EdTechWeekly #168

Post-Show description: 

Dave, John, and Jen welcome guest host Diana Laufenberg to continue the new format for EdTechWeekly that offers a deeper look into a smaller number of topics each week. This week, the discussion focuses on the following topics:

Join us for next week's guest: Camilla Elliot, Teacher/Librarian from Melbourne, Australia.

EdTechWeekly #168 

September 19, 2010

Guest Host: Diana Laufenberg, Science Leadership Academy

Dave, John, and Jen welcome guest host Diana Laufenberg to continue the new format for EdTechWeekly that offers a deeper look into a smaller number of topics each week. This week, the discussion focuses on the following topics:

Join us for next week's guest: Camilla Elliot, Teacher/Librarian from Melbourne, Australia.

Wiki Agenda

Chat log below

18:57:24 dave -> hey folks.
19:02:26 cyndidannerkuhn -> Hello from Kansas State University
19:02:52 JenM -> hey, cyndidannerkuhn
19:03:00 cyndidannerkuhn -> where in rural Kansas?
19:03:30 JenM -> http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com/
19:03:33 JohnS -> http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com/EdTechWeekly+168
19:09:37 cyndidannerkuhn -> I post my entire course on my website and it freaks people out too!!  Just amazes me the thinks Higher Ed folks worry about.
19:14:07 cyndidannerkuhn -> I agree, the openness is the change and and many scary and for many it opens a new world to them
19:15:35 Jennifer -> PLA???   Public Learning Area??   PLE??   sorry --  
19:15:53 Jennifer -> PLE??  PLA??   
19:16:11 JohnS -> personal learning environment.
19:16:24 Jennifer -> E  --  Thank you
19:17:11 Jennifer -> you are assuming everyone has the same mindset as you that they should WANT to share their thoughts with the world
19:17:30 JohnS -> SLA = Science Leadership Academy
19:17:32 Jennifer -> sorry -- it is an assumption that everyone has the same mindset
19:17:37 Jennifer -> as you might expect
19:18:08 Jennifer -> I think I am hearing with a 2 minute delay   :)   Diana is just starting to share about SLA
19:18:54 dave -> debbie downer
19:19:02 JohnS -> Yeah. There's a delay on ETT A stream.
19:19:02 Jennifer -> is the hesitation not a personal preference though??   
19:19:15 Jennifer -> not a debbie downer   LOL
19:19:40 cyndidannerkuhn -> I like the new wiki, but would love to see liks to regualar host blogs/websites. Please and Thank You.
19:19:54 JenM -> Design Challenge: http://www.nasarealworldinworld.org/Home.aspx
19:20:07 Jennifer -> it is just nice to hear your voices again.....my bad for being overly busy on Sundays
19:20:28 JohnS -> Jen's blog: http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/
19:20:43 JohnS -> Dave's blog: http://davecormier.com/edblog/
19:20:53 JohnS -> John's blog: http://www.tasteoftech.net
19:22:57 cyndidannerkuhn -> super, thanaks, maybe add those to the wiki someplace so they are alwasy there.
19:24:53 dave -> hey folks... nice to see you :)
19:25:21 dave -> you are all welcome... as always... to join the conversation
19:30:22 JohnS -> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129709336
19:30:33 PeggyG -> Hi everyone-completely forgot about the time for this and didn't see it on the calendar. So glad you're back!
19:32:28 Jennifer -> I'm okay with that -- as long as people don't use that search engine ONLY for their results.
19:32:40 dave -> global warming makes another great search
19:32:47 Jennifer -> you never can limit to just ONE search engine
19:33:00 cyndidannerkuhn -> a specialized search engine could potentailly be useful in a classroom with kids, might save time, not sure how I feel, but I can see how it could be useful in a classroom.
19:33:19 PeggyG -> yolink allows you to search in context on other search engines
19:33:47 sheila -> I forgot about that one PeggyG.
19:33:48 Jennifer -> you could say sweetsearch is a "censored" search engine as well....because it brings back ONLY teacher approved sites
19:34:13 Jennifer -> I think the problem becomes when you limit to ONE search engine as your only option
19:35:41 Jennifer -> hate being 2 minutes in delay   :)   with chat
19:36:04 dave -> 30 sec.
19:36:05 PeggyG -> yolink integrates with SweetSearch, Diigo, Evernote, Google docs and EasyBib :-)
19:36:07 dave -> :)
19:36:23 cyndidannerkuhn -> try listening through iTunes, that is what works for me.
19:36:27 Jennifer -> seems like more
19:37:05 dave -> debbie downer part 2
19:37:11 dave -> :P
19:37:24 Jennifer -> OHMIGOSH _- yes to what Jen is saying --- lots of bobbing heads talking to bobbing heads    sad but true
19:37:26 JenM -> debbie downer and proud of it!
19:38:06 cyndidannerkuhn -> :D
19:38:08 Jennifer -> grins, there are people in this room we don't agree with -- but that is what makes the conversation
19:38:23 Jennifer -> don't always agree with   ;)
19:38:26 PeggyG -> :-)
19:38:59 cyndidannerkuhn -> thank goodness we won't always agree!!
19:39:07 Jennifer -> I find that quite sad
19:39:47 Jennifer -> HEY _-- I finally can tell Dave from Jeff   :)     (sadly realizing why -- but hey, I can now tell who Dave is)    :)
19:40:20 Jennifer -> we often silence voices who we think are wrong
19:40:27 JohnS -> http://www.newstrust.net
19:41:06 JohnS -> Sorry. No Ws... http://newstrust.net/
19:45:47 Jennifer -> how is crowd-sourcing different than censoring???   not being argumentative??  just wondering if newstrust is kinda doing what the NPR show said the Christian search engine was doing
19:46:40 Jennifer -> which just continues to prove -- you have to read more than one source and one opinion
19:47:03 dave -> one is transparent... one isn't
19:47:42 Jennifer -> I have not read either site throughly yet though to see where one is and one is not --
19:48:25 dave -> seekfind.org forwards a single viewpoint and calls it 'christian'
19:48:45 dave -> newstrust.net allows people to discuss the claims in an independent story
19:48:53 cyndidannerkuhn -> sounds like it teaches kids to dig a little deeper and not just take things at face value.  
19:50:00 Jennifer -> reading at both sites -- and listening to you as well
19:51:37 cyndidannerkuhn -> me too!
19:51:56 cyndidannerkuhn -> wow you sound like an amazing teacher, lucky kids
19:52:01 PeggyG -> what fun! birthday party for the Constitution :-)
19:52:31 Jennifer -> nice to hear you all -- thanks for sharing
19:52:34 PeggyG -> Can you get your shows on the ETT calendar--pretty please :-)
19:52:39 cyndidannerkuhn -> great show, very interesting, thanks
19:53:01 PeggyG -> http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com
19:53:09 PeggyG -> yes
19:53:18 Angela (kyteacher) -> Thanks...lots of listening tonight while I work on lesson plans.  
19:53:25 PeggyG -> I know because she tweeted she was coming to the show
19:54:05 PeggyG -> thanks everyone!
19:54:25 Angela (kyteacher) -> Congrats Diane.  How cool!
19:54:34 JenM -> thank you for joining us tonight!
19:54:39 dave -> gotta drop out folks. boy waiting in my tent