EdTechWeekly#111 - EdTech Telepathy
admin - Mon, 2009-01-19 11:27
Post-Show description:
While Jen is away, Sharon Peters sits in for our most attended ETW ever.
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
January 18, 2009
18:37:11 JL -> Hello all - we should get thepre-show going in a couple of minutes
18:40:59 JohnS -> Hello all you fine people(are you lost?)
18:41:27 rheinardkorf -> not lost... just"lurking"
18:41:47 JohnS -> You should be able to getaudio either by using one of the streams or the ustream.
18:42:19 rheinardkorf -> got it... thanks
18:42:40 Cathy E -> Ustream sounds great
18:42:43 kchichester -> First timer fromMichgan. Ustream audio is working great.
18:42:54 rheinardkorf -> first timer heretoo :P
18:43:14 rheinardkorf -> correct
18:43:24 DaveC -> going away for a moment,but I really will be back
18:43:42 kchichester -> Perfect. UsuallyChichester is mangled!
18:43:55 coolpoolteacher -> coolpoolteacheris Jared N. Hi all
18:43:55 Cathy E -> I have spent all day onthe phone with Verizon - we will see how my connection holds
18:44:24 barbaram -> Not lurking, directedhere by Twitter. Sorry no mic.
18:44:47 rheinardkorf -> yeah, followedangela's tweet too
18:45:10 kchichester -> I;m here fromtwitter too
18:46:14 coolpoolteacher -> loud and clear
18:46:18 coolpoolteacher -> :)
18:46:19 Gary -> Professionalism may meanmood-altering chemicals?
18:46:38 kchichester -> Should we be seeingany video on Ustream?
18:46:59 JohnS -> no video tonight. We'rejust using it for audio.
18:47:07 JohnS -> you don't really want tosee us anyway.
18:47:40 barbaram -> Yeah, "moreprofessional than usual" was the Tag, I think:)
18:48:08 coolpoolteacher -> anyone see To"Heck" with Manners last night? Talk about the isolation ththat canaccompany technology use
18:48:20 coolpoolteacher -> william shatnernarrated
18:48:20 Gary -> So more professional thanusual might mean?
18:48:26 coolpoolteacher -> Jared N.
18:48:35 coolpoolteacher -> Go canucks!
18:48:48 coolpoolteacher -> canadians, notthe hockey team
18:49:22 barbaram -> That is right
18:49:32 rheinardkorf -> depends if you'reinto star trek... or star gate ;)
18:49:46 Gary -> If it is Montreal, then itis Canadiens.
18:49:55 barbaram -> Lost audio
18:49:56 rheinardkorf -> audio's dead
18:50:10 kchichester -> Stargate SG-1 betterthan Trek anyday.
18:50:17 rheinardkorf -> agreed
18:50:33 Cathy E -> Jeff we only hear you
18:50:47 kchichester -> Ustream Audio is notworking at all anymore
18:50:50 barbaram -> audio=nothing
18:50:52 JohnS -> professionalism of theshow just increased exponentially
18:51:02 gminks -> hi :)
18:51:13 sharon -> Hi everyone
18:51:18 barbaram -> They're baaack!!
18:51:29 sharon -> we are waiting for Jeffto find us
18:51:37 JL -> I'm calling John
18:53:00 eweber -> Is the sessioninteractive and done through text
18:53:16 barbaram -> text works,but you canmic
18:53:27 rheinardkorf -> wierd
18:53:46 sheila -> @eweber - can you hearthe audio?
18:53:52 eweber -> Thanks - text works best,from sounds on the voice comments
18:54:01 kchichester -> eweber - Are youfrom Michigan?
18:54:05 rheinardkorf -> definately delay onustream
18:54:10 barbaram -> so this is pre-show?what's the show, though this is cool
18:54:15 gminks -> huzzah.
18:54:17 eweber -> From Rochester NY
18:54:43 Gary -> John sounded disappointed.
18:55:03 eweber -> This tech glitch is alesson in great learning opportunities - and how to move past
18:55:09 rheinardkorf -> all confused... notsure which stream is more "current" now... hehe
18:56:23 kchichester -> There is an eweberin Michigan. She's the guru of Language Arts for us.
18:56:50 matt montagne -> hey all
18:56:53 eweber -> Not me - I developed abrain based model - MITA:-)
18:57:24 barbaram -> interesting, just got atweet from you guys.
18:57:41 fall-apart -> Is there anydifference between the audio streams & ustream?
18:58:24 rheinardkorf -> yeah.. ustream isheaps faster
18:58:35 fall-apart -> Cool beans, thanks!
18:58:42 ssummit1 -> visit my site atwww.historicalhistory.blogspot.com
18:58:50 sheila -> And you don't needanother application open.
18:58:51 kchichester -> I'm learningalready. Cool.
18:59:20 kchichester -> I have a collegestudent I'd give away cheap right now.
18:59:20 Gary -> @ssummit - Have done that.
19:00:10 eweber -> Students too shouldalways be able to log out when learning stops for them:-)
19:00:20 Cathy E -> @kchuchester don't givehim/her away - I'm sure you have too much invested.
19:00:42 ssummit1 -> @Gary any suggestions?
19:01:02 barbaram -> I am not using ustreamor audio streams, but I am hearing you guys fine. Scaffolding needed.
19:01:06 matt montagne -> the new higher endline of Asus stuff is pretty compelling
19:01:25 Gary -> Would only do it for youguys!
19:01:26 barbaram -> hahahah
19:01:43 kchichester -> @cathy e - True.Plus he's has Asperger's and drives me crazty when he wants help butdoesn't want to take it.
19:01:46 rheinardkorf -> telepaconference
19:02:13 gminks -> @kchichester I have anaspie too :)
19:02:44 eweber -> [kchichester] @cathy Howwould the students respond about his issue?
19:02:45 mrsdurff -> but skipping #113?
19:02:57 barbaram -> OK I thought it was#112!!, Well then
19:02:59 sheila -> Thought you did two showslast week so #111 was on 1/11
19:03:03 sheila -> :)
19:03:06 kchichester -> @gminks - how old?are you on twitter?
19:03:10 mrsdurff -> this is #111
19:03:23 barbaram -> I
19:03:24 mrsdurff -> aye
19:03:29 ssummit1 -> eye
19:03:36 Gary -> eye
19:03:37 gminks -> I'm gminks on twitter, mydaughter is 22
19:03:53 mrsdurff -> hi margo!
19:04:00 Scott Shelhart -> @Durff Thanks for the Plurk reminder. I would have missed the show.
19:04:10 mrsdurff -> $6
19:04:12 dave -> http://edtechtalk.com/
19:04:27 gminks -> wow!
19:04:29 mrsdurff -> YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:04:33 JL -> 1400GMT
19:04:35 Margo Jantzi -> Howdy durff
19:04:45 Scott Shelhart -> I'll have mypeople send a check
19:05:03 mrsdurff -> ahem
19:05:04 kchichester -> @gminks - I'llfollow you. I'm kchichester on twitter.
19:05:11 gminks -> ok! :)
19:05:15 mrsdurff -> yes ahem automaticallyahem records
19:05:20 Jackie Gerstein -> For the FlatClassroom conference in Quatar
19:05:27 mrsdurff -> hi dugh
19:05:41 dugh -> hi
19:06:02 dugh -> what happens here?
19:06:03 sharon -> http://www.piclits.com/gallery.aspx
19:06:08 mrsdurff -> hi george
19:06:13 mrsdurff -> hi cathy
19:06:49 mrsdurff -> hi celeste
19:07:08 celeste -> Hi there!
19:07:14 Cathy -> wow hour and a half
19:07:18 mrsdurff -> hi Bron
19:07:18 Jackie Gerstein -> Love piclits butpart of the website is blocked at my school
19:07:24 eweber -> Would be great to have abrief overview in a sentence or so - for newcomers:-)
19:07:24 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/node/3492
19:07:32 BronStuckey -> Hiya
19:07:35 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/node/3491
19:07:49 mrsdurff -> @eweber they did at thebeginning
19:07:52 JohnS -> Prezi: http://prezi.com/
19:07:53 rheinardkorf -> it'll clog the tubes
19:07:59 mrsdurff -> hi Eric
19:08:16 eweber -> I've been here for 30minutes:-) Am still trying to figure out:-)
19:08:19 mrsdurff -> hi mary
19:08:19 dave -> @rheinardkorf keep yourtrucks out of my tubes
19:08:29 fall-apart -> Prezi looks like fun!
19:08:40 mrsdurff -> eweber just listen
19:09:01 eweber -> Just listen
19:09:19 JohnS -> My work-in-progresspresentation: http://prezi.com/3713/
19:09:28 eweber -> Did you say - justlisten?
19:09:29 sharon -> eweber I do hope you canhear the show!
19:09:31 dave -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_1549
19:09:42 eweber -> Can hear -- thanks:-)
19:09:44 mrsdurff -> i did eweber
19:10:08 eweber -> Students too just listen-- and sometimes still wonder:-)
19:10:19 sharon -> I missed the mostexciting day on twitter this week!!
19:10:23 mrsdurff -> hi summit
19:10:29 mrsdurff -> hi colin
19:10:35 mrsdurff -> hi nimble
19:10:37 Colin -> Hi
19:10:42 fall-apart -> Info graphic of theplane's trajectory:http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/01/15/nyregion/20090115-plane-cr...
19:10:51 ssummit1 -> hello
19:11:09 nimbleboy -> hi
19:11:11 sharon -> http://www.visual-literacy.org/periodic_table/periodic_table.html
19:11:17 Gary -> @summit - apparently youhave a new teaching job?
19:11:36 barbaram -> twitter links please
19:11:37 ssummit1 -> yes
19:11:51 JL -> http://citrushightechnology.com/2009/01/14/watch-the-presidential-inaugu...
19:11:57 ssummit1 -> long term sub for AP USand Womens studies
19:11:58 JL -> http://www.ncs-tech.org/?p=2467
19:12:09 JL -> http://webheadsinaction.org/
19:12:10 ssummit1 -> one step closer tofull-time teaching
19:12:43 mrsdurff -> 7?
19:12:54 Scott Shelhart -> Yay ssummit1
19:13:15 JohnS -> Group Twitter Bot:http://ryancollins.org/wp/2009/01/16/group-twitter-bot/
19:13:15 ssummit1 -> thank you
19:13:34 mrsdurff -> hi barb
19:13:44 mrsdurff -> welcome back colin
19:13:59 barbaram -> this barb? I lost thesound
19:14:14 mrsdurff -> ustream
19:14:23 mrsdurff -> click the arrow
19:14:43 courosa -> that's very cool!
19:15:04 dave -> http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/1203
19:15:37 Scott Shelhart -> That was a movingbut powerful post.
19:15:56 Gary -> Horrible experience!
19:15:59 barbaram -> Back, thanks
19:16:03 mrsdurff -> hi mcmatt
19:16:07 ssummit1 -> welcome McMatt
19:16:11 courosa -> they weren't illegal ...I don't think.
19:16:14 McMatt -> Hi all - nice to meet you!
19:16:18 courosa -> but sorry Dave.
19:16:25 DaveC -> @barbaram, did you getyour audio back?
19:16:35 courosa -> fair enough.
19:16:46 barbaram -> yes, I clicked onedtalk ustream to the right
19:16:48 mrsdurff -> mm should we send themounties?
19:17:01 courosa -> the post was NOT writtento make people fearful however
19:17:09 barbaram -> rather enjoyed thetelepathy though
19:17:31 courosa -> thanks dave
19:17:44 fall-apart -> So do we move to anopen, but authenticated web model?
19:17:47 mrsdurff -> exactly jeff
19:17:51 page -> Exactly- I want to show myteen daugher
19:18:04 gminks -> I did some ed tech workin college for an elementary school, & there were issues thenof what pics we could put online (10 yrs ago)
19:18:04 mrsdurff -> that's why we discussedin 8th grade
19:18:06 rheinardkorf -> i dont think...authenticated, but at least educated...
19:18:09 mrsdurff -> hi sue r
19:18:18 sroseman -> Hi Lisa
19:18:22 Jackie Gerstein -> I put very fewpics of my students online - no close-ups - they know how I feel abouttheir anonymity
19:18:52 fall-apart -> But if everyone hadto be authenticated, this kind of thing wouldn't happen nearly as often.
19:18:54 McMatt -> just learning about ETT -is everyone here a teacher? (sorry - newbie)
19:18:56 mrsdurff -> hi james
19:19:02 page -> There is no way you canstop them!
19:19:03 rheinardkorf -> some friends ofmine have a family blog... their kids contribute and take pictures...and they have a lot of fun... but before any of the kids post... thedad sits with the kids and ask them about the appropriateness
19:19:13 James Sigler -> Hi everybody
19:19:18 sharon -> http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2009/01/google-earth-and-google-maps-he...
19:19:25 ssummit1 -> @mcmatt most are butnot everyone
19:19:30 Lorna -> @McMatt parenst as well
19:19:45 DaveC -> @mcmatt, no but manyare. Make sure you have the audio stream going too so you canhear the podcast being recorded.
19:19:49 Cathy -> @ McMatt - Welcome, I am atech facilitator in Eastern NC
19:19:53 gminks -> I write corporatetraining :)
19:19:55 mrsdurff -> hi sarah!
19:19:57 ssummit1 -> @mcmatt do you have ablog and are you on twitter?
19:20:06 Jackie Gerstein -> NEVER names -hence the popularity of avatars which I have my students create as theylike having an identity.
19:20:10 McMatt -> @...everyone - thank you!
19:20:14 barbaram -> Tech Consultant inOttawa
19:20:15 Sarah S -> Hi Durff
19:20:17 McMatt -> yes - twitter is @McMatt
19:20:22 JL -> http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10143245-2.html?part=rss&tag=feed&su...
19:20:24 DaveC -> teacher in NH (US)
19:20:24 nimbleboy -> I'm a city bus driver.(non-practicing teacher and librarian)
19:20:30 mrsdurff -> @sarah did i see you atthe earthcast mtg earlier today?
19:20:31 McMatt -> but I also work with SunMicrosystems Educational PR team
19:20:40 JL -> http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10144412-2.html?part=rss&tag=feed&su...
19:20:40 mrsdurff -> hi joyce
19:20:43 McMatt -> just for disclosure
19:20:45 rheinardkorf -> they are datedservices
19:20:45 mrsdurff -> joyce?
19:20:48 mrsdurff -> oh my!
19:20:50 joycevalenza -> hi lisa
19:21:00 courosa -> evernote is the way to go
19:21:01 mrsdurff -> Attn: Joyce V in thehouse
19:21:06 kchichester -> I'm so bummed thatGoogle Notebook is dying. I loved using it in class.
19:21:26 JL -> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2009/01/google-blog-converters-10-...
19:21:27 Sarah S -> @mrsdurff Sort of - Ididn't log out after Conversations so I was still there for theearthcast planning. I was definitely multitasking.
19:21:32 joycevalenza -> but our teachersare just getting used to it
19:21:33 barbaram -> Are we not concernedabout sustainability of apps in the classroom?
19:21:43 rheinardkorf -> now all we need isa pbwiki converter
19:21:49 JohnS -> Toward an All E-TextbookCampus: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2009/01/14/ebooks and CourseSmart: http://www.coursesmart.com/
19:21:54 joycevalenza -> I can't keep upanymore
19:22:02 mrsdurff -> @sarah love to have yoube a part of it!
19:22:13 sroseman -> many of these apps maydisappear with the downturn
19:22:22 mrsdurff -> hi nedra
19:22:22 ssummit1 -> now they get laptops
19:22:32 Nedra -> Hi
19:22:38 sharon -> @sroseman, I agree, theculling of apps begins!
19:22:42 Jackie Gerstein -> Here is Richardstwitter name - rmbyrne - his blog won a Edublog award
19:22:45 fall-apart -> How do they read thee-books? Kindle?
19:22:51 James Sigler -> Missouri must be onthe cutting edge of openness :)
19:22:54 gminks -> I should post the privacywarning one of my profs posted this semester....
19:23:02 mrsdurff -> hi pam
19:23:02 ssummit1 -> yes we are!!!
19:23:11 Pam McLeod -> hi durff!
19:23:21 joycevalenza -> it's got to be moreaffordable
19:23:26 ssummit1 -> we are the "Show Me"state
19:23:32 sharon -> Could one not just printout what they wanted of the ebooks??
19:23:34 joycevalenza -> it depends uponformat
19:23:35 James Sigler -> The students maynot know any better
19:23:43 gminks -> hard to read theelectronic formats when you are not connected to the net -- I read mybooks on the way to work every day
19:23:47 rheinardkorf -> @sharon, @sroseman- the culling is good, but i also think that they will have strongerupdate... "outsourcing" your corporate IT services to free services(with ads) is very appealing
19:23:57 ssummit1 -> cant you download thetext?
19:24:01 joycevalenza -> if they are pdftype readers, you can't easily take notes, highlight, cut and paste
19:24:10 courosa -> 1/2 price still a bigrip-off, especially when you are leasing "intellectual property"
19:24:11 gminks -> then you have to turn ona laptop to use it?
19:24:20 dave -> http://www.savethewords.org/img/certificates/1232324425_coarsesalt.jpg
19:24:30 fall-apart -> @James Sigler -students are nostalgic as well - we're moving to an electronicyearbook, to much wailing and gnashing of teeth by students
19:24:46 Scott Shelhart -> iSkidmark??
19:24:48 mrsdurff -> save the words fromobscurity?
19:24:50 gminks -> omg my daughter will lovethat!!
19:24:58 mrsdurff -> hi anne maree
19:25:08 annemareemoore -> hi everyone!
19:25:09 mrsdurff -> hi steve
19:25:17 ssummit1 -> welcome steve, i'msteve too
19:25:17 James Sigler -> @fall-apart havethey seen an electronic yearbook?
19:25:17 sharon -> I should adopt a fewwords and put up the certificates in my classroom
19:25:22 annemareemoore -> Have had a greatholiday now ready to get back into it all!
19:25:34 Steve_K -> Hello all
19:25:38 fall-apart -> @James No, but thatdoesn't seem to matter...
19:25:44 barbaram -> no, love the words!!
19:25:45 annemareemoore -> I am looking forany contacts for my 2009 indigenous stories project
19:25:49 sheila -> After talking withAndreas during class, my students are using 'brill' now. Seeing howlong it will take before other grades use it.
19:25:50 Pam McLeod -> "me me me!" cute
19:25:52 sharon -> http://www.webnotes.net/
19:25:59 Gary -> And the site talks to you.
19:26:19 annemareemoore -> What is the topicby the way?
19:26:30 mrsdurff -> other words? yes, crazy
19:26:37 McMatt -> Awesome idea! really topsmy normal subscription to the Urban Dictionary word of the day
19:26:48 mrsdurff -> anne maree this isedtechweekly
19:26:50 joycevalenza -> me, sharon!
19:27:02 BronStuckey -> Great book "TheMeaning of LIff" where words in disuse were assigned new meaniings - byDouglas Adams
19:27:05 gminks -> I loveeee diigo
19:27:07 barbaram -> I think the topic isconnection
19:27:14 dave -> @bronstuckey have that oneon my shelf
19:27:17 annemareemoore -> What are we alltalking about - my first time here
19:27:31 JL -> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/sorry_google_you_missed_the_real_ti...
19:27:32 Pam McLeod -> webnotes, will ithighlight PDFs? Diigo won't -
19:27:40 JL -> http://blog.wired.com/business/2009/01/twitter-yahoo-b.html
19:27:51 JL -> http://tweetnews.appspot.com/fresh?q=yahoo
19:28:00 sharon -> @Pam - it is webbased, soif pdf is web-based
19:28:03 JL -> http://docs.law.gwu.edu/facweb/dsolove/Future-of-Reputation/text.htm
19:28:28 courosa -> old news
19:28:32 mrsdurff -> welcome back colin
19:28:34 Pam McLeod -> @sharon, I thoughtthe same of diigo! I'd love to give this atry
19:28:57 McMatt -> FYI:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_poop_girl
19:29:02 JohnS -> Easy Peasy:http://www.geteasypeasy.com/
19:29:06 JL -> thx McMatt
19:29:13 BronStuckey -> The Meaning ofLiff By Douglas Adams and John Lloydhttp://folk.uio.no/alied/TMoL.html
19:29:33 barbaram -> where can we find thelinks after this cast?
19:29:49 fall-apart -> Does EasyPeasy run on7" netbooks, or do you need an 8.9" screen?
19:29:52 sheila -> http://delicious.com/edtechtalk
19:30:01 barbaram -> merci sheila
19:30:03 mrsdurff -> hi lesley
19:30:10 Lesley Edwards -> Hi!
19:30:14 sheila -> :)
19:30:36 dave -> http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/01/14/digitalbiz.techteachers/?iref=int...
19:30:37 rheinardkorf -> nice
19:30:40 Pam McLeod -> easy peasyinteresting - will try on my dell mini
19:30:41 Lesley Edwards -> Just listening tosome of your k12 online presentations, Durff. Good stuff!
19:30:43 JohnS -> It should work on the 7"ones.
19:31:07 mrsdurff -> i thought the blog wasdead
19:31:11 fall-apart -> Thanks, JohnS
19:31:16 mrsdurff -> hi cathy
19:31:23 Gary -> It states the obvious Dave.
19:31:24 annemareemoore -> I am using K12online material for staff development sessions, great resource!
19:31:43 ssummit1 -> hi barbaram
19:31:45 mrsdurff -> hi barb
19:32:00 sharon -> http://delicious.com/eebee/twitter
19:32:08 mrsdurff -> who?
19:32:17 rheinardkorf -> is that theconnectivism course?
19:32:25 JohnS -> no, this is a new course.
19:32:29 rheinardkorf -> oooh
19:32:40 sharon -> http://twippr.webs.com/
19:32:48 barbaram -> So not going to clickon any links till the end!!
19:32:49 dave -> send me money
19:32:58 mrsdurff -> i have no $ to send
19:33:06 mrsdurff -> you send me $
19:33:13 fall-apart -> We're teachers - wedon't have any....
19:33:15 mrsdurff -> hi Colin
19:33:26 mrsdurff -> dave has $
19:33:30 rheinardkorf -> right on @fall-apart
19:33:36 mrsdurff -> he twitters
19:33:37 ssummit1 -> thats why i want to bea teacher...the money
19:33:41 courosa -> twitter is scaring me asit gets bigger, finding it less useful the bigger it gets
19:33:44 mrsdurff -> hi kim
19:33:57 barbaram -> I haven't embracedTwitter...yet
19:34:05 rheinardkorf -> courosa, we justneed better clients
19:34:08 JL -> http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/01/17/the-iphone-could-be-the-ultimate-st...
19:34:08 mrsdurff -> dave makes people cry
19:34:09 fall-apart -> @courosa - I'vewondered how you follow updates from 1000 people?
19:34:15 kcaise -> hi durff
19:34:21 rheinardkorf -> i'd love aweb-based tweetdeck that syncs everywhere
19:34:24 JL -> http://etherpad.com/
19:34:26 dave -> 50+ live listeners right now
19:34:28 gminks -> @fall-apart I am havingissues at 500
19:34:39 courosa -> @fall-apart trying totrim
19:34:41 annemareemoore -> I have started toexpand my circle of friends on twitter beyond education. Its veryinteresting and i learn a lot
19:34:52 JL -> http://earthbridges.net/
19:34:54 barbaram -> is 50+ cool?
19:35:17 courosa -> @rheinardkorf that couldhelp
19:35:21 mrsdurff -> good plug
19:35:21 JohnS -> Into the Book:http://reading.ecb.org/index.html READ mini-posters:http://www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/hqops/publishing/graphics/READ_Mini_Post... http://www.booksprouts.com/
19:35:21 dave -> @barbaram traditionally thevast majority of people listen asynchronously
19:35:24 mrsdurff -> thanks
19:35:24 fall-apart -> I find I miss stuffeven with only ~100, so I can't imagine 10 times that - you'd miss somuch
19:35:38 dave -> since twitter became reallypopular, the live numbers have been going up
19:36:03 barbaram -> cool
19:36:13 annemareemoore -> It was reallywierd when Twitter stopped working there a couple of weeks ago, myworld went silent!
19:36:26 sharon -> I find twitter prettyeasy to read and filter the good stuff from the bad
19:36:32 rheinardkorf -> ala to me means 'alist apart' :/
19:36:39 joycevalenza -> My kids resistedthe templates
19:36:42 joycevalenza -> it's a cd
19:37:03 mrsdurff -> welcome back gminks
19:37:04 annemareemoore -> what is that link?
19:37:10 matt montagne -> Thanks forEarthcast 09 plug, Jeff...if anyone is interested in participating inthe 24 hour webcastathon on Earth Day 2009, visithttp://earthbridges.net or send an email to [email protected] ...Thanks!!
19:37:12 gminks -> thx @mrsdurff
19:37:18 courosa -> @fall-apart but i don'tmind missing stuff, thats sort of how i view informaiton literacy andsocial media ... the best ideas find your way to you via zeitgeist
19:37:22 dave -> http://www.socialmediaexplorer.com/2009/01/13/determining-the-top-educat...
19:37:45 courosa -> yea, but it misses willrichardson's blog somehow
19:37:52 sharon -> with the frequency I havebeen blogging - my blog will not be on that list
19:37:56 fall-apart -> @courosa Meaning somany people are talking about it that you can't miss it?
19:38:15 celeste -> reading sites look great!
19:38:17 sharon -> that is true, Dave
19:38:25 JohnS -> meh. blogging is dead :-)
19:38:39 sharon -> oh ... yeah.... I forgot
19:38:42 ssummit1 -> im creating a readingposter now
19:38:44 courosa -> activity, includesdelicious posts, twitters, etc.
19:38:48 sharon -> http://rainycatz.wordpress.com/2009/01/17/teachmeet-at-bett-09-january-1...
19:39:09 McMatt -> Awesome stream, and willbe back to check it out again! Thx all!
19:39:20 mrsdurff -> don't leave
19:39:23 ssummit1 -> see ya McMatt
19:39:26 barbaram -> barbaram on twitter
19:39:26 mrsdurff -> not over yet
19:39:30 courosa -> and the way that works,OLDaily is tweeted indirectly less, for instance ... I think it hasmuch to do with the way OLDaily is set up, people tend to promote thelinks mentioned by Stephen vs. his commentary.
19:39:56 JL -> http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/01/13/no-more-free-jott-for-you/
19:39:57 McMatt -> I know - my apologies,have to get back to work :( see ya next time!
19:40:04 mrsdurff -> bye
19:40:19 JL -> http://lifestreambackup.com/
19:40:31 mrsdurff -> back up my life?
19:40:43 matt montagne -> that service mightdo well...
19:40:48 mrsdurff -> welcome back page
19:41:10 annemareemoore -> scary
19:41:24 JL -> http://www.screentoaster.com/
19:41:26 Gary -> Do we need to do this?
19:41:28 rheinardkorf -> what aboutOAuth? thats more pairing it rather than giving them youraccount details?
19:41:31 gminks -> can't you save that downand then share it up to one backup service (like mozy?
19:41:48 JL -> http://myths.e2bn.org/create/tool527-new--story-creator-2--beta.html
19:41:49 gminks -> full disclosure: I workfor EMC we own Mozy
19:41:51 fall-apart -> Does Twitter workwith OAuth yet?
19:42:02 rheinardkorf -> don't know... butit should
19:42:07 annemareemoore -> WOW that isinteresting!!!!
19:42:10 joycevalenza -> has great supportresources too
19:42:12 Jackie Gerstein -> Out of beta
19:42:17 joycevalenza -> storyboarding stuff
19:42:18 JohnS -> International Associationfor K-12 Online Learning: http://www.inacol.org/
19:42:25 Jackie Gerstein -> Now there isJing Pro
19:42:26 joycevalenza -> and fulltext ofstories
19:43:18 dave -> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/13/us/13physics.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2
19:43:21 rheinardkorf -> @fall-apart, thereis a few hits for "twitter oauth"
19:43:51 Jackie Gerstein -> inacol also hasteacher standards as they recognize that online K12 teachers needs adifferent skill set than in class k12 teachers
19:44:11 matt montagne -> http://etherpad.com/4DbeXmuLsO if anyone wants to tryetherpad, I have an account (it is now in private beta)...feel free totry it out...kinda like a combo b/t google docs, IM, and a wiki
19:44:24 Pam McLeod -> I loved this MITlink, higher ed isn't great about emphasizing teaching
19:44:26 coolpoolteacher -> Very true - weare the great harbingers on knowledge
19:44:28 sharon -> https://docs.google.com/templates?sort=hottest&view=public
19:44:29 coolpoolteacher -> NO
19:44:31 coolpoolteacher -> NOT
19:44:45 mrsdurff -> 3rd graders liked usinghttp://www.rif.org/readingplanet/gamestation/storymaker/default.aspx Fri
19:45:03 rheinardkorf -> @sharan, that'sawesome
19:45:13 JL -> http://realworldmath.org/Real_World_Math/RealWorldMath.org.html
19:45:30 barbaram -> @matt montagne. I'lltry that
19:45:31 JL -> http://wordpress.tv/
19:45:34 mrsdurff -> as opposed to fakeworld math
19:45:45 JL -> http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2009/01/12/publicdomain2.html
19:45:48 BronStuckey -> Are chat archivesavailable?
19:45:49 kcaise -> i just saw that linktoday about wordpress tv
19:46:03 matt montagne -> anyone know how toget those google docs templates into a google apps for ed network??They only seem to open in regular google docs accts
19:46:06 sharon -> @mrsdurff my memories ofmath class is fake world math....
19:46:16 mrsdurff -> bron they will publishthem with the audio
19:46:16 ijohnpederson -> @jenmaddrel Lodi,WI says hi
19:46:17 dave -> @BronStuckey they areposted with the show usually day after the event
19:46:18 JL -> http://www.livescience.com/strangenews/090116-tongue-stuck-frozen.html
19:46:31 rheinardkorf -> lol
19:46:33 BronStuckey -> thx Dave'
19:46:41 mrsdurff -> who should try it out?
19:46:47 sharon -> @ijohn Sadly Jen Maddrellis not with us tonight
19:46:48 mrsdurff -> i know! dave!!
19:47:00 JohnS -> Visual Design forInstructional Multimedia:http://edxserveg5.usask.ca/rick/vdim/Start.HTM
19:47:03 kcaise -> detention outside at theflag pole!
19:47:03 coolpoolteacher -> I tried it lastweek. It was -40
19:47:11 Gary -> We have all tried it!
19:47:12 ijohnpederson -> @sharon, wow,thats sounded like jen
19:47:22 sharon -> c'est moi
19:47:28 coolpoolteacher -> my fingers stuckto the school door handle
19:47:33 mrsdurff -> oh my, ijohn is here
19:47:42 ijohnpederson -> hi durff :)
19:47:43 mrsdurff -> we are honored
19:47:57 fall-apart -> The worst is runningwith a metal zipper pull: stick, rip, stick, rip...
19:48:02 sheila -> My student's at-homeexperiment with the cold temps.
19:48:05 sheila -> http://etherpad.com/4DbeXmuLsO if anyone wants
19:48:13 sheila -> Oops!
19:48:26 sheila -> http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=212451
19:48:45 mrsdurff -> voice comment
19:48:57 barbaram -> It show below
19:48:58 annemareemoore -> oohhh that's abit out nthere!!
19:49:05 mrsdurff -> way to get mentioned -say you won't mention them
19:49:12 coolpoolteacher -> there are always6 messages! :)
19:49:20 coolpoolteacher -> I will leave oneright now...
19:49:24 page -> lots of money!!!
19:49:27 mrsdurff -> :)
19:49:33 ssummit1 -> im in!
19:49:39 fall-apart -> Virtual french bread?
19:49:45 barbaram -> not so much the date!!
19:49:46 annemareemoore -> and for the girls?
19:49:49 joycevalenza -> thank you all!
19:49:51 rheinardkorf -> thank you guys :)
19:49:56 page -> Thank you!!
19:49:57 gminks -> thx! very nice!
19:49:57 ijohnpederson -> wait, that'ssharon!
19:49:59 mrsdurff -> Educon next weekend!
19:49:59 annemareemoore -> thanks
19:50:04 ssummit1 -> thanks
19:50:05 rheinardkorf -> twitter
19:50:06 ijohnpederson -> my virtual wife
19:50:09 joycevalenza -> really? it's cold out there
19:50:11 matt montagne -> hey, nice showy'all
19:50:12 sheila -> No school tomorrow!
19:50:21 coolpoolteacher -> spreads like theflu- with links!
19:50:21 mrsdurff -> yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:50:23 Lesley Edwards -> Thanks, greatresources!:D
19:50:25 coolpoolteacher -> word gets out
19:50:27 Pam McLeod -> thanks all!
19:50:31 ssummit1 -> visit my blog atwww.historicalhistory.blogspot.com
19:50:38 ssummit1 -> if yo haven't already
19:50:40 Jackie Gerstein -> Twitter of course
19:50:41 ijohnpederson -> I LOVE SHARON
19:50:41 annemareemoore -> schools back nextweek for Australia!
19:50:41 barbaram -> Educon, great. I willbe there.
19:50:45 mrsdurff -> jeff knows!
19:50:56 coolpoolteacher -> is mrnichol ontwitter
19:50:57 Gary -> Thanks again.
19:51:00 ijohnpederson -> (i am too, i'mscared)
19:51:16 mrsdurff -> looking forward toseeing you and Meg
19:51:20 rheinardkorf -> thats cool
19:51:23 matt montagne -> special kid there!
19:51:25 ssummit1 -> wow!
19:51:30 joycevalenza -> nice. I will missyou both
19:51:36 joycevalenza -> i have a son . . .
19:51:39 joycevalenza -> darn
19:51:46 ijohnpederson -> (our daughter)
19:52:04 rheinardkorf -> haha
19:52:20 Margo Jantzi -> I'm going to missthe Educon comute with Lisa. Good memories.
19:52:21 mrsdurff -> and can we publish heraccts too?
19:52:25 ijohnpederson -> awesome!
19:52:34 mrsdurff -> yes Margo i will missyou
19:52:49 mrsdurff -> hey
19:52:50 JL -> skype jschinker
19:52:59 Margo Jantzi -> thank goodness forUstream--virtual options this year
19:53:04 mrsdurff -> aw
19:53:04 BronStuckey -> Just joined TWB
19:53:08 rheinardkorf -> awww
19:53:14 BronStuckey -> looking for a placeto contribute
19:53:15 ssummit1 -> only a week ortwo,...maybe three
19:53:15 annemareemoore -> I feel at home
19:53:18 kchichester -> Great Time. I'll dothis again. What fun!
19:53:33 mrsdurff -> one never feels at homeuntil one pokes fun at dave
19:53:54 Jackie Gerstein -> Educon wikihttp://educon21.wikispaces.com
19:54:00 Pam McLeod -> how do we find Sharononline?
19:54:05 mrsdurff -> go ahead, i do
19:54:06 joycevalenza -> good nighteveryone! will miss you while I am in Denver :-(
19:54:06 Gary -> It takes a long time - butstay with it.
19:54:07 kchichester -> Why is dave alwaysthe goat?
19:54:14 JohnS -> skype 'jschinker' to joinin...
19:54:18 mrsdurff -> why not?
19:54:24 mrsdurff -> actually he's not
19:54:29 JL -> http://live.classroom20.com/
19:54:31 mrsdurff -> sometimes it's me
19:54:35 barbaram -> I find the edocon wikipretty formal right now. Not really a community yet
19:54:38 sharon -> @Pam... oh just googleme..... speters on twitter
19:54:44 mrsdurff -> sometimes it's john
19:54:48 Pam McLeod -> thanks!
19:54:48 matt montagne -> playing inetherpad sandbox here: http://etherpad.com/4DbeXmuLsO
19:54:53 mrsdurff -> never JenM
19:54:55 kcaise -> thank you Jeff
19:54:56 ijohnpederson -> (long timelistener, coming back to live chat for the first time in a really longtime)
19:55:04 kcaise -> Sat. at 11am CST/12pm EST
19:55:11 mrsdurff -> welcome back ijohn
19:55:12 matt montagne -> yes, props to kim,peggy and lorna for getting that going and taking it on...
19:55:16 ssummit1 -> see ya later, ExtremeMakeover: Home Edition is on soon
19:55:26 kcaise -> thank you - we willreturn after Educon on the 31st
19:55:31 Jackie Gerstein -> SaturadayMornings
19:55:36 sharon -> if you will be at educonon Friday night, am thinking of having a wine and cheese in my hotelroom after the panel discussion at Franklin INstitutue
19:55:39 ssummit1 -> i cry every time
19:55:58 mrsdurff -> i'll be thereSharon
19:56:00 ijohnpederson -> @sharon I'll bringthe cheese curds
19:56:04 Jackie Gerstein -> I cry too
19:56:07 ijohnpederson -> woot wisconsin
19:56:10 barbaram -> @sharon. I wouldappreciate that
19:56:13 mrsdurff -> dave good luck
19:56:16 gminks -> good bye everyone. thx
19:56:20 celeste -> me too. gotta have thetissues near
19:56:22 ssummit1 -> bye
19:56:24 rheinardkorf -> later all
19:56:38 Jackie Gerstein -> Extreme homemakeover is on now - I am going to go watch it and probably cry at theend.
19:56:39 mrsdurff -> not fair is it
19:56:43 celeste -> thanks againeveryone! great show! love this community!
19:56:43 matt montagne -> we're watching viaover the air TV
19:56:46 fall-apart -> You're in Montreal?
19:56:46 mrsdurff -> my classes are
19:56:52 BronStuckey -> bye all
19:56:56 mrsdurff -> others in my school arenot
19:56:58 matt montagne -> OTA=lo tech, butreliable!
19:57:00 Colin -> Thanks and bye for now.
19:57:02 sharon -> yup, I am in Montreal
19:57:08 mrsdurff -> reason? they don't care
19:57:10 sroseman -> thanks all
19:57:14 matt montagne -> we r using a 20year old set of rabbit ear antennas
19:57:26 Jackie Gerstein -> MLK say andinauguration hurrah
19:57:31 fall-apart -> I find that hilarious- Canadians watching, Americans not allowed?
19:57:47 mrsdurff -> what else to do?
19:57:54 wasilt -> John, just joined in. Howwas the Wit
19:57:57 JohnS -> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/im_an_idiot.png
19:58:08 Gary -> A Canadian PM being swornin takes about 15 minutes at the Governer-geeneral's house.
19:58:15 matt montagne -> forget wiring forCATV
19:58:15 kchichester -> You want us toleave?:(
19:58:16 mrsdurff -> thousands?
19:58:27 fall-apart -> @Gary - yeah, and noall day coverage of the swearing-in
19:58:32 mrsdurff -> our school doesn't
19:58:34 matt montagne -> RG6 to every classroom at this point is a waste
19:58:44 kcaise -> we don't either durff
19:58:58 mrsdurff -> john must havethreatened them
19:59:04 mrsdurff -> hey angela
19:59:09 wasilt -> Brecksville has freecable YEAH
19:59:11 fall-apart -> Sharon, did you useRogers?
19:59:22 mrsdurff -> joyce's school ISstreaming it
19:59:26 angelamaiers -> Hey Durff abd gang!How are you all?
19:59:27 Nedra -> Thanks for the links!
19:59:34 mrsdurff -> have you seen the promo?
19:59:37 barbaram -> We have no cable, andwireless is in infancy. It's really not about money, more abouttechnology.
19:59:43 sharon -> @fall-apart
19:59:44 wasilt -> Not teaching math onTuesday to watch Inagrauation with 3rd graders
19:59:52 angelamaiers -> Looking forward tohearing Sharon tonight!
19:59:54 sharon -> Not sure about Rogers orVideotron or ??
19:59:59 kchichester -> We have free cableat school. Plus entire county is on fiber optic internet.
20:00:05 wasilt -> yes he is
20:00:12 ijohnpederson -> (yay bandwidth),let's talk about that in Phily Sharon (I know some things)
20:00:13 wasilt -> HI John
20:00:15 angelamaiers -> Hey!
20:00:15 matt montagne -> OTA digital TV isgreat for something like this...a digital converter box and a pair ofold rabbit ears and you're good to go
20:00:32 mrsdurff -> yeah!
20:00:34 wasilt -> Yes we are
20:00:51 celeste -> we are watching too inCincinnati
20:00:52 mrsdurff -> say Joyce's school isstreaming the inauguration
20:00:53 angelamaiers -> Oh-m I missed it!
20:00:53 fall-apart -> @sharon I would guessthat in Canada, cable would be cheaper than bandwidth...
20:00:53 wasilt -> John, everyone atHighland is
20:01:05 kchichester -> This is so much morefun than the podcast!
20:01:13 Jackie Gerstein -> Tech Crunch hasa guide to streaming media of inauguration
20:01:43 matt montagne -> I just get alittle spooked with using the Internet for events like this...many ofthese sites will be slammed like never b4...
20:01:45 mrsdurff -> people! sayJoyce's school is streaming the inauguration
20:01:54 wasilt -> Looking forward to TechConference in 2 weeks. Can not wait. Looks like a lot of appealingclasses
20:02:01 mrsdurff -> thank you john
20:02:06 mrsdurff -> now i will
20:02:06 rheinardkorf -> @angelamaiers, ifollowed your tweet that got me here... on time :P
20:02:09 angelamaiers -> I can talk aboutanything literacy! Bring on the topics!
20:02:12 mrsdurff -> yes
20:02:22 mrsdurff -> a group will be on site
20:02:25 angelamaiers -> I am going to NECC
20:02:25 kchichester -> I think Channel Oneis showing the Inaugration too.
20:02:27 mrsdurff -> students
20:02:28 ijohnpederson -> @johnschinker Ihave big ?'s about Goolgle Apps in Ed for you...will catch you viaemail soon
20:02:37 sharon -> @angela GREAT to hear!
20:02:40 matt montagne -> I wonder iftwitter will hold up coming out of the DC area on Tues...
20:02:47 ijohnpederson -> re: podcating TonyVincent
20:02:47 JohnS -> @ijohn any time.
20:02:52 JL -> http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jan2009/tc20090115_815265...
20:02:58 matt montagne -> If twitter makesit thru Tues, kudos to their tech dept!
20:03:02 Scott Shelhart -> Twitter did fineon election day, I think.
20:03:08 angelamaiers -> I vote for Durfffor CTO!
20:03:11 mrsdurff -> the first librarianjoyce valenze
20:03:26 mrsdurff -> why? i can't type
20:03:26 wasilt -> The hard part is pickingwhat channel on cable to watch on Tuesday
20:03:28 fall-apart -> More to the point,Twitter survived CES with only minor slowdowns
20:03:31 ijohnpederson -> ____ warrior
20:03:33 matt montagne -> cellular networktraffic is expected to be maxed out in DC
20:03:34 sheila -> It went down during NECClast summer. . .
20:03:39 fall-apart -> Canadian budget onJan 26th
20:03:41 rheinardkorf -> i think twitteruses AWS, and yeah... they broke it before... and everything else thatrelied on AWS :P
20:03:47 Jackie Gerstein -> Can't seem tocut and paste into this chat - so I couldn't post the TechnCrunch link
20:03:49 coolpoolteacher -> we are finallyrealizing that the economic crisis concerns Canada too!
20:03:51 wasilt -> Twitter will be closed onTueday
20:03:53 Scott Shelhart -> Tons of temp cellsite were added this week
20:04:00 sroseman -> http://www.ustream.tv/
20:04:01 coolpoolteacher -> Harper was indenial until November.
20:04:04 ijohnpederson -> @wasilt lolz
20:04:21 matt montagne -> oh, ustream on theiPhone too...that is kinda cool...
20:04:32 wasilt -> @johnpederson what islolz. Sorry not familiar
20:04:34 fall-apart -> Canadian Liberalsdon't have the cojones to pull the trigger on an election and thecoalition imploded b/c of public perception
20:04:37 matt montagne -> not ustream fromthe iPhone, but to the iPhone...
20:04:49 wasilt -> John's wife did
20:04:49 mrsdurff -> glad you recognize thatjohn
20:04:56 mrsdurff -> we are here for sharon
20:05:04 coolpoolteacher -> -40 is -40 inboth systems
20:05:04 wasilt -> She tweeted about circuitcity a couple days ago
20:05:05 JohnS -> http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/01/18/the-techcrunch-guide-to-the-inaugur...
20:05:11 Jackie Gerstein -> yeah and if youwant to be stampeded - lead study today
20:05:23 Jackie Gerstein -> John - how didyou paste into this chat?
20:05:34 techsavvygirl -> Good job Sharon!
20:05:37 kcaise -> that is national newsstuff
20:05:44 mrsdurff -> the best part of thepresidency is the blooper's
20:05:59 Scott Shelhart -> Some browsersallow cut/ paste. Other use drag into chat
20:06:00 ijohnpederson -> i'm almost canadian
20:06:07 coolpoolteacher -> almost is goodenough!
20:06:10 JohnS -> @Jackie control-V.
20:06:19 JohnS -> Don't know how to do it ona Mac, though.
20:06:22 coolpoolteacher -> kids need to goto bed later all
20:06:24 kcaise -> friday - sunday
20:06:35 ijohnpederson -> sharon sounds likejen with a cold
20:06:47 angelamaiers -> That would be great!
20:06:52 Cathy -> @ Sharon we are lookingforward to our chat on 1/28
20:06:53 ijohnpederson -> had me confusedwhen i first logged on
20:07:03 mrsdurff -> lunchtime sat jl?
20:07:22 mrsdurff -> you and dave did a showlast year then?
20:07:34 sharon -> yes they did
20:07:34 Jackie Gerstein -> I think it hassomething to do with my make - menu for paste but doesn't allow
20:07:40 angelamaiers -> Did that with K-12Conference, and the podcasts were great!
20:07:43 sharon -> @Cathy me too!
20:07:44 rheinardkorf -> audio hijack?
20:07:46 kcaise -> maybe the webcast academyfolks can help
20:07:51 mrsdurff -> make them do it this yrsharon
20:08:02 matt montagne -> I think it allowsa .mov file expoert...and then u can strip out audio
20:08:24 ijohnpederson -> they aren't usingustream
20:08:25 sheila -> But there is a timefactor. Not over 45 minutes?
20:08:42 ijohnpederson -> ....but i cant'remember what they are using
20:08:55 mrsdurff -> yes Educon is
20:08:57 matt montagne -> mogulus
20:09:02 kcaise -> yes they will be usingustream
20:09:07 ijohnpederson -> ahh, mugulus
20:09:18 matt montagne -> distruct hasissues with ustream...
20:09:26 matt montagne -> hmmm...maybe theywent back to ustream
20:09:31 mrsdurff -> ok, using kids tostream anyway
20:09:49 matt montagne -> I know chris wastesting mogulus...but perhaps he was able to get district to go withustream
20:09:51 ijohnpederson -> educon is usingmogulus as far as i know
20:09:53 mrsdurff -> i heard ustreaming
20:10:03 Jackie Gerstein -> Extreme HomeMakeover Plot tomight - family that works with special needs kids.
20:10:06 mrsdurff -> but who cares
20:10:21 mrsdurff -> what was the score btw
20:10:24 angelamaiers -> Who is all going toEduCon?
20:10:36 mrsdurff -> sigh
20:10:43 techsavvygirl -> Jackie do you have school last week in February
20:10:58 wasilt -> @Jschinker- Alvin iswatching game and I am too. Have a great night John. Tweet to ya later
20:11:03 Jackie Gerstein -> Chris is inmourining = reported his reactions to the game via Twitter all eve
20:11:09 matt montagne -> sounds lke agambling site...sportsbridges
20:11:30 mrsdurff -> ah that was a problemlast year wasn't it
20:11:39 mrsdurff -> skype was a problem too
20:11:53 sheila -> You're good Sharon!
20:12:12 mrsdurff -> Sharon how do i make agreat souffle?
20:12:13 sroseman -> educon2.1 2009
20:12:19 Jackie Gerstein -> http://educon21.wikispaces.com
20:12:27 fall-apart -> Fun service forlookign things up for other people:http://www.letmegooglethatforyou.com/
20:12:33 angelamaiers -> Wow! That is great!
20:12:37 ijohnpederson -> I havehttp://www.mogulus.com/scienceleadership (1-12 insert session here)
20:12:58 ijohnpederson -> dianna rocks!
20:13:48 sharon -> http://educon21.wikispaces.com/Agenda
20:13:57 Jackie Gerstein -> Saw Konrad'spresentation photo gallery in Seocnd Life about teachers with boarders- fantastic
20:14:32 angelamaiers -> Sharon- is yoursession about Teachers w/o boarders!
20:14:33 matt montagne -> nite y'all...greatshow...
20:14:38 ijohnpederson -> oh, fail
20:14:42 angelamaiers -> Nite Matt!
20:14:49 ijohnpederson -> trust diana!
20:14:51 ijohnpederson -> :)
20:15:09 mrsdurff -> no boundaries? hmmm
20:15:14 sharon -> http://educon21.wikispaces.com/Sessions+by+Title+and+Facilitator(s)
20:15:29 mrsdurff -> well if she is leavingthen we are too
20:15:38 angelamaiers -> Now that would bean interesting session!
20:15:43 sheila -> Thanks all!
20:16:04 angelamaiers -> See you guys onWOW! I am soooo excited about the session!
20:16:04 JL -> Thanks all
20:16:11 sharon -> @angela will be in touchon that soon!
20:16:12 Jackie Gerstein -> Thanks!
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