EdTechWeekly#64 - Speed Rounds & Shmuel Tennenhaus of GlobalScholar.com
admin - Mon, 2008-02-11 13:21
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EdTechWeekly #64
Speed Rounds & Shmuel Tennenhaus of GlobalScholar.com
Chat Log Below
Speed Rounds & Shmuel Tennenhaus of GlobalScholar.com
February 10, 2008
Chat Log Below
18:48:02 gary -> They have more fun there
18:51:30 gary -> Dave - you didn't like Jean C?
18:54:31 gary -> Canadian joke
18:55:26 gary -> He actually had a brain disfunction - that relates to his facial problem
18:57:19 gary -> Another PM had trouble kicking a football
18:57:59 Peter Clitheroe (clithers) -> Hi all - yes late here
18:59:23 jepcke -> I love Pic Lens. Have you tried Cool Iris?
18:59:57 JenM -> jepcke - Yes! I'm going to mention both ...
18:59:57 jepcke -> Created by the same people. Has changed the way I navigate the web.
19:00:07 jepcke -> Great!
19:01:50 dave -> http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/15257368/detail.html
19:03:30 JenM -> http://www.piclens.com/site/firefox/win/ ... and ... https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2207
19:03:32 gary -> Sort of like complaing to PayPal and then publishing your account info
19:03:45 dave -> yup...
19:04:11 JohnS -> Welcome, all. Alvin's here? Shesh. I have to pay attention now. :-)
19:04:18 jepcke -> These 2 add-ons have changed my life!
19:04:20 Alvin Trusty -> You better.\
19:04:44 jepcke -> Makes looking for images so much more efficient
19:05:54 JL -> http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/02/08/microsoft-to-acquire-ustreamtv-for-... Microsoft To Acquire Ustream.tv For $50 Million?
19:06:11 sharonp -> WHAT??
19:06:19 JL -> http://live.yahoo.com/ Live Yahoo Streaming
19:06:38 jepcke -> If Google doesn't own it, Microsoft does...a least it seems like it
19:07:02 JL -> http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8UN0LIO1&show_article=1 Yahoo Board to Spurn $44B Microsoft Bid
19:07:14 gary -> Now if Microsoft could buy a good OS - wow!
19:07:37 JohnS -> K-12 HP Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative: http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/grants/us/programs/tech_teaching/k12_main.html
19:07:58 sharonp -> for AMerica?
19:07:59 sharonp -> only
19:08:00 sharonp -> rats
19:08:07 jepcke -> I think JLWagner is applying for that grant, too
19:08:17 sharonp -> you Americans must feel very threatened by the Canadians
19:08:30 sharonp -> .. as you should??
19:08:39 durff from pete-c achoo -> oh terribly sharon
19:08:48 dave -> http://www.videospin.com/
19:09:22 JohnS -> My next link is us-centric, too. Sorry, folks.
19:09:31 dave -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=lKw2NOhjbok
19:10:50 jepcke -> Interface kinda looks like iMovie '08?
19:11:09 gary -> Was thinking the same
19:11:15 JenM -> Links to Cool Resources: http://simplespark.com/ ... and ... http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/the-ultimate-student-resou...
19:11:28 jepcke -> Love Simple Spark!
19:12:15 JL -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo Randy Pausch Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
19:12:43 jepcke -> I just watched this on Friday night. A great video!
19:12:56 Peter Clitheroe (clithers) -> A must see
19:13:01 JL -> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch/
19:13:09 JohnS -> Wowio: http://www.wowio.com
19:13:23 sharonp -> I saw him on Oprah - also a youtube
19:14:07 dave -> http://a.wholelottanothing.org/2008/02/01/how-to-record-a-kickass-podcas...
19:15:16 durff from pete-c achoo -> i am living proof that anyone can!
19:15:27 JenM -> Games and Learning Society Conference Videos - http://hosted.mediasite.com/hosted4/Catalog/front.aspx?cid=5f1065d1-147d...
19:15:37 lizbdavis -> Hi everyone.
19:15:45 dave -> hey.
19:15:45 sharonp -> Hi Liz!
19:15:49 durff from pete-c achoo -> hi liz
19:15:49 jepcke -> Hi Liz
19:15:50 dave -> how goes it
19:16:14 JL -> http://openid.net/2008/02/07/evolving-the-openid-foundation-board/ OpenID » Blog Archive » Evolving the OpenID Foundation Board
19:16:32 JL -> http://whdb.com/2008/top-25-linux-games-for-2008/ Top 25 Linux Games for 2008 | WHDb
19:16:39 sharonp -> HI Ben!
19:16:42 JohnS -> Polaroid Closing Instant Film Factories: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/technology/AP-Polaroid-Film.html?ex=1203...
19:16:59 dave -> Oh my...
19:17:01 dave -> sorry john
19:17:27 benwilkoff -> Hey.. I'm not usually on now... but I never miss a podcast
19:17:38 durff from pete-c achoo -> hi ben
19:17:39 dave -> http://iantruelove.blogspot.com/2008/02/kid-grid.html
19:18:56 JenM -> http://www.eventbrite.com/home
19:19:43 Lisa Thumann -> PodCamp in NYC is using Eventbrite as well
19:20:00 lizbdavis -> Are you going to that Lisa?
19:20:07 Lisa Thumann -> Yes and presenting a session
19:20:11 sharonp -> easy peasey
19:20:12 lizbdavis -> It was very east to use
19:20:17 JL -> http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9865854-1.html Giants win, domain squatter loses
19:20:17 lizbdavis -> easy
19:20:22 sharonp -> loved that I could use PayPal with it
19:20:34 JenM -> cool! thanks for the feedback
19:20:41 durff from pete-c achoo -> hi jen
19:20:53 JL -> http://www.news.com/8301-13578_3-9864581-38.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=... In '08 presidential race, who's the most tech-friendly?
19:20:56 JenniferW -> how are you feeling Lisa??
19:20:57 durff from pete-c achoo -> both of you
19:21:04 durff from pete-c achoo -> better
19:21:09 dave -> jenniferW we've been talking about the clothing optional show
19:21:13 dave -> people are confused.
19:21:16 jepcke -> Great link! I've been looking for something like this
19:21:20 sharonp -> I am very confused
19:21:20 Lisa Thumann -> Much better -thanks Jen!
19:21:21 PeggyG -> Hi all--is there audio? I'm not hearing it.
19:21:22 JenniferW -> you are joking???
19:21:22 durff from pete-c achoo -> thanks
19:21:39 benwilkoff -> press play on the ustream
19:21:41 sharonp -> I need much more guidance - pictures? diagrams?
19:21:42 jepcke -> @peggyg click on ustream link
19:21:43 JohnS -> FindSounds: http://www.findsounds.com
19:21:43 durff from pete-c achoo -> Peggy yes
19:21:54 JenniferW -> I was dressed in my very tight grey body suit - and that is my final statement :)
19:22:01 PeggyG -> Thanks--was looking for it in iTunes
19:22:03 lizbdavis -> Great resource for sound effects
19:22:12 dave -> LOL
19:22:13 Lisa Thumann -> Findsounds - cool!
19:22:33 dave -> http://www.nace.co.uk/tasc/tasc_home.htm
19:23:15 durff from pete-c achoo -> hi kern
19:23:23 Kern -> Hi there
19:23:59 JenM -> http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/node/581
19:24:58 durff from pete-c achoo -> not loading here either
19:25:08 lizbdavis -> I can't get to it
19:25:12 sroseman -> yep, not loading here
19:25:17 loonyhiker -> i can't get it either
19:25:34 techsavvygirl -> not streaming here either
19:25:42 sharonp -> Did anyone hear about the listserv who had a member post ALL content to his blog??
19:25:46 JenM -> http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/node/581
19:25:51 JohnS -> tsg: audio is in ustream.
19:25:52 sharonp -> independent school listserv
19:26:43 sharonp -> the people on the listserv are kind of grappling with that
19:26:46 chriswherley -> can't listserv messages be archived?
19:26:50 sharonp -> what is public and what is private
19:27:12 sharonp -> social contract, hmmm
19:28:02 dave -> yay social contract
19:28:16 benwilkoff -> Does it have to be notorized?
19:28:17 sharonp -> interesting
19:28:19 Peter Clitheroe (clithers) -> and there's the rub - differing expectations
19:28:26 PeggyG -> I'm on lots of listservs and some are public,some private--seems the private lists think they can control spam that way :-)
19:28:52 sharonp -> what does one do when all on listserv is published publicly?
19:29:02 Lisa Thumann -> I moderate a listserve and everything needs to be approved before it gets posted.
19:29:16 JenniferW -> I have a question -- how can they verify that the one posting is truly the real person -- that is the area that bothers me
19:29:23 JL -> http://www.meaningfulurl.com/index.php MeaningfulURL.com
19:29:27 PeggyG -> It's up to the moderater/list manager to decide how they want to set it up
19:29:29 JenniferW -> and this rolls over to BLOG comments too
19:29:49 JL -> http://drop.io/ Drop.io: Simple Private Exchange
19:29:54 PeggyG -> It's password controlled
19:29:59 JL -> http://box.net/ Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage
19:30:02 durff from pete-c achoo -> call a cab maria
19:30:03 sharonp -> love watching Couros class - learned a lot
19:30:06 JL -> http://www.thingfo.com/ Thingfo: Instant Community for Anything
19:30:37 MariaK -> @durff - don't get your germs in my cab!
19:30:43 JohnS -> Panwapa: http://panwapa.com/ and http://www.sesameworkshop.org/aboutus/pressroom/presskits/panwapa/index.php
19:30:50 sroseman -> and works with Twitter
19:30:52 durff from pete-c achoo -> achoo!@
19:31:42 Peter Clitheroe (clithers) -> a bit like ed tech talk then :D
19:31:53 JL -> http://davecormier.com/?q=node/43
19:31:54 MariaK -> sounds like something to use in kindergarten this week!
19:32:18 JenM -> http://twitpic.com/
19:32:20 JenniferW -> ohhhh I used this today
19:32:32 PeggyG -> Just posted my first pic on Twitpic--very cool!
19:32:34 Sarah S -> This is a great addition to twitter.
19:32:37 alicebarr -> I did too, so fun!
19:32:38 jepcke -> Tried twitpic today. Look at my sunset pic
19:32:39 JenniferW -> gonna post another picture in about 20 minutes
19:32:50 JenniferW -> Hey Lee Baber!!!
19:33:02 lee baber -> Hi JenW
19:33:03 PeggyG -> That was a beautiful sunset pic--wondered who posted it and where it was :-)
19:33:04 sharonp -> Hi ya Lee
19:33:05 JenniferW -> I wondered what they are doing with our pictures
19:33:06 JohnS -> 180 Technology tips: http://www.180techtips.com/index.htm
19:33:10 Lisa Thumann -> When is Twitter search coming back?>??
19:33:16 lee baber -> hi sharon
19:33:25 jepcke -> @peggyg I posted it and itwas in Clearwater Beach a few weeks ago
19:33:34 durff from pete-c achoo -> soon i hope lisa
19:33:42 PeggyG -> @jepcke Awesome! Thanks!
19:33:49 JenM -> All of our links for this week can be found at - http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/20080210
19:34:01 jepcke -> @lisahthumann I was wondering the same thing
19:34:18 JenM -> Tag new links at: "for:edtechtalk" .... Thanks, Dave!
19:34:39 JenniferW -> sighs -- she only did it ONCE -- :)
19:34:49 JohnS -> Yeah, but it was a link from the same show.
19:35:03 JohnS -> And, actually, I did it twice in that show, too.
19:35:09 JenniferW -> how long is her show??
19:35:18 JenM -> Thank you to the ETTers for posting so many great links this week!!!
19:35:36 JenniferW -> OHHH Me Me !!! LOL -- not!!
19:35:40 durff from pete-c achoo -> JenW is
19:35:50 jepcke -> PC only for Open Sim, right?
19:35:52 JenniferW -> I am brave!!!
19:36:08 Cathy E -> I want to play
19:36:10 jepcke -> Will you be giving the Mac directions this week?
19:36:15 JenniferW -> just a bit nudeaphobic
19:36:19 alicebarr -> I'll do it!
19:36:23 lee baber -> http://musicbridge.com has a really nice interview with Joseph Pisano posted
19:36:24 sharonp -> nudeaphobic?
19:36:33 sharonp -> yes, enjoyed that interview, Lee
19:36:43 JenniferW -> I was wearing a SKIN TIGHT GREY BODY SUIT -- that is my story, and I am sticking with it
19:36:50 JL -> http://www.globalscholar.com/
19:37:36 PeggyG -> @JenniferW--so that was you :-) Just kidding, I didn't see it :-)
19:38:34 sroseman -> what's her name again...
19:39:18 JenniferW -> PeggyG -- I was told -- what happens in OpenSim -- stays in OpenSim :)
19:39:25 JohnS -> This is Shmuel Tennenhaus from Global Scholar
19:39:37 PeggyG -> @Jen and you believed that??? :-)
19:39:50 JenniferW -> Yes, I tend to lean towards being the trusting one :)
19:39:54 durff from pete-c achoo -> you believe that JenW?
19:40:00 dave -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=uXfxrXUuKrM
19:40:25 JL -> http://www.youtube.com/user/oneparkave
19:40:31 durff from pete-c achoo -> all bets off with dave you should know that
19:41:29 dave -> witches?
19:41:53 durff from pete-c achoo -> oh dave
19:42:00 JL -> http://collegefinder.globalscholar.com/
19:42:38 JL -> http://schoolfinder.globalscholar.com/default.aspx
19:43:48 PeggyG -> college finder--great service!!
19:45:23 benwilkoff -> This is a fantastic guest.
19:46:40 dave -> it's our great interviewing style that sucks out the information
19:46:48 JenM -> :)
19:47:18 durff from pete-c achoo -> right dave
19:47:38 JohnS -> Did you say our interviewing style sucks?
19:48:20 durff from pete-c achoo -> i didn't say that....tricky john
19:48:44 durff from pete-c achoo -> new name for johm
19:48:52 durff from pete-c achoo -> john
19:48:54 lee baber -> hmmmm
19:48:56 JenniferW -> hmmm?? where do they get their data for school finder???
19:48:57 Lisa Thumann -> Hi again
19:49:19 lee baber -> the perfect candidate for the advanced webcast academy
19:50:36 PeggyG -> This is very exciting as a tutoring tool/resource!
19:52:19 PeggyG -> Very funny!!!!
19:54:26 lee baber -> hooray
19:54:29 loonyhiker -> thanks! this was fun!
19:54:31 lee baber -> good job
19:54:31 JenniferW -> the show is over??
19:54:37 PeggyG -> Very interesting! Thanks!
19:54:41 langwitches -> Thank you!
19:54:47 JohnS -> http://www.alvintrusty.com/trustyblog/
19:54:58 Alvin Trusty -> You didn't have to say that, John, but THANKS!!!!
19:55:22 JohnS -> Seriously, everyone in Ohio knows this guy
19:55:25 Lisa Thumann -> But what's Alvin's Twitter ID?
19:55:33 PeggyG -> Can't wait to view some of his YouTube videos! :-)
19:55:36 durff from pete-c achoo -> does that mean we have to be good?
19:55:57 durff from pete-c achoo -> hi cheryl
19:56:22 shmuly -> hey!
19:56:27 lee baber -> [u]hello
19:56:29 cheryloakes -> hi durff,
19:56:31 JenniferW -> hello Shmuly
19:56:32 JenM -> Hi, shmuly!
19:56:35 langwitches -> Hello
19:56:41 lizbdavis -> Hi Shmuly
19:56:51 cheryloakes -> hello all, wow lots showing up
19:57:15 JenM -> He is killing me ... in a good way :)
19:57:29 cheryloakes -> jenw and lizb
19:57:31 durff from pete-c achoo -> a sarcastic person - i love it
19:57:38 JenniferW -> Hey Cheryloakes
19:57:45 shmuly -> lol
19:57:48 dave -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=QLoMRo4kYww
19:57:50 lizbdavis -> Hi Cheryl - I was in the Ustream chat
19:57:52 PeggyG -> He is so funny! :-)
19:57:59 shmuly -> i am cute too!
19:58:00 JenM -> ba dump bump ...
19:58:05 lizbdavis -> Apparently there were two chats?
19:58:11 cheryloakes -> oh, just seeing lee baber, just joined home from skiing
19:58:16 JenniferW -> watching the YOU TUBE
19:58:17 durff from pete-c achoo -> yes
19:58:21 dave -> @lizbdavis
19:58:23 lee baber -> Hello C heryl!
19:58:27 dave -> umm... just audio and text
19:58:32 lee baber -> tooo lucky to be skiing
19:58:35 JohnS -> Liz, I think this is the only chat
19:58:47 cheryloakes -> skiing was all great, lots of snow and cold
19:58:52 lee baber -> Nice!
19:59:08 durff from pete-c achoo -> sniffing?
19:59:18 lizbdavis -> OK - two different URLs for the chats?
19:59:27 durff from pete-c achoo -> sniffing techies? oi veh
20:00:01 durff from pete-c achoo -> i've had kids jump out the window
20:00:15 durff from pete-c achoo -> top that dave
20:00:21 sharonp -> so is this service limited to Americans?
20:00:31 JenM -> guys ... I need to mute for poor Tom to be able to eat, watch TV ... :)
20:00:32 durff from pete-c achoo -> oh you did = opensim
20:00:44 JohnS -> Floppy disk + gun powder + unsuspecting special ed kid = less-than-stellar recommendation for private school
20:00:58 durff from pete-c achoo -> oh boy!
20:00:59 sharonp -> LOL John!
20:01:13 durff from pete-c achoo -> it's always the quiet ones
20:01:17 JenniferW -> Canada is THOROUGh
20:01:24 sharonp -> yay Montreal!!
20:01:24 lizbdavis -> Blame Canada
20:02:15 lee baber -> EDTalk.com is taken
20:02:19 sharonp -> LOL - more than ONE maiden name??
20:02:50 sharonp -> Quebec makes me use my maiden name
20:03:06 lizbdavis -> Doesn't ED stand for something else? - Bob Dole related?
20:03:17 PeggyG -> What a thorough screening process! Great and very reassuring!
20:03:24 Lisa Thumann -> emotionally disturbed
20:03:29 shmuly -> lol
20:03:30 shmuly -> ED
20:03:36 gary -> What about doing checks through professional teachers' organizations?
20:03:42 Lisa Thumann -> *)
20:03:50 durff from pete-c achoo -> again?
20:03:59 lee baber -> eedeetalk.com is not taken! :)
20:04:02 JL -> http://davecormier.com/?q=node/9
20:04:03 sharonp -> With the states having different standards (I believe) how are the stadards maintained pan-states?
20:04:06 durff from pete-c achoo -> good going
20:04:07 lee baber -> yah.. I am on the way
20:04:33 JohnS -> http://www.davecormier.com/
20:04:39 dave -> http://ustream.tv/recorded/ZJCQbB3OmsOxs6cQYsv7gSZlxmTdZmxQ
20:05:50 PeggyG -> Just audio is fine--talking heads don't offer a lot
20:05:53 JL -> http://ustream.tv/coarsesalt
20:06:00 JenniferW -> do we have LIGHTS
20:06:01 lee baber -> May I have the ustream again link again
20:06:02 JenniferW -> popcorn
20:06:10 JenniferW -> we need the LIGHTS
20:06:50 JenniferW -> Tell us about the use of the exercise bike
20:07:20 durff from pete-c achoo -> yes dave working
20:07:25 JL -> http://ustream.tv/coarsesalt
20:07:26 lee baber -> dave..it was wrking for a sec
20:07:38 lee baber -> at first
20:07:39 JenM -> enough!!!
20:07:41 lee baber -> then stopped
20:07:46 JenniferW -> hmjmm
20:07:50 JenniferW -> not working
20:07:54 shmuly -> hey all
20:07:56 JenniferW -> nope
20:07:57 shmuly -> im still here
20:08:00 matt montagne -> hey all
20:08:01 shmuly -> asl?
20:08:05 shmuly -> lol
20:08:08 PeggyG -> Lost the ustream video
20:08:11 shmuly -> remember the good ole'days
20:08:13 durff from pete-c achoo -> he was
20:08:18 shmuly -> of a/s/l
20:08:22 matt montagne -> I'm getting audio
20:08:23 JenniferW -> i have a green and then a yello 5
20:08:23 loonyhiker -> i see u
20:08:38 JenniferW -> and the ice cream is broken
20:08:40 JenniferW -> but that is all
20:08:42 durff from pete-c achoo -> good
20:08:45 loonyhiker -> i hear u
20:08:46 PeggyG -> Just got audio :-)
20:08:49 lee baber -> tis on
20:09:01 JohnS -> He was trying to get us into the ustream.
20:09:07 JenniferW -> Talk about the EXERCISE BIKE in the background
20:09:10 JenM -> that is perfect!
20:09:12 JohnS -> Didn't work, so he's going to do it himself
20:09:13 JenniferW -> or the lack of LIGHTS
20:09:26 durff from pete-c achoo -> chicken
20:09:48 matt montagne -> what company r they talking about?
20:09:51 lee baber -> we are tech people
20:09:53 JenniferW -> they are TECH people
20:10:13 durff from pete-c achoo -> who you calling tech people?
20:10:15 JenniferW -> no ustream for me --
20:10:20 lee baber -> tech
20:10:26 JenM -> heading out for dinner! Thank you, Shmuly!
20:10:32 JenniferW -> just a green circle around a red 5
20:10:35 durff from pete-c achoo -> by jen
20:11:31 JenniferW -> TRULY -- he goes into the closet??
20:11:42 JenniferW -> now there is a topic to discuss tonight
20:12:43 matt montagne -> education shouldn't be first...then we'd be susceptible to whims and fads
20:13:17 PeggyG -> lost my ustream video and audio--do I need to log in?
20:13:18 gary -> They like desks in nice neat rows - easy to find the bodies after they die.
20:13:35 JohnS -> shouldn't need to peggy.
20:13:58 JohnS -> Try the little circle refresh thingy on the bottom left of the ustream window
20:15:00 PeggyG -> just keeps telling me off air
20:15:23 JL -> the ustream at: http://edtechtalk.com/live ?
20:15:33 matt montagne -> no apples to apples
20:15:37 matt montagne -> no way
20:15:45 matt montagne -> testing companies woull LOVE his scenario
20:15:55 gary -> Rule # three of teaching: Never ask for permission unless it involves more risk than you want to take.
20:16:23 loonyhiker -> i was always taught it was easier to ask for forgiveness than permission :)
20:16:41 PeggyG -> Re-logged into edtechtalk and all is well--thanks
20:16:43 chriswherley -> we have 1400 students, 186 staff members. too be on the cutting edge with that much technology and try to be consistent would be fun
20:16:54 chriswherley -> by fun i mean impossible
20:18:16 loonyhiker -> isn't that what NCLB is trying to do? everyone is the same??
20:18:36 loonyhiker -> and it isn't working
20:19:02 JohnS -> It's a minimum standards model. That does a disservice to everyone who has already passed the test.
20:19:08 matt montagne -> we're dealing with people in education...not commodities
20:19:54 gary -> But vouchers would solve all that wouldn't it?;)
20:20:02 matt montagne -> we have many, many students walk thru the door without their basic needs being met. You can't feed the mind without basic needs taken care of
20:20:03 dave -> u iz funny.
20:21:28 JL -> http://knowledgeuniverse.com/
20:21:59 JL -> http://www.k12.com/
20:22:22 gary -> Wine here
20:22:53 JenniferW -> we are still here
20:23:13 chriswherley -> I appreciate the work that goes into this broadcast. I will return in the future. Thanks.
20:23:26 lizbdavis -> Do they have good bagels in Seattle?
20:23:34 PeggyG -> I thought edtechtalk was your full-time job! :-)
20:23:47 JohnS -> It is.
20:23:57 JL -> If is was I'd be very hungry
20:24:20 PeggyG -> That's the truth!
20:24:21 JohnS -> Just because it's full time doesnt' mean it's the income source
20:27:41 dave -> http://www.scienceleadership.org/
20:32:21 PeggyG -> Lost connection on Firefox :-( Trying Flock
20:33:03 PeggyG -> Hear! Hear for romance :-) You're a good man!
20:33:54 gary -> As usual, thanks!
20:33:59 shmuly -> aaa
20:34:01 shmuly -> thanks!
20:34:11 JL -> Thanks shmuly and all
20:34:12 PeggyG -> Thanks! Good food for thought and many new links!
20:34:14 JL -> see you next week
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