Women of Web 2.0 Show 58

Show 58, all the Women of Web 2.0 are here and enjoying our guest Nicole Pinkard, CEO , Chief Technology Officer - Center for Urban School Improvement.

Again, the chat is incredible and you are all a part of it.

Chat for Jan. 15, 2008

20:44:11 JenW -: Hello Room!!!

20:45:51 cheryloakes wow2 -: Getting ready for the roller coaster of setting up.

20:46:02 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Janni, I see you are first in the room.

20:46:11 cheryloakes wow2 -: Thanks for being my wow!

20:46:21 cheryloakes wow2 -: I'll be back soon. Going to set up.

20:48:01 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Doug.

20:48:43 DougS -: Hi Cheryl, and all

20:49:25 cheryloakes wow2 -: welcome Nichole to the chat.

20:49:41 npinkard -: hello

20:50:50 JenW -: Hello Doug and CathyJo and JBlack

20:50:56 JenW -: and Npinkard

20:52:16 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Alice

20:52:23 alicebarr -: Hi Cheryl

20:52:54 JenW -: and cheryl is gone

20:52:58 JenW -: but now she is back :)

20:53:06 JenW -: and Alice

20:53:12 JenW -: hello Room

20:53:18 npinkard -: i think I got kicked off of skpe

20:53:29 JenW -: yes, npinkard

20:53:34 JenW -: but we will call you back in just a moment

20:54:52 JenW -: hey Vinnie

20:54:54 JenW -: Hello MKM

20:55:11 vinnievrotny -: Hey Jen

20:56:01 DougS -: afk

20:56:04 JenW -: good to see you!!

20:56:58 cheryloakes wow2 -: how is the sound? just crashed in skype

20:57:08 Cathyjo -: I hear

20:57:10 vinnievrotny -: Sound is fine here

20:57:33 Cathyjo -: i call purple

20:57:40 Cathyjo -: i thnk

20:58:00 JenW -: Hello COLLEEN

20:58:06 ColleenK -: Hi Jen

20:58:26 ColleenK -: I only hear Cheryl

20:58:27 cheryloakes wow2 -: thanks vinnie

20:58:41 vinnievrotny -: no sound now, only cheryl

20:58:45 JenW -: thanks

20:58:47 sharonp -: Welcome to NPinkard , our guest for the night - Nichole Pinkard

20:58:48 JenW -: she is restarting

20:58:58 cheryloakes wow2 -: thanks colleen, it is my skype and intell

20:58:59 JenW -: Choose your COLOR now -- if you wish -- first button on the far left

20:59:05 sharonp -: Going to be a great night tonight folks!

20:59:14 Cathyjo -: i call prple already

20:59:21 JenW -: I think you are going to be WOW'ed tonight --- no pun intended

20:59:57 JenW -: Hey Pam

21:00:06 shoemap -: hi jen

21:00:10 sharonp -: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=digitalyouthnetwork

21:00:25 sharonp -: testing the adding links thing on my mac

21:00:35 JenW -: Hello Michael

21:00:38 JenW -: and hello Cathye

21:00:44 sharonp -: the youtube link has some great vids about Nichole's work

21:00:57 mrichme -: Hello Jen, Happy Anniversary

21:01:06 JenW -: Thank you , Michael

21:01:58 Vicki Davis -: Hi y'all.

21:02:05 Cathyjo -: my principal will be unveiling hers soon

21:02:15 Cathyjo -: she's a newbie

21:02:16 JenW -: yeah JBlack -- Cheryl's WOW

21:02:41 sharonp -: hi Cheri!!

21:02:45 Cathyjo -: COOL BEANS!!!

21:02:50 CheriT -: Hi Sharon!

21:02:51 JenW -: Hewllo CHERI and MI

21:02:52 Vicki Davis -: @jblack you are impressive.

21:02:57 CheriT -: Hi Jen

21:02:57 shoemap -: @vinnie saw in Twitter you coming to Detroit. What for?

21:03:11 JenW -: hello jomcleay

21:03:23 shoemap -: I live near Detroit. Not many want to come here.

21:03:24 jomcleay -: Hello Jen Graet to be here

21:03:32 m! -: hello

21:03:33 sharonp -: Hi JO! HOw's the weather down in Australia?

21:03:36 shoemap -: Hi Jo

21:03:50 jomcleay -: Hi Sharon, It's warm and mild tshirt weather

21:03:51 cheryloakes wow2 -: http://dossy.org/twitter/karma/

21:03:52 Cathyjo -: @jblack twitter handle?

21:03:59 jomcleay -: Hi Pam

21:04:00 cheryloakes wow2 -: http://web20intheclassroom.blogspot.com/2008/01/blogging-in-classroom-wh...

21:04:12 cheryloakes wow2 -: links from Cheryl :-)

21:04:44 JenW -: Hello DGI2007

21:04:47 shoemap -: hi durff

21:04:48 cheryloakes wow2 -: durff love your handle!!!

21:04:50 vinnievrotny -: @shoemap actually going to Novi and Farmington Hills to go to Gale to be on an advisory panel for a new project that they are thinking about introducing. I believe you live in Walled Lake, which if I remember, is about 20 minutes away. I went to high school in Livonia

21:04:56 Durff graduate in 2017 -: hi all

21:04:57 shoemap -: I also love kwout

21:05:18 shoemap -: @vinnie - yes what a small world

21:05:22 JenW -: Welcome back again - and again Jomcleay

21:05:33 JenW -: and HAPPY BIRTHDAY -- STILL :)

21:05:45 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hello to the chat, busy with behind the scenes, be back in a bit

21:05:54 Vicki Davis -: http://www.ascd.org/portal/site/ascd/menuitem.2faf6f04644fa36557e54210e3...

21:06:02 jomcleay -: I don't know what's going on with my computer

21:06:12 shoemap -: Jo what is wrong

21:06:13 Vicki Davis -: http://www.wholechildeducation.org/

21:06:19 JenW -: Welcome Helen

21:06:22 Durff graduate in 2017 -: what's up Jo?

21:06:32 Durff graduate in 2017 -: hi kidd

21:06:37 tkidd132 -: Hello

21:06:39 tkidd132 -: how are you

21:06:47 Durff graduate in 2017 -: fine and you?

21:06:52 tkidd132 -: is everyone here

21:06:53 Durff graduate in 2017 -: wanting snow

21:06:54 Helen -: Hi all

21:06:56 jomcleay -: I usually listen with itunes and I can't get it to open since I updated

21:07:03 tkidd132 -: im pretty good could be better

21:07:07 Durff graduate in 2017 -: everyone is is anyone is here

21:07:16 JenW -: http://www2.murrieta.k12.ca.us/tovashal/bcoley/

21:07:21 shoemap -: Congrats WOW2!

21:07:22 tkidd132 -: oh ok

21:07:22 Durff graduate in 2017 -: mmm

21:07:30 Vicki Davis -: OK, I cannot do the twitter karma thing, I think I have too many things going there.

21:07:33 Durff graduate in 2017 -: you can listen in realplayer

21:07:37 cheryloakes wow2 -: 700 wow members! congrats to you all

21:07:42 tkidd132 -: Viki Davis....

21:07:56 sendkathy -: 700 members is terrific!

21:07:58 tkidd132 -: @Viki Davis How are you?

21:07:59 Durff graduate in 2017 -: twitterkarma?

21:08:15 alicebarr -: Did everyone see the new MacBook?

21:08:24 cheryloakes wow2 -: no alice, what is it?

21:08:27 mrichme -: I wish I could have it

21:08:28 sendkathy -: @alice, no

21:08:31 shoemap -: Hi Deborah

21:08:41 dgoodman_1958 -: hello

21:08:43 alicebarr -: Delivered in a manila envelope... so THIN

21:08:45 Vicki Davis -: @tkidd132 - I'm great -- a bit tired - I have 6 classes right now -- 5th graders 3 days a week.

21:08:47 sendkathy -: Why do macs continue to be so expensive

21:08:53 mrichme -: Macbook AIR .75 inches think

21:09:04 Cathyjo -: is theri an fetc twitter yo follow?

21:09:04 sendkathy -: I'll be at FETC, can't wait

21:09:05 JenW -: the MacBook $1799

21:09:09 JenW -: Airbook

21:09:10 vinnievrotny -: @alice seems like an expensive computer however. Looks great

21:09:13 arthus -: I'll be going to EduCOn

21:09:18 cheryloakes wow2 -: yikes, is it an iphone too?

21:09:19 arthus -: presenting

21:09:21 sharonp -: http://socialnetworksined.wikispaces.com/

21:09:24 alicebarr -: @sendKathy Proprietary

21:09:43 sendkathy -: @alice, still, it's just out of my grasp

21:09:46 Durff graduate of 2017 -: chat room threw me out

21:09:48 alicebarr -: @vinnie agreed but lloks cool... Also looks like it will snap in half!

21:09:54 tkidd132 -: @Viki Davis wow....I can't hear

21:09:54 jomcleay -: oh well have to do without audio

21:09:57 tkidd132 -: anything

21:09:59 JenW -: if I missed saying Hello -- then HELLO!!!

21:10:05 cheryloakes wow2 -: durff, no way the chat threw you out....

21:10:08 tkidd132 -: @Jomcleay hey

21:10:18 jomcleay -: going to restart 'puter see if that helps

21:10:20 Durff graduate of 2017 -: jo - did you try realplayer?

21:10:23 sendkathy -: Steve posted on Infinite Thinking

21:10:27 JenW -: Arthus -- great -- I shall say HELLO to you in PA

21:10:29 jomcleay -: hey Tyrone great to see you here

21:10:32 Vicki Davis -: @tkidd132 -- I want to know who you are ;-) - where are you from? You can't hear?

21:10:34 vinnievrotny -: i am excited about Educon also

21:10:36 tkidd132 -: Same

21:10:39 sharonp -: http://www.economist.com/debate/?sa_campaign=debateseries/debate2/spr/new

21:10:40 Durff graduate of 2017 -: yea cheryl - it hurt - ouch

21:10:41 Vicki Davis -: @vinnie - You're going?

21:10:52 Vicki Davis -: OH the DEBATE is so cool, you have to sign up for it in order to participate and vote.

21:11:03 Vicki Davis -: They don't send too many e-mails, it is a good organization and I like what they are doing.

21:11:27 JenW -: Hello SendKathy -- when did you sneak in??

21:11:38 sendkathy -: Just got in under the wire!

21:11:49 JenW -: smiles -- :)

21:11:54 tkidd132 -: @viki Davis....follow me on twitter(tkidd132) and skype(tkidd132)

21:12:04 Cathyjo -: Alec and Ben Woot!!

21:12:13 tkidd132 -: @viki Davis this way we can get to know each other

21:12:19 shoemap -: @Vinnie be sure to tell me how it goes with Gale!

21:13:04 sendkathy -: Sounds great Sharon, wish it wasn't so late but I think I want to hear it live so..

21:13:06 JenW -: If you have questions for NICOLE -- please drop them into the chat room and I willpass them on to her !!!

21:13:18 JenW -: and yes, another Illinoisian -- Grins!!!!

21:13:19 tkidd132 -: @Viki Davis..I am a Student in PA....I am a Educational Technology nut....

21:13:48 tkidd132 -: @Viki Davis:My name is Tyrone

21:13:56 JenW -: Welcome MrLembke

21:13:59 arthus -: Air

21:14:08 Cathyjo -: collective sigh--jealous@Lucy

21:14:10 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi arthus

21:14:11 tkidd132 -: Arthus I can hear anything

21:14:13 mrlembke -: Hello All!

21:14:14 cheryloakes wow2 -: tyrone, now you have solved the mystery, we won't have to be detective

21:14:25 JenW -: We had several at MacWorld -- Mark Wagner is there too

21:14:28 Durff graduate of 2017 -: mystery?

21:14:30 JenW -: is Steve Hargadon there??

21:14:35 Vicki Davis -: http://del.icio.us/Wow2.0 are our delicious links.

21:14:36 tkidd132 -: Mistery?

21:14:42 arthus -: Misery?

21:14:43 Durff graduate of 2017 -: what did i miss this time?

21:14:59 Vicki Davis -: Links from tonights show are here - http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080115

21:15:02 Durff graduate of 2017 -: miserable mystery?

21:15:15 Vicki Davis -: @tkidd- I'msoo so glad to meet you.

21:15:22 Durff graduate of 2017 -: miserable mistery miystery

21:15:26 JenW -: please remember that there is a 30 second Delay!!!

21:15:27 Vicki Davis -: @arthus - Are you doing your campaign show again tonight?

21:15:35 cheryloakes wow2 -: Nicole, what a great story of how you got into technology! Good for you.

21:15:44 shoemap -: I'm glad you all are posting links on delicious

21:15:54 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi kathy!

21:16:02 JenW -: Welcome back KATHY

21:16:04 sendkathy -: Hi Durff!

21:16:18 sendkathy -: Yeah I vanished somehow

21:16:26 JenW -: yes, you went POOF

21:16:31 sendkathy -: So Durff, are you in the interns class this time?

21:16:43 JenW -: Thanks Pam -- it only took us 18 months to think of del.icio.us :)

21:16:48 jomcleay -: hello everyone. I'm back!

21:16:54 JenW -: Welcome back JO

21:16:55 cheryloakes wow2 -: Kathy, we are always in the intern class, right Durff?

21:17:02 shoemap -: @Jen better late than never!

21:17:08 JenW -: @pam -- yep

21:17:25 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi jo

21:17:28 sendkathy -: @Durff, I am laughing too hard to give a full response!

21:17:32 shoemap -: Durff and Cheryl are great mentors for Webcast Academy

21:17:32 Cathy E -: @sendkathy - longtime no see

21:17:41 DougS -: some of us are "interns for life" ;)

21:17:42 sendkathy -: Hi Cathy E!

21:17:47 Durff graduate of 2017 -: no kathy

21:17:47 jomcleay -: Hello is this mscofino?

21:17:54 sendkathy -: @Cathy - Doing well?

21:17:56 cheryloakes wow2 -: I like that category Doug, intern for life

21:18:03 JenW -: I refuse to graduate from Webcast Academy --- - lifetime student there

21:18:03 Vicki Davis -: @shoemap - They are great mentors for all of us. As well as @JenW (who showed me Skype and SL) and @sharonp who is like a research woman!

21:18:05 PeggyG -: Where can we read more about her dissertation research?

21:18:16 JenW -: I shall ask Peggy

21:18:17 Durff graduate of 2017 -: yeah doug - no fair

21:18:24 Vicki Davis -: Just a moment @PeggyG - We'll drop in the links.

21:18:28 jomcleay -: who is speaking?

21:18:43 shoemap -: @Jo Is your audio ok now

21:18:52 murcha -: hello everyone

21:18:53 jomcleay -: yes it is thanks Pam

21:18:54 JenW -: Nichole Pinkard

21:18:56 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi murcha

21:19:05 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi jan

21:19:06 JenW -: Nichole is Lucy Gray's boss

21:19:09 cheryloakes wow2 -: http://www.macfound.org/site/c.lkLXJ8MQKrH/b.2192815/k.82EF/VideoWMVDLMN...

21:19:12 JenW -: Welcome Jan

21:19:17 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi jan

21:19:18 jomcleay -: Oh it is Nichole. Thanks. From urban youth?

21:19:19 Jan -: Hi,

21:19:30 Jan -: This is my first try at this

21:19:32 murcha -: Is there audio with the

21:19:39 JenW -: Welcome MKforbus

21:19:42 sendkathy -: Nicole, will you be talikng about the OLPC and its potential to help in Urban areas?

21:19:44 Durff graduate of 2017 -: jan sound is to your right

21:19:44 cheryloakes wow2 -: Jan, you are doing great!

21:19:45 shoemap -: Hi Jan

21:19:54 JenW -: Jan -- do you have audio too??

21:19:57 mkforbus -: Thanks Jen

21:20:00 Vicki Davis -: http://www.macfound.org/site/c.lkLXJ8MQKrH/b.2192815/k.82EF/VideoWMVDLMN... - Center for Urban School Improvement, U of Chicago video.

21:20:03 sharonp -: I want to address the OLPC America question - Kathy

21:20:04 cheryloakes wow2 -: http://www.iremix.org/

21:20:05 murcha -: Hello Jan. I am reasonably new too

21:20:11 sendkathy -: Great Sharon

21:20:13 Vicki Davis -: Digital Youth Network - http://www.iremix.org/

21:20:23 JenW -: Kathy -- did your OLPC's come in yet??

21:20:26 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi again kidd

21:20:26 Vicki Davis -: DYN New Media Literacy Curriculum - http://www.clickthink.net/dyn/Main_Page

21:20:27 JenW -: Welcome back TK

21:20:30 Jan -: Yes I ahve audio but is this Women of the Web?

21:20:31 tkidd132 -: Hola

21:20:35 JenW -: Hello JEPECKE

21:20:35 cheryloakes wow2 -: Murcha y ou have really taken off with twitter, too, glad you are here. there is lots of support

21:20:37 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi jepcke

21:20:39 sharonp -: yes Jan

21:20:41 Vicki Davis -: Preparing youth to be multiliterate - http://spotlight.macfound.org/main/entry/nichole_pinkard_youth_multilite...

21:20:42 murcha -: Is anyone having problems with the audio cos I am

21:20:53 jepcke -: Hi Jen, sorry I'm late, been listening, though

21:20:55 Durff graduate of 2017 -: no murcha

21:20:56 JenW -: murcha -- mac or pc --

21:20:57 murcha -: thanks Cheryl

21:20:58 sendkathy -: No our OLPCs have not yet arrived! Biting my nails in anticipation

21:21:01 cheryloakes wow2 -: Jan, welcome to WOW2.0, women of web 2.0 and more

21:21:02 Durff graduate of 2017 -: it's on ETT A

21:21:02 JenW -: firefox or I/E

21:21:02 DougS -: audio good here

21:21:05 jepcke -: Hi Durff

21:21:06 Vicki Davis -: U of Chicago Chronicle article about the McArthur Foundation Grant that she is a part of.

21:21:16 sendkathy -: I will certainly post on the Technospud ning when they do arrive

21:21:23 Vicki Davis -: @murcha - We're so glad you asked, newbies are welcome.

21:21:24 Durff graduate of 2017 -: @murcha - got audio?

21:21:26 jomcleay -: This is great

21:21:28 murcha -: Each time I click on play I get a sound and then it clicks off immediately

21:21:33 sharonp -: I had a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG talk with an OLPC rep today

21:21:35 JenW -: Kathy -- did you contact them??? for delivery time??

21:21:36 shoemap -: I didn't know there was a technospud ning

21:21:37 Vicki Davis -: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0DXK/is_23_18/ai_82472600 - Sensitizing Software ARticle.

21:21:44 Durff graduate of 2017 -: @murcha click on the blue icon

21:21:46 murcha -: @durff no it wont stay on once I press play

21:21:49 Vicki Davis -: I will be adding these to tonight's delicious links for the next few moments.

21:21:52 DougS -: @murcha which icon are you clicking

21:21:53 sendkathy -: Sharon, I am very interested, did you blog about it?

21:21:56 cheryloakes wow2 -: vicki I think we got all the links!:-)

21:21:57 sharonp -: thanks Vicki

21:22:01 Durff graduate of 2017 -: @murcha the blue one?

21:22:04 JenW -: Here you go Pam -- http://projectsbyjen.ning.com/

21:22:14 murcha -: @dougs the play button on the audio stream player

21:22:17 sharonp -: will do Kathy

21:22:17 JenW -: Welcome DISCOVERY

21:22:20 shoemap -: @Jen I'll check it out

21:22:22 JenW -: and SUSANVG welcome

21:22:25 cheryloakes wow2 -: Jan, when you click on links it takes you out of the chat.

21:22:29 jepcke -: great article on OLPC in Chicago Trib of Jan. 6

21:22:31 sharonp -: Hi Susan

21:22:34 susanvg -: thanks Juen

21:22:40 murcha -: Oh it is working now. Thanks everyone

21:22:41 susanvg -: That's Jen and hi Sharon

21:22:48 DougS -: good to hear

21:22:50 Durff graduate of 2017 -: @murcha $5

21:23:05 shoemap -: @Durff LOL

21:23:05 jomcleay -: Hi Murcha Glad it is working now

21:23:17 cheryloakes wow2 -: there you go again Durff pan handling.

21:23:22 DougS -: lol

21:23:26 tkidd132 -: I can hear Now

21:23:44 jomcleay -: Great tkidd132

21:23:49 tkidd132 -: yes thanks

21:23:51 jepcke -: I'm a Technospud member! Newsletter/Ning. I'm a potato head!

21:23:54 Durff graduate of 2017 -: won't all be surprised when i come collecting

21:23:58 tkidd132 -: who is talking

21:24:05 Durff graduate of 2017 -: nicole

21:24:13 tkidd132 -: nicole who?

21:24:24 tkidd132 -: k

21:24:24 Durff graduate of 2017 -: nicole who is speaklng

21:24:28 tkidd132 -: ok

21:24:33 Durff graduate of 2017 -: :)

21:24:33 tkidd132 -: i wish i can talk

21:24:36 jepcke -: Hi Arthus. What have you been working on?

21:24:39 Durff graduate of 2017 -: too bad

21:24:44 tkidd132 -: i know

21:24:45 murcha -: @vickidavis where do I find those delicious links

21:24:54 arthus -: Curently, studying for midterms

21:24:58 arthus -: and writing for my blog

21:25:00 Durff graduate of 2017 -: SLA turn acoming

21:25:04 sendkathy -: Please ask Nicole about virtual schooling and also the Open University offerings for HS students

21:25:07 jomcleay -: Happy birthday Arthus

21:25:13 jomcleay -: for the other day

21:25:18 Durff graduate of 2017 -: bday?

21:25:21 sharonp -: Hey ARthus - Happy Birthday!

21:25:23 arthus -: thanks

21:25:23 cheryloakes wow2 -: Nicole Pinkard, CEO of Urban School Improvement

21:25:25 jomcleay -: yeah he was 15

21:25:29 tkidd132 -: Arthus its your Birthday

21:25:30 jepcke -: @arthus the Students 2.0 or your personla blog?

21:25:33 murcha -: Happy birthday Arthus

21:25:36 tkidd132 -: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)

21:25:37 DougS -: @Arthus from me too!

21:25:37 JenW -: Arthus is now Sweet 16??

21:25:38 Durff graduate of 2017 -: i want to be 12

21:25:41 arthus -: my personal blog

21:25:44 jepcke -: Go Arthus, it's your birthday!

21:25:46 arthus -: no, I'm now 15

21:25:47 JenW -: Welcome Matt

21:25:50 jomcleay -: no he turned 15!

21:25:54 mrlembke -: @arthus Happy B-Day. Loved your post today.

21:25:56 JenW -: Happy 15 Arthus

21:25:59 sendkathy -: Is Nicole talking K-12 or just HS?

21:26:03 arthus -: Thanks

21:26:04 jepcke -: @arthus What your personal blog called?

21:26:05 Matt Montagne -: hey everyone

21:26:08 JenW -: your questions are now being asked by Sharon

21:26:09 jepcke -: Hi Matt

21:26:13 arthus -: http://myfla.ws

21:26:15 arthus -: Newly Ancient

21:26:16 Durff graduate of 2017 -: rousing round of 'Happy Birthday' in 4 part harmony

21:26:16 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Matt, welcome

21:26:17 jomcleay -: hello Matt fellow Intern

21:26:18 tkidd132 -: @Arthus HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)

21:26:19 sendkathy -: Thanks Jen

21:26:21 JenW -: Welcome Steve

21:26:26 Matt Montagne -: Hey jep

21:26:28 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi steve

21:26:31 murcha -: @durff What is $5???

21:26:36 tkidd132 -: idk

21:26:40 Durff graduate of 2017 -: the amt i charge

21:26:45 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Steve, you survived your snow shoveling.

21:26:47 JenW -: charge for what??

21:26:50 sendkathy -: How do they manage the funding for the dedicated tech ed specialists

21:26:51 jomcleay -: for each word she types

21:26:53 Matt Montagne -: @jom-2.4 class rocks!

21:26:53 stevesoko -: hello folks - late entry out at a cycling class

21:26:56 Durff graduate of 2017 -: snow? i want snow

21:26:58 murcha -: @durff I will pass then??? Our dollar is not asgood as yours

21:27:03 shoemap -: Hi Matt M

21:27:13 Durff graduate of 2017 -: you're ok

21:27:19 tkidd132 -: we had a little bit in PA

21:27:26 Durff graduate of 2017 -: i like foreign currencies

21:27:26 stevesoko -: @cheryl - Big honkin snow blower!

21:27:27 Matt Montagne -: @shoe-hi

21:27:27 tkidd132 -: (Snow)

21:27:30 JenW -: There WILL be snow next week in PA -- I promise

21:27:32 jomcleay -: No snow here in Melbourne sorry

21:27:37 tkidd132 -: really

21:27:38 Durff graduate of 2017 -: ok jen

21:27:45 JenW -: yep -- yep --- yep

21:27:52 Matt Montagne -: no snow here...temps are sinking BIG time

21:27:56 Durff graduate of 2017 -: but no snow allowed for educon

21:27:59 tkidd132 -: @JenW:

21:28:06 shoemap -: @Jen just signed up on your ning. That makes 9

21:28:07 tkidd132 -: Yes Thank you

21:28:07 Matt Montagne -: going to be cold for the big game this weekend!

21:28:10 Vicki Davis -: Whew , OK, I've added everything to delicious -- if you're on delicious, add us to your network and feel free to send us your links during the week.

21:28:10 JenW -: yes, there WILL be snow for EduCon!!!

21:28:13 cheryloakes wow2 -: Jomcleay, has it cooled somewhat for you?

21:28:17 sendkathy -: Nicole, how important do you consider the early years? What kind of tech benchmarks do you have for elem kids?

21:28:21 murcha -: @jocleay how do you get on when school starts getting onto all these shows?

21:28:22 JenW -: LOL -- Pam -- I think you make 220???

21:28:30 tkidd132 -: Yes!!!

21:28:35 DougS -: @Matt are you gonna be on the frozen tundra?

21:28:37 Durff graduate of 2017 -: jen - i don't drive in snow

21:28:38 shoemap -: @Jen I must get a prize for that

21:28:40 jomcleay -: yes it about 20degrees here beautiful

21:28:41 arthus -: Jen, if there isn't I'll bring some

21:28:41 tkidd132 -: who is talking

21:28:47 JenW -: Shoemap -- yep

21:28:49 Vicki Davis -: All of our links - http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0

21:28:52 shoemap -: lol

21:28:52 Durff graduate of 2017 -: kid - it's nicole

21:28:53 tkidd132 -: @Arthus why?

21:29:00 tkidd132 -: ok

21:29:05 Vicki Davis -: Links from tonight's show - http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080115

21:29:07 arthus -: so I can ski

21:29:08 tkidd132 -: thanks

21:29:08 murcha -: @vicki thanks for the delicious link

21:29:16 Matt Montagne -: @doug I wish...our PE teacher will be there

21:29:18 JenW -: Kathy -- here is your ???

21:29:22 mrlembke -: thanks Vicki

21:29:23 JenW -: \Welcome SUE

21:29:32 Vicki Davis -: Well, you can be free to listen and go back to the list. I follow 's delicious list even though I cannot listen live on Sundays.

21:29:34 arthus -: maybe I'll just turn my session into ski run

21:29:35 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Sue, welcome

21:29:36 murcha -: @durff do you take paypal

21:29:38 Matt Montagne -: he was going to sell his tix...I told him he was crazy

21:29:55 sroseman -: thanks for the welcome

21:29:57 JenW -: Hello EMapey

21:29:59 PeggyG -: So happy to hear Nicole is working with PDS schools! They in general aren't using a lot of technology and it is such an awesome learning environemtn for teachers and students.

21:30:02 cheryloakes wow2 -: hi emapey, welcome

21:30:03 JenW -: Hey ART -- Welcome

21:30:05 DougS -: @murcha good one!

21:30:09 jepcke -: Hi Art

21:30:11 DougS -: Hey Art

21:30:16 tkidd132 -: hey Art

21:30:26 Durff graduate of 2017 -: so cold - moved heate closer

21:30:27 JenW -: If you missed it --- Nichole is Lucy Gray's boss

21:30:30 Art Gelwicks -: Howdy all. What's shakin'?

21:30:33 mrlembke -: Hey Art

21:30:35 Durff graduate of 2017 -: Art!

21:30:37 sendkathy -: Hey Art

21:30:37 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Art G.

21:30:43 arthus -: Call it art!

21:30:51 shoemap -: I don't know Art. :-(

21:30:51 tkidd132 -: haha

21:30:52 DougS -: lol

21:30:52 jomcleay -: we're all here Art. That's what's shaking

21:30:52 emapey -: Hi all

21:30:59 JenW -: Pam-- meet ART ---

21:31:01 Matt Montagne -: we're working with NKO students on a digital citizenship project called protecht

21:31:02 JenW -: Art -- Meet Pam

21:31:04 jomcleay -: hello emapy

21:31:04 tkidd132 -: I just said hi because i did

21:31:05 shoemap -: Hi Art

21:31:12 Art Gelwicks -: "lucy on the web with diamonds..."

21:31:15 sendkathy -: Good answers from Nicole, I'm enjoying the content

21:31:20 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi ncote

21:31:21 Vicki Davis -: I love it because her work demonstrates that these skills can be used at all schools -- that is a common argument I hear -- "Well, Vicki, you ARE at a private school." I think the operative word is school there - it can be used anywhere.

21:31:26 murcha -: How can you concentrate on the content

21:31:32 jepcke -: Lucy IS a treasure

21:31:33 Art Gelwicks -: Hello Pam

21:31:34 JenW -: Any more ???? Kathy ---- or anyone else??

21:31:35 Vicki Davis -: Lucy Gray is totally wonderful. I'm so excited about going to illinois in February.

21:31:45 Durff graduate of 2017 -: multitasking - murcha

21:31:49 sendkathy -: Ha HA Jen!

21:31:57 jomcleay -: ADE Apple Distinguished Educator

21:31:59 sendkathy -: Yeah I have more where that came from!

21:32:11 PeggyG -: Is there a website for the Chicago PDS schools where she is working?

21:32:12 Durff graduate of 2017 -: we're sure

21:32:16 tkidd132 -: How are you Art?

21:32:24 sendkathy -: The OLPC question, remember? Did I miss it?

21:32:27 JenW -: Peggy -- Ishall ask

21:32:28 jomcleay -: yeah PeggyG look in the delicious page

21:32:39 emapey -: Hi Murcha

21:32:40 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Colleen, those are my questions too, Scratch

21:32:43 sharonp -: not yet Kathy, but will get there....

21:32:43 Durff graduate of 2017 -: count off

21:32:50 Vicki Davis -: Hmmm - sustained intervention -- I like that. A more longitudinal study. It is about consistency. Wow.

21:32:50 sendkathy -: cool

21:32:50 tkidd132 -: i finally made my delicious page....

21:32:53 murcha -: Hi emapey Found you on twitter through delicious

21:32:56 jomcleay -: http://www.macfound.org/site/c.lkLXJ8MQKrH/b.2192815/k.82EF/VideoWMVDLMN...

21:32:58 arthus -: is there one for rural kids?

21:32:59 Art Gelwicks -: I'm doing rather well actually, thanks for asking.

21:33:15 JenW -: http://www.iremix.org/

21:33:18 tkidd132 -: Thats good

21:33:19 JenW -: there you go

21:33:25 sendkathy -: Nicole, do you have sister schools anywhere in the US or Worldwide?

21:33:27 Durff graduate of 2017 -: rural kids must not be worthy of study

21:33:27 Vicki Davis -: I want to ask about this article written by Paula Yohe that Doug Johnson posted - http://doug-johnson.squarespace.com/blue-skunk-blog/2008/1/14/yohe-on-sq...

21:33:29 jomcleay -: It'll be great to have this research Nichole

21:33:38 emapey -: @Murcha I love del.icio.us

21:33:41 Vicki Davis -: She talked about ISTE's standards as being "squishy."

21:33:45 Art Gelwicks -: @arthus - Side note...your election broadcast was excellent. Great job!

21:34:13 arthus -: @Art: Thanks, I hope to be doing another broadcast in the coming week

21:34:14 shoemap -: @Art we need him in Michigan tonight

21:34:22 Art Gelwicks -: Squishy standards - Playdough Pedagogy.

21:34:25 JenW -: Welcome Allanah and Stephanie

21:34:28 murcha -: hello allanahk

21:34:33 arthus -: @shoemap: mid-terms this week

21:34:34 cheryloakes wow2 -: great one art g

21:34:42 jomcleay -: I love the term technical fluency

21:34:42 Durff graduate of 2017 -: how as their tech use changed over the length of the study?

21:34:45 tkidd132 -: @Arthus when you do another broadcast can i join...

21:34:47 ssandifer -: Hello everyone!

21:34:49 JenW -: Hmmm --- Ssandifer is Stephanie -- right??

21:34:51 Art Gelwicks -: @shoemap - covering or running? :)

21:34:51 tkidd132 -: Hello

21:34:56 shoemap -: @Arthus Michigan not much of a player anyhow

21:34:56 jomcleay -: Hi Stephanie

21:34:58 arthus -: of course, anyone can join

21:35:07 Vicki Davis -: WHERE CAN WE GET A COPY OF THAT STUDY!

21:35:08 Vicki Davis -: Wow!

21:35:10 tkidd132 -: @Arthus ok great!!

21:35:12 ssandifer -: @JenW yes

21:35:13 shoemap -: @Art Ot would be great for Arthus to run

21:35:13 JenW -: Welcoem back HOCKEYMOM

21:35:15 emapey -: Hi Stephanie

21:35:18 Durff graduate of 2017 -: hi hockeymom

21:35:24 hockeymom -: hi

21:35:27 JenW -: @ssandifer -- I went UHOH -- is it Sandra

21:35:30 DougS -: love to hear more about gender and youth--specifically technology and curriculum and "issues" for boys and girls

21:35:40 tkidd132 -: @hockeymom--Hola

21:35:41 sendkathy -: Nicole, very curious, wondering about filtering and restrictions. Are there any limits on website use and how have you defined them?

21:35:47 shoemap -: @DougS good questions

21:36:04 JenW -: I have given sharon your question -- DOUG and COLLEEN

21:36:07 Art Gelwicks -: Good question...what is the lifespan of those achievements? What is the cost of maintaining students at that level?

21:36:19 Vicki Davis -: OK, so I'm writing this down for the chat -- she says that at the beginning of the 6th grade year only 4% (100-96%) had literacy skills equal to those of those in silicon valley. At the end of the 6th grade year 75% of the 6th graders had literacy skills EXCEEEDING those of the students in silicon valley. The study will be widely reported in the next 2-3 months.

21:36:26 JenW -: and ART

21:36:39 jomcleay -: 35 in chat room!!

21:36:39 Art Gelwicks -: (JenW rocks)

21:36:42 shoemap -: Those stats are awesome

21:37:02 jomcleay -: That is great Nichole

21:37:19 Vicki Davis -: @shoemap - They are totally amazing. I want to see a copy of their curriculum b/c she is leaving all of US in the dust, folks. My 6th graders aren't at that level. When they get to me, they'll be better.

21:37:21 murcha -: How do you ask question? (I dont have one at the moment though, just wondering)

21:37:23 jepcke -: NKO stands for?

21:37:40 tkidd132 -: @Viki Davis-- Whats your Skype account

21:37:45 Durff graduate of 2017 -: i wonder if they had such an increase in literacy because of the intervention or would it have happened anyway? Can they seperate it out?

21:37:52 Art Gelwicks -: What home involvment has been tracked for those successful students?

21:37:53 JenW -: Welcome to everyone who just entered our room

21:37:57 jepcke -: @murcha Type it in the chat window

21:37:57 arthus -: well I'm afraid I have to go study for exams

21:38:02 JenW -: Durff -- I will ask that

21:38:04 euphoniac -: thanks jen

21:38:11 mrlembke -: good luck @arthus

21:38:14 arthus -: adios et au revoir

21:38:16 shoemap -: @arthus good luck on exams

21:38:19 AllanahK -: No audio here- Are we just typing?

21:38:20 jepcke -: @arthus good luck on your exams

21:38:20 euphoniac -: who are we talking to tonight?

21:38:22 cheryloakes wow2 -: go study arthus, we will send good thoughts your way

21:38:23 tkidd132 -: Good Luck Arthus

21:38:27 Durff graduate of 2017 -: adios

21:38:27 murcha -: @jpecke How do they know it is a question and not just chat

21:38:31 Cathyjo -: yohee is correct from right here in SC

21:38:35 Art Gelwicks -: @arthus...if all else fails, choose C.

21:38:40 cheryloakes wow2 -: Allanh A, we have audio ETT A

21:38:42 sharonp -: No, Allanah we do have a webcast ongoing

21:39:01 jepcke -: if it's phrased like a question, they 'know'. NOt all questions get asked of the guests, though

21:39:09 Cathyjo -: i have begged paula yohe to come here to no aail

21:39:13 Cathyjo -: avail

21:39:14 Art Gelwicks -: Might squishy work to our advantage? Squishy = flexibility?

21:39:15 murcha -: @jpecke thanks for that

21:39:31 sendkathy -: Yes ART, squishy can be good

21:39:37 JenW -: Welcome back Allanakah

21:39:37 sendkathy -: open to interpretation

21:39:39 tkidd132 -: Hello Alianah

21:39:48 JenW -: Squishy allows flexibility :)

21:39:48 jomcleay -: Hi AllanahK

21:39:58 tkidd132 -: is this Nicole talking

21:40:01 JenW -: YES

21:40:02 DougS -: YEs

21:40:03 Cathyjo -: too bad i wish she could see

21:40:03 jomcleay -: yes

21:40:05 sendkathy -: Yes Jen, it's more open

21:40:06 jepcke -: whoops popped out for a sec

21:40:06 sroseman -: Has Nicole posted the wiki link?

21:40:11 Cathyjo -: ill have t send her the link and the chat

21:40:15 sroseman -: I came in late

21:40:19 tkidd132 -: wow Thanks everyone for responding

21:40:24 jomcleay -: Hi SRoseman

21:40:27 JenW -: Welcome Derralg

21:40:28 Art Gelwicks -: Why not define/refine our own standards?

21:40:30 Durff graduate of 2017 -: which storyboard software did they use?

21:40:31 cheryloakes wow2 -: hi derrall

21:40:33 shoemap -: Hey Derrall

21:40:34 jepcke -: nichole is listed as 'in the chatroom'

21:40:36 murcha -: Hi derrall

21:40:36 tkidd132 -: hello derrallg

21:40:37 Allanah -: hi all

21:40:37 jomcleay -: Hello Derrallg

21:40:45 Matt Montagne -: hey Derralg

21:40:46 derrallg -: hi everyone

21:40:58 sendkathy -: Good question Durff? and do they use lots of web 2 stuff?

21:40:58 tkidd132 -: how are you Derrallg

21:41:04 jepcke -: glad you're here derrall

21:41:20 Matt Montagne -: @derrallgsk-video skyped with @smeech today and our 6th grade teachers...it was great

21:41:20 Durff graduate of 2017 -: i haven't found a really good one yet

21:41:26 tkidd132 -: In my school we use Wb 2.0 but not as much as we should

21:41:29 derrallg -: trying to add all the students to webcasting academy gdoc

21:41:38 Durff graduate of 2017 -: the one at Atomic Learning is clunky

21:41:40 emapey -: Hi SRoseman

21:41:41 tkidd132 -: really can i join

21:41:42 JenW -: We are dropping ALL your questions into SKYPE

21:41:46 sendkathy -: @Durff, no perfect solutions

21:41:48 shoemap -: @derrall how many more?

21:41:51 tkidd132 -: ok

21:41:57 Durff graduate of 2017 -: i want perfect

21:41:57 JenW -: Welcome Lonacos

21:42:02 lornacos -: hi

21:42:02 tkidd132 -: JenW ok

21:42:05 Durff graduate of 2017 -: yesterday

21:42:09 shoemap -: Hi Lorna!

21:42:14 mrlembke -: Hello lornacos

21:42:16 sendkathy -: Oh Durff, you want it all!

21:42:16 jomcleay -: Hi Lorna

21:42:18 derrallg -: @Pam I added 5 more

21:42:18 lornacos -: still trying to figure out how to chat and listen at teh same time

21:42:23 tkidd132 -: Hi Lorna

21:42:27 shoemap -: Wow great class Derrall

21:42:29 jomcleay -: it is hard Lorna

21:42:32 DougS -: http://spotlight.macfound.org/main/entry/nichole_pinkard_youth_multilite...

21:42:44 tkidd132 -: not really

21:42:51 JenW -: Welcome PeggyG

21:42:53 cheryloakes wow2 -: thanks dougs for the link

21:42:54 Art Gelwicks -: @lornacos - It's tough. I had to stop chewing gum too...kept falling out of the chair.

21:43:01 tkidd132 -: Welcome PeggyG

21:43:02 JenW -: :) Art

21:43:05 euphoniac -: did I hear there are too many ISTE Standards? I see only 6

21:43:07 DougS -: pleasure

21:43:18 tkidd132 -: yes i heard the same

21:43:21 sendkathy -: Not too many too squishy

21:43:26 euphoniac -: Music has 9

21:43:28 Allanah -: that's better- I now have audio

21:43:33 Durff graduate of 2017 -: euphonic = i think they said squishy

21:43:34 PeggyG -: Lost my iTunes sound and had to go to RealPlayer :-(

21:43:36 tkidd132 -: Great!!

21:43:44 JenW -: I think VAGUE is a good description too -- but that means you can adapt

21:43:44 euphoniac -: what does that mean... squishy?

21:43:49 tkidd132 -: Mine sound is off and on

21:43:50 jepcke -: my new favorite adjective 'squishy'

21:43:58 tkidd132 -: crazy :(

21:43:58 Durff graduate of 2017 -: who knows

21:44:06 JenW -: But very hard for those of us who like ABSOLUTES

21:44:08 mrlembke -: I had to restart iTunes about 10 minutes ago.

21:44:09 sendkathy -: exactly!

21:44:14 PeggyG -: Glad it's not just me-don't want to miss anything!

21:44:30 Durff graduate of 2017 -: kidd - my sound is good, strong, steady

21:44:36 Art Gelwicks -: Are we setting their expectations too high? They leave the shelter of the technically capable school to the technically inferior real world and get digital culture shock?

21:44:38 murcha -: sorry my audio has cut out again

21:44:44 jomcleay -: I have good sound right now

21:44:45 JenW -: Colleen -- here comes your question

21:44:54 Durff graduate of 2017 -: Art i don't think so

21:45:00 tkidd132 -: Thanks for rubbing it in my face lol...<Durff>

21:45:05 jepcke -: love the 'tech fades into the background' statement

21:45:08 Durff graduate of 2017 -: I think the opposite is true

21:45:16 Art Gelwicks -: How so Durff?

21:45:21 Durff graduate of 2017 -: anytime kidd

21:45:23 tkidd132 -: Yes How So?

21:45:26 ssandifer -: I agree with Durff -- I think more often the school is the technicaly inferior world

21:45:35 murcha -: okay, see ya my audio is bad so will try next time thanks Will look up those delicious links

21:45:55 Vicki Davis -: OK, I'm going to put in the notes that Nichole just shared that I think are so important.

21:45:56 PeggyG -: Do you consider Scratch a social networking tool?

21:45:58 tkidd132 -: I need The Deilicious Links

21:45:59 Durff graduate of 2017 -: Art I think the so called real world and work world is far more into Web2.0 than schools are

21:46:09 Vicki Davis -: The kids are fluent in digital media but that doesn't define who they are.

21:46:09 derrallg -: I've used stagecast creator but I think scratch is easier

21:46:10 emapey -: I use Winamp. Sound is great

21:46:17 ssandifer -: It is Durff

21:46:17 tkidd132 -: great

21:46:20 tkidd132 -: Sound IS BAck

21:46:21 Vicki Davis -: Tonights links are here - http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080115

21:46:23 Durff graduate of 2017 -: yes Vicki

21:46:29 sendkathy -: Nicole are you looking at Edusim 3D and interactive whiteboard use?

21:46:33 tkidd132 -: Thanks Viki Davis

21:46:53 Art Gelwicks -: I'd be very inclined to disagree with you. Working in the "real world" as I do it's no further ahead then most schools.

21:46:58 JenW -: Welcome Kern!!!

21:47:04 Vicki Davis -: What are your favorite things she is saying? I love what she says "college for every kid." It is not about vocational digital natives it is about digitally literate professionals! (paraphrase.)

21:47:09 Kern -: Hi Jen :)

21:47:15 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Kern, welcome.

21:47:18 derrallg -: @Jenw there's also a CUE educator that does a lot with stagecast

21:47:23 ssandifer -: Art, in what field do you work?

21:47:26 tkidd132 -: Hi Kern

21:47:27 mrlembke -: @Vicki Davis EXACTLY

21:47:31 Kern -: Hi all

21:47:33 Durff graduate of 2017 -: is stagecast a download?

21:47:36 tkidd132 -: hello\

21:47:48 derrallg -: @durff no it costs money :(

21:47:55 jepcke -: http://www.stagecast.com/

21:47:56 Art Gelwicks -: Information Analyst for a Fortune 1000 manufacturing company.

21:48:02 Vicki Davis -: I also love what she talked about 21st Century Rennaisance learners -- visual, graphic, oral, interactive and also that they are critics of media.

21:48:03 Durff graduate of 2017 -: yes derrall, but is it a download

21:48:13 Art Gelwicks -: And as Director of Technology for a private school.

21:48:21 jomcleay -: @Vicki that is so true

21:48:24 Allanah -: Sorry- real life visitors just rrived- bye

21:48:30 Durff graduate of 2017 -: bye

21:48:31 derrallg -: @durff i think only the player is

21:48:34 jomcleay -: bye Allanah

21:48:49 JenW -: Welcome Linda

21:48:54 Durff graduate of 2017 -: i wonder if i could put it on a flashdrive?

21:48:55 sharonp -: I want to go back and listen to this again.... she is soooo articulate

21:48:57 Art Gelwicks -: Teaching students to be adaptable regardless of platform/software makes their skills much more marketable.

21:49:10 emapey -: @tkidd132 only 1 bookmark in your del.icio.us ???

21:49:20 ssandifer -: "adaptable" -- I agree Art

21:49:32 Durff graduate of 2017 -: Gamemaker?

21:49:38 Vicki Davis -: @sharonp - I'm going to send this to our curriculum director. This is so important to listen to.

21:49:40 Linda N -: Thanks, Been listening but also working-

21:49:45 PeggyG -: so many schools have second life blocked--any idea how many teens are actually using second life?

21:49:52 Art Gelwicks -: There are far too many "one trick ponies" in the technology world.

21:50:10 JenW -: Art -- "one trick ponie"

21:50:14 Vicki Davis -: @PeggyG There are good things about SL, however, I don't recommend the general teen grid, there are some issues we had with it with the horizon project this past spring.

21:50:23 JenW -: @Art -- explain??

21:50:35 JenW -: Welcome GaryM

21:50:45 Vicki Davis -: @Art - It is about being comfortable, fluent, and able to learn new things without having to have the teacher teach everything point and click.

21:50:57 tkidd132 -: @emapey-- I just got it today i will have some more this week

21:51:10 Vicki Davis -: OK, everyone, remember ISTE nominations are due by the 18th!!! We need some good international awards to be in there.

21:51:11 ssandifer -: self-directed learners

21:51:13 tkidd132 -: I can see the bookmarks btw

21:51:21 Art Gelwicks -: Technology specialists who don't develop the diversity of skills necessary to be successful. @Vicki - it's more than that. They need to be able to swim on their own no matter the water.

21:51:34 jomcleay -: Hi Mary from a fewllow intern of class 2.4

21:51:44 tkidd132 -: @Art I agree....

21:51:45 Vicki Davis -: @Art -- Yes -- self directed self motivated learners.

21:51:54 Vicki Davis -: Oh, how to find the time!!!

21:51:55 tkidd132 -: Yes...

21:51:58 sharonp -: I agree, Vicki, we want to get to a place where the technology is invisible and ubiquitous and we just get in there and do great stuff on a different level than what we have done before - with confident learners

21:52:08 Durff graduate of 2017 -: http://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker

21:52:11 tkidd132 -: I can see any bookmarks for WOW2.0

21:52:14 Vicki Davis -: There are so many things I need to do with my students but I really wish that they could come to me with that sort of fluency.

21:52:18 Durff graduate of 2017 -: Any opinions?

21:52:20 Vicki Davis -: @tkidd132 - just a moment.

21:52:27 Art Gelwicks -: Statistics show more than 50% of IT projects fail. The key cause of these failures is the poor/inadequate communication of requirements.

21:52:31 PeggyG -: @speters--you don't ask for much :-) I agree!

21:52:36 tkidd132 -: @viki Davis-- ok

21:52:46 ssandifer -: Art -- you made me thinkof some IT ppl that I've known in the past who thought of their outdated skills as "job security" instead of as deficits

21:52:48 Durff graduate of 2017 -: Art the nay sayer

21:52:49 Vicki Davis -: We have 92 links here - http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0 However, the show delicious may take a whilte to show.

21:52:53 vinnievrotny -: great show. got to go. Thanks

21:52:58 Vicki Davis -: @vinnie - Bye.

21:53:01 Durff graduate of 2017 -: bye vinnie

21:53:16 Matt Montagne -: hey vinnie

21:53:21 Matt Montagne -: bye vinnie

21:53:23 shoemap -: Mary open up audio in new window

21:53:33 Art Gelwicks -: @ssandifer - In some cases it is job security when the demand outstrips the supply (Cobol, old 4GL languages, mainframe support, etc.)

21:53:36 cheryloakes wow2 -: there are so many great links from tonight

21:53:37 mary -: hi

21:53:39 sharonp -: @art scaffolding the learning process is so impt for IT projecgts but they also have to be grounded in authentic learning situations (imho)

21:53:42 mary -: now i have audio

21:53:47 JenW -: The links tonight are FANTASTIC

21:53:50 shoemap -: Great, Mary

21:53:59 DougS -: @Art--I think it amounts to a form/type of literacy--the "workaround" and the "attack skills" needed to stick it out to "solution"

21:54:04 derrallg -: @mary hi hang in there

21:54:13 jomcleay -: tHAT'S GREAT mARY

21:54:17 mrlembke -: I do Lego Mindstorms with my 7th graders, and they love it.

21:54:20 tkidd132 -: @Viki Davis--Thank You very Much

21:54:24 sendkathy -: programming is a tool in design

21:54:27 emapey -: @tkidd132 check emapey and fceblog del.icio.us network

21:54:54 tkidd132 -: @emapey ok i will

21:54:54 Art Gelwicks -: @sharonp You put someone across the interview table from me who can talk to me about "communicating online effectively" rather than "excellent in Word and Excel" and I'll show you a new hire.

21:54:55 stevesoko -: Just talked a teacher into Lego Mindstorms today

21:54:58 jomcleay -: @tkidd32 check rubyfire in delicious That's me!

21:55:04 Helen -: Thanks all - running off to make an appointment now!

21:55:11 Linda N -: i have fifth graders who do Mindstorms and I can't keep them away from playing- oops I mean learning.

21:55:27 ssandifer -: Art -- how about communicate ANYWHERE effectively?

21:55:30 mrlembke -: @ Linda N I know what you mean

21:55:32 Kern -: we've used mindstorms and Pico Crickets

21:55:46 Art Gelwicks -: @ssandifer - Let's not ask for miracles now.

21:55:48 tkidd132 -: @jomcleay ok i will

21:55:51 cheryloakes wow2 -: what grade level for pico crickets?

21:55:52 ssandifer -: lol

21:56:00 CheriT -: I'll be there too :-)

21:56:12 Kern -: 5th mostly after Scantech units

21:56:13 ssandifer -: Sorry -- I'm an idealist and a big dreamer

21:56:17 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Cheri! glad to see you.

21:56:23 tkidd132 -: Is there anyone who is going to be at Educon 2.0?

21:56:32 jomcleay -: I wish

21:56:37 JenW -: I will be there in spirit but not there in in reality

21:56:38 shoemap -: @Art did you see the new hire interview questions by Jeff Utecht?

21:56:39 susanvg -: I used precursors to pico crickets with grade 5 & 6

21:56:41 mrlembke -: I wish too

21:56:43 cheryloakes wow2 -: Remember that the audio will be a podcast and the chat will be posted by Thurs. at www..com/womenofweb2.0

21:56:44 Art Gelwicks -: It's more that just technology people though. Send me a marketing person who gets what a wiki is capable of and has learned to be creative with the tool and that person has no choice but to be successful.

21:56:46 ssandifer -: But -- seriously -- communication in any medium, including face-to-face, is key to success in any field

21:56:48 JenW -: Hmmm

21:56:49 Linda N -: EduCon2.0 attender here- can't wait!

21:56:58 tkidd132 -: I will Be there....

21:57:00 JenW -: <-----EduCon 2 2

21:57:06 JenW -: who is going to FETC??

21:57:11 sendkathy -: ME!

21:57:13 tkidd132 -: Linda Hope to meet you

21:57:14 Art Gelwicks -: @shoemap - No I haven't...got a link?

21:57:15 Kern -: They get directions from the Mindstorms, then look for them with the Picos - there aren't any (really_

21:57:18 sharonp -: @Art - then you should hire me.... my thesis was in online collaboration with high school students

21:57:19 JenW -: and who is going to ILLINOIS??

21:57:22 JenW -: or MISIOURI

21:57:28 tkidd132 -: educon2.0.wikispace.com


21:57:38 shoemap -: @ARt on his blog. I'll look for link

21:57:41 jepcke -: Illinois!!

21:57:43 Art Gelwicks -: Sorry Sharon...you're overqualified. :D

21:57:43 jomcleay -: Yes I am gong to NECC Can't wait

21:57:50 PeggyG -: Can't wait to have some time to explore all of tonight's links and listen to Nichole again on the podcast. Incredibly inspiring ideas and experiences!

21:57:53 tkidd132 -: @JenW what is that?

21:57:57 derrallg -: @JenW finally a conference I'm going to

21:58:00 Linda N -: NECC too!

21:58:03 JenW -: Jo--- we need you to win an award -- VICKI should nominate you for the ISTE award -- HUH??

21:58:09 jomcleay -: LOL

21:58:15 JenW -: I think she should

21:58:17 JenW -: :)

21:58:21 cheryloakes wow2 -: me too Peggy, I love editing and listening to the show and reading the chat a couple times at least.

21:58:26 jomcleay -: I'll have to do something great

21:58:29 JenW -: Tkidd -- Necc -- National Educatoinal Computer Conference??

21:58:32 Art Gelwicks -: Don't adopt platforms...adopt ideas.

21:58:45 cheryloakes wow2 -: here, here ART G.

21:59:03 sendkathy -: I think Nicole makes a valid point. perhaps it would be best in the younger years

21:59:08 tkidd132 -: Would love to be there...Where is it?

21:59:09 JenW -: I agree Art -- but I do like my Mac book so much -- but I like my PC too

21:59:22 mrlembke -: @Art I am going to tell my IT person that tomorrow!

21:59:23 ssandifer -: @JenW :)

21:59:29 Art Gelwicks -: I try to do as much as I can on web apps...minimizes the platform issue.

21:59:29 tkidd132 -: I do to....

21:59:34 JenW -: @sendkathy -- needs to keep us in the loop when she gets her 10 OLPC's

21:59:40 shoemap -: @Art found it http://www.thethinkingstick.com/?p=614

21:59:42 Kern -: cloud computing . . .

21:59:48 Art Gelwicks -: Cool. Thanks.

21:59:49 sendkathy -: I plan to

21:59:58 JenW -: if you want to see Jen's Mac -- http://www.technospud.com/mac.htm -- but it is not my computer :)

22:00:06 derrallg -: @art yes the solution to planform issues

22:00:08 JenW -: :)

22:00:18 tkidd132 -: My IT person was suppose to be on

22:00:18 JenW -: Have not felt the need to take a picture of my MacBook Yet

22:00:22 JenW -: OH NO

22:00:22 sendkathy -: I think it will be better than the ALphasmarts and better than the old laptops we already have

22:00:23 jomcleay -: :D @JenW

22:00:23 JenW -: hang on

22:00:27 JenW -: we might have lost sound

22:00:29 tkidd132 -: wow

22:00:39 Matt Montagne -: apple's macbook air price tag almost gave me a heart attack today

22:00:42 ssandifer -: @JenW I know the feeling (re: MacBook Pro)

22:00:43 jomcleay -: still got sound

22:00:44 Art Gelwicks -: @shoemap - looks like blog fodder to me. :)

22:00:47 shoemap -: @Jen I still have sound

22:00:52 JenW -: LOL

22:01:02 JenW -: they muted me :) my dryer was DINGING

22:01:08 shoemap -: ha

22:01:13 Kern -: @jenw hehe

22:01:14 GaryM -: The macbook air will not be for everyone.

22:01:14 jomcleay -: @jenW does your Mac purr

22:01:16 sharonp -: what is th eprice of the macbook ari?

22:01:19 cheryloakes wow2 -: Jo isn't it amazing that our sound can travel to you in Australia in nanoseconds'

22:01:21 Linda N -: :D

22:01:32 ssandifer -: @Jo My MAC does!

22:01:36 jomcleay -: Yep we're not so far away really

22:01:48 tkidd132 -: Is anyone using Study Island

22:01:50 derrallg -: @sharonp I think i heard 1800

22:01:51 mrlembke -: Got to run. Night all!

22:01:53 GaryM -: Price - around $1800 I think

22:01:55 shoemap -: @jo would love to visit some day

22:01:57 tkidd132 -: Night

22:01:58 Art Gelwicks -: brb

22:02:04 sharonp -: why is that expensive??

22:02:08 Matt Montagne -: not sure who the macbook air will be fore...$1800 for 13.3" screen is crazy

22:02:13 jomcleay -: I would love you to come. Make sure you let me know

22:02:20 derrallg -: @matt i agree

22:02:24 cheryloakes wow2 -: winding down, getting ready to close out. but a huge thanks to all of you joining us tonight, you make our shows awesome

22:02:27 Matt Montagne -: I love apple, but I think the device is a mistake

22:02:29 stevesoko -: @tkidd - My district wil start study island this week

22:02:31 jomcleay -: that last comment was @pam

22:02:36 ssandifer -: and the macbook air with ssd is over $3000

22:02:36 GaryM -: Small drive, no DVD drive, etc

22:02:39 DougS -: @Matt so you can slip it under the door!

22:02:41 Kern -: study island?

22:02:42 jepcke -: kim is awesome

22:02:57 JenW -: @jomcleay -- my Mac purrs -- my MacBook whirrs

22:03:01 sendkathy -: I will miss her because I'll be on my way driving to FETC :(

22:03:03 shoemap -: I'm not a fan of study island

22:03:04 Matt Montagne -: @ dougs :)

22:03:07 ssandifer -: I am confused about why they priced both models so high

22:03:17 Kern -: @shoemap what is it?

22:03:23 Matt Montagne -: how is study island?

22:03:24 stevesoko -: www.studyisland.com - test prep for state testing

22:03:24 Kern -: SL?

22:03:25 tkidd132 -: @stevesoko my District is using it right now..its pretty cool

22:03:29 shoemap -: drill and kill

22:03:30 JenW -: Any last ?????

22:03:32 Kern -: ahh

22:03:41 PeggyG -: Hear! Hear! Awesome conversation with Nichole! Thank you!

22:03:44 Kern -: echooooo echooo echoo

22:03:44 Vicki Davis -: Oh I'm so tired.

22:03:49 jepcke -: Nichole you are doing great things for Chicago, from a fellow Chicagoan! Thanks for all the work you do!

22:04:08 stevesoko -: Thanks Nicole!

22:04:18 Linda N -: Thanks Nicole!

22:04:19 sendkathy -: Thanks Nicole, you really raised the bar.

22:04:19 jomcleay -: Nichole you're work is great. I will be following on from here in Australia

22:04:22 Art Gelwicks -: MacBookAir - fanboy fodder.

22:04:32 JenW -: Diner Dash -- anyone??

22:04:34 PeggyG -: @Sharon P. you are such an awesome facilitator of so many divergent questions and interests!

22:04:35 Kern -: fanboi

22:04:37 Durff graduate of 2017 -: Sploder?

22:04:39 jepcke -: Another great job tonight ladies, don't know how you do it

22:04:54 JenW -: Jepcke -- this was a last minute conversation

22:04:57 JenW -: and was it not great

22:05:01 cheryloakes wow2 -: Thanks to all of you.

22:05:10 CheriT -: I've played it and it's hard to keep up

22:05:14 CheriT -: very challenging

22:05:17 shoemap -: different than dine and dash

22:05:24 CheriT -: right

22:05:25 shoemap -: that's bad

22:05:28 jomcleay -: Yes you guys are an inspiration

22:05:30 Vicki Davis -: I'm exhausted! Thanks so much!!!!

22:05:43 sharonp -: thanks Peggy! I stutter my way thru the show

22:05:43 jomcleay -: Thanks Vicki, for all you do

22:05:49 Vicki Davis -: Delicious for tonight - http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080115

22:05:53 jepcke -: @JenW So true -- was great

22:05:56 sroseman -: Thanks I feel inspired!

22:06:00 sheila -: Thanks so much Nichole! Great show WOW2!

22:06:02 Vicki Davis -: Oh, Jo, I'm so excited about meeting you at NECC.

22:06:09 DougS -: another gem from the WOW2.0 crew--well done!

22:06:09 jomcleay -: Me too Vicki

22:06:10 Durff graduate of 2017 -: http://www.playfirst.com/game/dinerdash

22:06:16 CheriT -: let's hear it for silly :-}

22:06:20 Matt Montagne -: good job everyone!

22:06:24 Art Gelwicks -: Silly rocks.

22:06:27 cheryloakes wow2 -: Doug S, thanks!

22:06:29 GaryM -: http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wa/RSLID...

22:06:36 derrallg -: thank you WOW2.0 and Nichole

22:06:46 tkidd132 -: The Chat room "is" going crazy

22:06:48 DougS -: @Art--not sure how to respond--good thing Dave's not here!

22:06:49 tkidd132 -: lol

22:06:49 Linda N -: Night all!

22:06:54 tkidd132 -: Night

22:06:57 jomcleay -: no, no, no, don't say that

22:07:00 tkidd132 -: lol

22:07:06 Art Gelwicks -: Heh.

22:07:08 cheryloakes wow2 -: I can't keep up with the chat!!!

22:07:09 tkidd132 -: im not leaving

22:07:10 JenW -: VOTE FOR JO VOTE FOR JO

22:07:11 jomcleay -: please Jen It is embarrassing

22:07:14 Kern -: no foolin

22:07:15 tkidd132 -: ok

22:07:15 JenW -: LOL

22:07:19 tkidd132 -: but for

22:07:40 derrallg -: Let's break the rules for Jo

22:07:43 tkidd132 -: I agree Jomcleay

22:07:57 shoemap -: Go Jo

22:08:00 Durff graduate of 2017 -: ethnocentric awards

22:08:09 derrallg -: I thought ISTE was international

22:08:13 GaryM -: @Durff - do you accept Twitter invitations - I have tried

22:08:18 Durff graduate of 2017 -: you thought wrong

22:08:21 jomcleay -: I'll be there

22:08:24 mrichme -: Good night everyone. Great conversation once again.

22:08:26 tkidd132 -: k

22:08:29 Art Gelwicks -: Today's award brought to you by the letters "N" and the number "4".

22:08:30 jomcleay -: yeah Vicki!!!

22:08:30 shoemap -: I = international let's cause a ruckus

22:08:32 sendkathy -: Night All

22:08:36 cheryloakes wow2 -: Hi Michael.

22:08:47 Durff graduate of 2017 -: GaryM - not if you don't list a website or who you are

22:08:49 sendkathy -: Yes to awards

22:08:49 Kern -: guerilla conferences

22:08:52 sendkathy -: why not

22:08:53 Art Gelwicks -: You can call them the "WOWies"

22:08:56 tkidd132 -: Oh so tired..."yawns"

22:09:00 Kern -: WOWies - nice

22:09:05 DougS -: .the inmates are now running the institution ;)

22:09:05 jepcke -: @Art LOL

22:09:05 Durff graduate of 2017 -: yes the WOW2.0 awards

22:09:14 tkidd132 -: Yes that would be great 60 awards in 60 mins

22:09:22 Durff graduate of 2017 -: go inmates!

22:09:26 shoemap -: sounded like a dog in pain

22:09:26 GaryM -: Duff - no particular website but will try again.

22:09:27 Art Gelwicks -: Sounded like a seal.

22:09:31 tkidd132 -: wow...Durff

22:09:33 derrallg -: Encore

22:09:35 cheryloakes wow2 -: 2 min. to ending.

22:09:39 Durff graduate of 2017 -: ouch

22:09:46 tkidd132 -: srry

22:09:50 CheriT -: wowzies

22:09:51 jomcleay -: T shirts!!!

22:09:52 derrallg -: where is my lighter

22:09:56 CheriT -: wow2zies

22:09:57 tkidd132 -: haha

22:10:00 sroseman -: wowzers

22:10:06 sheila -: thanks again!j

22:10:07 hockeymom -: My first time here very interesting, thanks

22:10:07 Durff graduate of 2017 -: The WOWSIE Awards

22:10:10 jomcleay -: bye Nichole

22:10:11 tkidd132 -: There are Educon 2.0 Shirts

22:10:13 shoemap -: Thanks Nichole

22:10:14 alicebarr -: good night and thanks

22:10:19 Art Gelwicks -: wow2zies? Sounds Hawaiian.

22:10:25 Durff graduate of 2017 -: party poopers

22:10:27 Kern -: 2 minute warning

22:10:30 tkidd132 -: Yes that does

22:10:31 CheriT -: The WOW2-ZIES

22:10:35 Durff graduate of 2017 -: nite all

22:10:41 cheryloakes wow2 -: right Kern, 2 min. warning

22:10:41 sroseman -: WOW is a popular acronym ..

22:10:44 tkidd132 -: Nite

22:10:46 jomcleay -: nite all. At 2 pm

22:10:54 shoemap -: bye jo

22:10:55 ssandifer -: night all

22:10:56 Art Gelwicks -: CafePress.

22:11:00 derrallg -: nite all

22:11:05 cheryloakes wow2 -: Night all, thanks for coming.

22:11:08 CheriT -: wowtwozies

22:11:17 CheriT -: nope

22:11:20 sroseman -: going skiing tomorrow ..thanks all

22:11:23 Kern -: I think those motivational posters - I Can haz wowzie

22:11:33 DougS -: @CheriT that's got a nice ring to it!

22:11:39 Art Gelwicks -: LOL Kern

22:11:46 tkidd132 -: Your Welcome!!!

22:11:50 CheriT -: @doug - thanks

22:11:51 tkidd132 -: GOOD NIGHT ALL!!!

22:11:55 CheriT -: bye all

22:11:57 Art Gelwicks -: Later and greater folks!

22:12:01 Cathy E -: night all

22:12:03 cheryloakes wow2 -: goodnight

22:12:07 tkidd132 -: Night

22:12:14 tkidd132 -: I know that would be Fun

22:12:16 tkidd132 -: Night

22:12:37 DougS -: WOW2 does ADHD--60 guests in 60 min!

22:12:51 emapey -: Good night