Gail Desler

Teachers Teaching Teachers #108 - Planning all out in the open - 06.11.08

On this podcast you'll hear Felicia George, Bill O'Neal, Susan Ettenheim, Cheryl Oakes, and Gail Desler as they help Paul Allison and Julie Conason think about this Summer Instutute for teachers in the New York City Writing Project.

Youth Space

Using Web 2.0 tools to build
social networks for learning


New York City Writing Project
Institute for Literacy Studies
Lehman College, CUNY

Summer Advanced Institute
Mondays - Thursdays, 9 - 2
June 30 - July 17


How can we use technology to put the voices of youth at the center of the curriculum?

Spend 12 days this summer with other New York City Writing Project teachers who use technology in their classrooms.
Share the ways we use the Internet to make student-to-student connections. Learn about a curriculum currently being developed and collaborated on by teachers across the nation. Explore how we use blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other tools to inspire young people to do research into their own questions.

Find out why Creative Commons Man is our superhero!

Facilitators: Paul Allison and Julie Conason
Location: Lehman College, CUNY

Participants will receive 3 graduate credits or a $500 stipend.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #106 - What's new about creating projects in the digital age? 05.28.08

Except for our colleagues in the the Southern Hemisphere, many of us are either already enjoying the summer holidays or we are looking forward to them coming soon. Teachers often use this time to relax and reflect on their work. We collaborate with other teachers in summer workshops and catch up on professional reading. Summer Invitational Institutes are the heart of the work for National Writing Projects across the country. What a better time to stop and take a look at a new book by Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss? Their book, Reinventing Project Based Learning was published earlier this year, and many of us will be using this book to guide our project planning processes.

To learn more about this "Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age," we asked Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss to join us on this podcast. The magic of doing this live allowed us to also include Chris Lehman, Principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, PA and Gail Desler, Technology Integration Specialist for Elk Grove Unified School District in Sacramento, CA. and Tech Liaison for the Area 3 Writing Project.

Enjoy the conversation! And don't forget to check out the chat and our FriendFeed room that has many of the links that are mentioned in this podcast.

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Teachers Teaching Teachers #99 - From elgg to Drupal? - 04.09.08

For this webcast, we invited Bill Fitzgerald, Dave Cormier and Gail Desler to talk about social networking and what platforms make sense right now. Of course behind all of this talk about Drupal and Edublogs were questions that we are asking about about how we in the, ah... Teachers Teaching Teachers, Youth Voices, Personal Learning Space, Youth Twitter ... group of teachers might want to continue working together ... and how the software decisions we need to make this Spring can support our hopes and plans.

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Teachers Teaching Teachers#44 - Connections in Western Massachusetts and Northern California

We were joined on this wide-ranging podcast by 6th grade teacher and Western Mass. Writing Project tech liaison, Kevin Hodgson and Area 3 (California) Writing Project tech liaison Gail Desler, as well as Ken Stein, a high school teacher in New York City who is just beginning to bring his students into We talk about podcasts, blogging, and many other 21st Century literacies. And we are joined by many others, including Alice Mercer, also from Northern California. In the end we welcomed teachers from New York, Massachusetts, California, Virginia, Florida, and Taiwan. We invite you to also join the conversation!

Kevin passed along these links that he mentioned about their Making Connections project (which is closed to the public):

A report about Making Connections blog project

Student Surveys

 Teacher Reflections


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