21st Century Learning #99: Sarah Hanawald - Designing Games and Activities for Faculty PD

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21st Century Learning #99
Sarah Hanawald - Designing Games and Activities for Faculty Professional Development
April 2, 2009

Sarah Hanawald from Greensboro Day School and the Literacy, Technology, and Learning blog joined us this week.  We discussed desiging games and simulations for faculty professional development around using social learning tools.

What are your thoughts about this?  How would you design a game for faculty to learn how to participate in online communities? 


* Photo from: Vizzzual-dot-com

21st Century Learning #99
Sarah Hanawald - Designing Games and Activities for Faculty Professional Development
April 2, 2009

Sarah Hanawald from Greensboro Day School and the Literacy, Technology, and Learning blog joined us this week.  We discussed desiging games and simulations for faculty professional development around using social learning tools.

What are your thoughts about this?  How would you design a game for faculty to learn how to participate in online communities? 


* Photo from: Vizzzual-dot-com

<click here for the chat transcript>

2009-04-02 13:08:19  mrsdurff ->  is there a show today?
2009-04-02 13:08:45  arvind ->  hi all!
2009-04-02 13:08:49  mrsdurff ->  hi arvind
2009-04-02 13:08:59  arvind ->  hey durff, how's it going?
2009-04-02 13:09:09  mrsdurff ->  your public awaits you
2009-04-02 13:09:30  mrsdurff ->  going good . for this economy
2009-04-02 13:09:44  arvind ->  ha ha, i hear you!
2009-04-02 13:10:09  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Hello. Will audio be on EdTEchTalkA, B or just ustream?
2009-04-02 13:10:26  arvind ->  we're having some ustream problems
2009-04-02 13:10:28  mrsdurff ->  usu ETT A
2009-04-02 13:10:29  arvind ->  prob ed tech talk a
2009-04-02 13:12:23  arvind ->  hi ed
2009-04-02 13:12:26  mrsdurff ->  what's the topic for today
2009-04-02 13:12:53  sarah H ->  I think we're talking about PD again
2009-04-02 13:13:19  mrsdurff ->  k
2009-04-02 13:13:31  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Audio coming in on ETT A.
2009-04-02 13:13:57  alex.ragone ->  Hello Everyone!
2009-04-02 13:14:14  arvind ->  no ustream today, sorry! Please click on Ed Tech Talk A on the right
2009-04-02 13:14:37  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Don't forget to ctrl or shift click or you leave the chat room (just did that)
2009-04-02 13:14:54  sarah H ->  Hi ed
2009-04-02 13:15:19  mrsdurff ->  audio sounds good
2009-04-02 13:15:37  mrsdurff ->  use the stream today
2009-04-02 13:15:51  mrsdurff ->  little hot sara
2009-04-02 13:16:07  sarah H ->  what does hot mean?
2009-04-02 13:16:13  mrsdurff ->  loud
2009-04-02 13:16:15  sarah H ->  ok
2009-04-02 13:16:18  ed p ->  ok now have audio
2009-04-02 13:16:23  arvind ->  glad to hear it, ed
2009-04-02 13:16:25  mrsdurff ->  :)
2009-04-02 13:16:26  jramsden ->  Hey Sarah!! Live Blogging at NCAIS Conference so I can't listen.....but look forward to watching the chat!!!
2009-04-02 13:16:34  sarah H ->  thx
2009-04-02 13:16:51  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  @Jason - multi-tasking?
2009-04-02 13:16:56  mrsdurff ->  everyone twitter
2009-04-02 13:17:32  jramsden ->  @BillCamp - Always multi-tasking...I was the doodler in class but still catching all the content....some people call that ADD :-)
2009-04-02 13:17:55  arvind ->  Sarah Hanawald from North Carolina - check out Sarah's blog: http://littechlearning.blogspot.com/
2009-04-02 13:18:24  mrsdurff ->  ready-set-go
2009-04-02 13:19:00  arvind ->  hi samandjt, and cuevash
2009-04-02 13:19:17  cuevash ->  Hello everyone!
2009-04-02 13:19:26  alex.ragone ->  Hi -- Folks.
2009-04-02 13:19:28  ed p ->  hi cuevash
2009-04-02 13:19:29  alex.ragone ->  Hey Hiram!
2009-04-02 13:19:47  cuevash ->  Hi Alex
2009-04-02 13:20:01  alex.ragone ->  Folks -- no ustream working.
2009-04-02 13:20:11  cuevash ->  :(
2009-04-02 13:20:12  alex.ragone ->  Streaming on Channel A
2009-04-02 13:20:19  alex.ragone ->  Sarah Hanawald is our guest.
2009-04-02 13:20:55  arvind ->  Alex mentioned that we met Sarah via her posting on Fred Bartel's post on the ISENet Ning re: starting a virtual independent school: http://isenet.ning.com/forum/topics/starting-a-virtual-independent
2009-04-02 13:21:58  arvind ->  both Alex and Sarah are reading "Influencers" http://www.amazon.com/Influencer-Change-Anything-Kerry-Patterson/dp/0071...
2009-04-02 13:23:07  arvind ->  hi Pam
2009-04-02 13:23:19  samandjt ->  I think a really good strategy is creating a group in an existing Ning for your group of newbies.  So you get the benefit of existing users, but also have a smaller group for intimacy for new users
2009-04-02 13:23:38  pfortin ->  Hi Arvind!
2009-04-02 13:25:01  mrsdurff ->  working on school work and covering a class while enjoying this
2009-04-02 13:25:06  ed p ->  We are using our own Ning for p.d. at our school and it's been very quiet at times...we're looking at increasing the noise
2009-04-02 13:26:08  arvind ->  What will define learning in the 21st Century: click on the bright green sticky at: http://www.ideo.com/
2009-04-02 13:26:14  arvind ->  hi Susan
2009-04-02 13:26:22  cuevash ->  Hey Susan
2009-04-02 13:26:22  Susan Carter Morgan ->  hi
2009-04-02 13:26:28  alex.ragone ->  Hi Susan!
2009-04-02 13:26:34  arvind ->  I find the architecture of Ning problematic
2009-04-02 13:26:56  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Comments are so permanent and public, which might not be confortable to all, especially self-labled digital immigrants.
2009-04-02 13:27:19  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  I agree with Arvind on Ning.  It is somewhat overhwhelming.
2009-04-02 13:27:39  plennig ->  i think a ning can't stand alone - i think it's just one part.  i find it valuable in conjunction with twitter and blogs
2009-04-02 13:27:42  mrsdurff ->  train me to do machinima!
2009-04-02 13:27:46  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  The most use I've gotten from it is finding threads via aTwitter post.
2009-04-02 13:28:15  mrsdurff ->  yes, in high school
2009-04-02 13:28:17  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Then following the thread and watching the converstation because of the email notifications, which I wish included the content that was posted.
2009-04-02 13:28:37  mrsdurff ->  there is a magic cutoff in 7th/8th
2009-04-02 13:28:59  mrsdurff ->  they suddenly become more 'digital native'-like
2009-04-02 13:29:56  mrsdurff ->  do what with Youtube?
2009-04-02 13:30:49  mrsdurff ->  i want the exotic vacation
2009-04-02 13:31:38  Susan Carter Morgan ->  We used Yammer for a few weeks. It worked pretty well
2009-04-02 13:31:42  mrsdurff ->  we are using Edmodo
2009-04-02 13:32:18  mrsdurff ->  Twitter with training wheels
2009-04-02 13:32:20  Susan Carter Morgan ->  Internal is great...but trying to keep up with Twitter AND Yammer was too much for our teacahers
2009-04-02 13:32:28  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Internal dialog has value, but Yammers seems like it will stop it from moving outside the school, which I think has a lot of value.
2009-04-02 13:32:43  mrsdurff ->  I'm using Edmodo with students
2009-04-02 13:33:14  arvind ->  I used edmodo for a couple of courses and had some mixed success. Would have to try some more
2009-04-02 13:33:20  Susan Carter Morgan ->  @mrsdurff Do you like it?
2009-04-02 13:33:34  arvind ->  Bill, I think it has a different value - yammer, that is
2009-04-02 13:33:38  plennig ->  yes - i'm not sure if i could get buy in with yammer - people are still complaining that they don't have time for email
2009-04-02 13:34:00  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Seems like it is more valuable for multi-campus schools.  Doesn't seem like it would not expose teachers to new ideas in our environment.
2009-04-02 13:34:18  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  That was doesn't seem like it would expose teachers to new ideas.
2009-04-02 13:35:26  mrsdurff ->  @susan - attention called away
2009-04-02 13:35:38  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  I was hoping doing something like TweetGroup might be better as moving from walled environment to a more open discussion would be easier.
2009-04-02 13:35:43  jramsden ->  @plennig What if you moved away from email for your teachers...and focused on Yammer? Just a thought....
2009-04-02 13:35:58  arvind ->  I think it is about connecting people in ways they haven't been before
2009-04-02 13:35:59  mrsdurff ->  yes kids are doing "handshake" period with another school using Edmodo
2009-04-02 13:36:12  arvind ->  how often do your kindergarten and AP bio teacher cross paths?
2009-04-02 13:36:18  mrsdurff ->  I was able to delete some questionable posts too
2009-04-02 13:36:28  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  I do the group in Yammer as a plus and a possible replacement for email if you don't already have some sort of discussion boards.
2009-04-02 13:36:37  arvind ->  jramsden - anything that reduces e-mail is good with me! :)
2009-04-02 13:36:38  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  (can't type today)
2009-04-02 13:36:50  Susan Carter Morgan ->  @durff me too...gotta run:(
2009-04-02 13:37:04  mrsdurff ->  bye susan
2009-04-02 13:37:07  cuevash ->  Should the network members be from other schools. Strong leaders from other schoolto reduce the impact on one school.
2009-04-02 13:37:13  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Avatars?
2009-04-02 13:37:17  mrsdurff ->  no
2009-04-02 13:37:21  arvind ->  Their are different affordances to Yammer vs Twitter (even TweetGroups)
2009-04-02 13:37:27  mrsdurff ->  there is a difference
2009-04-02 13:37:31  arvind ->  Bill, I guess more of a profile photo
2009-04-02 13:37:39  plennig ->  @jramsden - that's a good concept but can you hear the screams :-) 
2009-04-02 13:37:52  mrsdurff ->  icons and avatars are different
2009-04-02 13:38:07  mrsdurff ->  ask McDonalds
2009-04-02 13:38:15  mrsdurff ->  or Nike
2009-04-02 13:39:03  mrsdurff ->  do Twitter last
2009-04-02 13:39:13  mrsdurff ->  do RSS first
2009-04-02 13:39:41  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  I had a class dean ask for internal IM a couple of days ago to communicate among teachers in his grade level.  This leads me to believe that teachers will start embraching this more as the "digital natives" (I'm not really happy with that term but you know what I mean) enter teaching.
2009-04-02 13:40:29  cuevash ->  She has some fantastic posts @brasst
2009-04-02 13:41:12  mrsdurff ->  getting resistant people over the technological hump
2009-04-02 13:41:32  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  I think one way into Twitter (or it could be Yammer) is to sell it initially as a way to get questions answered quickly such as for tech support. 
2009-04-02 13:41:47  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Second step is people supporting each other than sharing more that isn't support.
2009-04-02 13:41:59  cuevash ->  Part of the tech continuum Lurker to contributor
2009-04-02 13:41:59  mrsdurff ->  connect through something they know
2009-04-02 13:42:17  arvind ->  cuevash - for sure
2009-04-02 13:42:24  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  @arvind I looked at Yammer a bit.  Is there private messaging between folks like Twitter DM
2009-04-02 13:42:28  mrsdurff ->  RSS is like a newspaper just for them
2009-04-02 13:42:42  arvind ->  Bill, yes, there is private messaging, and built-in groups (private or public)
2009-04-02 13:42:57  arvind ->  Durff, great way of putting RSS
2009-04-02 13:42:59  pfortin ->  I have just started playing with Yammer - just had my first call from and administrator asking a Yammer question - that person sees some utility with it YEAH!!!
2009-04-02 13:43:05  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  @arvind I saw the group and thought that was one of the niceset features.
2009-04-02 13:43:09  cuevash ->  Have u found students using twitter?  The students I've talked to don't really get it. They would rather txt.
2009-04-02 13:43:14  arvind ->  Pam, awesome!
2009-04-02 13:43:24  arvind ->  My development office decided to start a group on day 2, just for them
2009-04-02 13:43:32  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Re: twitter and students.  If you explain it as a Facebook status, some get it then.
2009-04-02 13:43:36  arvind ->  We have very few students using Twitter
2009-04-02 13:43:44  sarah H ->  http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=df43s5zk_19f3fzzvcz&hl=en
2009-04-02 13:43:52  sarah H ->  shanawald gmail.
2009-04-02 13:44:25  mrsdurff ->  was this private school?
2009-04-02 13:44:36  pfortin ->  Yes you can private messsage with Yammer
2009-04-02 13:45:36  pfortin ->  My dorm staff have started their own private group and I started one for my tech depatment -
2009-04-02 13:45:45  pfortin ->  with Yammer that is
2009-04-02 13:45:59  arvind ->  we made a tech 911 group that goes to every dept members phones via sms, and e-mail
2009-04-02 13:46:17  alex.ragone ->  Thanks folks!
2009-04-02 13:46:30  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Anyone know what Yammer's business model is?  I always wonder about that with regard to privacy when using things like private groups or private messaging (especially if Deans might use this with teacher)?
2009-04-02 13:46:43  pfortin ->  Very cool Arvind - I like that idea
2009-04-02 13:46:45  mrsdurff ->  tech 911? are you hiring?
2009-04-02 13:47:08  arvind ->  they have two paid models, one at $1/user/month and one at $5/user/month that gives you advanced features
2009-04-02 13:47:16  cuevash ->  Great job!  Thanks Alex, Arvind, and Sarah
2009-04-02 13:47:17  mrsdurff ->  ty!
2009-04-02 13:47:24  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  @arvind Were you able to to SMS with free version?
2009-04-02 13:47:26  arvind ->  ha ha, durff, you want the 911 page?
2009-04-02 13:47:39  arvind ->  yes you can sms with the free version. although we haven't 911'd yet ;)
2009-04-02 13:47:49  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  Thanks all!
2009-04-02 13:47:52  arvind ->  and they have an iPhone client and BlackBerry client (which I installed)
2009-04-02 13:47:57  arvind ->  Vinnie!
2009-04-02 13:47:59  sarah H ->  hey Vinnie!
2009-04-02 13:48:01  arvind ->  we just ended the convo
2009-04-02 13:48:04  cuevash ->  Hi Vinnie
2009-04-02 13:48:06  arvind ->  fun one today
2009-04-02 13:48:18  mrsdurff ->  i want a better jnob
2009-04-02 13:48:23  VinnieVrotny ->  sorry that I missed it.
2009-04-02 13:48:29  pfortin ->  I am loving the firefox plugin for Yammer
2009-04-02 13:48:33  arvind ->  show #99, we're 100 next week!
2009-04-02 13:48:50  arvind ->  Pam, I actually like the desktop client better than the Firefox pluging, but you're right, it's pretty snazzy too
2009-04-02 13:48:53  pfortin ->  thanks everyone
2009-04-02 13:49:04  Bill Campbell (BillCamp) ->  @arvind Does making yourself an admin (by giving the credit card) open anything else up?
2009-04-02 13:49:09  pfortin ->  Okay - I'll have to give that a shot
2009-04-02 13:49:42  pfortin ->  Stupid newbie ? but is/was there an audio component to today??
2009-04-02 13:49:43  arvind ->  Bill, give a credit card (and pay nothing) and you can upload an icon, and change some minor settings
2009-04-02 13:49:52  arvind ->  Pam! You missed the show?
2009-04-02 13:50:16  pfortin ->  Yup - I logged in late or ...?? Not sure
2009-04-02 13:50:17  arvind ->  The chatroom is compelling, but yes, there was an audio interview with Sarah Hanawald going on
2009-04-02 13:50:30  arvind ->  you can tune in next week, same time, same place
2009-04-02 13:50:41  pfortin ->  Oh boy how would I have seen that? Or heard that rather??
2009-04-02 13:51:00  arvind ->  you can click "EdTechTalkA" on the right
2009-04-02 13:51:04  arvind ->  or ustream usually, also on the right
2009-04-02 13:51:08  mrsdurff ->  adieu
2009-04-02 13:51:12  arvind ->  Hey Bill, just ended the show, but having some post-show chat
2009-04-02 13:51:30  wstites ->  thought I might have been a little late ;)
2009-04-02 13:51:42  pfortin ->  Okay thanks - tried that - show must have been over at that point!
2009-04-02 13:52:01  arvind ->  probably. We'll post the podcast in a few days here: http://edtechtalk.com/21cl
2009-04-02 13:52:15  wstites ->  Will try to catch on earlier next time... sorry I missed it
2009-04-02 13:52:26  pfortin ->  Great thanks so much -
2009-04-02 13:52:34  arvind ->  or susbcribe in iTunes with: http://feeds.feedburner.com/agar
2009-04-02 13:53:32  arvind ->  well, catch you all on the network. I'm @arvind on Twitter and Alex is @alexragone
2009-04-02 13:53:39  arvind ->  Vinnie is @vvrotny