EdTechWeekly #150
Join John, Dave, Jeff and Jen for episode 150 of EdTechWeekly! In a new format that is oddly like the old format, they review the latest news and resources in education and technology.
18:59:49 dave -> hi me
19:00:04 sroseman -> hi
19:00:26 sroseman -> Dave, is that a playroom behind you?
19:01:49 dave -> that is a playroom behind me
19:02:09 sroseman -> aha
19:02:36 sheila -> It all sounds good here.
19:03:24 sroseman -> perfect sound here
19:03:41 PeggyG -> sound is great for me :-) hi everyone
19:03:49 sheila -> Hi Peggy!
19:04:06 PeggyG -> Hi Sheila
19:04:32 PeggyG -> looks like we have more viewers in the stream than in the chat
19:04:38 mrsdurff -> PHG Joke?
19:04:50 PeggyG -> people hiding out ??
19:04:53 mrsdurff -> oh 10
19:05:10 PeggyG -> oh yes--multiple computers :-)
19:05:36 sheila -> THere's that chair . . .
19:05:44 PeggyG -> Hi mrsdurff--come back :-)
19:05:45 dawn -> is anyone else getting bad echo?
19:05:55 mrsdurff -> nope
19:05:56 PeggyG -> welcome back mrsdurff
19:06:00 mrsdurff -> ustream
19:06:02 Jason Neiffer -> sounds great on the stream
19:06:05 sheila -> Dawn - do you have 2 windows open
19:06:07 sheila -> ?
19:06:14 sheila -> No it sounds good
19:06:15 mrsdurff -> all for hacks
19:06:25 PeggyG -> bad echo usually comes from 2 windows open
19:06:27 sheila -> I suspect she has both going.
19:06:34 dawn -> stream
19:06:49 PeggyG -> too funny!!!
19:06:50 dawn -> I use real player
19:07:05 sheila -> Check to see if the ustream window is going too.
19:07:29 sheila -> @dawn you may have to stop the ustream or ETTA
19:07:58 PeggyG -> what a lineup!!!! :-) very global!
19:08:12 PeggyG -> I remember the 100 links in one show!!
19:08:32 dave -> http://francoisguite.posterous.com/apples-itablet-the-great-gizmo-guessi...
19:09:30 mrsdurff2 -> you are effective, dave?
19:10:44 Jason Neiffer -> March shipment, IMHO
19:10:56 JenM -> why I (heart) the interweb tubes this week: http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/node/688
19:10:56 Jason Neiffer -> parts were ordered in december
19:11:14 dave -> @jason and in the fall, and in the summer etc...
19:11:46 PeggyG -> good for you JenM!! blogging again :-)
19:12:07 PeggyG -> what a reward!!
19:12:17 jamie -> cool, Jen!
19:12:49 dave -> @JL did you get a new phone? are those text messages?
19:13:25 JL -> http://www.englishcentral.com/en/videos
19:13:39 mrsdurff2 -> no
19:13:47 mrsdurff2 -> there is no echo
19:13:59 mrsdurff2 -> you are all hearing things
19:14:12 mrsdurff2 -> the echo is in your brains
19:14:14 PeggyG -> you're using mebeam and ustream?
19:14:31 JL -> http://www.englishcentral.com/en/videos
19:14:54 JenM -> @lisa ... ;)
19:15:15 mrsdurff2 -> always seeking to be helpful
19:15:27 mrsdurff2 -> hi Cathy
19:15:29 JohnS -> Techies unite to brainstorm help for Haiti: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/01/15/haiti.tech.camp/index.html?eref=rss_t... and Haiti/2010 Earthquake: http://crisiscommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
19:15:45 mrsdurff2 -> and john is a techie
19:18:08 dave -> http://www.scienceoxfordonline.com/the-very-strange-properties-of-cornst...
19:18:51 mrsdurff2 -> cornstarch wierd?
19:18:58 dawn -> ooblec
19:19:00 sheila -> Cornstarch is great . . .
19:19:15 PeggyG -> yes we used cornstarch for science project with ooblec :-)
19:19:19 Maureen -> Flubber has glue in it
19:20:30 JenM -> micro-donations: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/01/15/online.donations.haiti/index.html ... http://twitter.com/RedCross/statuses/7755538802
19:20:39 Maureen -> I've done it with kids- container of cornstartch to jump in... it was fun- messy !
19:20:51 mrsdurff2 -> yes i want a video of Dave doing cartwheels through cornstarch
19:21:11 PeggyG -> I'd take a video of Dave doing cartwheels anywhere :-)
19:21:57 JL -> http://www.webheadsinaction.org/node/585
19:21:57 mrsdurff2 -> EVO !
19:22:14 JL -> http://www.webheadsinaction.org/node/586
19:22:21 dave -> i can haz cartwheel
19:22:33 mrsdurff2 -> :)\
19:22:42 PeggyG -> how about a video of that :-) not that I doubt you!!
19:22:51 mrsdurff2 -> I doubt
19:22:59 dawn -> sh
19:23:02 mrsdurff2 -> I want proof
19:23:16 dawn -> i was close th has two sounds
19:23:17 sheila -> From this morning, we created http://kids4haiti.wikispaces.com/ Intent to get students connecting with schools in Haiti.
19:23:26 JohnS -> Spanish MP's photo used for Osama Bin Laden poster : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8463657.stm
19:23:51 PeggyG -> Sheila--how are you able to connect with schools in Haiti?
19:25:11 sheila -> Looking at names of schools on websites and eventually hope to connect with one school at a time. Wikipedia says 90% of schools are funded by NGOs. Looking for the 10% public schools. We'll see.
19:25:12 PeggyG -> not good!!
19:25:29 PeggyG -> I wouldn't be happy about that image matching either!!
19:25:33 dawn -> BRB
19:25:40 Maureen -> @ sheila I put the link to an organization that my friend works with. They work directly with schools/communities
19:25:59 PeggyG -> @sheila--do those schools still exist? with internet access?
19:26:04 JohnS -> UT Professor Considers Legal Action Over Use Of Charles Darwin Bio: http://www.metropulse.com/news/2009/dec/02/ut-professor-considers-legal-...
19:26:06 sheila -> Great Maureen.
19:26:54 sheila -> Oh no! No internet. Thinking of getting letters, etc. to them. Remind them others do care, thinking of them etc.
19:27:19 sheila -> We did this with tsunami and get responses back from 2 schools thanking us for making a connection.
19:27:23 PeggyG -> @Sheila--that's a fantastic project!!!
19:27:46 sheila -> Can only try . . . . We'll see where it goes.
19:27:54 JohnS -> Pub fined $13k for Wi-Fi copyright infringement: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-10405824-83.html
19:28:00 PeggyG -> I heard George Bush on TV saying don't send blankets, send money :-)
19:28:10 mrsdurff2 -> just accept at face value
19:28:17 mrsdurff2 -> go john!
19:28:56 mrsdurff2 -> why peggy?
19:29:11 PeggyG -> that is very scary precedence!! there are always people driving through the neighborhood looking for free wireless internet access
19:29:28 PeggyG -> why send money??
19:29:33 mrsdurff2 -> yes
19:29:46 mrsdurff2 -> and not blankets
19:30:00 JL -> http://learninggames.wordpress.com/2010/01/15/ijvple1-1/#comment-3471
19:30:07 PeggyG -> because they aren't prepared to handle shipments of items and the money can be used wherever it is needed--through the Red Cross
19:30:17 mrsdurff2 -> ah!
19:30:56 mrsdurff2 -> there are benefit concerts all over SL = people are giving way more than L$100 too
19:31:07 mrsdurff2 -> hi andress
19:31:09 PeggyG -> that's awesome durff!
19:31:18 JenM -> wsj: http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB1000142405274870348100457464640219...
19:31:27 andressateacher -> Hello, all.
19:31:50 sheila -> Hi Andressateacher
19:32:09 Jason Neiffer -> I liked the Horizon report, but, they always seem to have either obvious stuff too late (like this year's "open content") or things that couldn't possible be on the further Horizon (like "virtual worlds" a couple of years ago)...
19:32:48 mrsdurff2 -> welcome back
19:32:54 mrsdurff2 -> have sound?
19:33:23 PeggyG -> @Jason--it may seem too late to us (Horizon report) but there are many schools that aren't there yet so the documentation is very helpful
19:34:24 mrsdurff2 -> i think dave should give us a tour of his toyshelves
19:34:34 andressateacher -> Thanks, Mrsdurff2. I'll fix my webcam
19:34:38 dave -> we loves toys
19:35:32 mrsdurff2 -> hi csitterley
19:36:45 csitterley -> Hi Mrs.Durff- Are you going to PETEandC?
19:36:53 mrsdurff2 -> yup
19:37:22 csitterley -> Glad to hear that
19:37:51 dawn -> did I miss anything..just joking
19:38:04 mrsdurff2 -> we were talking about you
19:38:45 dawn -> hee:p
19:38:46 mrsdurff2 -> i am strange and kind
19:38:57 mrsdurff2 -> but alas, i know nothing
19:39:09 PeggyG -> hooray for the National WRiting Project!!
19:39:12 mrsdurff2 -> YAY!!
19:39:17 dawn -> :D
19:39:26 sheila -> Clap! Clap!
19:39:30 JenM -> Yay!
19:39:37 mrsdurff2 -> lean mean webcasting machine
19:40:54 mrsdurff2 -> Amen, preach it brother
19:42:15 mrsdurff2 -> brb
19:42:26 dawn -> were they paid too much though...
19:45:19 csitterley -> On a smaller scale, my daughter started working for a company (after being in a school for 7 years) She encourages open source, and did a lot for past district with that-and now the company wants to come up with a way to sell her services to help schools implement free open source
19:45:28 PeggyG -> is this what you're referring to? http://www.cbc.ca/radio/
19:45:38 dave -> @peggy. yup.
19:46:32 PeggyG -> thanks! new to me so I need to explore!
19:47:01 JenM -> @csitterley ... yes ... value would seem to be in "services" that you wrap around the resources
19:48:34 JL -> http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/blog/2010/01/13/four-possible-explanations...
19:49:53 sheila -> Heard this on NPR too.
19:50:04 dave -> http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE60E0BC20100117
19:53:45 dawn -> :D
19:53:56 sheila -> I'm still here!
19:53:59 sheila -> :)
19:54:04 dave -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/opoe/4267618846/in/photostream/
19:54:06 JenM -> 150!!! Yay!!!
19:54:06 PeggyG -> very interesting format!!! like it a lot!
19:54:09 dave -> love the cuteness!
19:54:18 sroseman -> cute
19:54:32 PeggyG -> didn't crash my browser with so many new tabs tonight :-)
19:54:41 sheila -> Oh, should we leave a video comment? Tee hee!
19:54:57 JenM -> http://www.backchannelbook.com/
19:55:04 csitterley -> For those who come in late, possibly mention the chosen topic a coupld times so in case we miss it-I like the format, but missed a bit when I first entered
19:55:36 PeggyG -> neat link JenM! we're going to be talking about backchannel with Scott Snyder in an upcoming Classroom 2.0 LIVE show :-)
19:56:11 PeggyG -> good point csitterley--it could even be posted along with the calendar announcement of the weekly event :-)
19:58:03 dave -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/opoe/page2/
19:59:45 sheila -> How was the first chocolate? Addicted?
20:04:53 JenM -> ttfn ... slowly losing internet ... I wish the neighbors would get a better wifi router :)
20:04:55 sheila -> Thanks all!
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