JenM - Mon, 2009-01-05 11:51
Post-Show description:
Dave, John, Jeff, and Jen kick off a new year with new resources and stories in education and technology.
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
January 04, 2009
19:41:10 JenM -> high, susan, durff, others!18:41:18 JenM -> or "hi" :)
18:41:23 SusanEttenheim -> hi jen!
18:41:32 SusanEttenheim -> are you broadcasting at 7?
18:41:40 JenM -> yep!
18:41:44 JL -> pre-show is already on
18:41:47 JL -> we just talked to you
18:42:48 SusanEttenheim -> dont' have audio working yet= trying new experiment - am in car
18:43:22 JL -> cool - mentioned the new ETT stream info - info at http://edtechtalk.com/info (new IP, new password)
18:43:32 SusanEttenheim -> I think there's a conflict with the new itunes and the audio= any hints?
18:44:43 SusanEttenheim -> just remembering that I was trying to listen with my dad and couldn't get audio working but then it worked fine on his computer which did not have the updated itunes... mine did...
18:45:47 mrsdurff -> people DO do their resolutions
18:45:56 mrsdurff -> except dave
18:48:37 mrsdurff -> polyester pants at the country club?
18:48:45 Gail -> signing in but not really here folks. I'll be browsing with other tabs. Catch you later
18:49:12 mrsdurff -> iTunes is working fine
18:49:21 mrsdurff -> yes i hear you john
18:50:06 mrsdurff -> i'll direct them all to you jeff
18:50:08 SusanEttenheim -> hi I can hear you live!
18:50:15 SusanEttenheim -> in the car!
18:50:16 mrsdurff -> :)
18:50:33 SusanEttenheim -> hoorayyy I can now listen to edtechtalk weekly!!
18:50:48 mrsdurff -> yeah!
18:50:57 Gail -> Interesting that the "Welcome" voice is making its way into my browsing:p
18:51:11 SusanEttenheim -> I'm usually in the car Sunday nights but today I'm going home after 20 days in Mass - have almost NEVER been away so long - feels soooo weird!
18:51:19 SusanEttenheim -> itunes
18:51:32 SusanEttenheim -> Tim says hi - he's driving :)
18:51:39 mrsdurff -> hi tim
18:51:48 Alvin Trusty -> JL is crackling a little
18:51:50 mrsdurff -> hi peggy
18:51:53 SusanEttenheim -> jeff where are you going?
18:51:58 mrsdurff -> everyone twitter
18:52:05 PeggyG -> Hi Durff
18:52:13 Alvin Trusty -> @JL you will be close to canyon lands. You have to go there.
18:52:14 SusanEttenheim -> Tim says hi - he can't text - he's driving
18:52:21 Gail -> just 20 min ago
18:52:26 PeggyG -> Having internet connection problems this afternoon-hope I can stay connected!
18:52:54 mrsdurff -> but not on our own
18:53:14 mrsdurff -> hi jen
18:53:21 mrsdurff -> hi sharon
18:53:23 JenWagner -> Hey Lisa!!! Happy New Year
18:53:32 mrsdurff -> zion is pretty
18:53:38 SusanEttenheim -> for how long? vacation?
18:53:42 JenWagner -> never been to Zion
18:53:46 PeggyG -> Happy New Year everyone!!! It's going to be a great year!
18:53:52 JL -> just 5 days - visiting my sister
18:54:04 SusanEttenheim -> ahh
18:54:06 mrsdurff -> posey is not an it
18:54:15 SusanEttenheim -> so what's the deal with the server ... ?
18:54:23 mrsdurff -> hi !
18:54:29 SusanEttenheim -> sounds exciting and like dave has been busy busy buty
18:54:32 SusanEttenheim -> busy
18:54:32 PeggyG -> seems to come and go
18:54:52 JenWagner -> we moved??? wow
18:55:03 JenWagner -> nope
18:55:03 SusanEttenheim -> hey can't hear jeff... everyone is talking at once
18:55:12 SusanEttenheim -> very weird...
18:55:13 JenWagner -> Sharon left - she will be back
18:55:23 SusanEttenheim -> like a double double show
18:55:31 SusanEttenheim -> this is weird.......
18:55:34 JenWagner -> so before TUESDAY Sharon needs to do what???
18:55:45 JohnS -> edtechtalk.com/info
18:56:01 JohnS -> she can do it anytime, but preferably before she tries to webcast.
18:56:05 JenWagner -> thanks @schinker
18:56:10 SusanEttenheim -> ahhh maybe somehow I was double streaming?
18:56:12 Alvin Trusty -> no crackle now
18:56:17 courosa -> i wanted to be the crackle tester!
18:56:19 SusanEttenheim -> let me check...
18:56:20 JenWagner -> I hear crackle
18:56:22 Alvin Trusty -> it's back
18:56:38 Alvin Trusty -> when you don't talk, I don't here it.
18:56:45 JenWagner -> I don't mind crackle
18:57:14 courosa -> There should be phono record crackle, that's a comforting crackle.
18:57:26 SusanEttenheim -> yup jeff is right!
18:57:31 Gary -> Dave left for beer - nothing new for 2009?
18:57:41 betchaboy -> hello all
18:57:44 mrsdurff -> ok who tweeted this: "Jen says I have to tweet this again. EdTechWeekly starting in a few minutes. " ?
18:57:49 JenWagner -> smiles
18:57:56 SusanEttenheim -> ugh so I missed his explanation but I'll go look on the site so I can practice before Wed
18:58:05 JenWagner -> Have no idea what you are talking about LISA
18:58:09 mrsdurff -> it was either John or John
18:58:17 JenWagner -> But it is the THOUGHT that counts
18:58:17 mrsdurff -> JenM
18:58:35 SusanEttenheim -> I twitted it too
18:58:42 JenWagner -> she is aware, John, that she did not hit the present out of the park with that gift
18:58:45 JenM -> @JW ... jinx
18:58:50 JenWagner -> yeppers!!
18:59:09 JenWagner -> sorry, the squeaking and breathing is me with my new mic - WOW, it is powerful
18:59:15 JohnS -> Oh, I know, jen.
18:59:23 JohnS -> It's fine.
18:59:28 JenWagner -> :)
18:59:34 SusanEttenheim -> wow what a crowd -is it like this every Sunday?
18:59:36 mrsdurff -> oi veh
18:59:44 mrsdurff -> it is susan
18:59:46 SusanEttenheim -> how much snow dave?
18:59:59 sharon -> my router is reaching the end of its lifespan and is going in and out, in and out.... good thing I bought that airport extreme on ebay
19:00:03 JenWagner -> define shoveling??
19:00:15 sharon -> we have sidewalk ploughs - they are so cute
19:00:20 JenWagner -> okay - what is -37 celcisus???
19:00:27 mrsdurff -> cold
19:00:29 JenWagner -> I thought it was -5 F
19:00:31 Gary -> Thanks Dave! Metres.
19:00:33 sharon -> what is -37 C ?? DANG cold!
19:00:34 JenWagner -> hmmm what??
19:00:39 JenWagner -> really? cool
19:00:50 SusanEttenheim -> wow - we had 20+ two weeks ago... did I have fun shoveling!
19:00:53 JenWagner -> just wondered Shareski was showing a video with that
19:00:54 betchaboy -> -34.6F
19:00:57 JenWagner -> -37
19:01:04 JenWagner -> Hey Chris -- are you in Montreal??
19:01:08 Dianne -> whas is the topic tonight?
19:01:14 mrsdurff -> need coffee................
19:01:18 pgoerner -> Is it tiger or tIger?
19:01:18 SusanEttenheim -> hi techtiger
19:01:20 betchaboy -> in Toronto now
19:01:20 JenWagner -> Dianne -- it is generic
19:01:26 sharon -> Chris - betchaboy - has sadly moved back to Toronto
19:01:34 betchaboy -> sitting in the maple leaf lounge waiting for a flight to Sydney
19:01:36 JenWagner -> He already met you, Sharon??
19:01:43 thetechtiger -> Hello Susan
19:01:56 JenWagner -> lets vote on the new format
19:01:57 SusanEttenheim -> hi - where and what do you teach?
19:01:57 sharon -> Chris did a great job on the Smartboard workshop on Friday!
19:02:07 betchaboy -> hi sharon... :-)
19:02:23 JenWagner -> Sharon -- I sent you email -- edtechtalk changed servers and they say you need to read something before TUesday
19:02:39 thetechtiger -> From MD and I teach Technology Integration
19:02:46 sharon -> Hey Chris - I forgot to ask, but could you send me a copy of that AUP mentioned of your school's?
19:02:52 Dianne -> is Chris' smartboard presentation available now
19:02:54 JenWagner -> FLORIDA???
19:02:57 SusanEttenheim -> jen...lol can you send me the email too pls?
19:03:04 JenWagner -> sure Susan
19:03:21 PeggyGeorge -> Phoenix AZ for me--cloudy but not cold
19:03:28 SusanEttenheim -> happy 2009!
19:03:36 sroseman -> Florida...
19:03:37 betchaboy -> sure, let me see if I can find it
19:03:42 JenWagner -> MS -- why???
19:03:46 sujokat -> hi all happy noo year
19:04:12 dgoodman -> Happy New Year...hope 2009 will be a great one fro all
19:04:15 betchaboy -> btw sharon I updated the wiki with the notebook file as a downloadable version and a slideshare version
19:04:21 SusanEttenheim -> un I just lost sound is it just me?
19:04:24 jan smith -> Hey Sujokat, welcome from Australia! (right?)
19:04:32 sujokat -> yes
19:04:35 SusanEttenheim -> sound back!
19:04:44 Valaina -> Can you share the wiki address?
19:05:01 dave -> http://techdirt.com/articles/20081230/0128173245.shtml
19:05:16 SusanEttenheim -> susan is going to learn to type in color!
19:05:28 sujokat -> @betchaboy Hi chris 30c here today!!
19:05:39 betchaboy -> nice.... I'll be there soon
19:05:47 Valaina -> @betchaboy Can you send your wiki address?
19:05:49 JenWagner -> hmmm interesting
19:05:50 SusanEttenheim -> in color
19:05:54 JenWagner -> is that why LIVELY died??
19:05:56 jan smith -> My prediction: this year anyone with stock in shovels will be rich
19:06:08 PeggyGeorge -> good question JenWagner
19:06:14 mrsdurff -> color?[b]
19:06:22 JenM -> bananagrams: http://www.bananagrams-intl.com/index-us.asp
19:06:27 SusanEttenheim -> yeahhh in color!
19:06:28 JenWagner -> Jen feels BLUE
19:06:39 sheila -> @jan smith - and generators!
19:06:44 SusanEttenheim -> no
19:06:54 mrsdurff -> shovels - ugh - hit a shovel with the rental car on the way to TN this past week
19:06:59 jan smith -> Another prediction: more hoaxes will be revealed like Where the Heck is Matt
19:07:01 SusanEttenheim -> susan feels teal
19:07:08 JenWagner -> a real table game -- NOT online??
19:07:11 pgoerner -> I gave bananagrams to my son for Christmas
19:07:15 betchaboy -> http://betchablog.wikispaces.com/Conferences
19:07:23 jan smith -> ** I was not allowed by this site to say h*ll !!!
19:07:27 sharon -> Okay - am going to imagine that we have new passwords for the new server....
19:07:36 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechWeekly108#comment-2900 http://edtechtalk.com/node/3472
19:07:45 mrsdurff -> true sharon
19:07:46 JohnS -> you do, sharon.
19:08:12 JenWagner -> Ohhh we got a compliment too -- on a blog -- should I send you that link as well??
19:08:38 mrsdurff -> he was paid to say that about us
19:08:44 mrsdurff -> hi angela
19:08:53 sharon -> Okay, I await an email or something for that password
19:08:58 Valaina -> How is the format different ?
19:09:15 mrsdurff -> crank voicemails?
19:09:17 JohnS -> 30 Excellent Wordpress Tutorials: http://sixrevisions.com/wordpress/30-excellent-wordpress-video-tutorials/
19:09:18 Angela Maiers -> Hi Durff! Hi Everyone-just getting audio set up
19:09:23 mrsdurff -> let's do it!@
19:09:27 sharon -> .... preferably before Tuesday.... we have George Siemens with us on WOW2 to do some 2009 prognostication....
19:09:38 mrsdurff -> cool!!
19:09:43 JenWagner -> to do some what???
19:09:50 mrsdurff -> hi bryan
19:09:52 dave -> @sharon i wouldn't trust him
19:09:56 JenWagner -> sighs, sharon will be wearing lipgloss
19:09:57 BryanF -> Hello...
19:10:02 dgoodman -> nice tutorials
19:10:03 SusanEttenheim -> we're talking about college pressure and blogging on Wed
19:10:08 mrsdurff -> of course she will
19:10:11 SusanEttenheim -> please join us!
19:10:13 sharon -> @dave come and give him a hard time in the chat room!
19:10:24 dave -> @Sharon... I'll pass
19:10:30 dave -> http://valleywag.gawker.com/5122766/wikipedias-jimmy-wales-out-of-a-job
19:10:31 PeggyGeorge -> That WordPress resource is great! I can definitely use it!
19:11:07 JenWagner -> really, he almost lost his job -- before or after he asked for 6 million dollars??
19:11:12 mrsdurff -> hi scott
19:11:18 Scott Shelhart -> Hi Durff
19:11:44 JenWagner -> they prove 4 million -- not 6
19:12:08 PeggyGeorge -> I'm using the Firefox/Flock add-on to mark today's links to read later--so far working really well and I'm not getting overloaded on tabs. :-)
19:12:15 sharon -> @JenW have changed all the right settings for the new server - just need that password and we are good to go
19:12:19 JenWagner -> WOmen of Web is looking for 6 million dollar donations too
19:12:27 mrsdurff -> :)
19:12:29 sharon -> LOL
19:12:33 betchaboy -> what add-on is that?
19:12:33 Valaina -> aren't we all
19:12:36 JenWagner -> @sharon -- :)
19:12:40 jan smith -> So am I
19:12:44 [email protected] -> bailouts for everyone!
19:12:49 sheila -> @PeggyG - Let's see how many you get in a day! :)
19:12:56 JenWagner -> we can prove the need for $90 -- but are asking for 6 million
19:13:04 PeggyGeorge -> at least they won't crash my computer :-)
19:13:15 JenM -> Search Social Networks by poster: http://www.whostalkin.com/
19:13:18 JL -> http://kidoz.net/beta/
19:13:30 Scott Shelhart -> that's not web 3.0, that's redneck!
19:13:42 sheila -> Addon is Read it later, I think for PeggyG
19:14:04 mrsdurff -> so send $ to WOW2.0
19:14:11 jan smith -> or ZED :)
19:14:20 Angela Maiers -> I just explored kidoz today-looks great!
19:14:20 sharon -> ZED of course
19:14:23 JL -> http://www.sesamestreet.org/home
19:14:33 PeggyGeorge -> yes that's the add on. pretty slick!
19:14:48 JenWagner -> yeppers -- I like it too - and no kids here in my home
19:15:12 JL -> http://www.chemicalkim.com/
19:15:15 sheila -> Wish there was video to go with that voice! :)
19:15:17 mrsdurff -> i have never liked tom and jerry
19:15:29 JohnS -> Monitor This: http://alp-uckan.net/free/monitorthis/
19:15:30 jan smith -> Wow, you have a future beyond ed tech
19:15:31 JenWagner -> I was a Wiley Coyote / Roadrunner gal myself
19:15:36 sharon -> I love sesame street! I owe hours of gratitude to that kids' show!
19:15:45 JenWagner -> he is a cross between Grover and Peewee Herman
19:15:47 BryanF -> These guys are having too much fun!
19:16:12 JohnS -> FeedVis: http://feedvis.com/
19:16:12 sharon -> if chemical Kim blows things up and shares recipes for explosives, my son will be there!
19:16:22 JohnS -> Example: http://feedvis.com/?account=edtechtalk
19:16:26 mrsdurff -> sesame street always annoyed me - zoom too
19:16:52 Scott Shelhart -> I loved zoom. I still remember the address because of the song.
19:16:53 JenWagner -> CLAPPING!!!!
19:17:19 dave -> http://www.chrislott.org/
19:17:19 JenWagner -> Voice Thread is changing
19:17:27 Scott Shelhart -> started my blog yesterday, now its dead?
19:17:48 dave -> http://remoteaccess.typepad.com/remote_access/2009/01/the-death-of-bi.html
19:17:52 jan smith -> oh yeah.
19:17:55 mrsdurff -> what are blogs?
19:18:07 JohnS -> Blogs are so 2006.
19:18:11 jan smith -> :)
19:18:26 angela maiers -> WOW-like when Kathy Sierra went down
19:18:26 jan smith -> I always was a retro kind of girl
19:18:38 BryanF -> I find I am following Twitter more than Blogs...
19:18:42 Gail -> I think you have to assume people are coming from all different levels of experience w/ blogging, social networking, you name it.
19:18:44 JL -> More Tech death: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/01/03/journalspace-drama-all-data-lost-wi... http://sites.google.com/site/podangohibernate/
19:19:12 angela maiers -> Twitter has made a big impact on the way we blog
19:19:26 JenWagner -> OHHH, can we do a show on this topic???
19:19:34 mrsdurff -> hi sd[ankhurst
19:19:39 sharon -> which topic, Jen??
19:19:41 betchaboy -> blogs are in that weird no mans' land... somewhere too long for a Tweet and too short for a book.
19:19:42 angela maiers -> Jen-that would be great!
19:19:42 Valaina -> what's happening with voicethread
19:19:43 Gail -> @BryanF I find that I'm seeing fewer blog activity and a lot more Tweeting
19:19:43 [email protected] -> facebook on my blackberry is the coolest!
19:19:43 sdpankhurst -> hi
19:19:47 JenWagner -> what they are talking about right now --
19:19:52 jan smith -> I liked this form Dean:http://ideasandthoughts.org/2009/01/01/twitter-deep-vs-blog-deep/
19:19:56 JenWagner -> not US -- can EdTechTalk Sunday talk about this!!!
19:19:57 Scott Shelhart -> I see a blog as an extension of my tweets, but I was on twitter 9 months b4 I started a blog.
19:20:06 angela maiers -> Blogs and Twitter is that what you are thinking Jen?
19:20:11 JenWagner -> Yes, we keep talking talking talking -- continual circles
19:20:13 JohnS -> go ahead. talk about it.
19:20:14 PeggyGeorge -> I'm loving both facebook and twitter on my iPhone!
19:20:28 mrsdurff -> getting dizzy
19:20:29 [email protected] -> twitter to facebook to my phone
19:20:30 JenWagner -> @Angela -- we want you to please be WOW2
19:20:41 sharon -> I am with Clarence - I said we needed more research a year ago - and I alos agree we need to start moving our students to making social change through these tools/environments
19:20:55 mrsdurff -> hi kim
19:20:59 [email protected] -> fired for use or the content?
19:21:01 Gary -> Twitter is like continuous EdTechWeekly without the voices.
19:21:02 kcaise -> hi all
19:21:05 PeggyGeorge -> Hi Kim
19:21:16 kcaise -> hi Peggy
19:21:23 BryanF -> K-12, right! I am in a position of responsibility and have to be politically correct when online...I hate it!
19:21:27 angela maiers -> The conversations was archived- looking for the link for literacy conversation-I think we had 85 is the session
19:21:29 JenWagner -> Smile, that means we are assuming that ADMIN reads our blogs??
19:21:49 [email protected] -> I can't even read all my email :-(
19:22:21 JenWagner -> @cathy -why
19:22:22 JohnS -> I've been surprised by some admins reading my blog.
19:22:34 pgoerner -> night folks...gotta run
19:22:35 JenM -> Techmeme 2008: http://news.techmeme.com/081230/2008top10
19:22:48 Lesley Edwards -> a school trustee follows me on Twitter. Gotta be professional.
19:23:08 JohnS -> @Lesley but wouldn't you be professional anyway>
19:23:09 mrsdurff -> gotta be cool
19:23:10 jan smith -> I have parents reading my professional, reflective blog, and that makes me VERY happy
19:23:49 Gail -> My principal reads my blog and joined Twitter after I kept recommending it
19:23:49 Scott Shelhart -> I'm hoping someone reads my posts when I'm job hunting. I see it as building my porfolio every day.
19:23:55 Lesley Edwards -> Yes, definitely, but maybe a little less playful in case my humour is misinterpreted
19:23:56 JL -> http://feeds.digg.com/~r/digg/popular/~3/eNupVR1B9sM/Local_yogurt_store_...
19:23:59 JenWagner -> how can APPLE pull out of Mac world??
19:24:05 JL -> http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10130566-2.html
19:24:14 JL -> http://tweetree.com/
19:24:17 betchaboy -> they already have. (starting next year)
19:24:22 [email protected] -> Apple pulled out of all conferences
19:24:24 angela maiers -> Here is the link to 21st Century Discussion - Will still working on the archive http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dgt7s2f6_34fz78dcct
19:24:26 dgoodman -> @Gail getting admin on is wonderful..it helps them in buying in to the use of thse tools
19:24:27 mrsdurff -> eating yogurt will make one look great
19:24:30 BryanF -> Lots of Twitter DM phishing today....
19:24:34 [email protected] -> New marketing plan
19:24:36 mrsdurff -> hi matt
19:24:41 JL -> http://sharetabs.com/
19:24:44 betchaboy -> always people, gotta go... I have a plane to catch. cya later
19:24:49 JenWagner -> anyone who reads something on twitter and that asks for a password to use and sign in -- just still amazes me
19:24:58 [email protected] -> I was directed here from twitter
19:25:01 sheila -> Hi Nancy!
19:25:04 angela maiers -> Have you all tried the PowerTwitter firefox add on
19:25:13 JohnS -> Royal Institution of Great Britain: http://www.rigb.org
19:25:17 nancykeane -> Hi Sheila!
19:25:19 matt montagne -> hey mrs durff
19:25:39 mrsdurff -> glad reason aka matt has arrived
19:25:48 Cathy E -> @angela - I just added it today - very cool
19:25:55 angela maiers -> Link for PowerTwitter- http://tinyurl.com/7kxz3w
19:25:57 mrsdurff -> hi jackie
19:26:04 Jackie G -> Hi,
19:26:10 Gary -> Looks like a great link!
19:26:11 dave -> http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/?i=56490
19:26:15 angela maiers -> Hi Matt!
19:26:27 Gail -> What is more than 100%
19:26:35 matt montagne -> hey angela!
19:26:40 mrsdurff -> hi jason
19:26:52 Jason R -> Greetings
19:26:53 angela maiers -> That is a newsflash!
19:27:07 Gary -> Thanks!
19:27:12 Jason R -> Is the URL for the stream http://worldbridges.net:8000
19:27:27 angela maiers -> Cameras and now flip videos!
19:27:35 BryanF -> Schools & Parents...
19:27:35 JenM -> And now on to 2009: http://www.masternewmedia.org/new-media-trends-and-predictions-2009/
19:27:36 sharon -> Bad on you Dave
19:27:43 sharon -> I agree, Dave
19:27:55 mrsdurff -> you're in charge of this dave
19:28:02 dgoodman -> all our teachers have flip cameras..they are great for documenting learning
19:28:11 JenM -> http://www.webnode.com/
19:28:49 JohnS -> Synthasite: http://www.synthasite.com/
19:28:58 JenWagner -> oh no -- not LINKWAR
19:28:59 Gail -> Any thoughts on SECOND LIFE? I see they are having a conf. on best practices in educ at the end of March
19:29:03 dgoodman -> our teachers created Holiday wishes using the flip camera...upoaded them to Movie Maker and presented it to her at the Christmas party...she was in tears
19:29:13 Jackie G -> I really like synthasite and Weebly, too
19:29:28 mrsdurff -> Gail - they are? In SL?
19:29:36 JenWagner -> I need the delicious link for tonight -- too many sites to visit during the show!!!
19:29:46 dave -> @gail... like generally?
19:29:47 PeggyGeorge -> @dgoodman What an awesome idea!
19:29:48 JL -> http://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2008-12/last-call http://gizmodo.com/5117230/early-results-from-largest-ever-cellphone-can...
19:29:51 mrsdurff -> hi will
19:29:56 dave -> @gail can you be more specific
19:30:18 Gail -> Yep and I am not very proficient with SL but want to know if it's worth learning and can an SL meeting really work
19:30:20 JL -> http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2008/dec/22/diy-adjustable-glasses-jos...
19:30:26 dgoodman -> I need a tutorial on how to navigate in SL...any chance someone will do a show on here in the future
19:30:30 mrsdurff -> Gail - they had one before - was it in 2007 ?
19:30:50 jan smith -> texting is safer?
19:31:04 mrsdurff -> safer than who?
19:31:04 JenWagner -> wait -- I don't understand
19:31:09 mrsdurff -> hi paul
19:31:16 jan smith -> Loves those glasses--that is revolutionary technology
19:31:22 SusanEttenheim -> hi paul
19:31:23 dave -> http://terry-freedman.org.uk/artman/publish/article_1441.php
19:31:26 BryanF -> Caerful about Canada eh?
19:31:31 paulallison -> hi
19:31:33 Cathy E -> I hope Dave is keeping that baby warm!
19:31:36 jan smith -> Will have more imapact on the developing world
19:31:39 Jackie G -> Best Practices in Education in SL - http://www.slpbe.org
19:32:00 PeggyGeorge -> That was a great article by Terry Freedman-I think it was good advice.
19:32:19 mrsdurff -> thanks jackie
19:32:34 BryanF -> gotta go...see ya!
19:32:36 Jackie G -> You're welome - I love educational conferences in SL
19:32:50 dgoodman -> any helpful tutorials on navigating SL out there
19:32:51 Gail -> @dave et al here's a link to the article http://www.slpbe.org got this from @kjarrett
19:32:58 sharon -> I do most of those things
19:32:58 mrsdurff -> because they could be someone they are not
19:32:59 angela maiers -> WOW-that takes sooo long. I just need a face and a smile!
19:33:01 JohnS -> twitter.com/davecormier
19:33:01 Gary -> Some people like to try and keep and 1:1 ratio
19:33:16 angela maiers -> I do not follow Snooky Ukems231
19:33:20 sharon -> before I decide to follow them back .... bec I like to follow other teachers
19:33:33 mrsdurff -> yes dave is very entertaining
19:33:40 sharon -> but I do not want to follow EVERYBODY who follows me
19:33:48 JenWagner -> I made a fictious account on twitter -- had 250 followers before I closed it
19:33:50 Jackie G -> That's what I do
19:33:51 dgoodman -> I follow those that share interests I have and that I can learn and share with
19:34:07 sharon -> bec I may not know those people and am missing out
19:34:12 PeggyGeorge -> there are many reasons why you might not choose to follow people--why doesn't it make sense to learn more about them and consider following them?
19:34:35 angela maiers -> Exactly! There are many ways to use Twitter
19:34:37 Valaina -> now Dave has 907 followers :)
19:34:47 Jason R -> http://friendorfollow.com/
19:34:48 JenWagner -> LOL -- lets get him up to 920 before this show is over
19:34:57 sharon -> I want to keep my numbers of who I follow down lower
19:34:59 Gail -> There are lots of reasons to blog
19:35:28 angela maiers -> He he speaking more about checking those you follow verses your followers
19:35:43 PeggyGeorge -> that's one of the reasons I really like tweetdeck!
19:35:44 JenWagner -> vs fans or friends in Plurk
19:35:50 Jackie G -> Wasn't there a recent article about quality vs. quantity via Twiter - I use it for professional development and don't need a constant report about their coffee breaks.
19:35:54 sharon -> I don't have time to check those I follow
19:36:03 angela maiers -> Nice segway!
19:36:19 JenM -> Rent a textbook: http://www.chegg.com/
19:36:21 JenWagner -> Twiterapy
19:36:22 jan smith -> I noticed that Classroom 2.0 chnaged to colleagues from "friends"
19:36:26 sharon -> I do what Jeff does
19:36:33 Jackie G -> It only takes a half minute to quickly go through their profile'
19:36:34 sharon -> check thru email
19:36:45 JenWagner -> quick -- is www.twiterapy.com taken :)
19:36:47 sharon -> and sometimes it is like twit spam...
19:36:55 angela maiers -> Tweetdeck just today allows you to change the size of the columns-this is great. TWeetdeck took up the whole screen before!
19:36:55 dave -> @gail and @dgoodman i've done a fair amount of SL (etc) work... is there i can probably send on some resources
19:36:57 JL -> http://consumerist.com/5108356/teacher-confiscates-linux-discs-chides-ch...
19:37:30 Scott Shelhart -> Thanks Jen....have to buy books in a few weeks.
19:37:39 JL -> http://www.poptech.org/popcasts/
19:37:42 dgoodman -> @dave yes...yes...yes
19:37:44 matt montagne -> one of my goals is to make up a CD with free software for our students to check out and take home...it will have the mac and pc versions...
19:37:48 Gary -> Like health care?
19:38:14 JohnS -> Eric: http://www.eric.ed.gov
19:38:20 mrsdurff -> that teacher put both feet in their mouth
19:38:31 Jackie G -> LOVE poptech - new TED type addiction -
19:39:01 Valaina -> @Matt Could you share those?
19:39:04 mrsdurff -> i remember ERIC
19:39:08 SusanEttenheim -> interesting matt- what are you planning to put on it?
19:39:11 sharon -> I am going a bit more subversive than that Matt - am showing my students portableapps and encouraging them to bring in their flash drives and I will install the apps on their flashdrive
19:39:12 mrsdurff -> on microfiche
19:39:12 PeggyGeorge -> @Scott let us know if you find your textbooks there--I'm curious whether it has the books people really need.
19:39:30 JenWagner -> Libraries -- wow
19:39:32 dave -> http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/secondlife
19:39:39 [email protected] -> whats a library?
19:39:39 JenWagner -> I went to one of those once :)
19:39:44 Jackie G -> What's a library?
19:39:47 JenWagner -> they had BOOKS
19:39:54 [email protected] -> thought they were dead
19:39:57 sharon -> Drives me crazy that my students laptops are locked down and they can't chat, use audacity or skype.... on a flash drive.. they can
19:40:03 Jackie G -> Thanks Dave!
19:40:07 Valaina -> @Dave Thanks for the SL info link
19:40:08 dave -> http://serveraxis.com/
19:40:11 mrsdurff -> sharon - i show kids how to make their own flashdrives with free software
19:40:12 dgoodman -> @Dave thanks..I have bookmarked it
19:40:21 Jason R -> <- sitting in the EdTechTalk sandbox in SL right now
19:40:35 sharon -> I discoverd portableapps for macs this week - WOOT!
19:40:49 dgoodman -> @durff would love to know how you do this
19:41:00 JenWagner -> are you virtual or hybrid??
19:41:22 JenM -> Screencasting (and a reason to still love blogs): http://teachj.wordpress.com/2008/12/31/screencasting-solutions-on-a-budget/
19:41:25 Gail -> @Jason R How would I find that sandbox if I was in SL? Sorry if this is a stupid question
19:41:29 matt montagne -> @Valaina...when I'm done making up the CD, I'll definitely share all of the software that goes on there...it will be the usual suspects like Open Office, Jing, VLC, Skype, Firefox, Skitch (Mac), etc...of course the students can go get this all on their own, but this makes it a bit easier for them
19:41:38 dave -> @Jdub virtual
19:41:51 mrsdurff -> thank you server elves
19:41:59 SusanEttenheim -> thank you dave and jeff and server elves!!!
19:42:13 Jason R -> @Gail What is your avie name? I will send you a landmark. Or just visit Info Island sim.
19:42:17 PeggyGeorge -> @Gail-that's a great question. I'd like to know how to find the sandbox too
19:42:22 JenWagner -> POSTSHOW!!
19:42:23 JL -> http://www.brainyflix.com/ http://www.justleapin.com/ http://shortyawards.com/ http://www.jogtheweb.com http://www.jogtheweb.com/jog/#/XGWC0rnNAK7q/0
19:42:32 sharon -> @dgoodman - Check out - portableapps.com/suite
19:42:33 JenWagner -> LOL the shorty awards???
19:42:35 Valaina -> @ Jason can you send me the landmark too
19:42:39 Gail -> gp delicioso
19:42:43 Jackie G -> Just Leap In Rocks!
19:42:45 Valaina -> Valaina Shepherd
19:42:56 Jason R -> Anyone who wants the landmark, IM "Jeh Zon" in world.
19:43:01 dgoodman -> @sharon...will do, thanks
19:43:32 Jackie G -> It is a 3d virtual world that can be embedded in your blog of website - I can even open it at my school - when most things are blocked
19:43:37 JenWagner -> that is so funny, @JenM -- I was going to say it was so 30 minutes ago too
19:43:43 kcaise -> i love jogtheweb!
19:43:53 JenM -> @jw ... we are in sync tonight!
19:43:55 JohnS -> Planarity: http://www.planarity.net/
19:43:57 JenWagner -> why is JenM in Florida??
19:44:04 JenWagner -> I love PLANARITY!!!
19:44:11 mrsdurff -> she gets around
19:44:21 JenWagner -> I have gotten to level 6 -- so sad
19:44:28 JenM -> my brother has a home here, so my mom and I are squatting ... er ... visiting!
19:44:38 JL -> http://evosessions.pbwiki.com/Call_for_Participation09 http://webheadsinaction.org/
19:44:41 JenWagner -> ahhhhh no TOM in Florida??
19:44:55 JenM -> no tom ... someone has to bring home the bacon :)
19:44:59 angela maiers -> Great links guys! As always-you start my week off right!
19:45:05 JenWagner -> wow, not having to hide in the closet on a Sunday -- how fun for him
19:45:28 Jackie G -> Here is my virtual classroom http://www.justleapin.com/serenty - have movies and pics in there - Have to download their player.
19:45:35 sharon -> This show is great! I feel like it is the best way to keep on top
19:45:44 JenWagner -> This is the BEST show in 2009
19:45:48 JenWagner -> so far
19:45:50 dgoodman -> I will be busy tonight exploring all these great links....Thanks so much
19:46:05 DianeHammond -> Electonic Village was early '90's Ontario Online Community
19:46:19 JenWagner -> POSTSHOW!!!
19:46:25 Lesley Edwards -> Great! Thx!
19:46:26 [email protected] -> Great program - thanks for sharing!
19:46:30 Jackie G -> Thanks - fun - I agree Jen!
19:46:31 PeggyGeorge -> Thanks! Great show!
19:46:33 SusanEttenheim -> great show! thank you!
19:46:33 Gary -> Thanks again.
19:46:38 jan smith -> Hey Diane! One of my kids wanted to post to your site during the break!
19:46:38 sharon -> @diane wow, didn't know that
19:46:42 Jackie G -> Twitter works as a PR tool!
19:46:45 [email protected] -> FYI - eagles won!~
19:46:46 JenM -> thank you for everyone and those who contributed links at http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/20090104
19:46:47 dgoodman -> Have a great week especially for those going back to school
19:46:51 JenWagner -> you were PLURKED tonight too
19:46:56 nancykeane -> Thanks. Now to look at all the tabs I have opened!
19:47:11 DianeHammond -> @Sharon. It's where i got my online feet wet.
19:47:19 Jackie G -> Favorite part is going through the open tabs after!
19:47:23 dgoodman -> @nancy I'm with you...I think I have about 30 tabs open
19:47:30 mrsdurff -> Jen - plurk every week i am here
19:47:36 JenWagner -> is there a reason you just don't have your own SERVER??
19:48:01 kcaise -> hidefconferencing.com?
19:48:19 angela maiers -> The power of the mute button-I need one for home, too!
19:48:25 JenWagner -> is the BANANA thing had been an online game -- you would have LOST me
19:48:27 jan smith -> you can mute people? Oh the possiblilities...
19:48:28 mrsdurff -> because JenW didn't buy me one?
19:48:34 kcaise -> lol, ty jeff
19:48:39 Jackie G -> I couldn't copy and paster links - had to double click to get them to open.
19:48:40 kcaise -> that show is hilarious
19:48:41 DianeHammond -> @jan smith. We had tons of posts over the holiday! Most still waiting for teacher approval.
19:48:46 Jason R -> http://slurl.com/secondlife/Info%20Island/81/237/33/?title=Worldbridges
19:48:47 PeggyGeorge -> Big grin! that bartender show is a hoot!!
19:48:53 Jackie G -> Great show!
19:48:55 JenWagner -> ohhhh where in SL??
19:49:00 Gail -> talk us through it
19:49:02 kcaise -> i converted peggy
19:49:07 JenWagner -> Info Island --
19:49:13 jan smith -> @Diane, oooh, I should check...I had to help her with a pw.
19:49:16 Jackie G -> Second life is having log in problems this eve!
19:49:17 JenM -> hiDef Conferencing ... http://hidefconferencing.com/
19:49:24 PeggyGeorge -> is that the link to the sandbox for SL?
19:49:26 kcaise -> ty @jenm
19:49:45 Jason R -> http://slurl.com/secondlife/Info%20Island/81/237/33/?title=Worldbridges
19:49:46 JenWagner -> if we listen through the ustream -- which just cut out -- is there the delay??
19:49:53 dgoodman -> Good night all..and thanks again
19:49:58 JohnS -> very small delay with ustream.
19:49:59 Cathy E -> Great Show!
19:50:06 Jason R -> Yeah, link to the Worldbridges Webcastatorium
19:50:11 JenWagner -> ohhhh -- heading into sl
19:50:12 SusanEttenheim -> night all!
19:50:15 JenM -> Hey, Cathy E ... I'm SOUTH of YOU tonight :)
19:50:20 angela maiers -> Good night all! GReat show and looking forward to next week!
19:50:31 mrsdurff -> what is the slurl for the webcastatorium?
19:50:35 nancykeane -> good night all. thanks.
19:50:51 PeggyGeorge -> http://slurl.com/secondlife/Info%20Island/81/237/33/?title=Worldbridges
19:50:53 kcaise -> 73 followers
19:51:09 Scott Shelhart -> is open sim lighter than SL? I can't run SL on my machine.
19:51:09 sheila -> Thanks all for a good show!
19:51:17 mrsdurff -> thanks peggy
19:51:24 JenWagner -> LOL -- how would they know
19:51:25 Lesley Edwards -> lol
19:51:31 JenWagner -> howling here!!!
19:51:50 sheila -> No SL tonight, maybe next week!
19:51:53 mrsdurff -> eyeballing technology!
19:52:00 JenWagner -> heading into SL
19:52:11 JenWagner -> sighs eyeball literacy??
19:52:11 mrsdurff -> double howling
19:52:20 mrsdurff -> there you go
19:52:30 PeggyGeorge -> Night all! Have plenty of links to start exploring!! Fun
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I really enjoy listening to your show. I was mystified by all the hits I was getting right after your show aired that were coming from this site. Thanks for the mention. I actually found your show via The Wicked Decent Learning podcast http://wickeddecentlearning.blogspot.com/
Blogging is dead?
Hey tech gang,
Thanks for your comments about blogging being dead! I can see how some might look at blogging this way, but for many of us who are still novices in working with tech, blogging is a great way of reflecting and improving how we implement technology into our daily teaching. Your comments have helped me to only post items on MY blog of web 2.0 apps and tools that I actually use in my classroom, not just a gloss over from check out their website.
I've learned more from one trip to NECC and subscribing to the many tech blogs in the past year than I have in 8 years of teaching and going to PD sessions! So for that reason, I appreciate people that are still blogging and sharing, which is why I did the same for my blog called "Journeys in 2.0 Teaching":
Jared Nichol
Media Arts Teacher
Cold Lake, Alberta