EdTechWeekly #85

EdTechWeekly #85
July 13, 2008

19:03:45 dave -> http://test.elgg.org/
19:03:56 mrsdurff -> hi gisele
19:03:59 mrsdurff -> hi kim
19:04:26 JenWagner -> asking for logon..... 
19:06:01 mrsdurff -> hey sheila
19:06:21 sheila -> Hi Mrs. Durff
19:06:42 PeggyG -> Is this the only ETT show that uses ustream audio?
19:06:51 JenWagner -> only a few people use ellg but can't even think offhand how they are
19:06:55 JenWagner -> in EdTech
19:07:03 JenWagner -> does Sharon???
19:07:09 JL -> The only one that uses it consistently for now
19:07:16 JenWagner -> I think Sharon did or does
19:07:16 PeggyG -> Thanks Jen. Just curious.
19:07:27 JenM -> GLS: http://www.ncs-tech.org/?p=1368 ... and ... http://www.glsconference.org/2008/program.html ... and ... http://hosted.mediasite.com/hosted4/Catalog/front.aspx?cid=b8aa7b8a-fac1...
19:07:37 mrsdurff -> I like that comment JenM
19:08:13 JenWagner -> JEN _- I will be Madison on March 22 - 24th
19:08:15 PeggyG -> WOW-looks like some great videos from the Wisconsin conference. Thanks
19:08:42 PeggyG -> We use Mediasite at ASU-West. Very nice
19:08:53 JL -> http://www.freebase.com/
19:09:06 dave -> ahh... repost from dave
19:09:12 PeggyG -> Yes Sonic Foundry-they provided funding for the PDS program in AZ
19:09:12 JenM -> @jw ... cool!
19:09:26 gisele1 -> i keep getting bounced out... i'm sorry
19:09:34 JohnS -> NECC 2008 Webcasts: http://www.kzowebcasting.com/necc/  and 70 Signs of Intelligent Life at YouTube: http://www.oculture.com/2008/07/70_signs_of_intelligent_life_at_youtube....
19:10:05 alicemercer -> Howdy all
19:10:15 PeggyG -> Someone on the Necc Ning was asking is there is a RSS feed for the webcasts. Anyone know? I couldn't find any feeds.
19:10:19 mrsdurff -> hey alice
19:11:16 JenWagner -> Peggy -- I don't think there is at NECC -- but you can RSS Will's ustream link and Kevin's -- etc
19:11:20 JenWagner -> through ustream
19:11:21 alicemercer -> Hmm, I think that they don't want to do it
19:11:33 PeggyG -> Did you all know you can create YouTube groups to share your favorite YouTube videos via a URL? I discovered that about a month ago and it's great!
19:11:47 alicemercer -> Share when we figure it out?
19:12:02 mrsdurff -> hey paul
19:12:03 PeggyG -> That's the problem with the NECC webcasts. Can't download them. :-(
19:12:10 dave -> http://beth.typepad.com/beths_blog/2008/07/networked-commu.html
19:12:16 alicemercer -> Hi Paul, do you know if we can d/l Necc video/audio?
19:12:30 paulrwood -> Hello
19:13:17 PeggyG -> Great to have new wiki resources!
19:13:23 mrsdurff -> hi kim - you're back
19:13:37 kcaise -> thank you - hope my connection problems are over
19:14:07 mrsdurff -> dave loves that!
19:14:09 PeggyG -> That looks like a really valuable wiki resource! Can't wait to explore it!
19:14:10 alicemercer -> Man, insufferable!
19:14:19 JenM -> The short life of PLURK? http://mashable.com/2008/07/13/plurk-statistics/
19:14:29 mrsdurff -> short?
19:14:38 mrsdurff -> what happened to it?
19:14:51 JenWagner -> demise of plurk???
19:14:58 JenWagner -> ha ----   :)
19:15:01 PeggyG -> I just watched the screencast done by Liz Davis (I think) re Plurk. Very helpful but haven't started using it yet.
19:15:09 mrsdurff -> well i never liked it anyway
19:15:26 gisele1 -> has anyone used Glogster?
19:15:28 alicemercer -> Yeah, who is happy with twitter?
19:15:37 JL -> http://utterz.com/
19:15:39 mrsdurff -> utterz
19:15:58 alicemercer -> Yeah, heard it is good on mobile, which is what I'm looking for
19:16:14 JL -> http://grou.ps/introduction.php
19:16:26 JL -> http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/06/29/groups-pulls-in-11-million-opens-up...
19:16:31 alicemercer -> Cause only 10-20% go to new spot, and if the network won't move...
19:16:52 JL -> https://privnote.com/
19:17:02 kcaise -> ning isnt open source?
19:17:14 alicemercer -> BUT, I note today that twitter on IM is not working, and I can't set up a new hashtag, suggesting it is working, but barely
19:17:15 mrsdurff -> hey jenW
19:17:22 mrsdurff -> again
19:17:27 JenW -> please drop that link agazin
19:17:28 JenW -> again
19:17:31 JenW -> :)
19:17:42 JohnS -> Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video: http://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/resources/publications/fair_use_in_o...
19:17:49 JenW -> the plurk site kicked me off ett
19:18:04 mrsdurff -> Jen https://privnote.com/
19:18:15 mrsdurff -> that one?
19:18:24 JenW -> Thanks Lisa -- I won't use it with you  promise
19:18:32 kcaise -> @jenw: why/how did plurk kick you off
19:18:36 alicemercer -> Oh yeah, Kristen Hokanson <sp?> did a great talk at Unplugged about this
19:18:38 mrsdurff -> hi mrscoggin
19:18:52 JenW -> not sure
19:18:58 paulrwood -> If you click on view podcast on the NECC website it kicks you over to the Apple Learning Interchange and you can send podcasts to iTunes
19:19:00 dave -> http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2008/07/microscope-acqu.html
19:19:10 JenW -> That privnot is very very scary
19:19:11 mrsdurff -> that could keep up with JenW
19:19:23 mrsdurff -> hi Cathy
19:19:50 Cathy E -> Hello All
19:20:08 mrsdurff -> big brother is watching you
19:20:08 JenW -> Hi CathyE
19:20:28 mrsdurff -> and he does not like rhizomes
19:20:34 mrsdurff -> hi beth!
19:20:34 paulrwood -> did Big Brother ever stop watching?
19:20:48 mrsdurff -> sound on ETT A
19:20:56 JenW -> I found the horizontal plurk very very hard to keep up with -- but found the strands of plurk interesting to read (like the themes)
19:21:10 mrsdurff -> or not?
19:21:15 JenW -> hmmm -- in the movie Home Alone there was a storm too
19:21:18 JenM -> an alternative for tinyurl: http://bit.ly/go
19:21:19 PeggyG -> Thunderstorm is moving in here in AZ too--all black outside
19:21:23 mrsdurff -> really?
19:21:33 JenW -> no -- just trying to spook Jen
19:21:35 mrsdurff -> hi gcwebster
19:21:42 Beth Holmes -> Hi,mrsdurff! Thank you for posting this to Twitter. I learn a lot from you!
19:21:50 mrsdurff -> shhh
19:21:55 mrsdurff -> don't tell anyone
19:21:58 gcwebster -> hi mrsdurff
19:22:06 mrsdurff -> they may want me to do something
19:22:26 paulrwood -> I have spent more time with Mrsdurff today than I have spent with myself
19:22:31 mrsdurff -> Linda!
19:22:48 mrsdurff -> paul - that IS sad
19:22:49 PeggyG -> Do you have a link for Leo LaPort's coverage of the iphone?
19:23:00 JenW -> did you see TwitABit???
19:23:02 JL -> http://blogs.pcworld.com/staffblog/archives/007215.html
19:23:10 gcwebster -> I suddenly have audio
19:23:11 paulrwood -> not sad just learning lots
19:23:13 JenW -> Firefox
19:23:16 mrsdurff -> Flock
19:23:19 JenW -> Netscape
19:23:25 LindaN -> Hi All!
19:23:37 mrsdurff -> FF crashes all the time
19:23:39 JenW -> Hi Linda
19:23:45 JenM -> @peggyG ... it was a live so, but I'm not sure where the media is ... it was a 24 hour live coverage :)  For real!!
19:23:48 PeggyG -> Wonder if that also applies to Flock since it's also Mozilla??
19:23:49 JenW -> FF3 is crashing all the time for me and freezing too
19:23:50 JL -> http://royal.pingdom.com/?p=318
19:23:55 kcaise -> i agree - not as many problems with flock
19:23:56 LindaN -> Hi Jen!
19:24:04 alicemercer -> Lisa, IE crashes more
19:24:06 JenW -> Can we take a vote here???
19:24:14 mrsdurff -> now now jen
19:24:17 JenW -> WE NEED A SURVEY NOW!!!!
19:24:21 alicemercer -> I'm not on FF3
19:24:21 PeggyG -> @JenW-I had the same problem w FF# and went back to FF2 but mainly use Flock.
19:24:33 JenM -> :)
19:24:38 mrsdurff -> now now jen
19:24:44 mrsdurff -> breathe
19:24:45 JenW -> ohhhh then that data is irrelevant because it was not even
19:24:50 Cathy E -> Cause we are doing so many jobs
19:24:55 JenW -> ha      :)
19:25:06 LindaN ->  I didn't have enought courage to download FF3 after hearing all of the trouble people were having.
19:25:08 Cathy E -> yeah
19:25:10 gcwebster -> seriously, "should" I have audio for this room?
19:25:11 JenW -> can somene come teach me how to multitask??
19:25:12 JohnS -> Multicolr Search Lab: http://labs.ideeinc.com/multicolr/
19:25:16 Cathy E -> I don't have time for crashes
19:25:24 dave -> someone help uout gcwebster
19:25:25 JenW -> Instant Poll -- who agreed with the hypothesis on the last link??
19:25:27 gcwebster -> ok ... I see
19:25:34 mrsdurff -> gcwebster it played when i entered i believe
19:25:52 JenW -> GCWebster -- I had to click on the audio BEFORE I entered the chatroom
19:25:59 JenW -> it did not open right away for me
19:26:07 alicemercer -> It's good for teaching about color sense
19:26:09 dave -> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/manitoba/story/2008/07/07/row-rage.html
19:26:12 PeggyG -> LOL-Jen-who has time to read and chat at same time? You are the ultimate multitasker!
19:26:13 alicemercer -> And visual literacy
19:26:14 mrsdurff -> gcwebster - refresh
19:26:15 gcwebster -> i'm good now
19:26:22 gcwebster -> thanks
19:26:23 dave -> http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/motivator.php
19:26:26 mrsdurff -> then smile
19:26:40 paulrwood -> :D
19:27:27 PeggyG -> I love the motivational posters. I save all of my creations on Flickr so I can continue to share them.
19:27:28 alicemercer -> Haven't you done this before?
19:27:43 alicemercer -> Maybe it was on photojojo
19:27:45 JenW -> I have never seen that before -- HOW FUN!!!!
19:27:48 mrsdurff -> dave would love that - taunting
19:27:54 mrsdurff -> hi christine
19:28:01 JenW -> wondering who to pick on --- looking around the room
19:28:02 mrsdurff -> where is parisi?
19:28:05 Christine Southard -> Hi Durff
19:28:08 PeggyG -> That sounds like a great exercise! :-)
19:28:21 alicemercer -> Unit 1 for sixth grade is a unit on Perseverance, and I have them do ads
19:28:23 JohnS -> http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/wp-content/gallery/advice/fearless.jpg
19:28:28 PeggyG -> Photojojo always has excellent tips. Love their newsletter.
19:28:31 mrsdurff -> i am so glad he is not my teacher
19:28:48 JohnS -> http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/wp-content/gallery/advice/getwet.jpg   ...
http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/wp-content/gallery/advice/motivator612...   ...
19:28:48 Christine Southard -> Good question Durff. We're miles away from each other now.
19:29:06 mrsdurff -> audio?
19:29:09 PeggyG -> What a fun poster of Jeff in action! LOL!
19:29:12 JenW -> hmmmm
19:29:23 mrsdurff -> it is back
19:29:58 JenW -> JohnS -- that really made me laugh out loud -- the fearless one
19:30:00 mrsdurff -> the master on his own
19:30:01 PeggyG -> We should make some motivational posters for webcast academy. Has anyone done that?
19:30:06 mrsdurff -> never a problem
19:30:12 JenW -> I can see these on CAFEPRESS   :)
19:30:15 mrsdurff -> listen to the master at work
19:30:16 JenW -> buy a MUG
19:30:24 PeggyG -> I can still hear you.
19:30:28 JenW -> so do I???
19:30:36 JenW -> Is there a language problem at all???
19:30:36 Cathy E -> We hear you Jeff
19:30:51 JenW -> we lost about 2 minutes
19:31:00 mrsdurff -> babbling?
19:31:09 PeggyG -> I continue to hear Jeff.
19:31:17 JenM -> I am old now, so ... http://www.aarp.org/research/press-center/presscurrentnews/new_study_rel... ... and ... http://www.digitalcenter.org/pages/site_content.asp?intGlobalId=22
19:31:19 JenW -> I get it
19:31:25 JenW -> STRAWBERRIES
19:31:28 JenW -> delicious --- get it
19:31:34 JenW -> it has to do with FOOD
19:31:39 mrsdurff -> yum
19:31:41 dave -> thanks Jdub!!!
19:31:47 JenW -> <----has bifocals
19:31:52 mrsdurff -> she is getting old
19:32:05 mrsdurff -> JenM i mean
19:32:12 alicemercer -> A A R P, the letters, not ARP, ARP is what frat boys do
19:32:15 PeggyG -> AARP has some very interesting articles and videos :-) I'm in the club. :-)
19:32:34 Cathy E -> Jen- call them progressive (doen't sound as old)
19:32:38 mrsdurff -> yeah boomers
19:32:44 JenW -> <----is a boomer
19:32:59 Christine Southard -> My toddler and I skype w/ her Grandpa
19:33:01 JenW -> CathyE -- I could not afford progressive -- had to get the bifocals
19:33:07 PeggyG -> Did you hear the average at NECC was 40? Amazing!
19:33:20 JenW -> hmmmm that sounds low to me
19:33:25 JenW -> I would have thought about 47
19:33:25 alicemercer -> Bull frisbees?
19:33:30 mrsdurff -> if i could learn anyone could learn
19:33:42 mrsdurff -> case closed
19:33:47 alicemercer -> And not have a crazy professor?
19:33:58 JenW -> LOL -- do they pay to come??
19:34:04 alicemercer -> how many complaint letters will the dept chair get?
19:34:05 mrsdurff -> probably
19:34:13 Cathy E -> I'm with ya Durff _ If I can anybody can
19:34:20 mrsdurff -> does he want his  job?
19:34:26 JenW -> Hmmmm -- does he find joy in this??
19:34:28 JenW -> :)
19:34:30 alicemercer -> Hey, I'm not allowed to do that? I'm not supposed to leave ANYONE behind
19:34:55 JenW -> NALB???  
19:34:56 alicemercer -> Good SENSE they are showing
19:35:05 mrsdurff -> NCLB
19:35:27 JenW -> No Student Left Behind  -- unless you can't keep up.   :)
19:35:32 PeggyG -> http://universe.daylife.com/ Has anyone used this site? Amazing data visualization site-learned about it at SIGTE Forum at NECC.
19:35:37 kcaise -> are we talking adult learners or kids?
19:35:41 mrsdurff -> or are in dave's class
19:35:52 JenM -> @kcaise ... adults
19:35:55 kcaise -> ty
19:35:59 JenW -> go search them out -- bring them back!!!!!
19:36:27 mrsdurff -> they are scared to ask
19:36:37 PeggyG -> Sounds like many still need scaffolding.
19:36:47 mrsdurff -> maybe start a bit more slowly
19:36:52 mrsdurff -> he did say it
19:37:03 mrsdurff -> i didn't have to say it
19:37:15 JenW -> can I sign up for the class with an alias???   :)
19:37:24 JL -> http://news.google.com/archivesearch
19:37:29 mrsdurff -> but JenW
19:37:30 Sarah S -> The class sounds like lots of fun.
19:37:31 alicemercer -> This relates to a recent newspaper article on computer ed classes being underenrolled, even though there are "computer" jobs in area
19:37:35 PeggyG -> I like the UK alternative to NCLB--more positive--Every Child Matters.
19:37:37 mrsdurff -> you know these things
19:37:50 JenW -> yeah --- someone made a funny with the strawberry and delicious and you didn't even get it....   :)
19:37:51 Cathy E -> so if you lost 6 teacher - how many kids will not be exposed
19:38:06 Cathy E -> to the tools
19:38:08 JenW -> Well he said that 2 had to leave for other reasons
19:38:09 alicemercer -> And the class they were at in a COmmunity college had them using spreadsheets, I'm like THAT IS NOT COMPUTER SCIENCE!
19:38:10 mrsdurff -> don't tell him JenW
19:38:13 JenW -> so really only 4
19:38:42 kcaise -> @cathy e: i would think that if they couldn't hang the first week they wouldn't necessarily be exposing their students to the tools regardless of the class
19:38:43 Sarah S -> Better model the process and teaching style than condone the "powerpoint" delivery status quo.
19:38:45 JenW -> I would really really love it if GMAIL gave the option that you could see if MAIL had been read
19:38:53 JohnS -> Textbook Piracy Grows Online, Prompting a Counterattack From Publishers: http://chronicle.com/free/2008/07/3623n.htm  and Campus copyright battle moves to textbook torrents:
19:39:24 mrsdurff -> duh!
19:39:36 Cathy E -> @kcaise - I agree - but what do we do with those teachers
19:39:39 JenW -> We tried to sell textbooks on ebay -- and got kicked off -- especially when we tried to sell the teacher edition.  Actually, I was glad they did
19:39:45 alicemercer -> Well WHO WOULDN'T!
19:40:03 alicemercer -> I bought books i never used, and couldn't resell because they had a NEW Edition!
19:40:05 Alvin Trusty -> I have seen students print the books on university printers.
19:40:10 dave -> http://azureus.sourceforge.net/
19:40:10 mrsdurff -> jenW you get kicked out of everywhere
19:40:52 JenM -> livey anyone? http://www.lively.com/html/landing.html
19:40:56 JenW -> MrsDurff -- ahhhh, nope
19:41:04 JenW -> Lively -- scared me
19:41:08 Cathy E -> JenW- I did lively
19:41:12 PeggyG -> Lively is only for PCs- :-(
19:41:14 Cathy E -> didn't really like it
19:41:42 JenW -> I was disappointed with the fact that it had the ickiness and was associated with Google
19:42:03 JenW -> I guess I thought Google was a Family Kinda Business and found out -- NOPE, I was wrong
19:42:11 PeggyG -> Probably not a threat to SL...
19:42:15 JL -> http://www.courant.com/news/local/columnists/hc-rgreen0708.artjul08,0,28...
19:42:22 JenW -> not a threat
19:42:37 LindaN -> Worked on selfcontrol today while working on my preso- so I didn't try it yet- not worth it?
19:42:40 kcaise -> one of my weblin friends was telling me about an 'adult' second life environment
19:43:04 JenW -> Linda -- do a search on adult content and lively google
19:43:07 PeggyG -> I read those Julie Amero articles this week-so sad that is still going on!! Disgusting really!
19:43:07 Cathy E -> That poor woman
19:43:12 JenW -> or just believe me -- it is scary!
19:43:15 Christine Southard -> That is insane!
19:43:39 PeggyG -> Think they're trying to save face with their botched trial!
19:43:50 mrsdurff -> there must be something JenM
19:43:52 JohnS -> Kwik Surveys: http://www.kwiksurveys.com
19:43:55 JenW -> is she like the POSTER CHILD??
19:44:06 kcaise -> needing to make a quota for the week?
19:44:10 Christine Southard -> It sounds shady that they haven't just dismissed this case.
19:44:36 JenM -> Jen's Shameless Self-Promotion ... http://openeducationnews.org/2008/07/07/welcome-to-open-education-news/
19:44:47 PeggyG -> Is kwiksurveys better than Google forms? too bad it doesn't embed.
19:44:49 JenW -> oohhhh clapping for Jen
19:45:20 JohnS -> It's easier to set up surveys than Google, but it doesn't embed, and it doesn't have the built-in sharing tools
19:45:27 JohnS -> for the results, I mean
19:45:53 JL -> http://www.edubloggercon.com/BLC2008  
19:46:02 JenW -> I still like using PHP Surveyor -- now called LimeSurvey
19:46:26 JohnS -> Cellphone use potentially risky for kids, teens: health agency: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/07/12/cellphones-kids.html
19:46:33 mrsdurff -> and there is a ning
19:46:37 JenW -> they will be streaming when they can
19:46:44 JenW -> just check twitter
19:46:44 LindaN -> I certainly hope there is lots to see from there
19:46:47 PeggyG -> Doesn't sound like much streaming coming from EBC East
19:46:55 JenW -> tomorrow will be STREAMED though -- I thought
19:47:07 mrsdurff -> i think so too
19:47:11 JL -> is 'can' determined by connection or licensing?
19:47:30 Alvin Trusty -> especially if kids have popcorn in their ears
19:47:30 PeggyG -> maybe both
19:47:39 JenM -> zazzle: http://www.zazzle.com/custom/profilecards
19:47:42 JenW -> I believe it is availabity of bandwidth and not licensing
19:47:43 mrsdurff -> popcorn?
19:47:49 LindaN -> It's the theory of too much of anything is bad for you
19:48:03 JenW -> However, it will be interesting to see what Alan November might say
19:48:28 JenW -> HE -- ALAN -- has been generous with giving a room for the EBC tomorrow
19:48:37 mrsdurff -> i've heard both opinions JenW
19:48:40 JL -> http://www.webcastacademy.net/
19:49:00 PeggyG -> Great price on Zazzle cards! sounds cheaper than MOO cards.
19:49:05 Cathy E -> I have cards- but I don' have that cool case
19:49:12 JenW -> I better be careful what I say since someone could googlesearch my comments    :)
19:49:18 alicemercer -> 20, I think I went through about 200 at NECC
19:49:19 mrsdurff -> for real this time
19:49:32 PeggyG -> Hooray for WCA 3.1--can't wait to get going!
19:49:45 JenW -> hmmm I think I was in 1.4 and 1.7  and 2.1
19:49:48 mrsdurff -> Peggy is the star student
19:49:52 LindaN -> Me either Peggy!
19:50:09 mrsdurff -> are you doing it too?
19:50:11 PeggyG -> I'm definitely a learner! So excited about it all!
19:50:14 kcaise -> like for:edtechtalk
19:50:19 JenW -> POSTSHOW??
19:50:22 LindaN -> Yes!- Whoo Hoo!
19:50:23 mrsdurff -> hi carl
19:50:33 PeggyG -> I have ti fit the beginning in around my vacation to NC. I'll find a way!
19:50:36 alicemercer -> Any talk here about Arthus?
19:50:38 carl -> Hi mrsdurff
19:50:41 JenW -> WOW2 is taking a MONTH off starting Wednesday
19:50:48 PeggyG -> What about Arthus?
19:51:11 JenW -> We could have a JEN SHOW
19:51:23 JenW -> or a J show
19:51:27 PeggyG -> Yes Jen shows!!
19:51:29 JenW -> Jen Jen John Jeff
19:51:40 mrsdurff -> i'll come to that jenW
19:51:51 PeggyG -> I thought the J was a prerequisite :-)
19:51:54 JenW -> OKAY -- I thought the Poconos were like a BIG ROMANTIC place
19:51:54 mrsdurff -> the jen show
19:51:58 JenW -> and Jen is there ALONE??
19:52:11 mrsdurff -> i think she is
19:52:18 JenW -> I don't know what airport to FLY into
19:52:33 mrsdurff -> and there is free starbucks
19:52:37 PeggyG -> How about street view pics? Very revealing!
19:52:37 kcaise -> an all night tech slumber party
19:52:42 JenW -> do I just head to where I think you are and then start YELLING??  Jen Jen??
19:52:58 JohnS -> Yeah, that'll work.
19:53:02 JenM -> @jw ... yes ... do that!
19:53:05 JenW -> I was going to go to BOSTON -- but it didn't work out
19:53:07 JL -> http://www.edubloggercon.com/AttendingBLC2008
19:53:11 sheila -> I'm going for about 3 hours
19:53:18 PeggyG -> Not a very big group for EBC
19:53:26 JenW -> tomorrow is a VERY small group
19:53:31 mrsdurff -> Maria Knee will be there
19:53:34 JenW -> Sheila -- lucky YOU!!!
19:53:40 JenW -> Karen Jan, Colleen
19:53:48 JenW -> LizBDavis
19:53:51 sheila -> 3 better than nothing?
19:54:22 JenW -> http://www.edubloggercon.com/BLC2008
19:54:25 JenW -> there is the LINK
19:54:27 mrsdurff -> how old was this student?
19:54:29 PeggyG -> Sounds like Liz has a new organizational plan for EBC which will be really interesting to follow--much less structured.
19:54:35 JL -> 40ish
19:54:41 mrsdurff -> awww
19:54:58 JenW -> this is who is going
19:54:59 JenW -> http://www.edubloggercon.com/AttendingBLC2008
19:55:13 kcaise -> are these f2f college courses or online courses?
19:55:19 JL -> f2f
19:55:24 JenW -> Alice Barr
19:55:35 JenW -> Cheryl Oakes
19:55:40 JenW -> so it should be ustreamed
19:55:47 Cathy E -> I have teachers that flip out all the time
19:56:08 JenW -> Students have made me cry
19:56:13 kcaise -> me too
19:56:31 LindaN -> Parents make me cry too.
19:56:39 JenW -> Question about your class JEFF
19:56:57 JenW -> do they all speak english???   or is this to learn to speak english -- and learn tech??
19:57:33 mrsdurff -> just love FF somedays
19:57:57 JenW -> cause your accent is so strong?   :)
19:58:10 JenW -> is it over??
19:58:22 mrsdurff -> isn't a combination of synchronous and asynchronous methods best for online courses?
19:58:38 PeggyG -> Alice Barr's podcasting presentations this past week were incredible! graduate students presenting
19:58:49 JenM -> http://www.dilbert.com/
19:58:50 JenW -> it was 11 weeks already??
19:59:39 JenW -> Ohhh click on the comic and you win dinner for 2
20:00:03 PeggyG -> http://usmpodcast2008.wikispaces.com/
20:00:12 mrsdurff -> i don't dinner for 2 that is carnivorous anyway
20:00:14 JenW -> OHMIGOSH
20:00:16 JenW -> I am howling
20:00:20 JenW -> click on the arrow
20:00:25 kcaise -> the arrow is very faint
20:00:31 JenW -> it is like READERS THEATRE AT ITS BEST
20:00:40 JenW -> you are recording this -- right??
20:00:52 mrsdurff -> it doesn't match his learning style
20:00:52 JenW -> America's Funniest Audio
20:01:24 PeggyG -> Thanks found the blue arrow :-)
20:01:55 JenW -> loses a lot in the translation
20:02:39 JenW -> it was hysterical
20:02:48 mrsdurff -> dilbert in Russian
20:02:57 PeggyG -> time for a screencast on how to read Dilbert :-)
20:02:57 Cathy E -> ya'll are too funny
20:03:00 JenW -> OHYES
20:03:04 JenW -> please please please!!!
20:03:07 mrsdurff -> MARIA
20:03:11 mrsdurff -> take a cab
20:03:20 LindaN -> Hi Maria!
20:03:32 MariaK -> Certainly!
20:03:40 mrsdurff -> where is maria now?
20:03:42 JenW -> http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/wp-content/gallery/advice/fearless.jpg
20:03:45 JenW -> I got it
20:03:49 JenM -> http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/wp-content/gallery/advice/fearless.jpg
20:03:55 MariaK -> Hey there Linda
20:03:57 JenW -> the jen's dropped it
20:04:05 mrsdurff -> chatrepellant
20:04:23 mrsdurff -> Maria - where art thou?
20:04:27 JenW -> hmmmmm is there a delay??
20:04:33 MariaK -> At my finest!
20:05:00 mrsdurff -> Maria I mean what is your location
20:06:04 Cathy E -> My kind of girl- so it all at once
20:06:06 MariaK -> Durrf Durrf - I'm right here. where art thou.
20:06:16 mrsdurff -> im maryland
20:06:25 MariaK -> If you're not here , raise your hand
20:06:27 JenW -> I live alone all the time
20:06:30 PeggyG -> Thanks for all the great new links tonight!
20:06:31 mrsdurff -> are you at BLC?
20:06:41 JenW -> never slept with a firepoker yet   :)
20:06:56 PeggyG -> lost the audio-is it stopped?
20:07:03 JenW -> it just abruptly cut out
20:07:15 PeggyG -> Glad it's not just me-thanks.
20:07:18 JenW -> nope
20:07:21 JenW -> guess they were done
20:07:23 MariaK -> @durff not yet - hasn't started - tomorrow edublogger then Scratch on Tuesda.
20:07:23 mrsdurff -> well anyway you have to stream tomorrow - your public demands it
20:07:35 Beth Holmes -> Loved the news, entertainment (great!) and new links! Thank you!
20:07:39 mrsdurff -> yes Peggy it's over
20:07:42 JenW -> accepting any awards at BLC, Maria??
20:07:43 MariaK -> BLC on Tuesday pm andstarts on Wed.
20:07:51 PeggyG -> Definitely hope to catch some streams tomorrow from EBC :-)
20:07:57 MariaK -> over and out
20:08:05 JenW -> me too Peggy
20:08:07 PeggyG -> Night all!
20:08:10 JenW -> I hope they have the ability too
20:08:13 mrsdurff -> Maria is not cooperating
20:08:23 mrsdurff -> i'm calling a cab
20:08:30 JenW -> night all
20:08:33 LindaN -> Scratch on Tuesday- will you tweet it?
20:08:34 JenW -> take care and be safe
20:08:35 Cathy E -> nite
20:08:35 JenW -> :)
20:08:40 MariaK -> what do you mean - not cooperating - I have a ribbon that says - Plays well with others!
20:09:00 PeggyG -> LOL Maria! plays well with others-I want a ribbon like that!
20:09:01 alicemercer -> Maria, more like play LOUDLY with others!
20:09:05 MariaK -> surely but most likely can't stream it
20:09:16 MariaK -> That too - loud and clear!
20:09:29 alicemercer -> Oh, I have complete ok on stream from DEN Natl Inst.
20:09:42 alicemercer -> And we should have Bethany tomorrow
20:10:06 alicemercer -> I just want to do an end of day from DEN, to big a headache to stream "classes"
20:10:08 MariaK -> @mizmercer - and what would your ribbon say?
20:10:12 PeggyG -> Maria-I love your KDG blog! I've shared it with several people just this week! You're amazing!
20:10:15 alicemercer -> PITA?
20:10:44 MariaK -> Thanks peggy - I have to do some summer work on it.
20:10:46 alicemercer -> Scarcasm is intentional.
20:11:04 PeggyG -> Guess that's what summers are for :-)
20:11:05 alicemercer -> Oh, Maria, Frequently in error, NEVER in doubt
20:12:06 PeggyG -> Night all.
20:12:27 MariaK -> Well - time to go - goodbye all- continue conversations in skype, twitter or plurk!