First time host / long time contributor, John Rundag joins John, Jeff, and Jen to discuss the latest news and resources in education and technology.
19:03:35 kcaise -> hi everyone!
19:04:05 Cathy E -> @kcaise please excuse this group, they have the giggles
19:04:13 kcaise -> i see that!
19:04:19 mikeh -> it's like 1970s fm...2 a.m., etc.
19:06:35 Gary -> Good for you John
19:06:43 JenM -> Facebook Vanity Usernames: http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=90316352130
19:07:46 JohnS -> Hands Down, The Best Facebook Vanity URL: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/06/13/hands-down-the-best-facebook-vanity...
19:08:13 Gary -> You can get them in with a Mac but ....
19:08:38 JenM -> New Media Consortium: http://www.nmc.org/2009-summer-conference
19:09:49 JL -> http://www.twazzup.com
19:11:27 JL -> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/dear_cnn_please_check_twitter_for_n...
19:11:53 JohnS -> Quick Peak? Bing’s Reign As #2 Search Engine Lasted One Day.: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/06/07/quick-peak-bings-reign-as-2-search-...
19:12:41 Gary -> Will go up when it get installed on new computers.
19:13:11 mikeh -> bada bing!
19:13:22 JenM -> iPhone 3GS ships June 19 ... http://www.pcworld.com/article/166489
19:13:41 Gary -> @mikeh :D
19:13:42 kcaise -> for $99 now
19:14:05 JenM -> http://www.pcworld.com/article/166333/in_pictures_apples_new_iphone_3g_s...
19:14:13 Cathy E -> Can't wait for Verizon to get the iPhone
19:14:41 mollymcginn -> jailbreak
19:15:03 John Rundag -> http://opera.com/freedom
19:16:21 sroseman -> nice browser fast and elegant user interface
19:16:34 JL -> http://www.lexipedia.com/
19:17:45 JL -> http://www.literature-map.com/john+irving.html
19:18:10 JohnS -> California schools see distant digital future for textbooks: http://www.sacbee.com/education/story/1920872.html and Connecticut District Tosses Algebra Textbooks and Goes Online : http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/08/education/08math.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1 and World e-Book Fair -- July 4th to August 4th Download Your Selections From (2,000,000 PDF titles) Two Million Total eBook Files Available: http://worldebookfair.org/"
19:22:57 Cathy E -> Education still has not made the move to digital copies of forms, much less books.
19:23:25 John Rundag -> http://jott.com
19:23:27 JohnS -> yep
19:24:11 JenM -> Qualitative Data Analysis Tools: http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/qda
19:24:13 Cathy E -> is there still a free account for jott?
19:24:29 John Rundag -> Free trial
19:24:32 JohnS -> *yawn*
19:24:40 kcaise -> yuck
19:24:43 kcaise -> i hate that
19:25:14 mollymcginn -> The top salesperson at Magnussen Lexus uses jott to enter all her customer follow up info and reminders into Jott
19:25:34 JL -> http://inkscape.org/
19:25:38 Cathy E -> I loved using jott- until my freeness was over
19:25:54 mollymcginn -> yes I loved it for free too.
19:26:32 JohnS -> TED Talks Demystified for Teachers: http://www.historyteachersattic.com/2009/06/ted-talks-demystified-for-te...
19:26:36 kcaise -> i thought you weren't allowed to use that link jeff
19:27:10 JohnS -> TEDTalks as of 05.11.09 : http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pjGlYH-8AK8ffDa6o2bYlXg
19:27:26 mikeh -> The History Teacher's Attic is a superb blog!
19:27:52 JL -> http://www.ted.com/pages/view/id/287
19:28:51 mrsdurff -> while you're waiting: The Passionate Redheads present an "PG" fashion show in the Phantom of the Opera House. Bid on their outfits-all proceeds go to benefit Relay for Life and the fight against Cancer! DJ Shockwave Yareach will be host, and provide the music. A Gala Ball follows the Fashion Show. Attend, show us your pixels, donate! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Southern%20Colorado/115/118/502
19:28:58 Gary -> But you could use his links.
19:29:11 kcaise -> definitely problems with skype
19:29:28 mikeh -> learn to tap dance??? :)
19:29:29 kcaise -> moreso since the itouch app was launched
19:29:41 John Rundag -> http://www.jumpingbytes.com/en/puresync.html
19:30:31 JenM -> Hiring teachers from outside the US: http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2009/06/birmingham_alabama_school_boar.html
19:31:16 Gary -> They are not paying them very much - no wonder.
19:32:27 JL -> http://www.feedmingle.com/
19:32:50 JL -> http://obsurvey.com
19:33:02 JL -> http://obsurvey.com/S.aspx?id=25c6d551-0ee6-4903-afcd-c4dc3d9c5f06
19:34:03 JohnS -> Wizzy: http://www.wizzydigital.org/index.html
19:34:50 matt montagne -> there was an old progra fro the late 90s called "Web Wacker" that did something like that
19:36:22 John Rundag -> http://nasbackup.com
19:36:50 John Rundag -> http://freenas.org
19:37:01 JohnS -> yep, Matt. I've used that, too.
19:37:13 JohnS -> httrack is another one that does a similar thing.
19:38:20 matt montagne -> NAS is a good low cost network storage solution...kinda lika a SAN, but minus the price tag
19:38:49 matt montagne -> they have consumer level NAS solutions as well for home backups
19:39:24 kcaise -> i just turned in my needs analysis paper
19:39:30 JenM -> Judge tosses Zotero / EndNote suit: http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2009/06/thomson-reuters-suit-against-zot...
19:40:19 kcaise -> yeah!!!
19:40:30 kcaise -> great for doing research papers
19:40:37 JL -> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/aaron-greenspan/why-google-bothered-to-ap_...
19:41:47 JohnS -> Amazon AWS Import/Export: http://aws.amazon.com/importexport/
19:41:49 matt montagne -> does zotero do the citations for you?? Got into a citation argument a few days ago....regarding whether students should be allowed to use citation auto generators or not...I'm surprised to still be having these kinda conversations
19:42:26 JohnS -> Never underestimate the bandwidth potential of a station wagon full of magnetic tape: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneakernet
19:43:20 matt montagne -> that sounds pretty cool.
19:43:38 John Rundag -> http://www.mydigitallife.info/2009/06/11/microsoft-morro-is-in-the-pipeline
19:43:59 kcaise -> word does APA for me and has been a lifesaver
19:44:17 matt montagne -> Sounds like Msoft is getting into the "Radar-Radar Detector Biz"
19:44:41 matt montagne -> The antivirus industry puts a bee in my bonnet
19:45:00 Gary -> Many service providers do that in any case.
19:45:05 JL -> https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssync
19:45:57 matt montagne -> We just cut over to Google Apps/Mail from Firstclass this weekend (less than 24 hours ago)...so far, so good!
19:46:00 JenM -> Adobe labs ... Presentations: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/presentations/
19:46:45 John Rundag -> Glad to hear, Matt! Keep us informed how things are working.
19:47:28 JL -> http://www.thebrain.com/
19:47:35 mollymcginn -> Has anyone tried sliderocket?
19:47:57 JL -> http://www.worldhistory.com/
19:48:01 Suzanne -> Thanks for the show-gotta go
19:48:07 matt montagne -> I thought sliderocket died off
19:48:09 kcaise -> i have used sliderocket a great deal @molly
19:48:11 Cathy E -> I love SlideRocket they have an educator special price
19:48:26 kcaise -> when sliderocket was free
19:48:30 mollymcginn -> Checking on sliderocket now.
19:48:35 matt montagne -> I thought wroing
19:48:48 kcaise -> i didnt think sliderocket was free anymore
19:49:17 JohnS -> Counting on stupid: http://rabble.ca/columnists/2009/06/counting-stupid
19:50:37 Gary -> Wayne MacPhail thinks about these things a great deal.
19:50:46 JL -> http://www.ncusd203.org/central/html/what/math/smartboard/index.htm
19:51:20 mollymcginn -> Sliderocket for educators pricing example schools with less than fifty students pay $249. You can tell if students looked at the slides and how long they spent with each slide.
19:51:20 matt montagne -> Seth Godin had an interesting post on text books today...I agree with his preise that it is a broken industry...and I agree that the solution is pretty easy
19:51:44 JohnS -> http://www.ncusd203.org/central/html/what/math/smartboard/index.htm
19:52:38 JenM -> Kosmix -- cool stuff roundup: http://www.kosmix.com/
19:52:47 matt montagne -> @molly...interesting..., I'd like to see more of these services charging a nominal fee for them. I don't knlow how sustainable the free model is for all these web 2.0 companies
19:53:26 JL -> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechnology/science/space/5511619/14...
19:53:29 kcaise -> flowgram just folded this week
19:53:30 Cathy E -> @John You are one of the few I heard of getting new teachers -
19:53:34 mollymcginn -> Jen that is JUST what I need for a project coming up..kosmix thx
19:53:53 JenM -> @molly ... thank Lisa :)
19:54:01 kcaise -> it didn't knock the kid down?
19:54:13 mollymcginn -> it was the size of a pea
19:54:25 JohnS -> Ten Spelling Games and Lessons… and a Laugh: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2009/05/ten-spelling-games-and-lessons-...
19:54:38 Cathy E -> Nothing stops a 14 year old
19:54:46 mrsdurff -> indeed
19:55:01 JohnS -> The Brainstormer: http://www.distractionbeast.com/brainstormer.swf
19:55:31 JohnS -> Interesting Ways to use Voicethread, Wordle and the Nintendo DS: http://tbarrett.edublogs.org/2009/06/11/interesting-ways-to-use-voicethr...
19:57:18 kcaise -> comment using cell phones
19:57:27 mollymcginn -> Thanks gang! Great links.
19:57:47 Gary -> You have T-shirts?????
19:57:48 mikeh -> Extremely useful stuff! Thanks so much.
19:57:57 JohnS -> theoretically...
19:58:04 JohnS -> New ones with the new logo are coming soon.
19:58:09 mrsdurff -> which is true-one never gets a tshirt
19:58:12 lorna -> hurrah for WCA
19:58:19 mollymcginn -> fantastic
19:58:29 mrsdurff -> my calendar said today for webcastacademy
19:58:47 mrsdurff -> adieu!
19:58:48 Gary -> Thanks again.
19:59:21 mrsdurff -> And don't foregt the Ball at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Southern%20Colorado/115/118/502
19:59:29 mollymcginn -> John you were awesome
19:59:43 Gary -> Good job John.
20:00:21 Cathy E -> Did we every nail down a place and time to meet @ NECC
20:01:00 Cathy E -> YEs
20:01:51 sroseman -> You can drag
20:01:57 Gary -> Use Pasteboard and then drag from Pasteboard
20:02:04 sheila -> Sometimes you can drag by the left hand side
20:02:05 John Rundag -> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31200218/?gt1=43004
20:02:13 sheila -> on the icon
20:02:16 sroseman -> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/edtechweekly-132
20:02:27 sroseman -> just dragged
20:02:32 Gary -> Pasteboard lets you set them up ahead of time.
20:04:11 kcaise -> take care guys, have a great night!
20:04:40 Gary -> Flag Day in Canada is February 15.
20:05:07 JL -> http://tinychat.com/edtechtalk
20:05:51 mikeh -> I really enjoyed it! You are great.
20:05:55 Gary -> First day when the "new" flag was raised in Ottawa.
20:06:26 mikeh -> I'm impressed at the way you can keep so many things going at once. Does it just take practice?
20:06:36 Gary -> The old red ensign (union jack in corner and coat of arms(
20:06:59 Gary -> And not all Canadians care about hockey.
20:07:49 John Rundag -> Gary - Do you live in Canada?
20:08:25 Gary -> yes - how could you tell?
20:08:41 Gary -> Dave is not here so ....
20:08:49 John Rundag -> Where in CN are you from?
20:09:18 mikeh -> Jeff, I was wondering why you encouraged us to go to Tiny Chat. Is there a backstory to this?
20:09:45 John Rundag -> You can use your mic and webcam in tinychat, MikeH
20:09:50 Gary -> Alberta - a place with a strange name - Medicine Hat
20:10:21 John Rundag -> Never been to Alberta yet. I have been all over Ontario.
20:11:00 Gary -> Near the Montana border - could get there in less time than to Calgary
20:12:53 sheila -> What floor are you on?
20:14:51 John Rundag -> 17th floor
20:14:59 sheila -> ustream looks pretty clear too!
20:15:41 JenM -> 17th floor ...
20:16:13 sheila -> I had issues with skype today on wired . . .
20:17:05 sheila -> But it was stormy today.
20:17:40 JenM -> nite all!
20:17:48 sheila -> Thanks for the links!
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