EdTechWeekly#108 - Year End Episode

Post-Show description: 

Dave, John, Jeff, and Jen wind down the year with a few new links, a reflection of what was in 2008, and what may come in 2009 and beyond.

December 21, 2008

18:56:00 Gary -> Hello
18:56:00 Alvin Trusty -> Hello!
18:56:49 JenM -> hi, lisa!
18:56:56 mrsdurff -> hi jen
18:56:58 JenM -> hello, all!
18:57:14 Jason R -> Hello
18:58:46 sharonp -> How did things go with the edublog awards? Family time overruled for me....
18:59:03 sharonp -> Is Jeff back in civilization?
18:59:28 sharonp -> wow!
18:59:30 sheila -> Or is it me?
18:59:35 JenM -> @sharon ... edublogs were flawless! in and out in an hour!
18:59:54 sheila -> Thanks Jeff!
18:59:58 sharonp -> wow! Who won lifetime award?? Dying to know!
19:00:33 sharonp -> I voted for SD.... but DW is a good guy
19:01:01 sharonp -> paint dry
19:01:24 sharonp -> good to see Dave has his priorites straight
19:02:13 sharonp -> gasp
19:02:14 mrsdurff -> sharon warlick won
19:02:19 Gary -> Beer can never be saved - must drink it soon or it goes off.
19:02:24 mrsdurff -> which is funny
19:02:38 mrsdurff -> since no one has been blogging their entire life
19:02:52 sheila -> Yes, Maria and I want a camp!
19:02:54 sharonp -> I discovered that when wine freezes in the trunk of your car.... interesting things happen
19:03:04 mrsdurff -> i bet
19:03:05 JohnS -> @Gary not necessarily true
19:03:16 Gary -> Not as long as wine.
19:03:44 sharonp -> the deer??
19:03:47 sharonp -> LOL
19:04:02 JenM -> Hi, ds!
19:04:05 sroseman -> :)
19:04:09 sharonp -> Jeff I am with you....
19:04:13 ds -> hey Jen all sound good
19:04:23 sheila -> I used my electric shovel, now that I have power!  :)
19:04:25 sroseman -> we are snowed in
19:04:38 mrsdurff -> yes recording is good
19:04:46 ds -> season's greetings to all--mondo snow in Victoria. Palm trees choked
19:04:51 sharonp -> @sue oh no! It was quite a day of snow today for us
19:05:13 sharonp -> @doug I heard you all got snow - real snow, not the mushy Victoria stuff
19:05:21 mrsdurff -> heater right next to me
19:05:29 sroseman -> we are waiting for our snow service to plow us out
19:05:29 sharonp -> @doug almost feeling sorry
19:05:31 dave -> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=96825852&ft=1&f=1013
19:05:41 sharonp -> woohoo
19:05:48 mrsdurff -> hi jan
19:05:52 mrsdurff -> hi steve
19:05:53 sharonp -> you go Peru
19:05:58 jan smith -> Hey, Mrs D
19:06:25 Gary -> Dave it only changed the world in Nigeria.
19:06:50 mrsdurff -> welcome back sonjag
19:06:54 mrsdurff -> hi adina
19:07:05 troyapeterson -> I say go Peru!  They are wind up and solar for 12 bucks.
19:07:06 Steve_K -> Good even everyone
19:07:09 adinasullivan -> Hi Lisa
19:07:20 JenM -> Look what was in my "local" paper this morning: http://www.nytimes.com/ref/weekinreview/buzzwords2008.html
19:07:37 mrsdurff -> i predict it will snow this year
19:08:00 mrsdurff -> this year being 08-09 school year
19:08:05 mrsdurff -> hi gail
19:08:07 sharonp -> how cool is that?
19:08:17 gail -> hi mrsdurff
19:08:29 JL -> http://www.addictionary.org/
19:08:29 sharonp -> is it a verb yet? Have you  been edupunked?
19:08:52 ds -> goes to show the power of the Reverend Jim
19:08:53 sharonp -> edujargon
19:08:56 mrsdurff -> RSSicker
19:09:02 sharonp -> my addictionary contribution
19:09:12 adinasullivan -> Does that mean it's not relaly "punk" anymore?
19:09:15 sharonp -> rsstupified
19:09:18 jan smith -> I like "Meh."
19:09:18 JohnS -> Angela Maiers: http://www.angelamaiers.com/
19:09:36 sharonp -> we took a vote John!
19:09:43 mrsdurff -> yeah angela
19:09:51 jan smith -> They do that in the Globe & Mail too
19:09:57 sharonp -> yes, and she is already booked for WOW2!
19:09:57 JohnS -> 19 Must-Have Collection Of Free Christmas Resources (Exclusive Designers Kit): http://www.smashingapps.com/2008/12/19/19-must-have-collection-of-free-c...
19:10:07 mrsdurff -> that is why one listens before one enters
19:10:10 Gary -> She has a steady stream of links.
19:10:29 sharonp -> John has geeky kids
19:10:40 mrsdurff -> indeed as ds says
19:10:58 Alvin Trusty -> John's kids are Edupunks
19:11:04 mrsdurff -> :)
19:11:05 ds -> lol
19:11:05 dave -> http://www.anythingbutipod.com/archives/2008/12/top-5-mp3-players-of-200...
19:11:16 sharonp -> They mustn't be teens yets!
19:11:42 Alvin Trusty -> @johns - how is your iRiver?
19:11:48 JohnS -> meh.
19:11:50 JohnS -> It works.
19:11:54 Gary -> This may be the last year for the Zune
19:12:00 sharonp -> still waiting for G-Phone
19:12:09 mrsdurff -> kids in our school say sansa is better
19:12:10 JenM -> The web 2.0 dead pool: http://cogdogblog.com/2008/12/17/deadpool/
19:12:46 sroseman -> just been playing with hubby's ipod touch
19:12:50 jan smith -> Hi Scott
19:12:52 Alvin Trusty -> Google's 2nd life
19:12:56 mrsdurff -> is that like the dead letter post office place?
19:12:59 Scott Shelhart -> Hi all
19:13:04 mrsdurff -> hi scott
19:13:05 sharonp -> How interesting.... giving a preso in Feb "Like Pasta on the Wall: What's stickign with web 2.0"
19:13:19 troyapeterson -> Fear in the developer wing of the podcast.
19:13:30 sheila -> @sharonp - great title!
19:13:31 mrsdurff -> :)
19:13:33 sharonp -> LOL, good to hear
19:13:39 Gary -> Do you pay anyone?
19:13:52 sharonp -> I think Dave needs a promotino
19:13:56 mrsdurff -> no gary
19:14:03 mrsdurff -> which is the joke
19:14:04 JL -> http://twitter.com/2drinksbehind
19:14:11 Gary -> I knew that.
19:14:17 mrsdurff -> sure
19:14:26 JL -> http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1340000334/post/1410038141.html...
19:14:37 JL -> http://www.kickyoutube.com/
19:14:41 jan smith -> Seriously, what does float it? How can it stay "on air"
19:15:15 sharonp -> Cool! Fun! Someone has a sense of humour
19:15:20 JohnS -> Interactive Websites: http://jc-schools.net/tutorials/interactive.htm  and Teqsmart Resources: http://community.teqsmart.org/download.php
19:15:22 mrsdurff -> hi rissl
19:15:42 mrsdurff -> hi momcginn
19:15:42 sharonp -> @dave adding it to my twitter preso for the emerging tech course
19:15:57 momcginn -> Hi Everyone!
19:16:08 sharonp -> HI mom cginn
19:16:21 momcginn -> Hi Sharon
19:16:36 dave -> https://serveraxis.com/
19:16:42 rissl -> hello all
19:16:57 mrsdurff -> welcome to the chaos
19:17:13 sharonp -> who needs help when one has John and Dave on board?
19:17:34 mrsdurff -> aw
19:17:42 sharonp -> community, Dave, community
19:18:07 JenM -> Long live Web 2.0! Mashable web 2.0 open web awards: http://mashable.com/openwebawards/the-winners/
19:18:11 sharonp -> wow, when you think about bang for the buck, ETT rocks
19:18:20 jan smith -> Hope, love, happiness....awww
19:18:31 mrsdurff -> very romantic
19:18:41 gail -> what is the largest size room you've had? Can it be too big? What then?
19:18:42 mrsdurff -> very unrealistic
19:18:57 jan smith -> I am so glad you were recognized yesterday...great place to learn & connnect
19:18:57 mrsdurff -> only time will tell
19:19:02 mrsdurff -> let's break it
19:19:09 sharonp -> @Jen I'm with you, never heard of most of these
19:19:16 adinasullivan -> Durff, always the rebel
19:19:25 mrsdurff -> that's me
19:19:37 JL -> http://yonkly.com/      
19:20:03 mrsdurff -> not my students
19:20:08 JL -> http://dataopedia.com/
19:20:11 mrsdurff -> not bashful at all
19:20:18 mrsdurff -> hi summit
19:20:35 JL -> http://www.freemathhelp.com/
19:20:56 JohnS -> Braingle: http://www.braingle.com/index.php
19:21:59 sharonp -> what do you think, eh? Pass my double-double with my sour cream donut
19:22:02 mrsdurff -> buttering him up
19:22:11 Gary -> Dave is from PEI - that makes a difference
19:22:28 sharonp -> Dave as typical Canuck... yes, that is scary
19:22:32 dave -> http://trailsidepd.wikispaces.com/Picture+Stories
19:23:27 JenM -> Sneak Peak ... http://gizmodo.com/5114777/hands-on-with-the-intel-convertible-classmate
19:23:32 troyapeterson -> Thank you.
19:23:56 ssummit1 -> what are we talking about?
19:24:04 mrsdurff -> technology
19:24:09 gail -> That has a super video, check it out! http://trailsidepd.wikispaces.com/Picture+Stories
19:24:18 sharonp -> Is it just me, or does new classmate look just like new XO??
19:24:27 JL -> http://www.webnotes.net
19:24:35 JenM -> @sharon ... yep ... that is what I thought, too
19:24:38 JL -> http://www.letterwhiz.com/
19:24:43 dave -> xo fangirl alert
19:24:50 mrsdurff -> no not feeling that way JL
19:25:14 mrsdurff -> just enjoying sleep, food, coffee
19:25:17 ssummit1 -> are we sharing cool websites we've found?
19:25:18 sheila -> love letters too?
19:25:31 JohnS -> How to use Facebook to be more productive: http://www.techradar.com/news/internet/how-to-use-facebook-to-be-more-pr...
19:25:39 mrsdurff -> welcome back ds
19:25:40 sharonp -> webnotes look kinda like diigo only without the bookmarking...
19:25:52 sharonp -> need to show my three kids that
19:26:13 ds -> ty @mrsdurff weee browser crash there
19:26:24 sharonp -> I like that idea
19:26:30 mrsdurff -> weather related?
19:26:32 JenM -> @ssummit ... yep ... we're running through some links and then going to wrap up 2008 and predict some stuff for 2009
19:26:42 sharonp -> customisable multiple profiles in FB
19:27:06 dave -> http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v1033/139/65/698777095/n6987...
19:27:33 ssummit1 -> who am i hearing on ustream?
19:27:53 mrsdurff -> how old is that photo?
19:27:59 JenM -> Jeff, John, Dave and Jen
19:28:01 sharonp -> Dave looks so .... young
19:28:08 JL -> 9 years old
19:28:19 mrsdurff -> you're hearing jeff, dave, john, jen
19:28:37 mrsdurff -> dave is 9 yrs old?
19:28:39 dave -> http://www.adamfrisby.com/blog/2008/12/the-state-of-open-viewers-decembe...
19:28:45 mrsdurff -> i thought he was 12
19:29:09 ssummit1 -> thanks, i'm a new teacher and new to blogging etc
19:29:29 sharonp -> @ssummit1 you have come to the right place to connect
19:29:34 mrsdurff -> like i said, welcome to the chaos
19:29:37 ds -> @ssummit1 welcome to the party!
19:29:46 ssummit1 -> how do i get plugged in?
19:29:54 mrsdurff -> chaotic party
19:29:56 Gary -> @ssummit:  Stay tuned to this group - worth it.
19:30:14 ssummit1 -> i;ve started a blog at www.historicalhistory.blogspot.com
19:30:52 sharonp -> it is an incredible breakthrough
19:30:55 jan smith -> yes, they walk into walls, and wind up naked.
19:31:09 sharonp -> appropriate for our times - economic downturn
19:31:12 mrsdurff -> i got a mini! love it so far
19:31:28 jan smith -> *blushing* I was a nudist, not during the awards. Phew.
19:31:30 sharonp -> Showing XOs to Africans - gave them a glimpse of the very near future
19:31:32 sheila -> I got a EEE at a workshop!
19:31:49 mrsdurff -> i thought we scared you away
19:31:57 mrsdurff -> glad not
19:32:12 sharonp -> yes, it is the internet connectivity globally that is NOW the issue
19:32:13 Gary -> Dave will get when when Apple brings one out.
19:32:16 ssummit1 -> no i'm trying to figure the site out
19:32:31 mrsdurff -> so am I !
19:32:35 ds -> true JS,
19:32:37 sharonp -> @Gary wondering when or IF that will ever hapen
19:32:45 ssummit1 -> is there a way to "see" what i'm hearing?
19:32:50 mrsdurff -> nope
19:32:54 JenM -> Top computer sales on Amazon.com ... all netbooks: http://tinyurl.com/8ue6br
19:32:58 sharonp -> @ssummit1 audio only
19:33:01 mrsdurff -> they are shy
19:33:01 ssummit1 -> that's why
19:33:03 sharonp -> we are spared
19:33:13 Gary -> @sharon - modified iPhone with a keyboard and no phone?
19:33:15 ssummit1 -> where are you from?
19:33:16 ds -> eeepc is my only connect other than blackberry for the last while: been most informative
19:33:18 sheila -> @sharonp - hearing Apple may ahve one.
19:33:31 Gary -> Still could run Mac OS
19:33:32 ds -> and humbling
19:33:37 mrsdurff -> as opposed to the dead web
19:33:43 sharonp -> @Gary maybe.... look forward
19:34:28 sharonp -> yes, but frustrating when one goes abroad where there is less connectivity
19:34:34 mrsdurff -> making high quality artifacts is the challenge now
19:34:35 ssummit1 -> thats why i think technology is necessary to communicate to our students
19:34:39 jan smith -> Boy, what does that say about us?
19:34:50 ssummit1 -> yes
19:34:56 mrsdurff -> we are voyeurs?
19:34:56 jan smith -> Watching Shareski...
19:35:12 jan smith -> Or we have too much time on our hands?
19:35:19 mrsdurff -> he sounds like a commericial
19:35:20 ssummit1 -> voyeurs?
19:35:25 jan smith -> The getting help has been amazing
19:35:28 mrsdurff -> reach out and touch someone
19:35:32 sharonp -> my husband went out on the roof to shovel the other night - I was asked by network - why aren't you streaming, like Shareski does? Lost opportunity....
19:35:51 sharonp -> I agree Dave
19:35:59 sharonp -> profound change for me
19:36:00 mrsdurff -> i'm glad he didn't fall
19:36:04 Gary -> And Twitter even allows you to meet people in your own town as strange as that seems.
19:36:05 jan smith -> Yes, that has been essential...
19:36:10 ssummit1 -> can they read this chat?
19:36:16 mrsdurff -> who?
19:36:22 sheila -> I considered the time lapsed shoveling this morning, but was about to finish.
19:36:23 jan smith -> Yes, but there is a delay
19:36:25 sharonp -> did Dave just say a bad word?
19:36:27 Scott Shelhart -> Ham radio has been like that since the marconi era.  It's great that the rest of the world has got up to speed.
19:36:28 ssummit1 -> dave, and the rest talking
19:36:33 dave -> i may have
19:36:33 mrsdurff -> yes
19:36:41 ssummit1 -> hahaha
19:36:55 sharonp -> I agree, Dave..... I get to meet others with differing opinions too
19:36:56 JohnS -> Google Apps for Education: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/latest-on-google-apps-for-educati...
19:36:59 mrsdurff -> so the more we can try to make them laugh the better
19:37:07 angelamaiers -> Congrats guys on the award-you deserve it!
19:37:14 angelamaiers -> Hello all!
19:37:17 JazzyJsMom -> LOL
19:37:17 Jason R -> Hey, I am alone in Second Life listening to this. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Info%20Island/102/206/34/?title=Worldbridges...
19:37:19 Scott Shelhart -> Hello
19:37:23 mrsdurff -> congrats to you angela
19:37:27 angelamaiers -> Thanks!
19:37:31 Alvin Trusty -> Gmail changed my life
19:37:40 sharonp -> @alvin me too!
19:37:48 sharonp -> love google apps
19:37:58 jan smith -> It is a bit hard to find "just plain teachers" it is largely populated by folks who are techies
19:38:00 mrsdurff -> hi SkiLady
19:38:03 sharonp -> I agree Dave
19:38:08 angelamaiers -> Thanks Durff!
19:38:24 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Hey Durff, 16 inches of snow and still coming down sideways
19:38:25 sheila -> Happy Solstice Cheryl!
19:38:39 mrsdurff -> sideways?
19:38:43 mrsdurff -> wow!
19:38:43 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Hey Shelia, we had 6 days w/out power heard you got me beat.
19:38:44 sharonp -> @cheryl wow!
19:38:58 sharonp -> @cheryl another wow, did you have school?
19:39:00 angelamaiers -> It is 40 below in Iowa tonight!
19:39:02 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Windy and snow coming down and sideways., How is Montreal, Sharon?
19:39:03 sheila -> You have to try harder to beat me!
19:39:12 mrsdurff -> bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
19:39:15 momcginn -> Nokia found that giving teens texting pagers (12 yrs ago) reduced adolescent suicide rate in Norway re: the conversation a few mins ago on isolation
19:39:15 sharonp -> @cheryl snow, snow, and more snow
19:39:29 jan smith -> We have a big snow here on the west caost--hard to handle for many
19:39:44 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Yes, Jan, we were watching the Jets and Seahawks.
19:39:57 momcginn -> awesome eh?
19:39:57 sharonp -> I am just hanging tight with the family
19:40:06 sharonp -> we are on a Lord of the Rings marathon this weekend
19:40:06 dave -> http://edu.blogs.com/edublogs/2008/06/unleashing-the.html
19:40:16 mrsdurff -> oops
19:40:17 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Angela, how many dog night is that?
19:40:19 momcginn -> they had the second hightest rate in the world..now lower.
19:40:21 mrsdurff -> the snow?
19:40:22 sharonp -> they died
19:40:29 sharonp -> back
19:40:31 mrsdurff -> back
19:40:43 sharonp -> I agree DAve
19:40:58 ssummit1 -> i just discovered twitter a few weeks agao and now i cant stop
19:41:11 sharonp -> have we reached a plateau in apps?
19:41:24 ssummit1 -> have heard of Second Life?
19:41:34 jan smith -> I find twitter has taken over from RSS--I don't check my feed reader anymore
19:41:35 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> is this really ds, not just on twitter, Yeah, Happy Holidays Dough
19:41:38 sharonp -> @ssummit1 LOL.....
19:41:39 angelamaiers -> It is becasue the communities are gaining critical mass
19:41:40 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Doug
19:41:46 sharonp -> twitter is my filter, my rss
19:41:47 mrsdurff -> they tighten
19:42:06 sharonp -> I agree, Dave - have found it hard to keep up at times
19:42:10 ds -> hey Cheryl, from a way snowy south Vancouver Island
19:42:20 ds -> too bad no ski hills here in town!!!
19:42:22 angelamaiers -> Jan-I had the same observation this week-Rss is not nearly as important to me as Twitter
19:42:22 mrsdurff -> we already have tightenedd
19:42:27 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> GReat to be in the same room! with you Doug
19:42:33 sharonp -> @doug Victorians must be freaking out
19:42:36 ssummit1 -> what is the video showing me?
19:42:37 mrsdurff -> it's inherit in the community
19:43:02 angelamaiers -> Look at the new language Twitter has created
19:43:03 sheila -> @ds - I miss the music and conversation on Thursday nights.
19:43:09 JenM -> EdTech social networking to the masses: http://www.classroom20.com/
19:43:09 jan smith -> ds: it's only 3 hours to mt washington!
19:43:17 ds -> @sharonp too true--wandering around muttering 'bout 1996 (aka [last] Big One)
19:43:26 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> I agree Shelia, We need the Thurs. Brainstorm back.
19:43:30 ssummit1 -> is she typing and talking?
19:43:37 JohnS -> pasting
19:43:42 sharonp -> @ds I was in Victoria during the Big One - it was awful!!!
19:43:46 dave -> @ssummit1 she's very talented
19:43:52 ds -> @Jan true dat, and hoping more snow there now--last night no snow on cams
19:43:55 ssummit1 -> sounds like it
19:44:17 jan smith -> @angelamaiers I also get personal help: Sue Waters saves my butt once a week
19:44:26 ssummit1 -> what is Second Life?
19:44:36 mrsdurff -> a virtual worldc
19:44:40 sroseman -> I am in there as well
19:44:42 ssummit1 -> i see it on a lot of blogs
19:44:47 ds -> thank you fans of ETBS: looking fwd to catching up early in '09
19:44:48 sharonp -> Did anyone visit Konrad Glogowski's Teachers Without Borders Kenyan display on Jokadia while they were last night?
19:44:51 Gary -> Just went in now.
19:45:07 Scott Shelhart -> I tried SL, but my laptop was too slow.  Have to upgrade to use it.
19:45:07 Jason R -> Only took me a year to finish the Webcastatorium, so yeah SL is feeling tired
19:45:51 mrsdurff -> excuses, excuses
19:45:51 ssummit1 -> what do you mean "in" second life?
19:45:56 sroseman -> Second Life may be purchasing Google LIVELY
19:45:59 Gary -> You are forgiven
19:46:03 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Yes, SL is labor intensive  so it excludes many.
19:46:05 mrsdurff -> he is in the game now
19:46:14 ssummit1 -> so its a game?
19:46:20 sharonp -> SL is not a game
19:46:21 ds -> that JL--always rewriting the book on multitasking
19:46:24 angelamaiers -> Cheryl- I agree.
19:46:25 mrsdurff -> sort of
19:46:29 sharonp -> an environment
19:46:41 jan smith -> @ds What? there is 67 cm base
19:46:42 mrsdurff -> so yes and no
19:46:50 ssummit1 -> where would be the best place to go to learn about it?
19:47:04 mrsdurff -> we'll get you links
19:47:06 JohnS -> More with less: http://www.nliteos.com/
19:47:06 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Here is what is happening in my district. We are looking to put a laptop bid out for a mini notebook and get a price around 350 and have kids purchase them, we may throw 100.00 to subsidize, but the kids will purchase, maintain and then we will be out of the laptop business.
19:47:38 ds -> @jan sorry meant falling during current storm on cam, haven't checked today
19:47:43 sharonp -> my prediction = we will have to justify our tech choices even more to demonstrate learning gains/benefits for value on investment
19:47:46 sheila -> @cheryl - I think our plan is not going to happen.
19:48:10 mrsdurff -> http://www.storyofmysecondlife.com/
19:48:15 sharonp -> @cheryl do you think that that will be effective?
19:48:17 jan smith -> @ds I get a blur on the screen: can't see for snow!
19:48:25 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Shelia, look at mininotebooks, I know you already have, but this is the alternative we are looking at.
19:48:41 mrsdurff -> http://secondlife.com/
19:48:41 ssummit1 -> have you seen the YouTube video "pay attention"?
19:48:47 sharonp -> @cheryl I already see that trend in some of the independent schools I know of
19:49:01 mrsdurff -> http://secondlife.com/whatis/
19:49:10 sheila -> Thanks for the info cheryl.
19:49:26 dave -> http://edtechpost.wikispaces.com/PLE+Diagrams
19:49:27 sharonp -> We need to show clear learning benefits - and we can be ready for that!
19:49:34 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Sharon, I think it will work for us. Kids have Xbox at 500.00, itouch, iphones, and we already have them purchase a graphing calculator. Now they won't purchase the calculator, but the notebook and it will have the graphing software. I think it will work.
19:49:45 mrsdurff -> http://www.secondlifeherald.com/
19:49:46 angelamaiers -> Santa just bought my kids the Acer Inspire-very nice device-$329 Costco-1gig, runs great, weighs less than pound!
19:49:50 mrsdurff -> say when
19:49:58 sharonp -> Ironically, two of the independent schools I know of are actually increasing their tech budget
19:50:06 mrsdurff -> wasn't that nice of santa
19:50:28 ssummit1 -> @mrsdurff thanks for the help
19:50:30 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Angelamaiers, exactly! PLus, I have kids tell me they will take better care of their own laptop.
19:50:34 sharonp -> @cheryl I think it is the way to go.... make wireless infrastructure ubiquitous and go from there
19:51:23 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Yes, Sharon, if we get out of the laptop business, we can do more of that. We don't need to replinish 100 laptops a year, only to filter the old stuff down that may only work for 2 more years.
19:51:31 ds -> @jan just checked--nice to see http://mountwashington.ca catching up!
19:51:35 sharonp -> @cheryl has Maine decided that then? Is that documented somewhere??
19:52:00 mrsdurff -> @summit http://www.simteach.com/wiki/index.php?title=Second_Life_Education_Wiki
19:52:09 jan smith -> @ds, frankly, I love it most when the snow stays on the mountain!
19:52:21 mrsdurff -> jl having too much fun in SL
19:52:23 JenM -> See how our predictions were in 2008: http://www.skrbl.com/65952439
19:52:24 jan smith -> Carving out time...
19:52:25 sharonp -> @cheryl And are you finding that students are choosing macs? or..?
19:52:26 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> No, this is NOT a MAINE decision, Sharon, this is really going to be unique, although I just heard from Sharonbetts, that a Christian school in Houlton has already started on this mission.
19:52:44 mrsdurff -> etiquette? there's etiquette?
19:52:45 jan smith -> "behind every twitter user is a pissed off spouse" Discuss.
19:52:54 angelamaiers -> The community helps you to be conscious and more aware of your own work! When you realize the power of the network-we all get smarter
19:52:55 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Sharon, it is about 50% mac, then the remaining are ASUS and PC.
19:53:04 sharonp -> @cheryl interesting, been talking to Chris Betcher and his school in Australia is going that way
19:53:33 angelamaiers -> Not my hubby-it gives him football time with no complaints!
19:53:41 mrsdurff -> :)
19:53:42 ds -> @jan just currently frustrated, users to be re Twitter
19:53:51 mrsdurff -> geeks?
19:53:56 sharonp -> @cheryl I may be recommending same to school that I may be consulting with in new year
19:54:00 mrsdurff -> who you calling a geek?
19:54:05 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> I have talked to kids in HS and they would purchase their own ASUS and be happy. Our kids and teachers were not using the ILIFE or IWORK suite for their projects. So, there are plenty of web 2.0 tools to make it interesting.
19:54:10 angelamaiers -> I am proud to be a Twitter Geek!
19:54:33 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Sharon, I will be publishing something about this, I put it out in twitter last week.
19:54:38 ds -> saweet
19:54:38 mrsdurff -> she called us geeks!
19:54:40 jan smith -> @ds--but the non-geeks we live with do resent it.
19:54:43 mrsdurff -> the nerve
19:54:49 angelamaiers -> Cheryloakes-many parents feel the same and would absolutley support that notion
19:54:55 jan smith -> Ok, mine does :)
19:54:56 sharonp -> @cheryl macs are still expensive.... so that is what I am wondering... in terms of low-cost, asus etc are still way cheaper ... and web apps makes it do-able
19:55:17 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> Macs are pricing themselves out of the ed market.
19:55:26 ssummit1 -> i hate spam
19:55:32 ds -> @jan until/unless they come to see benefit of tools for their vocation
19:55:33 sharonp -> @cheryl Look forward to what you publish! Keep me posted!
19:55:38 angelamaiers -> i just lost audio
19:55:41 sharonp -> GASP
19:55:43 sharonp -> Did you??
19:55:46 ssummit1 -> congrats
19:55:50 sharonp ->  How cool! Congrats!!
19:55:52 mrsdurff -> best use of audio
19:55:54 sharonp -> Super big congrats
19:55:55 angelamaiers -> never mind!
19:55:59 mrsdurff -> and angela lost audio
19:56:00 cheryloakes~happy solstice ->  I will twitter it Sharon.
19:56:01 jan smith -> I saw that!
19:56:03 sharonp -> you guys swept....
19:56:05 mrsdurff -> how interesting
19:56:07 sheila -> Wa- hoo!
19:56:13 momcginn -> It was a great second life award show!
19:56:14 jan smith -> About time!
19:56:15 JazzyJsMom -> Congrats!
19:56:25 sharonp -> will look fwd to the twitter...
19:56:25 jan smith -> Yeah, you guys!
19:56:26 Gary -> Fantastic!
19:56:40 angelamaiers -> Yeah!!! Way to go guys!
19:57:04 angelamaiers -> I loved the second life show-watched it today!
19:57:10 mrsdurff -> yeah SLA!!
19:57:20 mrsdurff -> who is going?
19:57:32 jan smith -> @ds, my husband is military, uses tech tons, no need for twitter--unless there is a group of woodworking SAR invloved cooking Twitter-ers
19:58:01 angelamaiers -> Is Chris's conference over?
19:58:07 mrsdurff -> nope
19:58:13 mrsdurff -> Educon in January
19:58:23 ssummit1 -> where is it?
19:58:28 mrsdurff -> Philly
19:58:32 sharonp -> I disagree.... the f2f is so important
19:58:33 angelamaiers -> Shew...glad I did not miss it!
19:58:34 ssummit1 -> too far
19:58:40 mrsdurff -> pooh
19:58:50 mrsdurff -> angela - hoing?
19:58:53 jan smith -> The People
19:58:54 mrsdurff -> going
19:58:59 sharonp -> it 's the pub afterwards DAve
19:59:01 ssummit1 -> i'm in KCMO
19:59:09 sharonp -> the best PD happens in those down times
19:59:14 Jason R -> Apple will no longer participate in MacWorld Expo after 2010
19:59:20 ds -> @jan funny, you never know, I can see there might be just such a group of SARTechs :)
19:59:21 jan smith -> "unconferency"
19:59:23 Jason R -> Or rather after 2009
19:59:27 angelamaiers -> in the hallways and bathrooms (for woman at least!)
19:59:33 Gary -> Apple is not going to MacWorld next year - that might be a symptom of what is to come.
19:59:35 mrsdurff -> of course he does
19:59:43 Jason R -> And there may be no Mac Expo in 2010
19:59:54 Jason R -> *beep*
19:59:57 ds -> some of the best unconferences happen in bars
20:00:11 jan smith -> @ds that would mean I have to share the computer. NOT happening
20:00:20 ds -> lol
20:00:29 ssummit1 -> no excuses for not having text book
20:00:35 mrsdurff -> anyone going? http://educon21.wikispaces.com/
20:00:42 ssummit1 -> when its online
20:00:51 mrsdurff -> textbooks? what are they?
20:00:57 angelamaiers -> There is something about meeting your online peeps face to face, but I can still get alot from afar!
20:01:18 sharonp -> @angela I agree.... I really believe the f2f is impt
20:01:22 ssummit1 -> and lighter than textbooks
20:01:37 sharonp -> @john about textbooks.... I agree....
20:01:56 jan smith -> @angelamaiers I have yet to meet anyone in my network, really. But I have learned so much
20:02:24 sroseman -> ditto
20:02:45 sharonp -> @Sue we live so close.... we should meet sometime....
20:02:53 jan smith -> Hi Sue!
20:02:58 sroseman -> yes we should
20:03:01 sharonp -> YOu guys rocked tonight
20:03:14 Gary -> Thanks again!
20:03:20 cheryloakes~happy solstice -> good to see you all happy new year.
20:03:22 mrsdurff -> Merry Christmas
20:03:22 sharonp -> We could have an Ottawa edubloggers meetup!
20:03:26 ssummit1 -> how oftern to you have a sow?
20:03:29 mrsdurff -> Happy Chanukah
20:03:44 JenM -> John: http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/unisex/itdepartment/388b/zoom/
20:03:46 ssummit1 -> what time?
20:03:47 sharonp -> Happy Holidays all...
20:03:47 mrsdurff -> Happy New Year
20:03:53 sroseman -> Thanks 1st day of Hannukkah
20:03:55 jan smith -> Thanks guys, and congrats again.
20:03:57 mrsdurff -> 7:00pmEST
20:03:57 JenM -> Dave: http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/cellphone/9d5f/
20:04:00 Jason R -> Thank you!
20:04:05 angelamaiers -> Happy Holidays, gang! I am so looking forward to 2009!
20:04:07 sharonp -> @ssummit1 they do this every Sun at 7 PM EST
20:04:14 JenM -> Jeff: http://www.atacgear.com/store/images/GenPro%20Glove%20Magic%20Stretch%20...
20:04:16 sharonp -> but come early for the pre-show fun times!
20:04:17 ssummit1 -> great thanks
20:04:27 mrsdurff -> i want a gift
20:04:30 jan smith -> Love the post show....
20:04:39 ssummit1 -> what can i get you
20:04:42 ds -> Apologies if already mentioned--in and out a lot, but I'd like say that I really miss Lee Baber, an integral member of the network we lost in 2008
20:04:54 mrsdurff -> coffee - Starbucks
20:04:56 sharonp -> @doug I agree.....
20:05:00 Gary -> Happy Isaac Newton's Birthday!
20:05:10 mrsdurff -> indeed ds
20:05:10 ssummit1 -> it's yours, enjoy!!
20:05:14 JohnS -> Amen, Dough
20:05:19 sheila -> Yes, ds!
20:05:29 angelamaiers -> jan-me neither, but I feel like I know them so well! I can not wait for a face to face opportunity!
20:05:44 sharonp -> cheers, folks!
20:05:45 jan smith -> Thanks, Doug
20:05:47 JenM -> http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechYearly2007
20:05:48 ssummit1 -> will someone please follow my blog?
20:05:56 ssummit1 -> i've got no followers
20:05:57 sroseman -> skiing
20:05:59 jan smith -> @angela, that surprises me!
20:06:03 mrsdurff -> me too guys
20:06:04 Jason R -> Going to Belize for the hols
20:06:05 angelamaiers -> I will follow!
20:06:27 ssummit1 -> thanks, www.hitoricalhistory.blogspot.com
20:06:35 mrsdurff -> I can't
20:06:37 Jason R -> Miss you Lee
20:06:38 angelamaiers -> I have only been doing this a year-so I have not been to any conferences-looking forward to it in 2009
20:06:39 ssummit1 -> its nothing amazing, because i'm still learning
20:06:49 mrsdurff -> she is still in my accts
20:06:54 matt montagne -> I see her in my facebook all the time...
20:07:09 ssummit1 -> correction www.historicalhistory.blogspot.com
20:07:17 jan smith -> @ssummit1 takes time to build a readership--go comment on tons of other blogs, people will come an read you
20:07:33 sroseman -> She still has an account and office at Tappedin
20:07:47 angelamaiers -> @ssummit1-Twitter helps too!
20:07:48 ssummit1 -> thats what i;ve learned from twitter too
20:08:00 sheila -> Check for power first!
20:08:10 mrsdurff -> fring?
20:08:18 jan smith -> fring?
20:08:22 JenM -> http://www.podcastingnews.com/2008/12/18/free-iphone-audio-recorder/
20:08:28 ssummit1 -> has anyone used google video chat?
20:08:37 jan smith -> Frring, fring--anyone there?
20:08:39 mrsdurff -> no
20:08:56 angelamaiers -> fring???
20:09:02 Jason R -> Fring gets a solid meh from me
20:09:06 matt montagne -> I feel that way about going into a game shop, record store, or wherever
20:09:11 jan smith -> I don't know this fring thing
20:09:15 matt montagne -> that is the great thing about online shopping
20:09:17 ds -> get Qik going on that iPhone
20:09:20 angelamaiers -> Ah-thought you guys had doctored your egg nog with the fring thing
20:09:35 mrsdurff -> happy cookie eating john
20:09:36 Jason R -> Really, I've met a lot of senior in the Apple Store
20:09:47 ds -> condescending apple-ites dressed in black? you mean?
20:09:54 Jason R -> Senior employees. More friendly than other electronic retailers
20:09:54 jan smith -> Durff--what is this fring thing
20:09:56 Gary -> @ssmmut - Do you have a Twitter account?
20:10:01 ssummit1 -> yes
20:10:06 ds -> sorry, that'll cos me w Santa
20:10:09 ssummit1 -> its summit1
20:10:14 mrsdurff -> the fring is a iPhone thing
20:10:22 angelamaiers -> Looking forward to great converstions in 2009!!!
20:10:23 jan smith -> Aha! Thaks
20:10:24 mrsdurff -> that hooks to Skype
20:10:31 mrsdurff -> or so dave says
20:10:43 ds -> @mrsdurff: did you get that laptop running? Are you coming to us on it?
20:10:50 jan smith -> I use two cans and a string
20:10:51 ssummit1 -> i downloaded skype, but no one i know to call
20:10:52 mrsdurff -> yes ds
20:10:55 sheila -> @JasonR - where are you in SL?
20:11:00 mrsdurff -> and hooked to my wireless
20:11:01 ds -> excellent, great to hear
20:11:03 ds -> love it
20:11:05 ds -> cya all
20:11:08 mrsdurff -> and downloaded Skype
20:11:09 jan smith -> TTFN
20:11:15 sroseman -> thanks
20:11:15 mrsdurff -> bye all!
20:11:17 JenM -> ... and to all a good night! :)
20:11:18 Jason R -> Bye
20:11:19 sroseman -> bye all
20:11:25 angelamaiers -> my daughter Abby is here-can someone say a quick hi
20:11:34 angelamaiers -> she wants to know what mom is doing
20:11:34 ssummit1 -> Hello
20:11:37 sroseman -> Hi Abby
20:11:38 ds -> hi Abby
20:11:38 JL -> night all and thanks for a great year
20:11:47 angelamaiers -> Nice-thanks!!
20:11:51 JohnS -> Hi Angela's daughter Abby
20:11:57 sheila -> Thanks all!
20:12:03 JohnS -> Thanks again for filling in last week, Angela
20:12:08 matt montagne -> Nite all. Happy New Year...great tune...
20:12:14 angelamaiers -> Loved it John!
20:12:22 ds -> @Abby do you have snow? Tonnes here!
20:12:30 angelamaiers -> YES!
20:12:41 ssummit1 -> my wife thinks i've turned into a nerd since i started blogging
20:12:49 Jason R -> 75F in FL here. Wearing shorts
20:12:56 angelamaiers -> ha ha
20:13:05 angelamaiers -> 40 below in iowa
20:13:10 ssummit1 -> 25 in KCMO
20:13:29 angelamaiers -> Night all!
20:13:38 ds -> whoa, 40 below is the same in celsius and fahrenheit
20:13:41 ssummit1 -> thanks everyone
20:13:44 ssummit1 -> bye
20:13:50 JenM -> bye


Dave and Jeff,

I just wanted to thank you for providing me with direction in approaching the interactive web of 2.0. I began listening to your podcasts when you first began the EdTech Talk series. You would share my walk to the university each day. I must admit that one of the reasons that I walked to my job at the University of Northern Iowa was so that I would have 20 minutes each way to listen to your shows.

Your foresight and insight provided me with ideas and visions of what could happen to learning both in and outside of the classroom. I remember walking into the office of our campus technology center and asking "What do you know about Web 2.0?" I was greeted with blank stares. It was both a celebration and a frustration. I celebrated the knowledge that I was "ahead of the rest of the pack" in using technology but frustrated that there wasn't anyone else there to engage in the journey.

You have done a great deal with developing your Webcasting network. I must admit that I miss the old format of your podcasts, but you have nurtured a whole new group of educators to expand our horizons. Thank you for leading the way.

This may seem like a note that has appeared "out of the blue", but I just wanted to complete 2008 by contacting the educators who have been important in my adventures towards using Web 2.0 in my teaching, learning and living.


Leigh Zeitz

P.S. You once contacted me to interview me about my keyboarding website but I had to cancel at the last minute due to serious family problems. Thank you for thinking of me.

Leigh,what a nice comment to read about two of the most deserving folks in Webcasting, Dave and Jeff. They have done much to encourage others and you are right, you could now walk about your whole campus for a week listening to all of us as we chat and have conversations with others.

Thanks for reminding us webcasters how important it is to say thanks and recognize others for their work.

Cheryl~ Seedlings, Thursdays 7:30 PM EST