EdTechWeekly #149

Post-Show description: 

 What started as the usual news and edtech resources winds into a "what do we want to do in the show" discussion. We just want to say to those who hand on to the end, "We're sorry!" 

EdTechWeekly #149
January 10, 2010

This Week's Delicious Links

Chat Log Below



18:42:26 dave -> hey baby hey baby

19:01:44 mrsdurff -> I agree with retirement

19:01:58 Cathy E -> Hope I live long enough to be an old RETIRED person

19:02:20 mrsdurff -> I want to be a young retired person

19:02:40 Cathy E -> @ Durff tooooo late for me

19:03:10 mrsdurff -> YEA Pusan JL

19:03:20 mrsdurff -> I'm 12

19:03:20 sheila -> Love your way of thinking Durff!

19:03:24 mrsdurff -> ty

19:04:37 dave -> http://www.tivoliaudio.com/home.php?cat=262

19:05:40 mrsdurff -> oh thank you

19:06:25 mrsdurff -> hi jackie

19:06:41 jackiegerstein -> hiya Durff -  - how are you?

19:06:46 mrsdurff -> cold

19:06:52 jackiegerstein -> me too!

19:06:53 mrsdurff -> and you?

19:07:12 mrsdurff -> i bought coffee

19:08:16 mrsdurff -> hi page

19:08:22 pagesorey -> hi!!

19:08:23 dawn -> what did you buy?

19:08:31 JenM -> E-learn predictions ... http://elearnmag.org/subpage.cfm?section=articles&article=106-1

19:08:33 mrsdurff -> Starbucks

19:08:56 dawn -> no i mean what CD did he buy?

19:09:09 mrsdurff -> ah

19:09:41 JohnS -> I bought the new CD by the University of Akron Steel Drum Band. Then, I listened to it all week in the car while driving through the snow.

19:09:56 jackiegerstein -> maybe a CD from starbucks?

19:10:04 mrsdurff -> sounds geeky

19:10:11 dawn -> cool, lively

19:10:27 JohnS -> http://www.uasteelband.com/proddetail.asp?prod=By_Request

19:11:07 JL -> http://www.pcpro.co.uk/features/354457/whatever-happened-to-second-life/1

19:11:16 mrsdurff -> no comment on dave in the dark

19:11:43 mrsdurff -> huh?

19:11:54 mrsdurff -> I spend a lot of time in SL

19:12:09 mrsdurff -> and it is crowded and not on adult island

19:12:26 dawn -> Maybe they all went to see avatar?

19:12:35 mrsdurff -> LOL

19:13:40 JL -> http://webheadsinaction.org/

19:13:50 mrsdurff -> ty

19:13:57 mrsdurff -> I agree

19:14:08 JohnS -> Cancel Cable: http://www.cancelcable.com/ and The five best places for TV on the Internet: http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/TV/01/06/five.places.internet.tv/index.h...

19:14:29 mrsdurff -> and don't forget RFL in SL

19:14:35 mrsdurff -> very thriving

19:15:31 dawn -> but it comes in free to your house with your computer cable?

19:15:39 mrsdurff -> hi gary

19:15:47 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> Hello 

19:15:58 mrsdurff -> @dawn not so

19:16:03 sheila -> Hi Gary! 

19:16:10 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> Hello to all

19:16:17 mrsdurff -> tv cable costs one amt and internet costs another amt

19:16:37 dawn -> my computer cable carries TV too so we hooked it up, true story

19:16:58 sheila -> @Gary - don't come back - still cold here on the continent!

19:17:15 dave -> http://chronicmag.net/

19:17:17 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> Yes I know but the conference is over and ....

19:17:51 dawn -> rats have to go....kids need me 

19:18:34 mrsdurff -> hi kids

19:18:43 JenM -> Backchannel (text-chat) Options: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2010/01/five-platforms-for-classroom-ba...

19:19:00 dawn -> Dave you got mentioned !

19:19:11 JohnS -> yay, dave.

19:19:28 mrsdurff -> hi frances

19:19:36 mrsdurff -> hi paul

19:19:40 dave -> @frances you are up past your bedtime

19:19:40 FrancesBell -> Hi MrsDurff

19:19:49 Paul Allison -> Hi.

19:20:04 FrancesBell -> Surely am Dave - so may not stay long ;)

19:20:27 JL -> http://www.businessinsider.com/twitters-list-of-370-banned-passwords-200...

19:20:52 mrsdurff -> or "dave's"

19:21:11 mrsdurff -> coffee?

19:21:15 JL -> http://www.juicygeography.co.uk/index.htm

19:21:22 mrsdurff -> did someone mention coffee?

19:21:37 JL -> http://www.sprixi.com/

19:21:55 sheila -> oops!

19:22:09 JohnS -> Histographica: http://www.histografica.com/

19:22:55 JohnS -> Timelines: http://timelines.com 

19:23:14 JohnS -> Hyper History: http://www.hyperhistory.com/ 

19:24:34 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> A theme!

19:24:45 dave -> http://edtechweekly.com

19:24:48 mrsdurff -> on a boat

19:25:11 mrsdurff -> who cares?

19:25:23 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> Yes we are interested.

19:25:38 mrsdurff -> hi jan

19:25:49 mrsdurff -> meltdowns now in progress

19:25:52 sheila -> How many downloads do you get?

19:25:53 mrsdurff -> hi cheryl

19:25:58 janwells -> hi everyone

19:26:06 cheryloakes -> Hey Durff thanks for the tweet to get  me here.

19:26:08 sheila -> There's an audience.

19:26:15 cheryloakes -> Hi Shelia! and all.

19:26:24 mrsdurff -> we would be here if we didn't care?

19:26:25 sheila -> Hi Cheryl!

19:26:42 cheryloakes -> How many podcast downloads do you get, you have to consider that too.

19:27:01 JL -> welcome back from the slopes cheryl - thx again for your meebo help

19:27:05 dave -> @cheryl... that's never really been a concern

19:27:23 cheryloakes -> You bet!JL, glad to help, also happy to get out skiing too.

19:28:31 mrsdurff -> no comment again

19:31:57 dave -> http://i38.tinypic.com/29fasyv.jpg

19:32:01 dave -> this is my radio

19:32:01 mrsdurff -> i am not hugging anyone

19:32:05 dave -> it's coming

19:32:14 JohnS -> @druff that's why we don't let you talk.

19:32:23 mrsdurff -> exactly

19:32:53 JenM -> @dc ... :)

19:35:18 mrsdurff -> 10?

19:35:24 Cathy E -> NC Technology in Education Society Conference - March 3-5 in Raleigh..come one come all!

19:35:24 mrsdurff -> is that it?

19:37:18 mrsdurff -> the Italians like SL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kduj1907M4w&feature=sub

19:37:36 janwells -> This is my first time to EdTechTalkLive.  Am I at the right place?

19:37:49 JenM -> @janwells ... yep :)

19:38:09 mrsdurff -> that sounds entertaining

19:38:20 mrsdurff -> yes jan you are

19:38:28 Cathy E -> @janwells - welcome - are you hearing the audio?

19:38:30 mrsdurff -> do you have sound jan?

19:38:39 janwells -> Yes.

19:38:57 janwells -> lol

19:38:59 mrsdurff -> ok, these guys are "different"

19:39:07 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> @janwells - This is an unusual conversation

19:39:17 mrsdurff -> this is their existential meltdown

19:39:19 janwells -> no problem.  I'll tune in

19:39:45 jackiegerstein -> it does sound like existential angst - doesn't it?

19:39:59 mrsdurff -> it does

19:40:31 JL -> call 'coarsesalt'

19:40:58 Paul Allison -> A week at a time does it.

19:41:11 mrsdurff -> and save those links on delicious

19:42:01 mrsdurff -> and laughing his head off, no doubt

19:42:03 janwells -> You're making me feel better.  I'd like to work with all of you!!!

19:42:18 mrsdurff -> oh, you're crazy

19:42:35 janwells -> how do I go back and hear other talks

19:42:43 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> Please keep in mind that you four are the reason many of us justify a beer on a Sunday evening.  Without you we might have to find another reason.

19:42:45 mrsdurff -> on the front page

19:42:49 dave -> http://edtechweekly.com

19:42:59 mrsdurff -> click on EdTechWeekly

19:43:13 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> LOL

19:43:20 mrsdurff -> then play each with the flashplayer on the page

19:43:37 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> I am a former teacher - used to being ignored.

19:44:04 janwells -> Can't wait.  I'll check back.

19:44:07 JenM -> http://www.snapvine.com/

19:44:10 mrsdurff -> I'm going to SL - dancing at the fire escape - see you all

19:44:10 FrancesBell -> Bye WoW too late even for me;)

19:44:43 Cathy E -> Here is my favorite link I learned about this week:  http://www.superteachertools.com/classroom-tools/randomdesk.php

19:44:49 Paul Allison -> Buzz Out Loud keeps it fresh by having rotating guests.

19:46:07 janwells -> What's PLE?

19:46:28 JenM -> Personal Learning Environment

19:46:44 janwells -> That was my guest.  Thanks

19:46:51 janwells -> guess

19:48:35 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> Aloha and thanks again.  Off to the snow!

19:48:52 JenM -> ttfn, Gary!

19:49:44 janwells -> Bye, thanks.

19:49:53 Gary (in HI waiting for plane) -> What was that flight-tracker stuff as I was signing off?

19:50:04 dave -> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/2010-365---too-much-dave

19:50:18 Cathy E -> Rowing in this weather?

19:50:19 JohnS -> http://rowforwater.com/

19:51:49 JL -> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/2010-365---too-much-dave

19:59:30 Cathy E -> UNC basketball is calling me

19:59:34 Cathy E -> see ya next week

19:59:44 sheila -> bye cathy

20:00:46 JenM -> oopys ... ttfn all!

20:01:02 sheila -> You're by yourself JL

20:01:10 dave -> skype crashed