EdTechWeekly#201 - Dave's real life issue
admin - Mon, 2011-10-03 10:18
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October 2, 2011
Chat Log Below
October 2, 2011
Participants: Jeff
Lebow, dave
cormier, John
Topics: Dave's real life issue - MOOC-ish Professional Development experiment involving faculty learning about online learning and prospective students learning about university life.
Topics: Dave's real life issue - MOOC-ish Professional Development experiment involving faculty learning about online learning and prospective students learning about university life.
Chat Log Below
teda007 ban: Hi, I''m trying to join with video, how do I do that?
teach15: Hello all, what's the topic?
John: Dave is going to describe a real-world problem, and we're going to give him advice.
edtechtalk mod: you may need to refresh livestream window
John: @teda007 thanks for joining us. You should be able to see video/audio now, and a running text here. Will be starting momentarily
Cathy E: I don't hear you...is it just me?
lbarley25 ban: I can hear
Jeff: the aircraft carrier in my front yard: http://koreabridge.net/post/aircraft-carrier-my-front-yard-busan-through-weekend-jeff
John: You should have audio now
teach15: Dave, what's your job title again?
teach15: great, thanks
teach15: and what university?
edtechtalk mod: UPEI
teach15: thanks
teach15: so basically ur goal is train professors with the online learning experience, while attracting prospective students?
teda007 ban: Why will the number of students affect this or cause a problem?
John: If you have 15 professors teaching it, and 15 students learning, those aren't very big groups
teach15: Hey Dave, so basically ur goal is to train professors with the online learning experience, while attracting prospective students?
teach15: great, thanks for the clarification!
teda007 ban: What is Mook?
John: Massive open online course: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDUQtwIwAA&url=h...
John: Sorry. Better link: http://bit.ly/rgYYth
dave: https://docs.google.com/a/upei.ca/document/d/1-OdFEXXEUcjYl2sihCjT4Vl8Ge...
edtechtalk mod: http://experienceu.upeiblogs.ca/
John: Students would go to the experienceu address: http://experienceu.upeiblogs.ca/
dave: #xpu2011
dave: xpu11
teda007 ban: I was stationed at Kunsan in 95-96, I know about Pusan :-)
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