Web 2.0

Does anyone know of a GREAT short "story" of the impact and significance of web 2.0?

Does anyone know of a GREAT short "story" of the impact and significance of web 2.0 in the business workplace, specifically for the new generation of workers?
Why am I asking this? - I would like to quickly "sell" an executive on web 2.0.

Women of Web 2.0 Show #44

Week 44, WoW 2.0, Cheryl, Jen, Vicki and Sharon are joined by Dianne Hammond, from yesican-science.ca for an evening of online collaboration that is out of this world! Why? Because it is a project where you and your class can blog with an astronaut from the Internation Space Station.

SKYPE gave us a little echo at the beginning of the show, for FREE!

Come learn some more.

Chat, and all the great links.

Technology Workshop

We are having a week-long tech institute at our school - the opeing day will provide  frame wiht a focus on Web 2.0 - the importance of students having opportunites to use 21st skills for learning - because of the extrodinary value of the skills themselves. I am looking for a perfect web 2.0 opening - to hook and energize the teachers attending and to give them a sense of what Web 2.0 means - I need ideas !!!!!!

Ed Tech Weekly #10 - News from around the edutechosphere

December 3, 2006
Internet messaging, edublog awards, northern voice and much more

Download mp3

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #17: The Read/Write Web Conference

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #17
The Read/Write Web Conference
October 10, 2006
Download mp3 (42.57, 20.1MB)

This week, we discussed the Read/Write web enabled conference. Alex is on the planning committee and arvind is the Blog manager for the NYSAIS Managers of Information Technology conference at Mohonk Mountain house in New Paltz, New York this November (where EdTechTalk's very own Dave Cormier will be presenting). We discussed how to extend and enhance the conference with Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Webcasts, and other web 2.0 tools. No clear decisions were made, but you can track our progress at NYSAIS Mohonk 2006 Wiki page


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