21st Century Learning #86: Michael Horn Co-author of Disrupting Class
21st Century Learning #86
Michael Horn Co-author of Disrupting Class
November 24, 2008
Michael Horn, co-author of Disrupting Class and Executive Director of Education, Innosight Institute
joined us to discuss disruptive innovation and school change. This
conversation ranged from what schools will look like in 10 years to
neuroscience and baseball. Definitely check this one out.
Upcoming Shows:
12/4 Curtis Johnson, co-author of Disrupting Class
12/11, Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS
21st Century Learning #86
Michael Horn Co-author of Disrupting Class
November 24, 2008
Michael Horn, co-author of Disrupting Class and Executive Director of Education, Innosight Institute
joined us to discuss disruptive innovation and school change. This
conversation ranged from what schools will look like in 10 years to
neuroscience and baseball. Definitely check this one out.
Upcoming Shows:
12/4 Curtis Johnson, co-author of Disrupting Class
12/11, Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS
Click Here for the Chat Transcript
2008-11-24 12:00:28 arvind -> welcome
2008-11-24 12:00:28 arvind -> hi all
2008-11-24 12:00:40 Bill Campbell -> Hello.
2008-11-24 12:02:49 VinnieVrotny -> Hey Richard, how are you today?
2008-11-24 12:02:55 VinnieVrotny -> Good morning Bill.
2008-11-24 12:03:17 Bill Campbell -> Good morning or two minutes into the afternoon here.
2008-11-24 12:03:23 kassissieh -> Just fine, thanks!
2008-11-24 12:04:02 arvind -> usteam should be live, and we're just getting setup
2008-11-24 12:04:13 arvind -> Michael Horn is getting in the chat with you
2008-11-24 12:04:39 Bill Campbell -> EdTalk audio streams still indicate not streaming
2008-11-24 12:04:53 kassissieh -> Just happened to see the tweet for this and decided to pop in.
2008-11-24 12:05:01 arvind -> awesome
2008-11-24 12:05:06 arvind -> Bill, check ustream if not on ETT A
2008-11-24 12:05:11 mhorn -> Looking forward to the conversation!
2008-11-24 12:05:13 kassissieh -> The PLS version of the audio stream is working for me.
2008-11-24 12:05:30 Bill Campbell -> I usually get better quality out of the Windows Media stream, but ok.
2008-11-24 12:05:38 angelamaiers -> So excited to be here-looking forward to the conversation!
2008-11-24 12:06:07 arvind -> windows media should be streaming, but ustream is the backup
2008-11-24 12:06:12 arvind -> hi Jeannine
2008-11-24 12:06:31 jeannine -> I can hear the ETT stream
2008-11-24 12:06:41 Bill Campbell -> I'm getting nothing. Time to refersh browser I guess. Back soon.
2008-11-24 12:07:54 VinnieVrotny -> Good day, thekyleguy
2008-11-24 12:08:33 thekyleguy -> Hey Vinnie. Glad I caught a tweet this morning.
2008-11-24 12:10:06 Mike Sansone -> HR and anyone in corporate training can gain value from this book as well
2008-11-24 12:10:15 angelamaiers -> It has also been a conversation for parents as well-I have used this to talk with parents about the changing conditions in schools
2008-11-24 12:10:36 arvind -> hi Aaron
2008-11-24 12:10:49 aarongrill -> hello
2008-11-24 12:11:25 arvind -> we're discussing: http://disruptingclass.mhprofessional.com/apps/ab/
2008-11-24 12:11:34 angelamaiers -> That is a fantastic book! Another must read for educators!
2008-11-24 12:11:44 thekyleguy -> breaking up here time to time here. is it just me
2008-11-24 12:11:59 arvind -> Michael also mentioned Clay Christensen's The Innovators Dilemma: http://www.amazon.com/Innovators-Dilemma-Technologies-Management-Innovat...
2008-11-24 12:12:07 arvind -> hi Amy, long time no see :)
2008-11-24 12:12:09 Mike Sansone -> >thekyleguy - I hear it too. probably a phone thing
2008-11-24 12:12:14 abowllan -> :)
2008-11-24 12:12:23 abowllan -> sent you a teeny e-mail.
2008-11-24 12:12:30 abowllan -> arvind
2008-11-24 12:12:51 arvind -> we're all getting the breakup in sound, unfortunately :( these silly, disruptive, free technologies! :)
2008-11-24 12:14:48 arvind -> hi John, hi Matt
2008-11-24 12:14:55 VinnieVrotny -> hi john and Matt
2008-11-24 12:15:00 arvind -> hi Kimberley, welcome!
2008-11-24 12:15:09 JohnS -> Hey guys. Thanks for twittering.
2008-11-24 12:15:23 angelamaiers -> Scott Mcleod has a great presentation to use with staff on this -http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=344
2008-11-24 12:15:26 matt montagne -> hey arvind, vinnie, js, et al
2008-11-24 12:16:13 abowllan -> sounds fine
2008-11-24 12:16:15 alex.ragone -> Hey Matt.
2008-11-24 12:16:17 alex.ragone -> Thanks, Amy.
2008-11-24 12:16:57 Kimberley -> hi all
2008-11-24 12:17:11 Kimberley -> caught this via twitter
2008-11-24 12:19:01 matt montagne -> schools may need to move to a 3 day/week brick/mortar combined with virtual work
2008-11-24 12:19:13 matt montagne -> it is a "green" approach as well
2008-11-24 12:19:30 arvind -> one argument is just that students need babysitting. How would we alleviate that?
2008-11-24 12:19:30 matt montagne -> but some type of blend will probably happen
2008-11-24 12:19:32 abowllan -> @matt love that idea!
2008-11-24 12:19:44 matt montagne -> then again, let's face it, school does provide child care
2008-11-24 12:19:46 kassissieh -> Have schools changed significantly over the past 100 years? No.
2008-11-24 12:19:54 kassissieh -> Can they change in the future? Why not?
2008-11-24 12:20:03 matt montagne -> @arvind...gr8 minds thinkg alike ;-)
2008-11-24 12:20:09 aarongrill -> Motivation is a key factor. If students aren't motivated, a "virtual" school setting doesn't work
2008-11-24 12:20:10 arvind -> :)
2008-11-24 12:20:32 Kimberley -> 4 days a week ..one day for PD
2008-11-24 12:20:42 kassissieh -> I don't buy the argument that students can learn as much on their own as they can with an expert educator. See The Met for an example.
2008-11-24 12:20:45 matt montagne -> virtual schools are growing at a rapid rate...florida virtual had 8K 10 years ago...now well over 100K
2008-11-24 12:20:48 Bill Campbell -> Some schools provide more than child care. They provide a safe environment and community that may be better that their neighborhood.
2008-11-24 12:20:54 abowllan -> I wonder if I could do it in 8th grade - no way.
2008-11-24 12:21:01 abowllan -> too many distractions.
2008-11-24 12:21:04 Bill Campbell -> That's their neighborhood at home.
2008-11-24 12:21:34 matt montagne -> @kassisseh...it depends on your definititiion of expert educator...if expert educator is the traditional gateway to knowledge, then I disapgree with u
2008-11-24 12:21:36 arvind -> we'll have to find ways to effectively facilitate online classes, just like we find ways to facilitate offline ones. You can't just say go online, and learn
2008-11-24 12:21:55 matt montagne -> but if exprt educator is conduit to possibilities, then I agree with u
2008-11-24 12:22:11 kassissieh -> Matt and Arvind, agreed on both counts.
2008-11-24 12:22:26 aarongrill -> adult learning can be virtual easily. High school would be tough. Motivation is the key to learning whether it's face to face or online
2008-11-24 12:22:55 arvind -> adults are motivated because they choose their classes. Kids have to go to high school
2008-11-24 12:22:58 matt montagne -> I think the teacher becomes even more central in a movement to a different model...but the role changes
2008-11-24 12:23:04 angelamaiers -> It is a whole new way to look at highly qualified teaching
2008-11-24 12:23:06 abowllan -> devil's advocate - the technology has to work seemlessly
2008-11-24 12:23:08 kassissieh -> All kids are motivated to be successful. The question is whether they see the path to success within the educational structure presented to them.
2008-11-24 12:23:09 capohanka -> teacher becomes a facilitator
2008-11-24 12:23:22 matt montagne -> @aaron...but vrtual learning is working for many tradtionally underserved students right now
2008-11-24 12:23:40 arvind -> @abowllan they acknowledge that the tech isn't great yet, which is why only schools who have no access to teachign will use it, then as it improves, it will become mainstream
2008-11-24 12:24:19 aarongrill -> yes, but those are probably motivated students. What about the student that doesn't want to be in class...
2008-11-24 12:25:23 Kimberley -> thanks all must get back to class
2008-11-24 12:25:40 kassissieh -> The most powerful computer-based learning is taking place within a social context -- not just in front of a computer, but rather using it transparently to interact with others.
2008-11-24 12:25:50 Mike Sansone -> @aarongrill - show me a student that doesn't want to be in class, and in many cases I'll show you their teacher who doesn't put the learner first
2008-11-24 12:26:29 DaveC -> I had this very conversation with a science teacher today!
2008-11-24 12:26:51 aarongrill -> @Mike. True. An student centric model would help
2008-11-24 12:26:57 angelamaiers -> Great point @mikesansone
2008-11-24 12:27:03 Mike Sansone -> teacher's need approach every class session with a learner/beginner mindset. at that point, we have potential for great classroom conversations
2008-11-24 12:28:17 DaveC -> need to go set up antarctica conference now :)
2008-11-24 12:28:49 Mike Sansone -> even if technology is NOT available, we can use it in our teaching. Who's teaching a writing lesson using 160 characters or less? Teach concise writing in Text Message sizes. Think the students won't eat that one up?
2008-11-24 12:28:58 arvind -> Michael Horn's company: http://www.innosight.com/
2008-11-24 12:30:17 mhorn -> www.innosightinstitute.org
2008-11-24 12:30:23 mhorn -> is the direct think tank!
2008-11-24 12:30:24 arvind -> Mike, text-message Haiku's? We already study that, how awesome would that be? Twitter'ed Haiku's?
2008-11-24 12:30:50 arvind -> blog http://www.disruptingclass.com
2008-11-24 12:30:55 Mike Sansone -> @arvind That would be awesome. Students would be lining up
2008-11-24 12:31:07 arvind -> cross-school writing would be great, too!
2008-11-24 12:31:15 arvind -> you write the first line, i write the second line
2008-11-24 12:31:19 arvind -> text back and forth...
2008-11-24 12:31:58 angelamaiers -> Great idea @arvind
2008-11-24 12:32:01 matt montagne -> gr8 talk!
2008-11-24 12:32:11 matt montagne -> excellent conversation!
2008-11-24 12:32:19 matt montagne -> thanx for tweeting it out
2008-11-24 12:32:49 arvind -> thanks all! see you a week from this Thursday
2008-11-24 12:32:55 arvind -> we're off for Thanksgiving!
2008-11-24 12:33:07 arvind -> oh craig, we just ended!
2008-11-24 12:33:07 matt montagne -> happy thanxgiving y'all!
2008-11-24 12:33:10 Bill Campbell -> Thanks. What's the topic of the next show?
2008-11-24 12:33:17 angelamaiers -> Thanks everyone! Great session! Happy T-day!
2008-11-24 12:33:55 VinnieVrotny -> Have a great Thanksgiving holiday all
2008-11-24 12:35:38 arvind -> Bill, next topic is: Curt Johnson, other author of Disrupting Class!
2008-11-24 12:35:43 kassissieh -> Thank you Arvind, Alex, Vinnie, and Michael.
2008-11-24 12:35:50 arvind -> December 4th
2008-11-24 12:35:56 arvind -> thanks for being here Richard
2008-11-24 12:36:24 Bill Campbell -> @arvind Great! Hear you next week.
2008-11-24 12:36:39 arvind -> awesome, see you Bill
2008-11-24 12:36:50 Bill Campbell -> @arvind Same time? Same duration?
2008-11-24 12:37:12 arvind -> no, Thursday at Dec 4, 2:15est
2008-11-24 12:38:23 Bill Campbell -> @arvind Still about 30 min?. Might advertise, host in conf room, and see if I can get a couple of extra people listening. (That didn't work out for today.)
2008-11-24 12:40:56 Mike Sansone -> Man, two phone calls came in during this...will look forward to the archive. Happy Thanksgiving all
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