EdTechTalk#76 - Community Forum @ Edublogosphere Issues, Options, & Norms

Community Forum @ Edublogosphere Issues, Options, & Norms
April 27, 2007

There have been some heated Edublog postings recently (links below) concerning the virtues and pitfalls of different methods for facilitating community development and discussion within the Edublogospere.  This is a 'community forum' discussion that addressed some of these questions:

- How can the edublogging community best help educators keep up with the steady torrent of new educational tools, methods, and resources?
- What are the relative merits of blogging independently vs. being affiliated with a particular social network?
- How do we balance self-promotion and commercial interests with our participation in projects for the common good?  
- What, if any, expectations are there for 'professional decorum' in edublogging? 

Related Posts:

19:52:41  alicemercer ->  Can I talk about some barriers here?
 19:52:48  alicemercer ->  in a NICE way...
 19:53:27  alicemercer ->  Not user friendly all the time (this chat room)...
 19:53:35  alicemercer ->  Not the people!!!
 19:53:45  alicemercer ->  The interface issues
 19:54:00  CathyE ->  It seems a lot of the communities are private
 19:55:38  alicemercer ->  Okay, SKYPE is evil!
 19:55:41  JoseR ->  Hi Everyone
 19:55:46  alicemercer ->  It crept back up to max volume
 19:55:56  jeff ->  +99001110020796215
 19:56:40  alicemercer ->  Miguel may have it on speaker
 19:56:43  CathyE ->  We are going to have to start a spouse abuse group :0
 19:56:45  alicemercer ->  with mic
 19:57:03  JohnSchinker ->  we can use ning for that, right?
 19:57:04  alicemercer ->  Okay, my dh was teasing me said he was chatting with on old BBS friend.
 19:57:08  JoseR ->  I am using an older sytem tonight.  I had to install skype and using IE oh no!
 19:57:21  alicemercer ->  They used to meet on a BBS called the other woman, he says you all are the other man
 19:57:37  alicemercer ->  in other words, shut up
 19:57:54  lee baber ->  link?
 19:58:11  jeff ->  +99001110020796215
 19:58:15  alicemercer ->  skype?
 19:58:32  JenMad ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=111901745
 19:58:35  alicemercer ->  are we doing yugma too?
 19:58:46  lee baber ->  skypecast..sorry jeff
 19:58:53  lee baber ->  i am dialing now
 19:58:57  JohnSchinker ->  Jen -- are you in yugma as wb?
 19:59:06  jeff ->  https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
 19:59:09  JenMad ->  John: yes
 20:00:17  JohnSchinker ->  I don't think they do a lot of editing on the live shows
 20:00:24  JohnSchinker ->  like totn
 20:00:44  alicemercer ->  okay i"m curious, how many NPR listeners?
 20:00:52  alicemercer ->  Any Pacfica folks?
 20:00:53  JohnSchinker ->  : raises his hand
 20:01:22  JohnSchinker ->  Is there anything in particular we want to see in yugma?
 20:01:34  arvind ->  NPR and recently Pacifica. Deepa Fernandes rocks, saw her speak live the other day
 20:02:06  arvind ->  hi Jose
 20:02:30  alicemercer ->  Yeah, and I waylaid Miguel here on Tuesday
 20:02:30  JoseR ->  I having issues with older dell.  My laptop crashed last night
 20:04:24  alicemercer ->  He was VERY gracious and patient with my poking
 20:06:11  alicemercer ->  Maybe it's okay without "stars" like Miguel. I mean it's GREAT if they are there, but maybe nonstars need to make contact with each other.
 20:06:38  alicemercer ->  But the double or triple work is a valid concern.
 20:06:38  Durff ->  We forgive you, Miguel
 20:07:13  alicemercer ->  Questioning ning is not a problem, but it needs a discussion.
 20:07:18  sharonp ->  I miss Dave!
 20:07:25  alicemercer ->  how do we connect?
 20:07:53  arvind ->  EdTechTalk loves [i]drama[/i]
 20:07:54  alicemercer ->  I miss Dave too
 20:08:28  alicemercer ->  oh this is NOT drama, drama is cuss words, calling people money grubbers DIRECTLY, and saying their momma dressing them funny...
 20:08:43  arvind ->  :)
 20:09:04  alicemercer ->  If any of us have been online in forums or bbs, we've seen MUCH worse
 20:09:11  Durff ->  drama is Sara Burnhart
 20:09:36  Durff ->  I agree
 20:09:49  Durff ->  I don't blog there, but IU do converse
 20:09:56  Durff ->  I can get the RSS
 20:10:02  alicemercer ->  We're so pretty!
 20:10:17  Durff ->  I'm not pretty
 20:10:27  alicemercer ->  that was a great question
 20:10:44  alicemercer ->  and the kids would have found p*nis pics
 20:10:58  Durff ->  of course they would
 20:11:06  JohnSchinker ->  I don't think ning is inherently a bad thing. We need gathering spaces. But how many communities can we support?
 20:11:36  alicemercer ->  Hmm, I think they are for different things?
 20:11:45  Durff ->  I like ning
 20:11:50  alicemercer ->  I get different stuff from you all then I get from ning
 20:12:10  alicemercer ->  blog maintenance is a problem
 20:12:14  JohnSchinker ->  alice: how so? Just because they're different people, or is the focus different?
 20:12:15  Durff ->  concise Alice, be concise
 20:12:22  alicemercer ->  focus
 20:12:28  JoseR ->  I didn't get a community feel from classroom 2.0  There wasn't a lot of content to explore
 20:12:28  Durff ->  ah
 20:12:39  alicemercer ->  Also, its a real time talk/chat
 20:12:43  Matt_ Cronin ->  People will flock to the places they find most useful / rewarding
 20:12:50  Durff ->  the newbies there disagree
 20:12:53  JohnSchinker ->  is the edtech blogosphere too overwhelming?
 20:13:03  alicemercer ->  But I see interesting people on ning, that I wouldn't meet
 20:13:08  Durff ->  for newbies, yes
 20:13:31  Durff ->  the point is spreading the web2.0
 20:13:49  Durff ->  yes!!!
 20:13:55  JohnSchinker ->  yep
 20:13:59  Diane ->  I agree1
 20:14:02  Durff ->  yes alice - right on!
 20:14:05  JoseR ->  I do a lot of reading on rss
 20:14:40  JoseR ->  Commenting is the beginning of conversation
 20:14:42  Matt_ Cronin ->  I get a lot out of my rss reader too
 20:14:58  alicemercer ->  What connections do I want to make?
 20:15:18  Durff ->  conversation is the beginning of understanding
 20:15:25  JoseR ->  There you go Arvind!
 20:16:07  alicemercer ->  Like it was so sweet that Miguel was willing to add me to his feed, but making connections to non-famous ed tech folks is something that also needs to happen for me to be more effective, learn, etc.
 20:16:13  Durff ->  but you do own your brain
 20:16:43  Durff ->  isn't that the point?
 20:16:57  alicemercer ->  Maybe ning makes no sense for Miguel, and David Warlick, etc.
 20:16:58  Durff ->  that we don't own it?
 20:17:09  JoseR ->  Ning is just to big!  I guess we could use it to work on a project or when we are in a class together.
 20:17:33  arvind ->  knowlege is meant to be free (quotation from Wikia.com head)
 20:17:39  alicemercer ->  I know, John, is there enough of us to make it work
 20:17:48  Durff ->  amen arvind
 20:18:17  alicemercer ->  And Miguel is is great for you to participate in this.
 20:18:18  sharonp ->  I think ning is a great entry point for beginners - those who have wanted to blog, see the usefulness in blogging, but are still feeling a bit awkward about it all
 20:18:20  Durff ->  how will it spread if we don't offer a hand?
 20:18:21  JohnSchinker ->  Now here I am at this point, and I'm about to add friends. Do I only add the people I know or have heard of?
 20:18:32  alicemercer ->  I appreciate you doing this.
 20:18:41  sharonp ->  because I did invite someone along to classroom2.0 for that very reason
 20:18:55  Durff ->  I look into them....
 20:18:59  JoseR ->  We choose who we read!
 20:19:06  sharonp ->  and I wonder if the ning network that has a focal point might have more input and more value
 20:19:12  Durff ->  better? never
 20:19:23  alicemercer ->  It's hard for me to find some other folks.
 20:19:34  sharonp ->  I have been sent invitations to other ning networks that lack the cohesive focal point
 20:19:41  alicemercer ->  I think the "stars' have made a great effort to share lesser knowns.
 20:19:46  Durff ->  I always have people asking me things
 20:19:48  JoseR ->  I base it on who is writing what I am interested in
 20:19:50  alicemercer ->  No
 20:20:07  alicemercer ->  but I don't think it's effective all the time.
 20:20:15  alicemercer ->  Miguel you are being fine
 20:20:21  mguhlin ->  ok
 20:20:32  mguhlin ->  pick on me all you want
 20:20:37  arvind ->  one problem is that if we are educators, and there are great bloggers, how do we ensure that we all get to read the good stuff? individual blogs (like mine) are in random places on the web
 20:20:48  JoseR ->  The conversation seems to follow certain threads and themes
 20:20:50  arvind ->  is that good? i guess books are that way, you may never find some of the greats
 20:21:03  Durff ->  miguel is fun to pick on!
 20:21:11  JoseR ->  resonate is a good word
 20:21:13  sharonp ->  I have been accused of blogging for my own ego gratification
 20:21:19  sharonp ->  that drives me nuts
 20:21:19  arvind ->  Alice is bringing up the echo chamber problem. An important one to discuss
 20:21:22  alicemercer ->  No youv'e been very patient through this Miguel
 20:21:38  JohnSchinker ->  SP: everyone does that to some extent
 20:21:40  arvind ->  Sharon, I think Blogging is selfish, but again, often beneficial
 20:22:06  mguhlin ->  I subscribe to "unknown" bloggers
 20:22:07  sharonp ->  blogging is selfish, yes, because it is my way of becoming a better writer
 20:22:45  arvind ->  and my blog is all my perspective and is about me putting it out there
 20:22:46  JoseR ->  If someone writes and interesting post I look to see who they are reading
 20:22:55  Durff ->  ning is a way to make those connections
 20:22:59  arvind ->  yes Jose, I trust people who I read
 20:23:06  JohnSchinker ->  Can I tie this to my blog? Can I use rss to have things I post show up in both places? Can I pull feeds from other people, or from everyone?
 20:23:15  Durff ->  ah...trust no one!
 20:23:21  arvind ->  ha ha
 20:23:26  sharonp ->  yes putting it out there - to share, to make people think - but the fact is, many of us are asking our students to put it out there..... shouldn't we be modelling?
 20:23:32  alicemercer ->  It's the cable problem
 20:23:40  alicemercer ->  67 channels and nothing one
 20:23:42  alicemercer ->  on
 20:24:01  alicemercer ->  trying to find what is worthwhile is hard.
 20:24:14  arvind ->  Bruce Sterling as South by Southwest said, "55,000,000 blogs, some of them must be good. No! Maybe none of them are, we just don't know yet"
 20:24:26  arvind ->  we don't even know what a good blog is
 20:24:35  arvind ->  is it about good fonts, good writing, good design...
 20:24:46  mguhlin ->  A good blog is one that works for the writer and incidentally engages others in conversation
 20:24:51  arvind ->  he was asking how would an expert analyze a blog
 20:24:53  Matt_ Cronin ->  a good blog is one that is useful, thoughtful
 20:24:56  sharonp ->  yes arvind, and relevant for a specific audience
 20:25:19  sharonp ->  we ask our students to write for audience and with purpose
 20:25:21  JohnSchinker ->  audience is a big deal. There are so many different edtech audiences
 20:25:24  JoseR ->  What's up with the ning blog, chatterwall, forums, discussions argh...  just too much!
 20:25:28  alicemercer ->  I don't care if their blog is good, I want to share practice, and experience
 20:25:37  JohnSchinker ->  I have a hard time defining my audience, and it changes over time
 20:25:55  alicemercer ->  Jose, Steve did add a box at top left with quick guide to where to post...
 20:25:57  JohnSchinker ->  Personal learning networks
 20:26:20  alicemercer ->  I want to get more out of ning, and out of ed tech, and out of my new reader
 20:26:24  mguhlin ->  commercialization of the Web 2.0
 20:26:45  alicemercer ->  Yeah john
 20:26:47  mguhlin ->  is problematic and threatens individual voices
 20:26:48  Durff ->  bound to happen
 20:26:55  JoseR ->  The connections I see
 20:27:27  alicemercer ->  And Miguel and Scott are great, but they aren't in their own classrooms. I like them and love the issues they cover, but I also want to chat with practicing teachers
 20:27:41  alicemercer ->  Miguel, good point
 20:27:53  Durff ->  you can at Classroom2
 20:28:21  jeff ->  http://www.edsupport.cc/mguhlin/archives/2007/04/entry_3116.htm
 20:28:32  alicemercer ->  Will r. seems to always disclose...
 20:28:37  jeff ->  1. No one can buy my editorial voice or opinion.
 20:28:45  jeff ->  2. No one can buy my editorial space; if it’s an ad it will clearly be an ad.
 20:28:53  jeff ->  3. No one should be confused about the source of anything on my pages.
 20:29:01  jeff ->  4. I will disclose my business relationships whenever it is relevant and possible. ...this isn’t about ethics pledges and industry policies. It’s about personal integrity, about honesty, about having a direct and open relationship of trust and credibility. You may disagree with my opinions — and, oh, you do — but you should at least be assured that they are mine.
 20:29:13  alicemercer ->  Didn't like 21 classes.
 20:29:23  alicemercer ->  Adds for "term papers for sale"
 20:29:38  Durff ->  where was that alice?
 20:29:47  Durff ->  on ning?
 20:29:50  alicemercer ->  21classes had a nice class blog
 20:29:52  alicemercer ->  NO
 20:30:05  alicemercer ->  lots of controls and automatic feeds to teacher/admin
 20:30:07  Durff ->  had their own ning?
 20:30:10  alicemercer ->  no
 20:30:18  Durff ->  I'm lost
 20:30:27  alicemercer ->  not ning, another commercial based edublog site.
 20:30:28  arvind ->  how about the question of personal sustainability? how many online spaces can any one person be really committed to?
 20:30:31  Durff ->  what else is new?
 20:30:35  alicemercer ->  you could set up class blogs/student blogs
 20:30:39  JoseR ->  Got to run they are opening the presents at the babyshower.  I'll have a listen to podcast!
 20:30:47  alicemercer ->  night jose
 20:30:56  alicemercer ->  I loved the "controls" on the blog
 20:31:02  Durff ->  I thing 1 is enough Arvind
 20:31:08  alicemercer ->  but hated teh ads
 20:31:34  alicemercer ->  Not everyone will be able to set up moodle, etc.
 20:31:36  Durff ->  bye Jose
 20:31:44  arvind ->  i blog professionally, personally, my department at school's blog; i webcast weekly, I Twitter, I instant message, I e-mail, I SMS...
 20:32:05  Durff ->  but just 1 personal blog
 20:32:17  Durff ->  that should be your hub
 20:32:28  mguhlin ->  If I'm hired as a consultant, I charge for my time, not the content or the presentation.
 20:32:29  alicemercer ->  I blog professionally, I have a class blog
 20:32:39  arvind ->  also Flickr, Moodle courses for all my courses...
 20:32:40  mguhlin ->  Integrity! Great!
 20:32:54  Matt_ Cronin ->  I hardly blog at all, I enjoy ongoing conversations. Guess I'm a Ning type of guy
 20:33:03  JohnSchinker ->  Thanks, everyone, for the good discussion. I'm  going to bow out at this point.
 20:33:09  arvind ->  bye John
 20:33:16  alicemercer ->  night
 20:33:17  mguhlin ->  The real problem is when we blog to gain notoriety then advertise services that benefit you or your business.
 20:33:18  JenMad ->  nite john!
 20:33:33  arvind ->  right, so then how do your blog posts stay honest?
 20:33:36  Durff ->  night john
 20:33:47  alicemercer ->  I saw the ads, and I knew they were for his company
 20:34:02  Durff ->  i didn't see them
 20:34:17  mguhlin ->  I'd follow Jeff Jarvis' advice...shows up here
 20:34:20  sharonp ->  I guess I find google ads so ubiquitous that I was not offended
 20:34:38  Durff ->  I think I just ignore them
 20:34:43  Durff ->  thank you alice
 20:34:49  Durff ->  you are great too
 20:35:26  mguhlin ->  those librarians are prob having a BIG party
 20:35:32  jeff ->  http://library20.ning.com/
 20:35:34  Durff ->  thank you alice
 20:35:40  mguhlin ->  :D
 20:35:45  JenMad ->  :)
 20:35:58  Matt_ Cronin ->  I think web 2.0 is supposed to be messy
 20:36:08  lee baber ->  may i be  unmuted
 20:36:14  JenMad ->  we like messy around here :)
 20:36:15  mguhlin ->  Whatever works, but make it less commercial
 20:36:17  Durff ->  like that jungle
 20:36:27  alicemercer ->  I'm muted
 20:36:51  Durff ->  not in my window
 20:36:52  alicemercer ->  Miguel, you have been a prince about this, and very open.
 20:37:04  Durff ->  Miguel is fun!
 20:37:06  alicemercer ->  We may not agree about ning, but I respect your position
 20:37:07  mguhlin ->  AliceMercer, you're too kind.
 20:37:57  mguhlin ->  Ning works? Great. Just be transparent in that you're using this as a way to gather customers for your business.
 20:38:03  alicemercer ->  No, the thing is that when I started I was trying to start conversation with the "stars" and what I need to do, and need to continue doing, is have as many with everyone, and not elevate. You've convinced me of that.
 20:38:20  mguhlin ->  Yes!!
 20:38:24  alicemercer ->  Wasn't there a network on ELGG
 20:38:25  mguhlin ->  Agree completely, Alice!
 20:38:34  mguhlin ->  Yes...
 20:39:04  Durff ->  I do think you should surround yourself with a circle of the wise
 20:39:05  mguhlin ->  Thanks for articulating that, Lee
 20:39:21  lee baber ->  your welcome!! :)
 20:39:31  alicemercer ->  But it is hard miguel to find those folks. I appreciate how the so called stars have really made an effort to share links to the lesser known, so you all can't be faulted.
 20:40:05  Durff ->  I think a thicker skin would be good
 20:40:19  Durff ->  and please call me a geek!
 20:40:20  alicemercer ->  the infamous "geek" reference?
 20:40:27  Durff ->  yup
 20:40:31  alicemercer ->  Call me a GEEK anyday.
 20:40:39  Durff ->  geek
 20:40:42  alicemercer ->  Context is everything
 20:40:48  alicemercer ->  You you you geek!
 20:41:08  Durff ->  of course, you would be an artsy geek
 20:41:17  Durff ->  thank you!
 20:41:21  Durff ->  finally!!
 20:41:27  Matt_ Cronin ->  I think "geek" is now more of a compliment
 20:41:56  Matt_ Cronin ->  I wear "geekiness" with pride
 20:42:26  alicemercer ->  NOT FLAT
 20:42:29  alicemercer ->  NEVER!
 20:42:42  alicemercer ->  sorry, I was laughing.
 20:42:43  Durff ->  Flat?
 20:42:55  Durff ->  ki kathy!
 20:43:00  sendkathy ->  Hoi!
 20:43:05  sendkathy ->  Hi Ho!
 20:43:07  sendkathy ->  lol
 20:43:12  alicemercer ->  I was laughing at the idea of a flat school disctict not Miguel
 20:43:13  Durff ->  hoi poloi?
 20:43:26  sendkathy ->  exactly
 20:43:27  Durff ->  wrinkled, not flat
 20:43:29  jeff ->  https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
 20:43:34  sendkathy ->  like you saud
 20:43:46  jeff ->  +99001110020796215
 20:44:01  Durff ->  maybe Dembo should be here to speak for himself?
 20:44:55  Durff ->  let's all email him now
 20:44:56  alicemercer ->  I think it's clear where Dembo is from, and he is pretty free about saying his preferences, and his employers
 20:45:09  alicemercer ->  I didn't think he talked about dembo there?
 20:45:23  alicemercer ->  Miguel, I've got a question....
 20:45:27  Durff ->  I think it was clear that he did
 20:45:44  mguhlin ->  question?
 20:45:49  mguhlin ->  I wasn't talking about Dembo
 20:46:05  Durff ->  my bad
 20:46:18  Durff ->  oh dear
 20:47:42  sendkathy ->  brb
 20:48:03  JenMad ->  :)
 20:48:04  alicemercer ->  Oh I'm special
 20:48:16  alicemercer ->  :D :D
 20:48:17  Durff ->  oh you star, Moguel
 20:48:24  JenMad ->  good one lol :p
 20:48:28  Durff ->  Muguul
 20:48:31  Durff ->  Miggurl
 20:48:37  alicemercer ->  This is a great place becasue of the skypecast and makes it stand out as a social network.
 20:48:37  Durff ->  oh the spelling
 20:49:03  Durff ->  it is a community
 20:49:16  sroseman ->  there has to be a niche
 20:49:30  mguhlin ->  I'm not sure we're fit to walk on sacred library2.ning.com ground
 20:49:32  mguhlin ->  ;->
 20:49:37  JenMad ->  :)
 20:49:40  JenMad ->  too funny
 20:49:47  JenMad ->  I'm sorry, too.
 20:50:01  Durff ->  STOP APOLOGIZING!
 20:50:12  JenMad ->  I'm sorry for apologizing ...
 20:50:15  mguhlin ->  Shame on you, Jeff!
 20:50:19  sendkathy ->  I prefer audio myself
 20:50:20  Durff ->  oh stop
 20:50:24  alicemercer ->  I love audio too.
 20:50:33  alicemercer ->  I think it's a good idea.
 20:50:39  mguhlin ->  Jeff is trying to hook us for commercializing World bridges
 20:50:43  arvind ->  I read fast which is why I like blogs. Can't listen to audio in fast forward
 20:50:46  mguhlin ->  that's why he wants us to come back!
 20:50:47  mguhlin ->  hehe
 20:50:48  sendkathy ->  Although I think that using a blog is a way to improve your own writing style
 20:51:02  alicemercer ->  Yes you can arvind
 20:51:09  alicemercer ->  set the playback to 2.0
 20:51:50  sendkathy ->  I'm here
 20:51:59  Durff ->  Speak
 20:52:02  jeff ->  you should be unmuted
 20:52:05  arvind ->  alicemercer: is it intelligible?
 20:52:26  sendkathy ->  ok
 20:52:44  alicemercer ->  Well you know what I think about twitter
 20:53:34  alicemercer ->  So I'm not afraid to lay it on the line!
 20:53:51  alicemercer ->  Arvind. I've done 1.25 with video and it is, but I don't like it.
 20:54:05  sroseman ->  I will have to sign up
 20:54:17  alicemercer ->  Problem is that the forums and text chat, comments are not being utilized here.
 20:55:19  alicemercer ->  I didn't mean text chat, I meant forums and comments, sorry. Obviourly
 20:55:24  alicemercer ->  text is being used here, lol
 20:55:25  JenMad ->  thank you soooooo much! I need to let my husband out of the closet ... nite all!
 20:55:25  Gary ->  EdTechTalk for non-geeks?
 20:55:30  sharonp ->  oh miguel - I do have to tell you that I have a friend who was just tickled when you asked her to be your friend on classroom2.0 - you made her day!! (can I have your autograph someday?)
 20:55:34  alicemercer ->  I'm not touching that.
 20:55:37  lee baber ->  may i have the link again for skypecast?
 20:55:46  jeff ->  skype:+99001110020796215?call&token=768962&topic=EdTechWeekly+28+and+Community+Forum
 20:56:01  alicemercer ->  bye all
 20:56:07  jeff ->  +99001110020796215
 20:56:16  mguhlin ->  funny
 20:56:22  mguhlin ->  Sharon, glad it made her day!
 20:57:07  CathyE ->  FYI- I am connecting with Maria Knees's kindergarten from the beach tomorrow
 20:57:17  Durff ->  cool
 20:57:26  randyn ->  yeah cool!
 20:57:26  cheryl wow2 ->  Oh, Maria will be thrilled
 20:57:52  cheryl wow2 ->  Jeff, can I take the mobile webcasting studio to Atlanta for NECC 2007?
 20:58:28  Durff ->  and the virtual attendess
 20:58:44  Durff ->  did I spell that wrong enough?
 20:58:55  cheryl wow2 ->  Oh, if I am there for edublogger I would do that.
 20:59:37  Durff ->  solved nothing, but apologised alot
 21:00:39  Durff ->  don't worry, i always put mouth feet in my mouth
 21:00:53  Durff ->  see what i mean?
 21:01:48  sendkathy ->  how do they taste?
 21:02:16  Durff ->  salty
 21:02:36  sendkathy ->  lol
 21:03:07  sendkathy ->  Have you been using jott?
 21:03:14  Durff ->  I do
 21:03:36  Durff ->  I Jotted 3 times on the way to visit yesterday
 21:03:47  sendkathy ->  to yourself
 21:03:50  Durff ->  and those are in my email now
 21:03:52  sendkathy ->  or someone else
 21:03:55  Durff ->  yup
 21:03:58  CathyE ->  can you send video from a cell phone to blip?
 21:04:04  Durff ->  I need to note things
 21:04:18  Durff ->  audio to email CathyE
 21:04:19  sendkathy ->  I jotted a birthday wish to Jen
 21:04:30  Durff ->  I should try that too
 21:04:35  sendkathy ->  yes!
 21:04:48  sendkathy ->  I organized my addresses
 21:04:50  Durff ->  I shared that site with a friend
 21:05:08  sendkathy ->  so when I call the main number I just say the name and it comes up
 21:05:23  Durff ->  I have it on speed dial
 21:05:56  Durff ->  narcissism?
 21:06:15  Durff ->  selfish?
 21:06:28  Durff ->  can't take it with you
 21:06:55  Durff ->  I don't....ego is beyond help now
 21:07:13  Durff ->  i blog because i have sth to say
 21:07:25  Durff ->  i don't care who is listening
 21:07:35  Durff ->  maybe i should?
 21:08:19  Durff ->  yes, reading spurs us to write....
 21:09:16  Durff ->  your blog was there first...
 21:10:34  CathyE ->  I have to visit the family  - night all
 21:10:51  jeff ->  night cathy
 21:11:00  sendkathy ->  night
 21:11:13  Durff ->  night Cathy
 21:11:46  Durff ->  May 19?
 21:12:21  sendkathy ->  lisa, you and me?
 21:12:39  Durff ->  ok
 21:12:47  Durff ->  when?
 21:12:51  jeff ->  http://wiaoc.org/
 21:13:12  Durff ->  will Jeff schedule us?
 21:15:28  sendkathy ->  I think he will put together a schedule and we'll sign up
 21:15:44  sendkathy ->  When can you do it? Fri, Sat, or Sunday
 21:17:46  arvind ->  PEW just came out with online social network report: http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2007/04/19/teens_privacy_a.html
 21:18:00  Durff ->  i looked at the calendar
 21:18:07  sendkathy ->  and?
 21:18:16  Durff ->  i get off woek and home by 6pm
 21:18:25  sendkathy ->  So you think Friday?
 21:18:36  Durff ->  and I go to work Monday am
 21:18:46  Durff ->  so anytime inbetween
 21:18:58  Durff ->  you pick
 21:19:04  sendkathy ->  Ok, I think sometime Saturday would be good
 21:19:10  Durff ->  ok
 21:19:14  sendkathy ->  We usually agree on 9 or 10
 21:19:19  Durff ->  do we ask Jeff?
 21:19:33  sendkathy ->  Jeff, can we do 9-10AM on Saturday?
 21:20:19  sharonp ->  thanks for that link Arvind
 21:20:47  Durff ->  so how many hours do we need to do?
 21:20:57  sendkathy ->  I guess a couple!
 21:21:04  Durff ->  ok
 21:21:27  trevor ->  Thanks for letting me know about the broadcast -- I'll be watching for the webcasts as well!  Ciao
 21:21:43  Durff ->  night


I was looking to get the standard EdTechWeekly on my iPod this morning and was more than pleased and intrigued with #76 and the Community Forum. A great discussion with lots of good voices. As these tools become more accessible, we may end up with as many virtual communities as we have building and district communities. There will be plenty of room in the virtual edtech world for the gatherings of educators to come. Jeff, it was apparent you did your research and groundwork. Then you came up with a different and informative conversation. A great webcast, it really shined. I look forward to your next surprise. Jeff Flynn Ann Arbor, MI skype - gratefulalways