2008/07/09/critical-thinking-no... ... and ... http://www.city-journal.org/html/8_2_a1.html
19:41:38 Alvin Trusty -> Hamachi is free.
19:42:19 ds -> @courosa let me know when you're planning unconf EU -- have some contacts who would love to model/participate
19:42:40 KarenJan -> @courosa - was at BLC this week where there were many from Canada & Australia but few from Europe other than England - there IS a need for an European unconference
19:43:12 courosa -> @KarenJan I agree, huge disconnect, we could learn from them and vice versa.
19:43:23 kevinh -> me too!
19:43:33 mrsdurff -> did he teach them anything?
19:43:37 courosa -> @ds If there were enough interest, I'd put some haste on the idea.
19:44:32 KarenJan -> would anyone go to a 55 y.o Dr. who refused to keep uptodate with the research and tech?
19:44:42 ds -> @courosa coolio--think it's a great idea
19:44:44 mrsdurff -> nt I
19:44:47 JimPAX -> And even then, you're depending on some other person's authority for the information.
19:45:13 courosa -> that is pretty interesting for teacher education ... is that a big piece of what we should do now? Have all new teachers build a ed. network? Should that be mandatory?
19:45:31 courosa -> Can introverts be good teachers?
19:45:46 ds -> think that network for teachers would go a long way to stemming the high turnover
19:45:49 kevinh -> They are good at not intruding maybe.
19:45:50 mrsdurff -> who is an introvert?
19:46:11 mrsdurff -> oh I know, dave is
19:46:14 ds -> haven't heard the latest numbers, but understand that new teachers are opting out in growing numbers
19:46:37 ds -> "not in this alone" might help to mitigate attrition
19:46:40 KarenJan -> i keep meeting people who are getting into teaching as a second career
19:46:44 courosa -> @ds And some never even make the classroom, the B.Ed is much more transferable than it used to be.
19:46:58 mrsdurff -> B.Ed.?
19:47:04 ds -> bachelor of ed
19:47:12 mrsdurff -> is that Canadian?
19:47:28 mrsdurff -> I just got a B.A.
19:47:42 courosa -> @mrsdurff not sure, i thought there was an American equiv.
19:47:59 courosa -> My Faculty has a 4yr B.Ed
19:48:12 mrsdurff -> not a M.Ed?
19:48:21 courosa -> after the B.Ed
19:48:28 JohnS -> Clippy Office Assistant Image Generator: http://www.imagegenerator.net/create/clippy/
19:48:40 courosa -> thanks Jen
19:48:42 mrsdurff -> but shouldn't college faculty have that?
19:48:53 JenWagner -> CLIPPY -- I had missed CLIPPY!!!
19:48:57 mrsdurff -> they do in USA
19:49:05 JenM -> All of our links from tonight ... http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/20080720
19:49:14 JohnS -> Mine: http://tinyurl.com/5gv6c4
19:49:18 JenWagner -> I used DOT more than CLIPPY though
19:49:28 courosa -> @mrsdurff Professors need a PhD, but may have a M.Ed, or M.A if they are in an Instructor position.
19:49:38 JimPAX -> This may be the funniest thing I've seen today. . .
19:49:54 JenM -> to add links "for:edtechtalk"
19:49:57 JenWagner -> POST SHOW??
19:50:15 JenM -> edtechtalk
19:50:16 ds -> welcome, thanks JMad--big shoes to fill
19:50:19 kevinh -> Thanks
19:50:27 JenWagner -> P O S T S H O W
19:50:34 JenM -> I hope I can come back :(
19:50:34 mrsdurff -> POSTSHOW!
19:50:37 sheila -> Thanks to all!
19:50:48 ds -> great show -- EdTechWeekly rocks!
19:51:02 JenM -> "WE WANT DOUG" ... "NO MORE JENM"
19:51:10 ds -> lol
19:51:31 achristopher -> Thanks all! I enjoyed my first visit!
19:51:50 ds -> excellent, please come back soon!
19:52:01 JenM -> please come back when Jeff is here ... he is the best one :)
19:52:21 mrsdurff -> come back soon achristopher
19:53:46 achristopher -> will do :-)
19:54:12 courosa -> yes!
19:54:27 mrsdurff -> yeah courosa!
19:54:31 sheila -> Just talking with a teacher who knows she has to step out of her comfort zone, but still hasn't done it. . . .
19:55:12 mrsdurff -> i blasted out of my confort zone
19:55:37 JenWagner -> ahhh WOW2 is off until the 19th of Ast
19:55:42 JenWagner -> AUG
19:55:48 JenWagner -> and hmmm why the echo
19:56:00 courosa -> what kind of accent was thave dave?
19:56:11 mrsdurff -> bye bonnie too
19:56:13 ds -> great show all
19:56:16 kevinh -> cya
19:56:18 ds -> thanks
19:56:23 JenM -> nite!!!!
19:56:25 JenM -> thank you!!!
19:56:35 ds -> woohoo beer and volume--good combo
19:56:52 mrsdurff -> night ye all
19:56:56 JohnS -> how was audio? Did we do all right?
19:57:07 JenM -> "we"?
19:57:09 ds -> excellent audio
19:57:12 JenM -> "you"!
19:57:15 JohnS -> we.
19:57:25 JohnS -> The people who participated in our fearless leader's absence.
19:57:51 ds -> take care all
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