EdTechWeekly #80
EdTechWeekly #80
June 8, 2008
18:36:43 randyn -> hey
18:39:09 dave -> a chatroom
18:39:11 dave -> a chatroom
18:39:34 JL -> Hi Randy
18:39:39 randyn -> Hi
18:39:51 JL -> We're playing with ustream co-hosting
18:39:58 JL -> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/johncast
18:40:03 randyn -> this is the first time I've been on for a while, school finally just let out
18:40:05 randyn -> ok
18:40:10 JL -> woohoo!
18:40:24 randyn -> does anybody actively use Pownce?
18:41:53 randyn -> will we be chatting there?
18:42:39 JenM -> oovoo freezing
18:42:41 JenM -> one sec
18:42:42 dave -> we'll be chatting here :)
18:42:54 dave -> once we get ourselves pulled together :)
18:43:03 randyn -> ok, hH
18:43:08 randyn -> haha*
18:43:27 JenM -> calling john in oovoo
18:43:33 JenM -> hello????
18:43:43 randyn -> where is the audio?
18:43:53 dave -> skype login jen
18:43:59 randyn -> brb
18:45:14 randyn -> back
18:46:30 JohnS -> Just as soon as we figure out which of the half dozen technologies we're using tonight, we'll be right with you.
18:46:41 JohnS -> Actually, ustream should be starting now.
18:46:50 JohnS -> Give or take a few nano-nows
18:47:33 randyn -> uStream us up, :D
18:49:48 randyn -> sounds ok
18:49:51 JenWagner -> sounds like Jeff is underwater to me
18:49:56 JenWagner -> but it could be my speakers :)
18:50:17 JenWagner -> but Dave (who I can now figure out) sounds fine
18:50:17 randyn -> no, I agree, Jeff sounds a bit "underwater"
18:50:41 randyn -> ok, everybody sounds good now
18:51:05 courosa -> everyone sounds great ... except dave.
18:51:07 JenWagner -> why is it hard for you to leave your house right now?? :) do tell
18:51:12 JenWagner -> Hey Alec
18:51:19 courosa -> hey jen
18:51:23 JenWagner -> ICKY -- that is how it sounds
18:51:28 randyn -> haha
18:51:53 JenWagner -> no worries -- Debbie will take a picture for us
18:53:04 JenWagner -> you sound better
18:53:11 randyn -> Jeff's audio is much better, :)
18:54:00 JenWagner -> my neighbors think I am weird -- sudden outbursts of laughter -- and they know I live alone. :)
18:54:19 dave -> @jdub is it really only the laughter?
18:54:29 JenWagner -> well, that is their first basis
18:54:39 JenWagner -> they have more things to add to the list
18:54:56 courosa -> sounds like Windows issues
18:54:57 misst2 -> hey jen
18:55:04 JenWagner -> hey MissT :)
18:55:12 randyn -> @EdTechTalk crew, you should check out the ConnectNow feature at acrobat.co
18:55:14 randyn -> .com
18:55:27 Alice Mercer -> Look at JenCam, lol
18:55:36 Alice Mercer -> About?
18:55:38 JenWagner -> ohhh what is the topic
18:55:55 JenWagner -> you can do it through skype
18:56:02 JenWagner -> without having to be on skype
18:56:17 JenWagner -> you turned off SKYPE chat or SKYPE talk??
18:56:33 dave -> skype talk
18:56:38 JenWagner -> ahhhh okay
18:56:51 Alice Mercer -> Give the girl a break!
18:56:54 JenWagner -> is Tom nearby today???
18:56:56 courosa -> no breaks!
18:57:02 dave -> we're using oovoo for audio
18:57:07 Alice Mercer -> I'm not gonna touch that one!
18:57:23 courosa -> the audio sounds pretty good
18:57:23 JenWagner -> I didn't look
18:57:43 JenWagner -> John is that home brewed ????
18:57:54 courosa -> so this is simply oovoo out to ustream?
18:58:17 dave -> @courosa that's right
18:58:25 JenWagner -> what is IPA??
18:58:46 courosa -> @dave and some sort of windows virtual audio cable thingy as well i presume
18:58:50 sharonp -> should I be able to hear something... or is it all visual tonight?? Lots of hand signals??
18:58:54 JenWagner -> ahhhhh
18:58:56 dave -> @courosa that's correct
18:59:04 JenWagner -> nened to find a place to drop THAT information
18:59:14 sharonp -> oh.... needed t turn up volume
18:59:18 Alice Mercer -> Anyone else get turned down for Goggle Academy?
18:59:26 JenWagner -> Oh Alice --
18:59:28 JenWagner -> really???
18:59:29 Alice Mercer -> And if you got in, I DON"T WANT TO HEAR IT!
18:59:34 Alice Mercer -> Yeah!
18:59:39 JenWagner -> well honestly --
18:59:48 JenWagner -> Gris
18:59:50 JenWagner -> Grins
18:59:52 Alice Mercer -> Naw, if you got in congrats
18:59:52 JenWagner -> I will DM you
19:00:03 sharonp -> sorry to hear that Alice - can't imagine a worthier teacher!
19:01:50 Alice Mercer -> Thanks all
19:02:31 sharonp -> okay folks, need your considered opinion, what edu OSS programs should I bring to South Africa for the school labs??
19:02:36 JenWagner -> you need to learn to use that GREEN screen, Jeff
19:02:47 dave -> @sharonp
19:02:48 mrsdurff -> yea jen!
19:02:49 Alice Mercer -> Hi Lisa!
19:02:52 dave -> none. use the browser
19:02:56 mrsdurff -> hi Alice
19:03:08 sroseman -> hi guys
19:03:08 dave -> or... how's the internet connection?
19:03:12 JenWagner -> we have seen almost EVERYONE drink tonight except for Jeff
19:03:18 sharonp -> @dave - imagine low connectivity - wih
19:03:26 sroseman -> no visuals tonight
19:03:27 matt montagne -> @ sharon...OSS = Open Source Software?
19:03:34 sharonp -> @matt - yes
19:03:50 sharonp -> Dave won't breathe, Jeff won't drink
19:04:09 Alice Mercer -> Jen won't go to the br?
19:04:10 sharonp -> and anyone have a considered opinon on google apps for education??
19:04:18 JenWagner -> I think she did
19:04:19 Alice Mercer -> I've used them a bit
19:04:25 Alice Mercer -> AND they have come in helpful.
19:04:42 sharonp -> I mean the whole domain name and Google sites for education
19:04:46 JenWagner -> so honestly -- Jeff is the SHOW'S HOST
19:04:55 JenWagner -> even though NO ONE IS IN CHARGE :)
19:04:57 Alice Mercer -> Kids doing reports on google docs, could easily get them in lab, in class, etc. Otherwise with cruddy novell network they'd have to log into lab
19:05:01 JenM -> @jw ... NO QUESTION!
19:05:10 randyn -> im looking into getting my mom to use Google Sites for a classroom website
19:05:13 JenWagner -> yeah -- he keeps saying "NO ONE" but I know he is
19:05:20 Alice Mercer -> OH, google sites is AWFUL!
19:05:32 JenWagner -> Please don't use Google SITES
19:05:33 Alice Mercer -> Has anyone here tried to build a page in it?
19:05:35 JenWagner -> please please please
19:05:38 JenWagner -> OH PLEASE don't
19:05:50 sharonp -> @alice - I have
19:05:51 JenWagner -> make a wiki instead -- please
19:05:56 HelenOtway -> Looks good
19:05:58 matt montagne -> ahh...#1-some sort of office option for starters...but then some paint apps (Gimpshop), Scratch Programming (not OSS, but free), Skyp, Jing, Firefox, audacity, sketchup, google earth,
19:05:59 Alice Mercer -> I was going to review in INstructify, but it wwas awful.
19:06:03 randyn -> what is so back about Google Sites?
19:06:04 sharonp -> the school needs a website
19:06:05 JenM -> 3 year anniversary party http://www.edtechtalk.com/node/3185
19:06:07 Alice Mercer -> page flackes is better
19:06:08 randyn -> bad*
19:06:13 courosa -> that was beautiful!
19:06:20 dave -> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/06/03/abc_planet_slayer/
19:06:27 matt montagne -> @sharon...those werren't all open source...some were just free...
19:06:28 JenWagner -> I just didn't have good success with it and students -- but maybe it was me :)
19:06:31 sharonp -> but they need a school website
19:06:35 Alice Mercer -> For vannilla page that will take embeds, jottit.com
19:06:38 courosa -> goes with Jen's Trojan reference earlier
19:06:47 JenWagner -> use KOMPOZER
19:06:50 JenWagner -> it is OSS
19:06:51 Alice Mercer -> Aimed to 9 year olds?
19:06:54 Lisa Parisi -> What a pleasant thought
19:06:57 sharonp -> and it is better than the freewebsite.cm type service they are currenlty using with ADS that are very inappropriate
19:07:08 JenWagner -> <---not this Jen's reference -- unless we are talking about USC
19:07:11 Lisa Parisi -> no
19:07:34 Alice Mercer -> Lisa, hello
19:07:44 mrsdurff -> hey!
19:07:46 Alice Mercer -> Well, meat eating has it's issues
19:07:54 JenWagner -> Would you like to follow in anyone's carbon footrpints??
19:07:55 Lisa Parisi -> Hi Alice...see I'm here because of Durff's twit. So it's 7 PM
19:07:58 mrsdurff -> go vegans
19:08:00 guest256 -> yeah...kids can so control what is served in their homes. I'm thinking this is NOT a good site for kids!!
19:08:07 Alice Mercer -> Yah hoo!
19:08:27 JenWagner -> did someone drop the LINK??
19:08:27 sharonp -> @matt... can google earth and sketchup be used on relatively low RAM machines?
19:08:32 dave -> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/06/03/abc_planet_slayer/
19:08:43 PeggyG -> Hi all-having computer issues--couldn't post to chat so changed browsers-good now. Loving the ustream :-)
19:08:45 JenWagner -> not that it matters -- I can't get links to work in FF
19:08:50 JL -> audio ok?
19:08:59 matt montagne -> @sharonP...not totally certain...Sketchup is a wonderful program tho...our students love to explore and discover with it
19:09:01 sharonp -> audio goes a bit in and out for me
19:09:07 randyn -> anybody using Firefox 3?
19:09:09 JasonR -> Can't get iTunes to play the .pls. Listening via Ustream
19:09:21 sharonp -> is sketchup browser-based? or can it be used offline?
19:09:23 Alice Mercer -> Red asphalt!
19:09:27 dave -> @randyn had to close mine
19:09:28 PeggyG -> audio is coming in great for me on the ustream-couldn't get audio on iTunes
19:09:37 randyn -> RC2? or earlier?
19:09:37 matt montagne -> If the rest of the world consumed as much meat as Americans did...
19:09:38 Alice Mercer -> But that's for teenagers, not 9 yo's
19:09:40 JenWagner -> I still have nightmares of a movie we saw in Driver's Ed
19:09:46 shaun fletcher -> eat organically grown meat or at least local meat that isn't shipped half way around the world
19:10:02 Alice Mercer -> I like my food to be well-travelled?
19:10:02 guest256 -> @alice mercer - Exactly. Completely difference age groups.
19:10:07 HelenOtway -> sound has gone for me
19:10:11 JenWagner -> can a 9 year old dictate to parents what they can eat??
19:10:27 guest256 -> @jenwager Mine try! (-:
19:10:29 Alice Mercer -> Is that Dave who is guest256?
19:10:33 JenWagner -> sorry -- not a parent here -- but memory serves me, that I ate what they put in front of me
19:10:40 sharonp -> no, Dave is guest476
19:10:46 courosa -> wow, this is an extra deep ETW ... sign of things to come? anniversayr edition? :-)
19:10:48 Alice Mercer -> Thanks!
19:10:57 sharonp -> unless he is changing his numbers
19:11:00 Alice Mercer -> Thoght he might be self-dealing
19:11:00 mrsdurff -> i would guess guest256 is related to guest248
19:11:01 Mr. Shelhart -> 9 year olds can influence the family menus.
19:11:03 matt montagne -> a 9 year old can have an impact...
19:11:12 PeggyG -> Same for me Jen--we ate what we were served and were expected to clean up everything on our plate :-)
19:11:15 guest256 -> ahh..I am a mystery. (-:
19:11:20 JenWagner -> hmmm guest 256 is a parent -- what else do we kn ow
19:11:29 Alice Mercer -> How do you make the case to 9 yo, although many of them go home and nag mom and dad to stop smoking
19:11:36 JenWagner -> hmmm -- don't think we have been told gender yet
19:11:41 JenWagner -> will look for clues for idenity
19:11:43 JenM -> Politics 2.0: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/obama_vs_mccain_website_smackdown.php
19:11:48 PeggyG -> It is so great to see the faces that go with the voices tonight!
19:12:07 JenWagner -> No -- he did?? LOL
19:12:08 mrsdurff -> who?
19:12:28 Alice Mercer -> Oh, is audio for post show gonna be on oovu?
19:12:37 courosa -> no complaints here dave
19:12:52 Lisa Parisi -> Please pop that obama link in again. I got kicked off.
19:13:11 JenWagner -> they talked on the news at how WIRED (their words not mine) is with the YOUNGER generation -- he has like facebook, twitter, friendfeed, etc etc etc
19:13:16 shaun fletcher -> what do you think of newt's american solutions videos on youtube
19:13:38 matt montagne -> Hillary's husband had a BIG role in erate and cabling US schools to the Internet
19:13:45 sroseman -> like the green screen with the red
19:14:03 matt montagne -> hillary in the house!!!
19:14:05 JenWagner -> Christmas colors again -- ummmm -- can I say that
19:14:12 matt montagne -> Hillary Clinton??
19:14:14 Alice Mercer -> Sucky ex-nba star running for mayor on change the school platform (has a couple of lousy charters).
19:14:24 JL -> http://www.webware.com/8301-1_109-9958036-2.html
19:14:24 hillary -> i'm flattered, perhaps next time people.
19:14:27 Alice Mercer -> OH! Defense of marriage in California, I may work on that one.
19:14:34 sroseman -> I was a background extra in a local film..we were in front of a green screen
19:14:50 hillary -> but please, support obama ... i am 100% behind him now.
19:14:58 JenWagner -> Hillary -- LOL
19:15:02 JenWagner -> cracking up
19:15:09 Alice Mercer -> How do I find oovoo?
19:15:10 JohnS -> Timez Attack: http://www.bigbrainz.com/
19:15:27 Lisa Parisi -> oooo thunder in my headphones
19:15:32 JenWagner -> took you long enough to make your speech, Hil.......... :) IMHO of course :)
19:15:37 mrsdurff -> @hillary forgive matt, he is gullible
19:15:41 JenM -> Adobe's Online suite: https://www.acrobat.com/
19:15:44 sharonp -> has Hillary finally conceded? My head was stuck in other matters this weekend
19:15:45 misst2 -> every time i try to open a link i get kicked out
19:15:50 guest256 -> I bet his wife actually found that site. (-:
19:15:53 PeggyG -> I started using Timez Attack with my grandson (8 yrs old) and he loved it!
19:15:58 JenWagner -> ahhh conceded??? Hmmmm -- would not call it that
19:15:59 Lisa Parisi -> me too misst2
19:16:02 randyn -> yeah! acrobat.com ROCKS!
19:16:05 JenWagner -> never would I call it that
19:16:06 guest256 -> @peggyg Did you buy the full version?
19:16:11 JenM -> @guest256 ... I heard his wife is the brains behind the operation :)
19:16:19 PeggyG -> Yes I bought it
19:16:25 hillary -> 10 million in debt now, donations welcome
19:16:26 guest256 -> @jenm I'm sure that's true. *grins*
19:16:30 dave -> http://www.google.com/enterprise/mini/
19:16:33 mrsdurff -> @JenW probably
19:16:45 JenWagner -> hmmmm guest 256 laughs -- another HINT
19:16:59 guest256 -> @peggyg We've been using the free version, but I told them that if they keep playing it, I will buy the $ version...
19:17:02 HelenOtway -> Hi Sue
19:17:11 JenWagner -> and uses the @ sign -- which means he/her is a twitterer
19:17:19 sujokat -> hi helen which room is it?
19:17:22 PeggyG -> My grandson didn't seem to tire of it and he told his teacher about it. :-)
19:17:41 JenWagner -> Peggy -- the John site or the Dave site listed??
19:17:45 Lisa Parisi -> Hi Sue
19:17:45 sharonp -> @Jdub - I love your sleuthing
19:17:48 JenM -> Adobe's Online suite: https://www.acrobat.com/
19:17:53 sujokat -> its i found it
19:17:57 PeggyG -> The Timez site
19:18:00 JenWagner -> okay
19:18:06 sujokat -> hi lisa :)
19:18:12 sharonp -> I find it fascinating - we now have an alternative to google docs
19:18:25 sroseman -> Hi Helen
19:18:27 Lisa -> Hi Sue :-)
19:18:32 Mr. Shelhart -> Cool math game. My summer kids that I tutor will love it. Thanks
19:18:33 HelenOtway -> @sujokat You are in the right room.
19:18:33 sroseman -> Hi Lisa
19:18:39 PeggyG -> Does anyone use Adobe Contribute for sharing website collaboration?
19:18:45 courosa -> yea, love e that free is competitive
19:18:49 randyn -> now Adobe needs to add spreadsheet to their online suite, and im pretty much done with google docs
19:18:54 hillary -> @courosa agreed
19:19:01 JohnS -> Secunia Software Inspector: http://secunia.com/software_inspector Secunia Downloadable version: https://psi.secunia.com/
19:19:20 guest256 -> @Mr. Shelhart I have tons of neat math links in my del.ic.ious account for my kids. Search tag MATH.
19:19:26 sharonp -> I agree too Alec.... competition will drive excellence (hopefully)
19:19:32 Lisa -> Hi sroseman
19:19:43 Mr. Shelhart -> thanks
19:19:45 Alice Mercer -> @guest256, that is pretty general, how about a username?
19:19:46 sroseman -> Which Sue???
19:19:50 PeggyG -> Is secunia a Windows app?
19:19:54 JenWagner -> @PeggyG -- I have not yet -- have you???
19:20:05 JenWagner -> hmmmmm
19:20:07 JohnS -> Exploit Me: http://www.securitycompass.com/exploitme.shtml
19:20:13 JenWagner -> Ohhh
19:20:18 sroseman -> I was at a school the other day...5 or 6 gals named Sue
19:20:18 JenWagner -> here comes Guest256
19:20:26 mrsdurff -> oh we are having fun now
19:20:33 guest256 -> Oops...logged myself out!
19:20:35 JenWagner -> oops -- just a fake out
19:20:35 sujokat -> hiya durff
19:20:37 JenWagner -> sighs
19:20:46 sharonp -> discovered tday that computer labs of school w will be working with in South Africa is not using ANY anti-virus software!!!
19:20:47 sujokat -> hiya jen
19:20:49 mrsdurff -> hi sue
19:20:52 dave -> http://oktyabr.wordpress.com/2006/07/04/vista-and-gimp/
19:20:54 guest256 -> @alice mercer Try "dschinker" for those links. (-:
19:20:57 PeggyG -> Someone in our AzTEA group was recommending Adobe Contribute for us but we decided we had better alternatives to maintaining our website that were browser based and didn't require software download.
19:21:13 obama -> boo to vista
19:21:13 mrsdurff -> cookie time
19:21:24 JenWagner -> hmmmmm
19:21:29 JenWagner -> guest is DEBBIE??
19:21:37 misst2 -> ugggh vista i have never had as many problems as i have with vista
19:21:40 JenWagner -> sighs -- shoot me now
19:21:42 sharonp -> yup , gimp is cool
19:21:43 PeggyG -> Always valuable to read the comments with blog posts--usually get lots of additional info :-)
19:21:57 JenM -> Opensource versions of Adobe Create Suite: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/say-goodbye-to-adobe-creative-suite/
19:21:58 obama -> why not upgrade to xp?
19:22:07 dave -> i have xp too
19:22:08 guest256 -> @jenwager Shall we call you Sherlock? (-:
19:22:09 randyn -> haha, Vista serves me well, I think is better than xp
19:22:10 sujokat -> hiya darren once again
19:22:27 randyn -> xp gave me problems, im kinda reverse from everyone else, :)
19:22:29 JenWagner -> well, I thought I knew you -- but didn't think it was YOU..........thought you were Doug S :)
19:22:44 darrenmurphy -> hi
19:22:49 guest256 -> @jenwager Same initials, so you were close. (-:
19:23:01 mrsdurff -> what did i miss? is bush here yet?
19:23:02 sharonp -> Will be forced t teach with Adobe Creative Suite in the fall - I asked if they had considered OSS, nope, they want the real deal - all about image
19:23:17 randyn -> Paint.NET is pretty cool
19:23:22 guest256 -> @mrsdurff The talk would be SO over his head. (-:
19:23:29 obama -> bush is having trouble turning on his machine and logging into the internets
19:23:35 Alice Mercer -> Sharon, Adobe is a pain in some ways. I've had problems with premiere elements.
19:23:36 JenWagner -> THANK you THANK YOU THANK YOU -- my CS 3 totally crashed -- won't reload.....thank you for this LINK!!!!
19:23:38 mrsdurff -> so very true
19:23:39 sharonp -> @obama LOL
19:23:40 guest256 -> @obama *LOL!*
19:23:42 matt montagne -> @sharonP....I know all about that mentality...I wish more leaders were concerned about social justice
19:23:43 PeggyG -> @guest256-now that was funny!!
19:24:00 misst2 -> because he refuses to use something invented by gore
19:24:07 JenWagner -> I like KOMPOZER very much
19:24:08 hilld58 -> My kids are using paint.net. I gotta try it
19:24:11 Alice Mercer -> @sp notas many as with Movie Maker, but MM is FREE. District paid money to have PE crash
19:24:29 sharonp -> @matt - yup, my argument may become that we want our students to be cognitively flexible and be able to transfer skills to other progams
19:24:32 mrsdurff -> oh, is gore here too? what fun
19:24:38 obama -> irfanview is great, use it with my ... students ... i mean ... delegates
19:24:41 Alice Mercer -> Ouch, that hurts MissT
19:25:13 obama -> yes we can!
19:25:18 hilld58 -> @sharonp then what OS we use doesn't matter
19:25:20 sharonp -> LOL
19:25:23 guest256 -> We're listening to y'all...really!
19:25:23 JL -> http://mail.google.com/mail/help/intl/en/about_whatsnew.html
19:25:23 JenWagner -> Just a sec
19:25:27 matt montagne -> @sharon...the other advantage is that all students are able to install the software on their home computers
19:25:29 JenWagner -> I need to recheck in as John McCain
19:25:35 sharonp -> @hilld58 - exactly
19:25:44 mrich1911 -> Hello all!
19:25:53 randyn -> Dreamweaver CS3 is better than KOMPOZER, but otherwise those open source apps are pretty good
19:25:55 hillary -> i willsupport irfanview, but in a totally different way
19:26:09 guest256 -> Shall we all log in as potential candidates? Nader anyone?
19:26:10 PeggyG -> Just discovered the colored labels on gmail last night-very cool!
19:26:11 JL -> http://www.rodspulsepodcast.com/
19:26:15 sharonp -> I will be working in a 1:1 program, so the students have it anyways
19:26:18 Alice Mercer -> I don't like the calendar in google as much as Yahoo, and my stuff is still there?
19:26:18 Eric -> love gmail!
19:26:19 sroseman -> yes Google is the total tool
19:26:21 Lisa -> Go gmail!!
19:26:25 JenWagner -> Dreamweaver CS3 really helped me with a template -- that CS2 didn't
19:26:29 dave -> @hillary we were laughing at you
19:26:30 JenWagner -> Tuesday NIght -- Yep Yep Yep
19:26:31 mrsdurff -> irfanview= http://www.tucows.com/preview/194967
19:26:32 sharonp -> yes, ET Posse is with us on Tuesday night
19:26:36 darrenmurphy -> 10 Free web-based alternatives to photoshop http://www.lifeclever.com/10-free-web-based-alternatives-to-photoshop/
19:26:39 PeggyG -> Yes edtechpossee this coming Tuesday, right?
19:26:41 JohnS -> Goosh: Unofficial Google Shell: http://goosh.org/
19:26:46 JenWagner -> Yep -- Tuesday Night
19:26:59 JenWagner -> will be a ONCE in a lifetime WOW2 -- have no idea what to expect
19:26:59 PeggyG -> @speteres-who did you choose to facilitate the possee??
19:27:04 sujokat -> we have oz/nz educators meetings that are on flash meeting
19:27:06 sharonp -> I was hoping to have a game show format, but my game show host had to back out
19:27:08 randyn -> Goosh = awesome, haha
19:27:15 JenWagner -> who was it Sharon??
19:27:21 sharonp -> Doug Symington
19:27:27 JenWagner -> ask John Schinker
19:27:32 JenWagner -> he is impartial
19:27:32 Alice Mercer -> If YOU WANT TO GO BACK IN TIME!
19:27:34 dave -> http://edu.blogs.com/edublogs/2008/06/unleashing-the.html
19:27:35 mrsdurff -> of course
19:27:43 hilld58 -> How is Goosh fun?
19:27:44 PeggyG -> Still think you should ask ijohnpederson :-)
19:27:45 Alice Mercer -> Hey, let's hear it for VI?
19:27:50 JenWagner -> OHHHHH iJohn!!!!
19:27:53 sharonp -> would John Schinker be interested in being a neutral, witty, engaging and fun game show host??
19:27:55 JenWagner -> yes, iJohn
19:28:04 JenWagner -> either iJohn is fine :)
19:28:06 sharonp -> hmmm
19:28:10 guest256 -> Witty and engaging? Hmm....
19:28:20 JenWagner -> Guest256 -- you are not impartial
19:28:20 PeggyG -> Ewan always has such interesting, thought-provoking blog posts :-)
19:28:28 guest256 -> *grin*
19:28:39 JohnS -> *SHRUG* we can talk about it after the show
19:28:43 JenM -> Twitter alternative (getting traction with the geeks): http://www.plurk.com/
19:28:45 mrsdurff -> split-personality?
19:29:20 Alice Mercer -> Yeah, until everyone goes there, then it crashes.
19:29:20 PeggyG -> Haven't tried plurk
19:29:23 sharonp -> which geeks hang out at plurk??
19:29:29 Alice Mercer -> Hey, I can't get twitter to work on my cell.
19:29:36 sharonp -> I don't know nay geeks who plurk
19:29:54 PeggyG -> sounds fun :-)
19:30:03 geedubya -> i'm impartial
19:30:04 JenWagner -> Sharon -- who is writing the "game show" questions
19:30:08 Mr. Shelhart -> I like twitter, but leo laporte and roz savage sent me 200 texts yesterday
19:30:15 mrsdurff -> why doesn't anything happen when i click on a link?
19:30:19 matt montagne -> facebook's status update is a nice alternative to twitter
19:30:26 JenWagner -> lisa -- I have to copy/paste too
19:30:35 sharonp -> the impartial yet witty and engaging show host would be writing the 10 or so questions
19:30:35 mrsdurff -> is it FF?
19:30:36 PeggyG -> Sometimes I have to double click on the links in chat and that usually works
19:30:51 JenWagner -> ahhhhhh did Doug write any questions??
19:30:55 mrsdurff -> that doesn't work Peggy
19:30:58 JL -> http://pownce.com/Stellaire/notes/2284173/
19:30:58 randyn -> Pownce is pretty cool, anyone active on that?
19:31:04 sharonp -> @Jen,, nope don't think so
19:31:07 PeggyG -> All of these twitter alternatives require twitter to keep working!
19:31:07 JenWagner -> so -- if you lurk on Plurk -- you then are a Plurker Lurker???
19:31:10 matt montagne -> If twitter continues to be a dog, I'm just going to use facebook status updates
19:31:14 sharonp -> I am a lurker on Pownce
19:31:19 Lisa Parisi -> Thunder in my headphones again. Getting nervous.
19:31:20 mrsdurff -> awwwwwwwwwwww
19:31:23 misst2 -> @mrsdurff i was getting kicked out when i tried to open a link took off my popup blocker and things work now
19:31:24 JL -> http://www.edtechcrew.net/
19:31:28 sharonp -> I lurk in many places actually
19:31:31 Alice Mercer -> socially retarded?
19:31:33 geedubya -> she said oui
19:31:42 Lisa Parisi -> Saying goodbye...thanks Durff for the twit that got me here.
19:31:43 Alice Mercer -> Was that the word you were looking for?
19:31:43 mrsdurff -> parisi - get off!
19:31:43 sharonp -> WOW2
19:31:45 JenWagner -> Our New Show -- Kathy Shields and I -- are EdTechLite
19:31:46 Alice Mercer -> I say sweet
19:31:50 Alice Mercer -> Night Lisa
19:31:51 Lisa Parisi -> Thanks Jeff et al for the great show.
19:31:53 Lisa Parisi -> bye
19:31:57 mrsdurff -> nite alice
19:32:02 HelenOtway -> Love EdTechTalk
19:32:07 JohnS -> Popcorn with the cell phone: http://freepage.twoday.net/stories/4969270
19:32:08 mrsdurff -> when jen?
19:32:08 PeggyG -> If it starts with ed tech it has to be good, right?
19:32:13 sharonp -> is the edtechcrew group in Australia
19:32:15 Alice Mercer -> Anyone else manage to use Twitter on OpenWave OS phone?
19:32:20 JenWagner -> starts this Saturday -- only a podcast -- not live
19:32:23 JenWagner -> 15 minutes
19:32:27 sujokat -> we are starting a group here in australia
19:32:37 JenWagner -> NO WAY -- really??
19:32:43 mrsdurff -> awww the candidates are gone
19:32:44 JohnS -> Billboards That Look Back: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/31/business/media/31billboard.html?_r=2&p...
19:32:44 HelenOtway -> Yes EdTechTalk is from Victoria, Aust
19:32:49 courosa -> i will be trying this during my class on the 18th
19:32:50 randyn -> hahah, thats awesome!
19:32:56 PeggyG -> Now that is really interesting--have to watch those popcorn vids
19:33:06 HelenOtway -> Yes Sue has started flashmeetings too
19:33:08 courosa -> yea, obama and hill had to go, my machine was slowing down. :-)
19:33:10 darrenmurphy -> http://edtechcrew.net/
19:33:19 guest256 -> How do they judge who is watching those billboards? Weird...
19:33:19 JenWagner -> watching popcorn
19:33:22 dave -> http://readatwork.com/
19:33:22 misst2 -> that's scary
19:33:29 sujokat -> we also have a diigo group that meets and records on flash meeting
19:33:32 sroseman -> BIG BROTHER is always watching!
19:33:39 HelenOtway -> What's the OZ/NZ link Sue?
19:33:47 sharonp -> @courosa... a Canadian!! that is too funny! You should have had them arguing with each other!
19:33:50 JenWagner -> The POPCORN popped
19:33:59 courosa -> teehee
19:34:12 Alice Mercer -> Anyone try to recreate the popcorn?
19:34:16 courosa -> too much lag with three or four windows open, was going to
19:34:26 Eric -> @JL Love edtechcrew.net. Interestingly, I was a guest on there this week. :)
19:34:30 courosa -> yea, i blogged about it
19:34:41 PeggyG -> I get a blank screen with a couple of icons on the widows site-do I have to sign up?
19:34:46 Alice Mercer -> Realistically poor, I like that
19:34:56 guest256 -> Ok...that site is hysterical. Would it fool people really? Good for a laugh...
19:34:59 hilld58 -> awesome I'll use it tomorrow
19:35:06 courosa -> it is pretty neat
19:35:07 JenWagner -> OKAY -- who can be in Wildomar with 2 cells phones tonight??? we need to do the POPCORN experiement
19:35:08 JenM -> For all the audio geeks out there: http://wikiaudio.com/
19:35:21 sharonp -> Widows is just making me cry with laughter
19:35:25 Alice Mercer -> Most people who want to read at work, I wonder do they want to read F. Scott Fitzgerald?
19:35:28 PeggyG -> What's Wildomar? Second Life?
19:35:28 Alice Mercer -> Really?
19:35:34 courosa -> i will be trying the popcorn experiment in my last class on the 18th with my students, will record it, heard it doesn't work with many cellphones
19:35:45 JohnS -> iRadeo: http://www.iradeo.com/
19:35:46 JenWagner -> LOL -- smiles -- no it is a REAL LIFE LOCATION down the 15 freeway
19:35:55 Alice Mercer -> Alec, drop teh link to results?
19:35:59 JohnS -> Demo I set up in about five minutes: http://delta.bbhcsd.org/
19:36:03 courosa -> will for sure
19:36:10 guest256 -> Hmmm...that sounds like what we already use.
19:36:10 JenWagner -> Alec -- please record it -- and mark down the cell phone makes and models
19:36:23 sujokat -> here is the diigo link http://groups.diigo.com/groups/oz-educators
19:36:42 guest256 -> Oh...I see - you can set it up on a WEBPAGE. Interesting.
19:37:02 JenWagner -> how do people have so many cell phones?? I just have 1
19:37:28 sujokat -> here is the wiki with links to our meetings http://edhouse.wikispaces.com/OzNZ%20Educators
19:37:49 JL -> http://www.totlol.com/
19:38:00 JL -> http://www.chatterous.com/landing/edtechtalk/
19:38:15 guest256 -> I would wonder WHICH parents approved. Might be worth a check out for parents with young kids...
19:38:23 JenWagner -> sorry -- you totally lost me with the popcorn link
19:38:27 JenWagner -> did I miss anything
19:38:27 JL -> http://www.archive-it.org/
19:39:05 Alice Mercer -> My state has a new data repository
19:39:08 JohnS -> SlideRocket: http://www.sliderocket.com/ SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/
19:39:09 Alice Mercer -> free to schools
19:39:15 mrsdurff -> no jen
19:39:28 JenWagner -> WAIT -- how can an Archive Site Disappear??
19:39:41 courosa -> sliderocket is nice
19:40:03 courosa -> i have invites i think
19:40:15 JenWagner -> Have not received my SlideRocket invite yet -
19:40:16 dave -> @courosa me please
19:40:22 JenWagner -> if you have one Alec -- me me me too!!
19:40:33 dave -> http://edugrids.org
19:40:37 randyn -> @courosa me too plz, for invite to sliderocket
19:40:42 sharonp -> seems to me I signed up for this too
19:40:49 PeggyG -> @JenWagner-which archive site disappeared?
19:40:57 Alice Mercer -> Hey I want a sliderocket invite!
19:41:00 sujokat -> me too darren
19:41:08 randyn -> haha
19:41:31 mrsdurff -> like the innovate webcast, dave?
19:41:37 JenWagner -> @Peggy -- no, they mentioned is MIGHT go away
19:41:47 courosa -> looking now to see if i have invites, logged in to sliderocket, but can't find it
19:41:52 JenWagner -> but I was just finding the humor in an achive site going away
19:42:00 JenWagner -> sorry -- it is Sunday and I am tired
19:42:10 PeggyG -> That was funny but scared me for a minute
19:42:18 JenWagner -> nope -- all is well
19:42:28 courosa -> yes, i found it ... email me at [email protected] and i will send invites to sliderocket until i run out
19:42:30 JenWagner -> well the colors are nice -- but I can't log on
19:42:35 JenM -> Where in the world is Dave: http://www.drupalcampalberta.org/blog/speaker-sneak-peeks
19:42:40 sharonp -> Dave, what are you teaching again this summer??
19:42:58 mrsdurff -> go jen!!
19:43:28 Alice Mercer -> Badger Jen, that sounds like a "mountain woman"
19:43:35 JenM -> I think I almost got him :)
19:43:40 JenWagner -> sent email to Alec
19:43:46 courosa -> whoops ... that is just to to VIEW presentations ... not sure if i can invite membership, still looking
19:43:49 JenWagner -> is Bonnie OKAY??? did Imiss some news??
19:43:50 mrsdurff -> i'm routing for ya!
19:43:52 JL -> http://landmark-project.com/aup20/pmwiki.php?n=Main.HomePage
19:44:27 mrsdurff -> warlick's?
19:44:29 Alice Mercer -> They are a little out of date...
19:44:31 JenWagner -> Our AUP is out of date -- very very very out of date
19:44:39 JL -> http://www.similarr.com/
19:44:42 JenWagner -> and not only that -- but it is copied from another school's site
19:44:43 JenM -> @AM ... University of Wisconsin "Badgers" mascott
19:44:49 guest256 -> @jenwagner Bedrest...months to go. (-:
19:44:49 mrsdurff -> our's was written last fall
19:44:49 randyn -> no use at my school, everything is blocked
19:44:53 randyn -> and i mean EVERYTHING
19:44:59 JL -> http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/category/parents/
19:44:59 guest256 -> As far as I know...
19:45:01 JenWagner -> ahhhhh -- didn't know
19:45:03 Alice Mercer -> It's not just the AUP, it's how the kids choose to behave, and how you talk to them about it.
19:45:11 JenWagner -> Ohhh -- go @JOHNS
19:45:31 dave -> @sharonp adult edtech
19:46:10 sharonp -> are the adults educators??
19:46:18 JohnS -> Future Melbourne Wiki: http://www.futuremelbourne.com.au/wiki/view/FMPlan Sensible Units: http://www.sensibleunits.com/
19:46:18 sharonp -> are they rank newbies??
19:46:28 PeggyG -> Looks awesome John!
19:46:49 Alice Mercer -> Thank JS, I have to do a parent meeting on internet safety in Sept.
19:47:53 guest256 -> And the gas bill shows it! 4 Mt Everests...
19:47:59 Alice Mercer -> the Rhode Island unit of geographic area?
19:48:05 courosa -> can't see if i have invites, emailed sliderocket to get some.
19:48:13 JenWagner -> postcards?? LOLOL
19:48:14 guest256 -> Not a postcard - a $20 bill!
19:48:17 courosa -> will send to jl, randy, dave, when i get them
19:48:18 JenWagner -> I love it
19:48:22 courosa -> if i get them
19:48:23 mrsdurff -> mail to dave
19:48:24 sharonp -> LOL
19:48:33 randyn -> :)
19:48:36 guest256 -> @JenM Get them to mail $20 bills like the Car Talk NPR guys. (-:
19:48:38 Alice Mercer -> Can I share my link?
19:48:46 JenWagner -> how preWeb2.0
19:48:53 randyn -> does anybody use the EdTechTalk Diigo group?
19:48:56 courosa -> @speters format for WoW figure out yet
19:48:58 JL -> http://callgraph.in/
19:48:58 courosa -> ?
19:49:00 PeggyG -> are tonight's links posted on a wiki? Flying by!!
19:49:02 sroseman -> Please do Alice..love your links
19:49:12 Alice Mercer -> This one is not that interesting, lol
19:49:24 Alice Mercer -> Srose: do you read me at instructify?
19:49:28 PeggyG -> Free is great!!! :-)
19:49:38 sharonp -> @courosa - had to find a new show host if we do game show theme (which I would prefer t do for just half the show), but we may have something solid by .... tomorrow!
19:49:46 sroseman -> I think so
19:49:47 mrsdurff -> 8pmEDT?
19:49:54 Alice Mercer -> Adults, or kids?
19:50:06 Alice Mercer -> So right after It's Elementary?
19:50:10 courosa -> http://copyrightfriendly.wikispaces.com
19:50:17 Alice Mercer -> Reflection!
19:50:20 mrsdurff -> alice?
19:50:43 Alice Mercer -> Jeff, I think our show is at 8 p.m. EDT?
19:50:54 Alice Mercer -> What time is it now Lisa?
19:51:00 JenWagner -> this will be an interesting Post Show
19:51:05 PeggyG -> WOW, lots of great new links to explore! Thanks!
19:51:09 courosa -> edtech posse on WoW!
19:51:12 HelenOtway -> Thanks - lots of good links.
19:51:30 JenM -> Here is a link to all of the links from tonight's show: http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/20080608
19:51:35 guest256 -> Must go feed the kids, who probably should have died years ago to balance my carbon footbrprint...
19:51:38 Alice Mercer -> Who should i call for p0ost show?
19:51:53 JenWagner -> I have a ???? but no headphone -- can I ask here
19:51:53 Alice Mercer -> So that is John's wife?
19:51:56 guest256 -> I'm living forever, so ppptthh!
19:51:58 JenWagner -> Tell her to come say HELLO to Jen
19:52:01 guest256 -> Um...
19:52:09 sharonp -> http://sites.google.com/a/wearejustlearning.net/presentations/copyright-...
19:52:10 guest256 -> Pants optional!! *grin*
19:52:11 mrsdurff -> say no
19:52:16 guest256 -> Need a spouse show!
19:52:18 Alice Mercer -> How to get on?
19:52:29 JenWagner -> HEY BONNIE
19:52:32 Alice Mercer -> Yeah, I've interviewed Terry TWICE already.
19:52:46 Alice Mercer -> So Lisa, what time is it now?
19:52:54 mrsdurff -> 7:52
19:53:04 mrsdurff -> hi bonnie
19:53:08 JenWagner -> Hey Debbie
19:53:12 courosa -> cool!
19:53:18 JenWagner -> she knows I might call her soon!! :)
19:53:36 JenWagner -> ohmigosh
19:53:43 mrsdurff -> turn mic on
19:54:02 JenWagner -> earthquake in Ohio
19:54:19 mrsdurff -> aargg
19:54:19 JenWagner -> Hello Mrs. Schinker
19:54:32 JenWagner -> nice Tube Top -- getting a tan??? :)
19:54:33 mrsdurff -> how big?
19:54:38 JenWagner -> LOLOL
19:54:42 Alice Mercer -> The tan or the top?
19:54:52 Alice Mercer -> I'm in my summer sarong, so I can't say a thing
19:54:54 mrsdurff -> the quake
19:55:06 JenWagner -> she is in a summer wedding -- hence the tube top
19:55:57 JenM -> Lets take a video poll ... do folks like the video or stick with just audio ... cast your vote here ...
19:56:04 sroseman -> Keep the green..it works
19:56:07 randyn -> video
19:56:17 Alice Mercer -> I don't know...
19:56:25 PeggyG -> pros and cons to both
19:56:33 JenWagner -> that is right -- we did talk about what was behind them last week, huh Deb
19:56:39 PeggyG -> couldn't stay on the ustream page and click on links being shared
19:56:40 guest256 -> Tube tops = the new 08 summer look!
19:56:47 JenWagner -> ohhh the DUCK
19:56:49 mrsdurff -> solistice webcast not on calendar?
19:56:56 sharonp -> guest256 is definitely a male
19:57:02 JL -> it's a late breaking solstice
19:57:03 JenWagner -> Guest256 is Debbie Schinker
19:57:08 sharonp -> oh
19:57:09 mrsdurff -> duh
19:57:11 JenWagner -> LOL
19:57:19 JenWagner -> Sharon you are like 15 minutes delay
19:57:22 sharonp -> I go put my laundry in the dryer and am away for three minutes
19:57:27 mrsdurff -> how late breaking is late?
19:57:31 PeggyG -> the mysterious Alice :-)
19:57:32 JenWagner -> LOL
19:57:35 JenWagner -> it is a DUCK
19:57:36 JenM -> that was a good one
19:57:41 mrsdurff -> i need to plan ahead
19:57:47 JenM -> she is funnier than john ...
19:57:55 sharonp -> I bet!
19:57:56 mrsdurff -> 7:57
19:58:02 JenWagner -> need to launch skype
19:58:05 sharonp -> sorry to miss her
19:58:10 guest256 -> (-:
19:58:14 JenWagner -> smiles --
19:58:16 JohnS -> she has to be
19:58:22 mrsdurff -> and will get off at 8pm
19:58:46 sroseman -> ELD stands for....
19:59:08 dave -> http://bitwine.com/ have we done this link before?
19:59:13 JohnS -> Yet another acronym for kids learning English
19:59:16 mrsdurff -> ecctrentric learner delivery ?
19:59:24 JenM -> Jeff has a cute curl in the middle of his forehead ... I just noticed ...
19:59:26 Alice Mercer -> http://ettatnecc.wikispaces.com/
19:59:28 JenWagner -> If Debbie Schinker stays on for 2 more minutes -- then she is then a WEBCASTER!!! passes the 10 minute mark
19:59:40 JohnS -> Don't think so, Dave.
20:00:03 JenM -> "There was a little webcaster who had a little curl, right in the middle of his forehead ... when he was good ..."
20:00:09 guest256 -> If it's that easy, everyone will do it!
20:00:21 JenWagner -> it is that easy -- and everyone IS doing it :)
20:00:48 Alice Mercer -> I'm trying to mute.
20:01:10 randyn -> kids as in how old?
20:01:45 JenWagner -> charge for what??
20:01:45 sroseman -> aw shucks ..."Mac version does not currently include: Free phone calls, Recording and Video Effects"
20:02:10 Alice Mercer -> I need to go to
20:02:19 Alice Mercer -> too
20:02:27 john.rundag -> Can't John feed the kids?
20:02:40 mrsdurff -> bye ms. schinker
20:02:49 sroseman -> those wild Americans!!
20:03:01 PeggyG -> @sroseman-which Mac version doesn't have free phone calls?
20:03:02 JohnS -> I regularly feed the kids -- and the dog.
20:03:06 JohnS -> Sometimes different things.
20:03:20 sroseman -> OOVOO. Peggy
20:03:27 JohnS -> mmm... they can.
20:03:37 JohnS -> If they're hungry enough, they'll eat anything.
20:03:39 sroseman -> http://www.oovoo.com/download/
20:03:40 PeggyG -> Oh, thanks--lost that thread in the convo
20:03:41 JenM -> I need to eat with my big baby ... night all!
20:03:57 JohnS -> When they're sick, though, they want DAD food
20:04:13 john.rundag -> Dogs? Oops! No wonder they have been whimpering all day! ;-)
20:04:21 randyn -> i gotta go
20:04:21 PeggyG -> G'night all!
20:04:37 itmadesimple -> thanks for the mention guys - from edtechcrew in oz
20:05:18 guest256 -> Yes, Dad's chicken noodle soup can't be beat.
20:05:20 sharonp -> I think we need to have the edtechcrew meet the posse and WOW2
20:05:21 itmadesimple -> hello to you
20:05:22 guest256 -> Ok...I
20:05:29 Eric -> :)
20:05:40 guest256 -> 'm leaving but Megan is now listening. (-: (That's the 6 3/4th year old(
20:05:48 JL -> http://edtechcrew.com
20:05:57 sroseman -> goodnight all..this is better than watching the boob tube
20:06:06 JL -> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=l7yJs0sT6kHDRS8NtBBEuw_3d_3d
20:06:09 sharonp -> I filled it out!
20:06:22 PeggyG -> I filled it out too. :-)
20:06:26 JohnS -> Twenty Minutes for Tech: http://www.twentyfortech.com/
20:06:29 mrsdurff -> Reminder: June 17, 2008, 1:00 PM ET Rhizomatic Education : Community as Curriculum Dave Cormier
20:06:30 Eric -> it's .net not .com
20:06:51 mrsdurff -> your welcome
20:09:47 JenM -> Nite all!!!!
20:09:54 JohnS -> Thanks, everyone.
20:09:58 JL -> Thanks all
20:10:09 Eric -> The lights are out, I guess I should go now.
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