Instructional-Design-Live#14 2010-4-16 Cognitive Presence in a Community of Inquiry

Post-Show description: 

Jennifer Maddrell leads a discussion of another key aspect of online teaching and learning--developing cognitive presence in online courses. In addition to discussing the definition of cognitive presence, we consider how it can be facilitated, and the challenges that students face when the instructors emphasize collaboration without adequate supports.

phases of practical inquiry

Viewable on the web





00:59 - Cammy

I am an ID on the corporate side of things.


01:11 - Cammy

I may just stay quiet then... (Cammy is our third co-presenter, but had audio difficulties)


01:53 - Joni

Sorry, too many windows open so couldn't click on the mic fast enough. I'm an associate professor at the University of Colorado Denver.


04:51 - Joni

What is interesting about these phases is that there are some similiarities with David Kolb's model of experiential learning. It is reassuring to see similiar ideas crop up from different perspectives.


05:44 - Joni

Also, could map to Blooms...which might be comforting to folks.


06:29 - Robert 


07:33 - Robert

It emphasizes a problem-based (inquiry) model as well.


08:22 - Robert


09:48 - Jennifer

Here is the link to the presentation to download ... for citations etc ...


10:48 - Joni

We want to attend to the direct interaction with the content to...which is in preparation often for social interaction on the content.


11:21 - Joni

Seems like it depends on how we define "social"...


12:42 - Joni

And we have to test our understanding in context...and the context typically involves a social component.


12:44 - Cammy

Does the learner's level of expertise in the subject matter make a diff?


13:01 - Cammy

Novice requires more social?  Experts less?


14:14 - Jennifer

@cammy ... expertise always seems to creep into this discussion (i.e. does the novice leading the novice add value to the experience?)


22:12 - DBlack

Well said.


22:21 - Jenna Ream

I find it important to tier conversations- provide first a place for people to safely explore ideas, push their thinking and check in on their conceptual understandings, then a chance to have a new conversation that critically examines the ideas and concepts and helps them further develop the ideas so they can then create.


22:30 - DBlack

@ Jennifer... well-said


23:46 - Jenna Ream

such an important point Joni, students need to learn how to collaborate online


27:19 - Robert

open mic :-)


27:48 - Linda U

student perspective: fearing upcoming collaborative far, don't see assistance in how we should work together


28:00 - Linda U

think Joni's point for need is very important


29:34 - Jennifer

My favorite strategy (not) is pose a question in discussion forum, demand at least one response per person, and demade at least two replies to another's response ... see it all the time, but rarely effective


29:51 - Linda U

I'm anticipating huge amount of work, similar to remote work with project teams, however no "manager" involved


30:48 - Joni

This is something I put together for our handbook last year -- don't know if it help --


30:59 - Jennifer



31:06 - Jennifer

what a tag team :)


31:30 - Linda U

I'd love to hear that!


31:44 - Linda U

thanks for link


31:55 - Linda U

Are the slides available, especially for those links?


31:58 - Joni



32:06 - Joni

Have a great weekend!


32:07 - DBlack

Fabulous once again. Thanks.


32:08 - Jennifer

Yes .. here is a download link for the presentation


32:09 - Cammy

Thank you!


32:20 - dmdanker

great session


32:20 - Jennifer

Thank you, all! See you next week!


32:51 - Linda U

thank you!