EdTechWeekly #112
After a late start (thanks to Jen's audio issues), John, Dave, Jeff and Jen reviewed the latest news and resources in education and technology, including a recap of Educon held this week.
18:54:43 JohnS -> Hey, folks. Thanks for joining us.
18:54:52 JohnS -> We'll be right with you as soon as Jen fixes her audio.
18:55:23 PeggyG -> Jen's voice is very clear for me--just a bit of a hiss in background.
18:55:26 ds -> hey gang
18:55:35 DaveC -> In "advanced" is AGC on?
18:55:52 PeggyG -> Hi every! Are you all on overload from Educon 2.1? It was incredible!
18:56:33 PeggyG -> uh...that would be "Hi everyone" :-)
18:57:08 DaveC -> Just sounds a bit like the gain is too high
18:59:23 DaveC -> It's the sounds of the beach....
18:59:27 Alvin Trusty -> Does it sound better now?
18:59:46 JohnS -> Switching to Jen's cell phone, probably.
18:59:58 Alvin Trusty -> There's the ocean again.
19:00:51 DaveC -> Hey Sheila. I meant to drop you a message... Did VALCS training this weekend.
19:01:14 Sheila -> @DaveC - what's that?
19:01:27 DaveC -> The virtual learning academy here in NH
19:01:34 DaveC -> www.vlacs.org
19:01:43 Sheila -> Oh! Was it good?
19:02:02 jan smith -> Ilove the idea of being a buddy. Hiya
19:02:09 DaveC -> Looks pretty good so far.
19:02:18 ds -> JS is a wee bit low, yes
19:02:27 ds -> better
19:02:48 Gary -> For those that celebrate today and for those that don't (it does not matter). Slàinte maith, h-uile latha, na chi 'snach fhaic!
19:03:01 jan smith -> We hear you fine! Sound is good, just feel like I am a telus operator
19:04:12 jan smith -> Ach du liebe and Great Scott!
19:04:31 jan smith -> Did I say that?
19:04:47 Gary -> Great Scot!
19:05:02 jan smith -> Who was in Philly this weekend?
19:05:18 jan smith -> I really enjoyed it.
19:05:27 PeggyG -> Educon was fantastic!! Amazing streaming with Mogulus!
19:05:28 angelamaiers -> Not me! I sooo wish I was!
19:05:32 DaveC -> well don't melt your brain!
19:06:10 jan smith -> I thought the conversations were excellent. My first virtually attendee experience
19:06:10 PeggyG -> the audio is very clear now--for everyone
19:06:13 JenM -> hi all sorry for delay ... all my fault
19:06:23 jan smith -> It's fine really.
19:06:35 angelamaiers -> It sounds ok!
19:07:15 angelamaiers -> I can already feel it- tonight is going to be special!!!
19:07:35 jan smith -> IT'S FINE!
19:07:44 jan smith -> let it go
19:07:51 ds -> lol
19:08:01 Gary -> @angela - of course it is - Robert Burns day!
19:08:05 ds -> it's not that bad, for cryin' out loud
19:08:13 dave -> http://educon21.wikispaces.com/
19:08:46 jan smith -> oh. give. it. a. rest./
19:09:51 jan smith -> I just wish I could find the links to the chat logs
19:10:01 matt montagne -> hey y'all
19:10:06 jan smith -> HI Matt\
19:10:07 ds -> heard that they will be for 6 months re archive
19:10:19 ds -> hey Matt
19:10:51 jan smith -> I can't find them. I kept hearing they are somewhere.
19:10:53 matt montagne -> hey doug...what is happening!!
19:10:59 JenM -> inauguration ... http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2009/01/inauguration-in-60-seconds.html
19:11:01 matt montagne -> Hey Jan
19:11:05 dave -> http://educon21.wikispaces.com/Agenda#one
19:11:22 PeggyG -> There are lots of chat logs already posted for sessions.
19:11:28 Jackie Gerstein -> More educon - cool!
19:11:30 JL -> http://whorunsgov.com/
19:12:06 dave -> some people have good audio...
19:12:07 JL -> http://newthinking.bearingpoint.com/2008/11/20/govtwit-directory//
19:12:12 dave -> other people are prepared
19:13:01 ds -> http://gigapan.org/viewGigapanFullscreen.php?auth=033ef14483ee899496648c...
19:13:05 JohnS -> Does the White House Have Wi-Fi? : http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/chris-dannen/techwatch/does-white-house-...
19:13:15 angelamaiers -> The picture is amazing!
19:13:29 PeggyG -> That gigpan picture was amazing!! You could zoom in on anyone and not lose clarity!
19:14:09 PeggyG -> Hi Jackie!
19:14:16 matt montagne -> Iagree, Angela...when I saw it all I could think about was logistics...eg, how did they organize and set up so efficiently...amazing
19:14:31 jan smith -> there are a couple of funny things though, look behind aretha franklin--some head chopping
19:15:06 JohnS -> Obama wants to know: Why open source?: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10147920-16.html?part=rss
19:15:25 Gary -> The schools here do but filter it with great care - difficult to get many places from the open network.
19:15:52 angelamaiers -> @matt- what a great thing to explore with students!
19:15:58 ds -> scary, huh kids?
19:16:00 jan smith -> Looked at the gigapan again--Poor Aretha gets some guys beard.
19:16:00 dave -> http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=technology&searchmode=none
19:16:44 JenM -> COPA DEAD: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090121/ap_on_go_su_co/scotus_internet_blocking ... not to be cofused witk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%27s_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act
19:17:38 angelamaiers -> I, too an an etomology freak! Nice to know I am not alone!
19:17:49 Alvin Trusty -> I remember CIPA. How different is that?
19:18:29 DaveC -> I thought one meant to prevent children from seeing things, while others prevented places from gathering information on children. all under 13. But maybe I"m confusing it with cipa.
19:18:36 ds -> lol
19:18:46 ds -> yoo good
19:18:48 ds -> too
19:18:58 JL -> http://www.clevr.com/
19:19:25 JL -> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4913196365903075662&hl=en
19:19:42 jan smith -> oh god, the zombies have escaped
19:20:04 angelamaiers -> Hey Troy!
19:20:12 JL -> http://www.optimnem.co.uk/
19:20:27 JL -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Tammet
19:20:40 [email protected] -> Hey miss, I'm just listening tonight and working on this obscene spreadsheet that's over due.
19:20:48 JohnS -> Cooperation vs Collaboration: http://www.classroom20.com/group/canadianmashup/forum/topic/show?id=6497...
19:20:49 Gary -> Just heard him on a BBC podcast. Very amazing. Learned over 20 languages by 10.
19:22:11 dave -> http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/sleep/starslp/missionz/comic.swf
19:22:24 matt montagne -> Hey mrsdurff!
19:22:32 angelamaiers -> Teachers get the two confused! This is a great post for the conversation!
19:22:33 mrsdurff -> hey matt
19:22:36 dave -> http://pwnyoutube.com/
19:22:38 jan smith -> I like the way he links the skill of collaboration having application in the creative economy
19:22:53 angelamaiers -> Hey Durff- looking forward to Wed!
19:23:02 jan smith -> Hi Durff, hope you travelled well.
19:23:03 mrsdurff -> hey angela
19:23:19 PeggyG -> Hi Durff. Are you back home?
19:23:22 mrsdurff -> jan i hate driving that far
19:23:22 matt montagne -> now youtube is allowing some vids to be downloaded...
19:23:31 Sheila -> Hi Durff! You taught me one more tool - dial2do! Thanks!
19:23:35 mrsdurff -> Peggy i'm home
19:23:47 mrsdurff -> hey sheila
19:23:48 PeggyG -> You must be exhausted!!
19:23:53 JenM -> Mozilla Foundation: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Foundation:Planning:Education ... and ... http://commonspace.wordpress.com/2009/01/23/mozilla-education-scribble/
19:23:53 mrsdurff -> i am
19:23:56 angelamaiers -> Durff- was it incredible?
19:23:58 Gary -> Tooble also works well.
19:24:02 paula -> HI, folks, I'm actually hearing you tonight!!
19:24:14 mrsdurff -> the drive was not incredible
19:24:15 angelamaiers -> Hi Paula!
19:24:24 PeggyG -> Great Paula!
19:24:47 paula -> Hey, Angela! Thanks, Peggy!
19:25:18 JL -> http://www.pbs.org/wnet/brain/3d/index.html
19:25:37 matt montagne -> wow, that is great...Mozilla has the potential to provide a nice framework for edu-geeks interested in open education resources to work in...
19:25:42 JL -> http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2009/01/steve-jobs-introducing-first-ma...
19:26:29 JohnS -> Net-SEAL Computer Networks Animations: http://www.net-seal.net/
19:26:37 PeggyG -> Yeah for Apple! Anyone still have one of those Macs?
19:26:39 matt montagne -> my fav Mac commerical of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnhCeFEQvMw
19:27:07 Gary -> Not that one but I still use a Cube for various things.
19:27:36 jan smith -> @PeggyG I do, and I want to make into a fishbowl.
19:27:45 DaveC -> @Gary, a NeXTCube?
19:27:49 dave -> http://teachopolis.org/justice/cheating/cheating_how_to.htm
19:27:59 JohnS -> mmm... NeXt. Miss those.
19:27:59 PeggyG -> @jansmith-how fun! very creative!
19:28:06 paula -> I still have my cube, too!
19:28:11 angelamaiers -> Hey Dave!
19:28:12 Gary -> Apple but I believe based on NeXT.
19:28:38 datruss -> Hey Angela, hello all
19:28:40 DaveC -> Yes, that's what I was thinking! I used to love NeXTStep. Wow, I feel old.
19:28:46 JohnS -> Yeah, we had real NeXT hardware in college. You could telnet in to a remote machine and turn on the internal microphone.
19:28:48 PeggyG -> important stuff!! how students cheat :-)
19:28:57 matt montagne -> I always end up with 50 tabs open when listening to ETW
19:29:12 Gary -> We probably have already considered most of them.
19:29:14 jan smith -> @peggyG it will never happen. Will continue to be extra insulation in the storage cupboard.
19:29:17 Alvin Trusty -> http://www.trustyetc.com/trustyblog/2008/02/29/techno-cheating/
19:29:31 angelamaiers -> Matt- just counted- have 19 open now! Love firefox!
19:29:36 JenM -> NFB: http://www.darcynorman.net/2009/01/23/on-opening-the-nfb-archives/
19:29:37 Alvin Trusty -> Gum wrapper cheating.
19:29:56 matt montagne -> @Angela :-) You might have me beat!
19:30:07 ds -> oh canada
19:30:07 PeggyG -> me too Matt! I've started using Diigo "read later" so I can tab all without having to save each one individually--private and read later :-)
19:30:21 jan smith -> @matt, me too, will I crash?
19:30:29 Gary -> It is well worth it!
19:30:43 Gary -> Some of the archived cartoons are great for the classroom.
19:31:01 ds -> documentaries esp from NFB, some real gems over the yrs
19:31:04 PeggyG -> Unfortunately I'm starting with at least 30 already open from educon. :-)
19:31:05 jan smith -> theis is a big deal! Such great films--such a rich archive! You have to see Norman McLaren!
19:31:28 mrsdurff -> notice the way she did that? smooth....
19:32:01 ds -> only the squeak knows
19:32:05 Gary -> Unfortunately we have a new budget coming out on Tuesday!
19:32:07 mrsdurff -> :)
19:32:08 jan smith -> Not just docs--it';s the history of animation: find http://is.gd/hdlX
19:32:14 JL -> http://www.thismoment.com/
19:32:36 jan smith -> squeak instead of tweet?
19:32:45 JL -> http://www.jomsocial.com/
19:33:01 JohnS -> Open Source Schools: http://opensourceschools.org.uk/
19:33:02 ds -> @Gary, actually it's been coming out for days now, the budget....
19:33:23 Gary -> Yes - a rather large change in tradition.
19:34:04 datruss -> ok, think I'm back now
19:34:10 dave -> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/jan/19/internet-generation-parents
19:34:19 matt montagne -> I'm in the process of finishing off a DVD that is full of Windows and Mac Open Source/free software titltes...
19:35:05 JohnS -> cool, Matt.
19:35:07 dave -> http://scienceblogs.com/digitalbio/2009/01/large_interactive_classes_bet...
19:35:15 PeggyG -> what do you plan to do with that DVD Matt? sounds great!
19:35:28 JenM -> drupal book ,,, http://buytaert.net/oreilly-drupal-book-in-the-mail
19:35:29 matt montagne -> that is interesting about books, because my wife and I were talking last night about YA literature and how popular that genre is
19:36:22 matt montagne -> @JohnS...I just wanted to have a disc to hand to students, teachers when talking about FOSS...perhaps it will make it a little more likely for them to try it out on their home computers
19:36:32 jan smith -> I am with you on the clickers thing. too much work& time wasted.
19:36:43 PeggyG -> the Lullabot book is excellent--geared to education
19:36:50 matt montagne -> LOL!!!
19:36:53 Gary -> Why should we "pick up Drupal"?
19:37:05 JL -> http://www.loc.gov/teachers/
19:37:16 dave -> @gary i use it for everything
19:37:22 dave -> teaching etc..
19:37:22 Cathy E -> Drupal...ugh
19:37:22 matt montagne -> And skype JSchink for all things Mahoodle ;-)
19:37:23 lorenchuk -> Hello, is the audio in A or B?
19:37:25 JL -> http://informationfluency.wikispaces.com/
19:37:28 angelamaiers -> What makes Drupal complicated?
19:37:35 ds -> I've been smacking into the WP learning curve this wkend: wishing for Drupal at this point :)
19:37:37 dave -> node structures...
19:37:42 Gary -> @Dave - I know but ... would I use it?
19:37:43 JL -> http://www.j-archive.com
19:37:48 datruss -> Lorenchuk - A works for me
19:37:50 PeggyG -> I loaned my hard copy out already but still have my ebook--really easy to understand !
19:37:55 paula -> library of congress site ROCKS!
19:38:01 dave -> @gary you might. :)
19:38:22 lorenchuk -> @datruss, thanks
19:38:28 Lesley Edwards -> Thorndike?
19:38:38 JohnS -> The Dynamic Earth @ National Museum of Natural History: http://www.mnh.si.edu/earth/main_frames.html
19:38:45 dave -> http://www.mnh.si.edu/earth/main_frames.html
19:38:47 datruss -> Webster?
19:38:48 dave -> my next link
19:38:53 Gary -> @dave - and it would probably mean I would get even less life things done. :)
19:38:59 Lesley Edwards -> Taught using that book in the 70s
19:39:37 Gary -> It will teach you a great deal though.
19:39:45 paula -> sound coming and going for me. . anyone else, or is it my connection?
19:39:51 jan smith -> @datruss how are you?
19:39:55 dave -> http://wp.nmc.org/horizon2009/chapters/technologies/
19:40:02 PeggyG -> audio is great for me so far
19:40:37 datruss -> Hey Jan, I'm good. And you? Miss your blog, but glad that you put kids first!
19:41:36 JenM -> alex links http://onthemedia.org/transcripts/2009/01/23/04 ... and ... http://www.kdsi.org/
19:41:49 dave -> adn Scott Leslie
19:42:07 matt montagne -> that technology is cool too that the horizon report lives on...allows u to comment on the text by paragraph, page, etc...very slick interactive reader
19:42:13 dave -> Bryan Alexander
19:42:19 dave -> lots of names
19:42:41 jan smith -> @datruss it's pretty amazing how much energy it takes to help thier blogs move forward. Good stuff happening
19:42:43 JL -> http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2009/01/18/taken_out_of_co.html
19:43:04 angelamaiers -> Dave- did you go to Educon?
19:43:04 JL -> http://www.retweetradar.com/
19:43:21 JL -> http://www.tweakguides.com/
19:43:30 dave -> @angelamaiers nope.
19:43:36 JL -> http://www.tweakguides.com/VA_1.html
19:43:39 PeggyG -> just realized that the Drupal book you mentioned was not the same as the one I'm using--mine was written by Bill Fitzgerald (funnymonkey). :-)--Drupal for Education and eLearning https://www.packtpub.com/drupal-for-education-and-e-learning/book
19:43:43 JohnS -> Common-Place: http://www.common-place.org/
19:44:16 Gary -> Hey - notice that Robert Burns thing on retweetradar?
19:44:19 JenM -> @peggy ... yep ... we mentioned that one a few weeks back ... heard good things about that one, too
19:44:25 dave -> http://greenshot.sourceforge.net/
19:44:48 PeggyG -> Bill Fitzgerald helpd YouthVoices to get up and running :-)
19:45:40 ds -> Bill has done a lot of projects across the edtech community
19:45:52 angelamaiers -> Do you like it better than Snag It?
19:45:58 matt montagne -> Great show y'all!!!
19:45:59 JL -> http://twitter.com/poulingail/statuses/1145714443
19:46:00 ds -> he's on twitter @funnymonkey
19:46:03 mrsdurff -> yeah KAthy!!
19:46:22 mrsdurff -> Yes dave, how many?
19:46:36 paula -> thanks for the links!
19:46:51 lorenchuk -> @paula, can you copy and paste the chat?
19:47:03 lorenchuk -> I can't save the links fast enought
19:47:17 matt montagne -> wow, that is incredible...nice size community how ever u look at it
19:47:17 angelamaiers -> WOW!
19:47:36 PeggyG -> have any of you joined the images4education group? They are doing some amazing activities to help teachers learn to use Flickr in the classroom. Had a great webinar this morning. :-) http://images4education.ning.com/
19:47:40 ds -> all links are here as well http://delicious.com/edtechtalk
19:47:43 Gary -> Just say it is a prime number - would make use look for it.
19:47:48 mrsdurff -> who would listen to us?
19:47:55 jan smith -> Or we forget our log in and have to make new ones
19:48:00 ds -> and this chat will be archived and posted (w/ links)
19:48:09 paula -> it won't copy!
19:48:16 angelamaiers -> It is because of this amazing crew and all you share with us each we! We are smarter because of you!!! Thanks gang!!!
19:48:23 celeste -> wow!
19:48:34 PeggyG -> http://images4education.pbwiki.com/ blog that describes all of the activities where people share their creations and teaching ideas
19:48:38 lorenchuk -> @paula, no, I have tried before
19:48:45 mrsdurff -> thank you lady and gentlemen
19:48:49 ds -> try keyboard shortcuts: control c (copy) and control v (paste) on windows
19:48:51 Lesley Edwards -> Thx, great show as always!:D
19:49:06 lorenchuk -> great links, thank you.
19:49:10 paula -> thanks!
19:49:12 angelamaiers -> Have a GREAT week all!
19:49:14 Sheila -> Aligning of the stars . . .
19:49:16 jan smith -> take care all. Have a great week.
19:49:35 PeggyG -> great links tonight! thanks!
19:49:54 paula -> where will the links be posted?
19:50:15 datruss -> I'm in your diigo, do you have it import into your delicious?
19:50:18 mrsdurff -> the squeeky door is a nice touch
19:50:37 James Sigler -> The community likes you too
19:50:39 ds -> agree Dave, re community dynamics
19:50:40 mrsdurff -> i'm a fan 604 times
19:50:41 Cathy E -> So What about Windows 7??
19:50:54 jan smith -> @durff, they are replaying this for the halloween show.
19:51:03 mrsdurff -> :)
19:51:24 ds -> go Durff, do Durff
19:51:27 PeggyG -> I import from Diigo to Delicious
19:51:39 datruss -> I always put a link or two into diigo
19:51:46 datruss -> each week
19:51:52 DaveC -> Gotta go, have to create a webpage for class. Good show.
19:51:56 James Sigler -> I import from Delcious to Diigo
19:51:58 JenM -> all links ... http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/20090125
19:52:03 Gary -> Slàinte maith, h-uile latha, na chi 'snach fhaic! Time to have a Glenfiddich. Thanks again as usual.
19:52:16 dave -> http://flickr.com/photos/opoe
19:52:20 ds -> @Gary have a wee dram for me
19:52:26 jan smith -> Taa Daa!
19:52:33 PeggyG -> Ta Da!! Great show!! :-)
19:52:34 paula -> here's a stupid ? how do I leave the chat?
19:52:48 jan smith -> works for every little celebration
19:53:00 matt montagne -> @Paula...u can't leave...you're in the vortex!!!
19:53:06 jan smith -> Paula, there is a little door. Or close the window
19:53:07 mrsdurff -> airport
19:53:11 sharonp -> Hi folks
19:53:13 James Sigler -> You can check out
19:53:16 sharonp -> at airport
19:53:21 mrsdurff -> watching konrad sew a button
19:53:28 PeggyG -> @paula click on the icon to the far right--says logout
19:53:33 JenM -> thank you for last week sharon!!!!!
19:53:34 jan smith -> YOu can check out any time you want but...
19:53:41 mrsdurff -> you all gotta read your twitter
19:53:50 JohnS -> Sharon: did you make it home already?
19:53:53 jan smith -> Sharon is sewing buttons on Konrad
19:53:53 matt montagne -> ahh, thanks for the mention Jeff
19:54:01 ds -> gotta run folks, thanks all and have a great week: might even be an ETBS this week, maybe ;)
19:54:04 jan smith -> \or something.
19:54:05 mrsdurff -> oi veh
19:54:15 mrsdurff -> bye doug
19:54:16 Gary -> @ds - make that gluten-free Haggis!
19:54:16 PeggyG -> Matt's GatorRadio shows are awesome!! I missed it live this week but listened to the podcast. Those kids are amazing!!
19:54:22 matt montagne -> he has great voice, no doubt...scott was great with our kids and they loved him
19:54:33 ds -> pleasure JL, thanks great to be back
19:54:38 matt montagne -> Is the brainstorm coming back??
19:54:45 matt montagne -> I hope so DS...that show rocks...
19:54:50 mrsdurff -> it was better than the elluminate
19:55:04 mrsdurff -> i listened and it was listenable
19:55:07 jan smith -> bye all thank you for all the sharing you do.
19:55:17 ds -> didnt' think it was that bad Dave--I liked the questions the students asked
19:55:20 ds -> of Friedman
19:55:26 James Sigler -> I loved ETBS
19:55:28 mrsdurff -> he said pretty much what he has said before
19:55:30 jan smith -> I did try to listen to it--I could stay the whole way--hurt too much.
19:55:44 datruss -> I'll leave you all with a good laugh, have a great week everyone: http://www.theonion.com/content/video/apple_introduces_revolutionary
19:55:55 jan smith -> The substance was lost in the echo and blurr
19:56:13 PeggyG -> Thomas Friedman substance was great--he was talking to the kids in the Flat Classroom project--audio was very frustrating though
19:56:19 mrsdurff -> the elluminate from Qatar we could not understand at Educon
19:57:09 ds -> thanks ETBS fans, hope to be back in the game soon and really good to be connected again: great show gang
19:57:12 matt montagne -> @Peggy...thanks for kind words and your support of the student radio show...appreciated...
19:57:16 PeggyG -> the ustream audio was better than the elluminate audio
19:57:30 mrsdurff -> i thought he was Skping?
19:57:55 mrsdurff -> wasn't there a Skype video conference?
19:57:59 PeggyG -> Mr. Flat world doesn't use much technology!
19:58:05 mrsdurff -> well why not?
19:58:15 mrsdurff -> i see Peggy
19:58:18 kvallis -> Finally worked out when and where to join you folks. Can't hear you, but will try next week. Happy Australia Day. Keith Vallis.
19:58:19 jan smith -> It sounded like he had two audio sources open.
19:58:20 PeggyG -> he said he mainly uses email and doesn't read many of those
19:58:30 matt montagne -> sometimes I'm fionding that you're just better off connecting with folks via phone...that is the beauty of high def conferencing...it supports phones nicely
19:58:36 mrsdurff -> even I do Skype video conferences and i know nothing
19:58:53 ds -> @keith, click on the ustream link to the right for audio
19:59:06 James Sigler -> Is Thomas Freidman on dialup?
19:59:13 ds -> you don't know about audio until you've had to edit it
19:59:22 PeggyG -> it was just very complicate with two classrooms, Tom Friedman and Elluminate/ustream broadcasts
19:59:41 jan smith -> "jeff lebow annoyance" hmmm
20:00:01 jan smith -> agreed, Jeff.
20:00:02 PeggyG -> we did start about 15 min. late but there were just too many variables!
20:00:16 kvallis -> I've got it! Will listen to the podcast as I swim laps. 38 degrees C here in Sydney yesterday. Great to be part of the show, at last.
20:00:50 PeggyG -> did you stop the stream?
20:01:09 matt montagne -> @PeggyG...the ustream is still running on my end...
20:01:11 JohnS -> stream should still be up
20:01:36 jan smith -> Keith, we are a bit jealus as we shiver away.
20:01:46 celeste -> stream is still up
20:02:03 jan smith -> *jealous
20:02:12 James Sigler -> Supposed to get ice here in MO tonight
20:03:16 James Sigler -> Did Jen Skype in through cell phone?
20:03:38 jan smith -> I think you would find ETT has been very important to building the pln who live in tech-quiet communitees.
20:04:24 Adrian B -> Is the Friedman audio archived somewhere?
20:04:26 mrsdurff -> he lives in in the suburbs on DC doesn't he?\
20:04:34 James Sigler -> Song and dance?
20:04:48 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/node/3506
20:05:16 ds -> speaking of audio editing :)
20:05:17 mrsdurff -> foot in mouth disease
20:05:27 matt montagne -> LOL durff
20:05:55 ds -> beat me to it JL, my ? too
20:06:00 matt montagne -> do they have Intternet in Lodi, WI??
20:06:05 Cathy E -> Jen - how many freq flyer miles do you earn in a year?
20:06:27 ds -> they have cheesehead-shaped satellite dishes @Matt
20:06:29 James Sigler -> lol
20:06:48 matt montagne -> @LOL DS!!
20:07:07 matt montagne -> uhm, other way around their DS ;-)
20:07:20 matt montagne -> *there !!! I can't type!!!
20:07:34 matt montagne -> time to give it a rest I think!
20:07:47 ds -> dave at the NRC, now that I gotta see
20:08:13 ds -> take the range as the salary
20:08:14 mrsdurff -> share the wealth
20:08:43 ds -> I may apply too, hear there's a bunch o' jobs
20:09:08 ds -> I want to be west coast ops mgr
20:09:10 PeggyG -> that sounds like an amazing project with Stephen Downes.
20:09:13 JL -> http://www.downes.ca/archive/09/01_22_news_OLDaily.htm
20:09:42 James Sigler -> Will you interview over Skype?
20:10:13 PeggyG -> he definitely doesn't need people to agree with him :-)
20:11:02 mrsdurff -> thank you JL
20:11:26 Gary -> Will they be available after Tuesday?
20:11:30 Adrian B -> I wonder if Friedman would write you a reference for your CV?
20:11:33 mrsdurff -> with a cellphone
20:12:09 ds -> @Gary there's the rub--but I would guess so, but all bets may be off after the budget
20:12:25 matt montagne -> we hired out tech dude totally via skype...he never stepped foot on campus...kinda cool!!
20:12:42 PeggyG -> you can use your LinkedIn recommendations :-)
20:13:08 Adrian B -> Gotta head - Happy Australia Day!
20:13:08 ds -> email is for old people
20:13:12 PeggyG -> ask ETT people to write them on LinkedIn :-)
20:13:15 James Sigler -> Isn't you online presence kind of like your tech portfolio
20:13:40 Gary -> @Doug - working with a group that has an NRC grant - renewal is on our meeting for next weekend.
20:13:50 malikrichardson -> LinkedIn can be used to send recommendations...
20:14:31 PeggyG -> yes I remember Jennifer Jones describing that interview
20:14:48 matt montagne -> I used a google doc for my resume for my current job...I published as an HTML file and had tons of hyperlinks in it...it was cool...
20:14:58 JenM -> @Peggy ... yep ... I think we had her on ETW to talk about about 18 mos. ago
20:15:13 James Sigler -> You would kind of need an aggregator of your online presence to show as a CV
20:15:15 ds -> there has to be a vetting process. You need to be able to connect with "the internets" in order to do that job Dave is gonna apply for--how do you measure that?
20:15:49 Gary -> Unless you are Leo Laporte?
20:15:58 mrsdurff -> who?
20:16:17 ds -> ouch
20:16:50 JenM -> @jl :)
20:16:52 mrsdurff -> his pt exactly
20:16:53 PeggyG -> the LinkedIn recommendations are specific and not just quantifiable "connections"--brief but very helpful
20:17:00 Gary -> TWIT, etc
20:17:10 mrsdurff -> we are crazy
20:17:18 ds -> no way, it comes with the package
20:17:23 mrsdurff -> thank you dave
20:17:24 ds -> it'll get him the job
20:17:27 Cathy E -> I want to know who is using Windows 7?
20:17:32 PeggyG -> post show discussions are always great!
20:17:32 mrsdurff -> there goes mom
20:17:43 Gary -> Póg Mo Thón
20:17:48 matt montagne -> nite all...excellent show and post show
20:17:51 mrsdurff -> i only tried once
20:18:03 Cathy E -> just wondering
20:18:06 JenM -> nite all!
20:18:08 mrsdurff -> nite matt
20:18:15 celeste -> good show and post show. thanks! Good night
20:18:19 mrsdurff -> really need sleep
20:18:20 James Sigler -> Stick with WINE on Ubuntu
20:18:34 matt montagne -> ciao celeste
20:18:35 Sheila -> What will be the sound effect next week?
20:18:43 ds -> thanks all, must run--great fun--good to see all again! there's the squeak
20:18:52 PeggyG -> night all!
20:19:02 James Sigler -> I was late for show. Great postshow
20:19:06 Sheila -> Thanks!
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