21st Century Learning #81 Alec Couros on Teacher Education and Open Course Design

Post-Show description: 


This week Alec Couros joined us to discuss teacher education and creating an open course for pre and in-service K-12
teachers.  This course would be similar to his Open, Social, Connected course. 

Interested?  Contact Alec via Twitter or his Blog.  Alex check out his K12 Online presentation.

Not passionate about this, but know someone who might be?  Send them Alec's contact info.

See you next week with a preview of the NEIT 2008 Conference.


21st Century Learning #81
Alec Couros on Teacher Education and Open Course Design
October 24, 2008

This week Alec Couros joined us to discuss teacher education and creating an open course for pre and in-service K-12
teachers.  This course would be similar to his Open, Social, Connected course. 

Interested?  Contact Alec via Twitter or his Blog.  Alex check out his K12 Online presentation.

Not passionate about this, but know someone who might be?  Send them Alec's contact info.

See you next week with a preview of the NEIT 2008 Conference.  


<-- Click here for the chat transcript -->


2008-10-23 10:43:03 [Message] hello -> -EdTechTalk: hello
2008-10-23 14:08:50 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: hi Peggy
2008-10-23 14:09:43 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi all
2008-10-23 14:09:48 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: hi arvind
2008-10-23 14:10:17 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hey alec, how goes it?
2008-10-23 14:10:37 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: not too bad actually, a bit tired, but Friday is near.
2008-10-23 14:10:41 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Gents.
2008-10-23 14:10:43 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: i hear that
2008-10-23 14:10:48 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi alex
2008-10-23 14:10:50 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: my skype is aleccouros, whoever is starting the call.
2008-10-23 14:10:50 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Getting set up now.  be there in a minute
2008-10-23 14:10:56 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Any Peggy, of course
2008-10-23 14:11:02 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: And -- I meant.
2008-10-23 14:12:09 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks! Decided to listen to last week's show while I waited :-)
2008-10-23 14:12:26 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: not a bad idea!
2008-10-23 14:12:51 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Great.  Thanks for being here.
2008-10-23 14:13:02 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: good to hear your thoughts about the keynote presentation by Prof. Heppell. :-)
2008-10-23 14:13:32 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks.
2008-10-23 14:14:28 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I wish he could have joined us for the fireside chat.
2008-10-23 14:14:35 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Hey y'all
2008-10-23 14:14:37 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: hey Matt
2008-10-23 14:14:46 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey alec
2008-10-23 14:14:51 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: welcome back Alec :-)
2008-10-23 14:14:51 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: and company
2008-10-23 14:15:02 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Peggy, always great to be here.
2008-10-23 14:15:20 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: it was looking like a 2-some for a few minutes :-)
2008-10-23 14:15:31 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: let me know when y'all r a streamin
2008-10-23 14:16:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: will you be streaming on ETT-A?
2008-10-23 14:16:48 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: ETT-A and on UStream on the right
2008-10-23 14:17:11 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi Matt
2008-10-23 14:17:19 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: we're getting people connected to the skype call now
2008-10-23 14:18:06 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi corrie
2008-10-23 14:18:11 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey arvind
2008-10-23 14:18:14 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: howdy!
2008-10-23 14:18:18 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Alec -- Call when ready.
2008-10-23 14:18:22 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: hearing the end of the WOW2 stream--Cheryl just went off air and sounds like you're connecting :-)
2008-10-23 14:19:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Great! an international conversation!
2008-10-23 14:19:11 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: we're streaming folks
2008-10-23 14:19:12 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: so listen in
2008-10-23 14:19:17 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Matt
2008-10-23 14:19:22 [Message] Maru -> -EdTechTalk: no sound yet
2008-10-23 14:19:24 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Peggy
2008-10-23 14:19:29 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I have sound
2008-10-23 14:19:31 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Vinnie
2008-10-23 14:19:32 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: we're trying to get Alec connected, but he's having some tech difficulties
2008-10-23 14:19:46 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: u mite need to relaunch the media player maru
2008-10-23 14:19:49 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: didn't see the chat from last week-just audio
2008-10-23 14:20:09 [Message] Maru -> -EdTechTalk: will do that thanks
2008-10-23 14:20:13 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Matt, solved our uStream issue. They had to restart the computer and upgrade flash. Thanks for your help
2008-10-23 14:20:25 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: got it vinnie
2008-10-23 14:20:33 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: glad it is working out
2008-10-23 14:20:37 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG chat was not updated. Will hopefully be there sometime soon
2008-10-23 14:20:47 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: audio is coming through fine for me
2008-10-23 14:20:52 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: skype demons
2008-10-23 14:21:04 [Message] Maru -> -EdTechTalk: yea!  it worked
2008-10-23 14:21:31 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: gr8 maru
2008-10-23 14:21:46 [Message] Maru -> -EdTechTalk: is video being streamed?
2008-10-23 14:21:48 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: glad you're working maru
2008-10-23 14:21:49 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: no video
2008-10-23 14:21:54 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: we're all in remote places
2008-10-23 14:21:57 [Message] Maru -> -EdTechTalk: ok thanks
2008-10-23 14:22:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: the Columbia conversation on WOW2 was great-sounds like an incredible school!
2008-10-23 14:22:57 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: it's a great school, with a great staff
2008-10-23 14:23:02 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: was fun to visit
2008-10-23 14:23:53 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all
2008-10-23 14:23:54 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: Alec's in SK.  Where's everyone else?
2008-10-23 14:23:55 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey minhaaj
2008-10-23 14:24:03 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: beautiful day in Phoenix AZ-73 degrees and sunny :-)
2008-10-23 14:24:04 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: welcome, Minhaaj
2008-10-23 14:24:10 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: So it'll feel warm when you get back, Alec!
2008-10-23 14:24:12 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Minhaaj
2008-10-23 14:24:18 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: thanks :)
2008-10-23 14:24:25 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Peggy
2008-10-23 14:24:29 [Message] Maru -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Minhaaj!
2008-10-23 14:24:34 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: I am in UAE and its humiddddddddd
2008-10-23 14:24:38 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: I am north of Chicago
2008-10-23 14:24:42 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: Hey maru :)
2008-10-23 14:25:37 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: minhaaj  -do you know intrepidteacher on Twitter?  He's in Doha.
2008-10-23 14:25:56 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: i guess i have
2008-10-23 14:26:06 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: heh!  I'm outside of Cleveland - lovely fall day.
2008-10-23 14:26:07 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: It is getting cold here in the Bay Area
2008-10-23 14:26:22 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: Doha is in Qatar. Another country
2008-10-23 14:26:25 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: getting down to the upper 60s
2008-10-23 14:26:40 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Alec's in a four year teacher development program.
2008-10-23 14:26:57 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: that's amazing! 4 year?
2008-10-23 14:27:19 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Yep -- you're really be ready when you get into the classroom.
2008-10-23 14:28:06 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: dean shareski and alex courosa? man, that's a rockstar team
2008-10-23 14:28:26 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: How do we open it up to inform others -- bring the teacher education network together.
2008-10-23 14:28:36 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Any open curriculum -- an interational piece?
2008-10-23 14:29:03 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: Dean: http://ideasandthoughts.org/
2008-10-23 14:29:30 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: Alec: http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/
2008-10-23 14:29:43 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: Alex on Twitter: http://twitter.com/courosa
2008-10-23 14:31:42 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: welcome ernestkoe, we're on channel EdTechTalk-A
2008-10-23 14:32:02 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Talking about Clayton Christenson's Disrupting Class
2008-10-23 14:32:04 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi cjennings
2008-10-23 14:32:10 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: we're on EdTechTalk-A
2008-10-23 14:32:12 [Message] cjennings -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all!
2008-10-23 14:32:25 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Scott. Welcome
2008-10-23 14:32:30 [Message] ernestkoe -> -EdTechTalk: hey folks
2008-10-23 14:32:35 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I need to read that book!
2008-10-23 14:32:40 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi smeech
2008-10-23 14:32:41 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Ernest
2008-10-23 14:32:42 [Message] smeech -> -EdTechTalk: afternoon everyone!
2008-10-23 14:32:42 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Ernest
2008-10-23 14:33:56 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: What are the partnerships?
2008-10-23 14:34:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I totally agree with the concept of openness that would bring together both preservice and inservice. At the university we tend to prepare teachers for classrooms/school cultures that don't exist. :-(
2008-10-23 14:34:38 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome nstone!
2008-10-23 14:35:01 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I was a coordinator and instructor for a professional development school program and it focused a lot on bringing teachers and interns together for professional learning.
2008-10-23 14:35:13 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: But do the young folks see technology as a teaching/learning tool, or just entertainment / social connection?
2008-10-23 14:35:27 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy -- What's the role of Technology there?
2008-10-23 14:36:17 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: drag them kicking & screaming into the late 20th centruy...
2008-10-23 14:36:21 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: At this point, students see tech as more of a social tool. They are often bothered by the fact we ask them to use the technology for their learning. THey have learned to plan the game of school.
2008-10-23 14:36:43 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: They don't like it when teachers change the rules of the classroom.
2008-10-23 14:36:45 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I was the technology instructor and we we totally embedded in the school-our classes are all taught in the schools---not the university.
2008-10-23 14:36:48 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @vinnie...trudat
2008-10-23 14:37:05 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: Dean who?
2008-10-23 14:37:12 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Dean Shareski
2008-10-23 14:37:17 [Message] nstone -> -EdTechTalk: @vinnie thanks for the welcome
2008-10-23 14:37:24 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
2008-10-23 14:37:36 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: when a teacher prep program is embedded full time in the schools it helps to reduce the gap
2008-10-23 14:37:58 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: kind of like health care clinicals / practicums?
2008-10-23 14:38:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @corrie--sort of but the entire program is based in the schools--not just internship
2008-10-23 14:38:43 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Hey smeech...what is crackin??
2008-10-23 14:39:43 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: MIT Open Courseware is something that is opening eyes
2008-10-23 14:40:02 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Yep -- Matt -- But that isn't shared between schools, right?
2008-10-23 14:40:17 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Maybe we could use their model to structure the sharing/
2008-10-23 14:40:19 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: ?
2008-10-23 14:40:35 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: ownership of content is so strange. lectures are copywritten, no recording. love the idea of opencourseware
2008-10-23 14:40:46 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: the PDS programs are designed as school-university partnerships
2008-10-23 14:41:10 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: no, it isn't, and probably a bit off topic...but it just shows the direction that educational content is headed...it is clearly headed toward openness
2008-10-23 14:41:58 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: content should be authored more like software
2008-10-23 14:42:48 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @ernest...I agree, but think it should be authored more like open source software
2008-10-23 14:43:15 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: We at wikieducator.org are creating basic open content courses uptil undergrad by 2015 for most subjects
2008-10-23 14:43:22 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: not happening in the k12 arena in my experience
2008-10-23 14:43:50 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: too much money in the textbook biz, maybe?
2008-10-23 14:44:01 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: credibility gap
2008-10-23 14:44:13 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: idea behind it is creating relationships and empowering people to share content. this is more like a tranformational change than transactional
2008-10-23 14:44:31 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: slow change is OK to a certain degreee...imagine if we adpoted change quicly...we would always be jumping on the latest bandwagon trends...
2008-10-23 14:44:47 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: well said matt.
2008-10-23 14:44:58 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: @minhaaj, perhaps...i like to avoid the 'change' spector altogether
2008-10-23 14:45:18 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: what do you mean ErnestKoe ?
2008-10-23 14:45:23 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: BUT!!! In some environments, change needs to happen at an accelerated rate but it can't due to systemic culture
2008-10-23 14:45:46 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: i believe change has to be slow and systemic
2008-10-23 14:45:51 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @minjaah...I don't call it change anymore...I call it "Innovation" :)
2008-10-23 14:45:52 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: with open courseware, what is a school? Where will the credibility be for us?
2008-10-23 14:46:04 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: probably the right word.
2008-10-23 14:46:17 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: How will we be compensated for the work that we do?
2008-10-23 14:46:18 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: well, change is not the objective...i
2008-10-23 14:46:18 [Message] cjennings -> -EdTechTalk: For me and my faculty it is exactly that idea of "distributed community" enabled via social technologies that is VERY new and different.  We are just beginning here...you know "What is a blog?" is our conversation.
2008-10-23 14:46:20 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Nergizk
2008-10-23 14:46:28 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: We will have to eat somehow
2008-10-23 14:46:29 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: I think Alec said it well, MIT said take the content, it's not where the worth is, it's in our relationships
2008-10-23 14:46:30 [Message] NergizK -> -EdTechTalk: Salam Minhaaj
2008-10-23 14:46:34 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: ws
2008-10-23 14:46:42 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: we focus too much on describing things as 'new'
2008-10-23 14:46:54 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: mho
2008-10-23 14:46:54 [Message] NergizK -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for the link Maru
2008-10-23 14:47:30 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @minhaaj...here is the problem with slow change in a web 2.0 world...schools will become less and less relevant b/c they continue to conduct business as usual
2008-10-23 14:47:32 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: you know the very idea of opening up curriculum for everyone depends on cultural view of sharing. 'Free Culture' by Lawrence Lessig really does a good job of explaining the phenomenon
2008-10-23 14:47:36 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: At the college level, for transfer courses, the content does have to be somewhat standardized
2008-10-23 14:47:41 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I was tied to a common curriculum at my university but I could deliver it in my own way
2008-10-23 14:47:55 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: i think relationships is right...but collaborative authorship is the relationship building act
2008-10-23 14:48:08 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: thats why i said it has to be systemic matt
2008-10-23 14:48:12 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: slow and systemic
2008-10-23 14:48:29 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everybody.
2008-10-23 14:48:31 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: Alec's K12 Online Conference presentation, "Open, Social, Connected: Reflections of an Open Graduate Course Experience" http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=310
2008-10-23 14:48:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Rob
2008-10-23 14:48:53 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Dave
2008-10-23 14:48:58 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi Rob, hi Dave
2008-10-23 14:48:59 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: minhaaj - but "open" is essentially a grassroots, bottom-up phenomenon.  Yet it has to be supported from the top.  Ironic.
2008-10-23 14:49:07 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Fordist -- That's great.
2008-10-23 14:49:19 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: *waves cowbell @ rob*
2008-10-23 14:49:24 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: @corrie, open &lt;&gt; grassroots
2008-10-23 14:49:39 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi DaveC-looking forward to your flashmeeting tomorrow
2008-10-23 14:49:47 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: exactly - we're sitting on top of Mazlow's ladder - we can AFFORD to "give it away"
2008-10-23 14:49:49 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: @Corrie :-D
2008-10-23 14:50:00 [Message] DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy, great!  I'll see you then!
2008-10-23 14:50:01 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: true Corrie
2008-10-23 14:50:07 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: We can't even change the school year model which is a throw back to the farm days..we all know that having 3 months off straight createds brain dead strdents and teachers for the first month of the new school year...but we won't change this
2008-10-23 14:50:39 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: @matt montagne -- read DIsrupting Class.  It needs to happen outside our current schools.
2008-10-23 14:50:40 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: there is a decent, year-round school movement going on though, which is interesting
2008-10-23 14:50:49 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: A lot of the current model developed in the 1950s - creating workers for industrial military complex.
2008-10-23 14:50:50 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: how do we change state department requirements for certification?
2008-10-23 14:50:57 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: is schools about "content delivery?"
2008-10-23 14:51:02 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: (I'm referring to K12)
2008-10-23 14:51:11 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: Rob, it goes back further than that
2008-10-23 14:52:14 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Yep -- It has to happen in charter's, privates, and outside the traditional structure.
2008-10-23 14:52:15 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: @Corrie - True. Canadian model can trace roots back to Scottish reformation and establishment of free, public parish schooling.
2008-10-23 14:52:27 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: creativity is relative and dependent on existing body of knowledge.
2008-10-23 14:52:42 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: and this is the very reason for stupidity of Intellectual property rights.
2008-10-23 14:52:42 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Not radical enough :-)
2008-10-23 14:52:47 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: chanelling your inner Stephen...
2008-10-23 14:53:20 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: It is about the process, the journey, not the content.
2008-10-23 14:53:24 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: California Open Source Textbook Project:
2008-10-23 14:53:52 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: someone in the chatroom is from: http://wikieducator.org/Main_Page
2008-10-23 14:54:11 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.opensourcetext.org/  Cal Open Source Textbook Project
2008-10-23 14:54:21 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: no its not. I believe copyright is reaction to copyleft which is the natural thing.
2008-10-23 14:54:23 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: But Vinnie, what's the value in learning the "process" of the muliplication table? Must faster & more useful to just memorize the doggone thing.
2008-10-23 14:54:24 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: Thats me arvind :)
2008-10-23 14:54:30 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: All art is a remix; requires open access to previous culture.
2008-10-23 14:54:36 [Message] ErnestKoe -> -EdTechTalk: great discussion...cyaltr
2008-10-23 14:54:44 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @rob...nice point
2008-10-23 14:55:03 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think the process requires investment/commitment by teachers and administrators who share the vision and are willing to be open to the process.
2008-10-23 14:55:10 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: thats true for all content and works Rob.
2008-10-23 14:55:14 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: @corrie what is the value of learning the multp table when I have a calculator
2008-10-23 14:55:20 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: we learn from existing knowledge and which is construvtivist approach
2008-10-23 14:56:02 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: vinnie - you ca recall the answer faster than you can calcualte it.  Also, you can estimate accurately when you might input data incorrectly on calcualtor and never catch it
2008-10-23 14:56:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @corrie Have you seen the recently released National Math report? it expresses a strong view about calculators.
2008-10-23 14:56:44 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy - not just teachers and admins, but PARENTS neeed to buy in
2008-10-23 14:57:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yes all stakeholders!
2008-10-23 14:57:25 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy - yeah, I get Jerry Becker's emails.  ;-)
2008-10-23 14:57:35 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @corrie...parents get it...the understnad that we need to prepare kids for their future, not our past
2008-10-23 14:57:41 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: it was a very interesting report!
2008-10-23 14:57:52 [Message] DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: Parents aren't the only people who vote on a budget though...
2008-10-23 14:58:06 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: actually i am involved in a flatclass room project. its about creating connection between different classes all over the world into a world ning community.
2008-10-23 14:58:14 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: Dave - true.  school levies have faced a very hard slog lately.
2008-10-23 14:58:26 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: i can't put a better example of diversity and cooperation
2008-10-23 14:58:27 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @minhaaj...how is Flat Class going??
2008-10-23 14:58:33 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Calculators are a way of making errors quickly based on my math teaching experience.
2008-10-23 14:58:42 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: minhaaj - terrific example
2008-10-23 14:58:57 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: great matt. Actually we have a end of program conference in Doha.
2008-10-23 14:59:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Rob-funny and true!
2008-10-23 14:59:33 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: i am not going over but i hope it would be great place for intercultural learning
2008-10-23 14:59:36 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Talking with teachers who want to innovate, the limitation they always mention first is time.
2008-10-23 14:59:51 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: 20% of their time to play and innovate...I wish we had that for teachers...a good deal of my time is devoted to play and innovation...I wish it was the same for teachers
2008-10-23 14:59:54 [Message] DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy, do you have a link to the math report?  I'm not sure which report you're talking about.
2008-10-23 15:00:04 [Message] marsenault -> -EdTechTalk: Our district tech pd is done with that thought.
2008-10-23 15:00:30 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: We have just enough time (not even) to maintain status quo. Innovation will require a time and $$$ investment.
2008-10-23 15:00:34 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: innovation, one death at a time
2008-10-23 15:00:43 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Yay Canada!
2008-10-23 15:00:56 [Message] marsenault -> -EdTechTalk: Teachers must develop a project to complete. Time and support are provided.
2008-10-23 15:01:03 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yes but I have to find it-I'll try
2008-10-23 15:01:04 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: it is tough to personalize education when class sizes are growing out of control (35:1 in some public schools out here)...we need small, intimate class sizes and schools
2008-10-23 15:01:11 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: i wonder there are no taxes in Gulf
2008-10-23 15:01:12 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: :D
2008-10-23 15:01:31 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: matt- that means many more teachers, more classrooms
2008-10-23 15:02:00 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @corrie...yup...absolutely...that is what is needed...
2008-10-23 15:02:11 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: @marsenault But they don't even have time to develop a project.
2008-10-23 15:02:57 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Sign me up!
2008-10-23 15:03:25 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: well, I gotta get crackin'
2008-10-23 15:03:32 [Message] nstone -> -EdTechTalk: at my school we have a creativity fund where we can bid for projects/resources - time obviously is a problem still!
2008-10-23 15:03:33 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: gr8 talk everyone
2008-10-23 15:03:38 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: http://twitter.com/courosa
2008-10-23 15:03:47 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: minhaaj - are you on twitter?  Might want to follow intrepidteacher and julielindsay - julie is running that conference, jabiz says
2008-10-23 15:03:50 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Alec and webcast team
2008-10-23 15:03:56 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: good chat y'all
2008-10-23 15:04:08 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: i am following both Corrie
2008-10-23 15:04:17 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: got julie on IMs too
2008-10-23 15:04:25 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: great!
2008-10-23 15:05:12 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: thanks so much everyone!
2008-10-23 15:05:17 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all!
2008-10-23 15:05:21 [Message] cjennings -> -EdTechTalk: Bye all and thanks much.
2008-10-23 15:05:25 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all
2008-10-23 15:05:36 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: for the second week in a row, an awesome show
2008-10-23 15:06:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: this will be an interesting conversation to continue! I'm interested.
2008-10-23 15:06:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all! Stimulating ideas!
2008-10-23 15:06:39 [Message] DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks!
2008-10-23 15:06:40 [Message] Maru -> -EdTechTalk: thanks everyone
2008-10-23 15:06:48 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks -- all.
2008-10-23 15:06:49 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: great talk!
2008-10-23 15:06:51 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: have to run. thanks all!
2008-10-23 15:06:58 [Message] arvind -> -EdTechTalk: see you next week, hopefully
2008-10-23 15:07:00 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: ttyl arvind.
2008-10-23 15:07:06 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: Pleasure listening in live guys.  Btw, Eddid the EdTechTalk Elf post last week's 21cl chat
2008-10-23 15:07:16 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: Eddie
2008-10-23 15:07:20 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Should we google to find your fax number. ;^)
2008-10-23 15:07:53 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Alec - where was EdTech Posse in your presentation? :-)
2008-10-23 15:08:08 [Message] Rob Wall -> -EdTechTalk: Bye everybody.
2008-10-23 15:09:34 [Message] Corrie -> -EdTechTalk: bye!
2008-10-23 15:10:06 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: must have just missed it
2008-10-23 15:10:22 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: yep, just wrapped up
2008-10-23 15:10:30 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: timing, impecible
2008-10-23 15:10:49 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: just got back from a Ross Daly concert (had never heard of him either)
2008-10-23 15:11:57 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nJB1QUxqt8
2008-10-23 15:12:10 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: ok I'll let you go
2008-10-23 15:12:13 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: nothing like a little webcast listening after an evening of ....
2008-10-23 15:12:26 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: was trying to categorize his music based on his website - not easy
2008-10-23 15:12:54 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: looks like you would if you were a traveling musician :)
2008-10-23 15:13:29 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: kind of like Chronos Quartet
2008-10-23 15:13:38 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: enjoyable?
2008-10-23 15:13:46 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: modal music ranging from Balkans thru MIddle East to India
2008-10-23 15:14:08 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: very enjoyable, free, walking distance from where we live
2008-10-23 15:14:27 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: sounds like a lovely Thursday evening
2008-10-23 15:14:44 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: yeah start of a weekend
2008-10-23 15:14:55 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: well I'll get the podcast of this one
2008-10-23 15:15:08 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: might try to get one more weekend of apple picking in here, but might be too cold already.  Have a great weekend, TTYS
2008-10-23 15:15:33 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: apple picking, sharecropping?
2008-10-23 15:15:49 [Message] JL -> -EdTechTalk: 10 bucks a peck - very yummy
2008-10-23 15:16:21 [Message] vance -> -EdTechTalk: enjoy, stay warm