EdTechWeekly#27 - Remembering Chris Essex , Dell ideas, DrupalEd, Peacemaker, Zolved, Gabbly. Slideshare contest, & Open Source

Remembering Chris Essex , Dell ideas, DrupalEd, Peacemaker, Zolved, Gabbly. Slideshare contest, & Open Source SL
April 22, 2007
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Chat Log Below

19:02:01  JenMad ->  Hi, All!
19:02:15  DougS ->  Hey all
19:02:21  Durff ->  Hi!
19:02:25  Jason ->  howdy :)
19:02:35  alexr ->  Howdy --- listening in the back yard!
19:02:56  JenMad ->  cool! I picture plaid shorts ...
19:03:57  alexr ->  khaki
19:04:24  alexr ->  Hi From the Ragone Kids...
19:04:28  Durff ->  So when are you posting to Jaiku guys?
19:04:38  dave ->  yo kiddies
19:04:50  Durff ->  Hi Ragone kids
19:04:58  jeff ->  http://chrisessex.blogspot.com/index.html
19:05:55  JenMad ->  http://teachwtech.blogspot.com/
19:06:02  jeff ->  http://teachwtech.blogspot.com/
19:07:19  jeff ->  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Tech_massacre
19:08:23  dave ->  http://www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/corp/biographies/en/msd_c...
19:10:16  JenMad ->  http://gabbly.com/
19:10:23  alicemercer ->  okay, I'm not seeing a screencast on Yugma?
19:10:34  JoseR ->  Same here
19:10:37  dave ->  thought it was just me
19:10:39  JenMad ->  http://gabbly.com/private/edtechtalk/edtech
19:10:51  alicemercer ->  You don't want that
19:10:56  alicemercer ->  OUCH
19:11:02  JenMad ->  edtech
19:12:19  jeff ->  http://www.ideastorm.com/
19:12:56  jeff ->  http://news.com.com/2100-1046_3-6177619.html
19:13:04  Durff ->  I will have to remember to never mention anything!
19:13:17  dave ->  very wise
19:13:30  CathyE ->  Is stereo mix on the list??
19:13:32  Durff ->  I thought so
19:13:55  DougS ->  see (hear actually) that Gabbly has the same kinda "audo prompt" that Yugma has in chat
19:14:06  Durff ->  can he get to the internet?
19:14:17  Durff ->  he could use Meebo
19:14:28  JenMad ->  Doug S - looks like you can at least turn it off in Gably
19:14:39  DougS ->  cool
19:14:59  alicemercer ->  you hippies!
19:15:11  dave ->  http://drupaled.org/news/2007/04/19/welcome
19:15:27  alicemercer ->  I can get vyew behind my school firewall
19:15:29  Gary ->  VLC works well!
19:15:35  JoseR ->  I use vlc also
19:15:36  Jason ->  the dells mostly come with a lame, stripped down version of wordperfect; openoffice will be a lot better
19:15:51  JoseR ->  open office is the way to go
19:16:10  alicemercer ->  I'm thinking about it. Do they have a linux version?
19:16:14  jeff ->  we've got one set up at http://learningcoop.net/
19:17:10  jeff ->  if anyone wants to play with admin stuff, register there and IM me
19:17:38  JenMad ->  http://www.sessions.edu/reg/forms/Video_library.asp#
19:18:28  alicemercer ->  I was playing with illustrator, that is a PITA to learn in some ways.
19:18:41  alicemercer ->  Like a maesarati. Very complicated, but powerful
19:18:50  jeff ->  http://www.slideshare.net/contest/worlds-best-presentation-contest
19:19:08  alicemercer ->  I use it alot and have a couple up there.
19:19:41  alicemercer ->  Not entering the contest, but they are right.
19:19:47  alicemercer ->  I hate the lack of audio.
19:19:54  dave ->  http://www.boingboing.net/2007/04/21/mayor_of_boston_bans.html
19:20:12  alicemercer ->  Oh, that is too ironic
19:21:00  alicemercer ->  good point
19:21:23  alicemercer ->  it's neutral, cause a machine is doing it, but is it right?
19:21:29  JenMad ->  http://www.webware.com/
19:22:02  jeff ->  http://www.peacemakergame.com/
19:22:16  alicemercer ->  I need that in my class!
19:22:35  alicemercer ->  First student fight with my students for this year, wah!
19:22:49  dave ->  http://blogs.zdnet.com/social/?p=142 http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/04/19/1611252&from=rss
19:24:14  Durff ->  The only student fight in a class I was covering ever had to happen when I was there. Thank God for getting to them first before I did. I feel for you alice.
19:24:49  alicemercer ->  Not in class. On their way home. I've had NO class fights since I left the behavior school. Some yard fights.
19:24:57  JenMad ->  http://jmemorize.org/
19:25:01  alicemercer ->  Only class fights happened with subs
19:25:17  Durff ->  and I was a sub
19:25:37  Durff ->  I knew the kids in that school well
19:25:46  Gary ->  You must not have hockey players in high school.
19:25:56  Durff ->  SL would be great
19:25:57  jeff ->  http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/24939/How_to_reduce_the_memor...
19:26:05  Durff ->  with audio
19:26:09  jeff ->  http://www.zolved.com/
19:26:18  alicemercer ->  I still haven't done 2L
19:26:37  Durff ->  it's fun!
19:27:03  dave ->  http://makeinternettv.org/equipment/video.php
19:27:03  alicemercer ->  I put up two, but they are just fun
19:27:29  alicemercer ->  I'm doing still to video, and screencasting.
19:27:50  alexr ->  this is a cool one: open source reporting: http://newassignment.net/
19:27:55  JenMad ->  http://www.jisc.ac.uk/events/2007/04/nextgenenv_2704.aspx
19:28:58  alicemercer ->  I love it, the a.m. break is for "Coffee"
19:29:07  alicemercer ->  Congrats!
19:30:37  alicemercer ->  The Chris Essex link...who knew him?
19:30:41  DougS ->  woohoo re webcasting from UK
19:30:43  DougS ->  go dave
19:30:48  dave ->  yay
19:30:55  jeff ->  http://port25.technet.com/pages/windows-media-player-firefox-plugin-down...
19:30:59  alicemercer ->  Was that UK? I assumed it was Alabama, lol
19:31:13  jeff ->  http://www.getdemocracy.com/
19:31:17  Gary ->  We could have another "beer" event Dave
19:31:24  dave ->  beer is nice
19:31:29  dave ->  i approve of beer
19:31:40  dave ->  http://gigatribe.com/tour/accueil.php
19:31:45  alicemercer ->  blocked at my school
19:31:55  alicemercer ->  for:edtechtalk
19:31:58  alicemercer ->  under tag
19:32:00  dave ->  lol
19:32:01  sharonp ->  uhmmmm what channel are we on tonight??
19:32:11  Jason ->  democracy is really cool; but, it is a resource hog... cool torrent client integrated though
19:32:27  alicemercer ->  See, I can't screencast worth a darn, but I can type into chat room
19:32:39  alicemercer ->  Hey, d@mn is blocked on this chat room
19:32:48  alicemercer ->  interesting.
19:32:54  dave ->  damn
19:33:02  alicemercer ->  Hey, how did you do that!
19:33:05  dave ->  damn damn
19:33:07  alicemercer ->  It won't let me!
19:33:11  alicemercer ->  show off
19:33:12  dave ->  bwahahahaha
19:33:22  alicemercer ->  you must be an administrator
19:33:37  alicemercer ->  Oh that looked intersting...
19:33:37  dave ->  bwahahahaha
19:33:43  jeff ->  http://www.teachersdomain.org/
19:34:02  jeff ->  http://www.publicradioquest.com/
19:34:06  alicemercer ->  I heard about that!
19:34:12  sharonp ->  ahem....
19:34:13  Durff ->  children! settle down!!
19:34:22  DougS ->  lol
19:34:25  alicemercer ->  the talent quest, hey I'm on to other stuff now.
19:34:32  sroseman ->  what was that flower power fun one again
19:34:35  sharonp ->  every time I click on the A or B channel, I get redirected to another page....
19:34:40  alicemercer ->  BUT you can't have a nationally broadcast show.
19:34:48  alicemercer ->  That was me, brb
19:35:00  dave ->  http://www.opensourcewindows.org/
19:35:03  sroseman ->  thanks Alice
19:35:24  sroseman ->  Oh I can check thro' my history
19:35:32  alicemercer ->  http://www.procreo.jp/labo/flower_garden.swf
19:35:47  Durff ->  i got that too sharon
19:35:57  Durff ->  try the real player link on A
19:35:58  alicemercer ->  I thought you all might think it was dorky, but it's almost mother's day
19:36:26  JenMad ->  http://www.osalt.com/final-cut-pro
19:36:28  Durff ->  when is Mothers' Day?
19:36:37  alicemercer ->  Did they get to the super hero one?
19:36:39  sroseman ->  thanks May
19:36:52  sroseman ->  19..22nd
19:36:52  Durff ->  May what?
19:37:01  alicemercer ->  I think we need to have at least one fun one.
19:37:03  alicemercer ->  May 12th?
19:37:07  DougS ->  May 13, I think Lisa
19:37:07  alicemercer ->  Second sunday
19:37:18  Durff ->  okay, thanks
19:37:23  Steve_K ->  Jeff....I'll get back to you RE OS Live
19:38:12  jeff ->  good to hear
19:38:18  jeff ->  look forward to its return
19:38:24  alicemercer ->  The audio is hitchy in cam studio I think
19:38:27  jeff ->  http://savenetradio.org/
19:39:15  jeff ->  http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=199101888
19:39:36  jeff ->  http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/04/20/google-acquires-marratech-gets-into...
19:39:41  dave ->  bwahahahaha
19:39:55  Jason ->  i thought the board refused a request to reconsider the fees?
19:40:02  alicemercer ->  dave, you need to get over this evil villan complex.
19:40:05  jeff ->  http://news.myspace.com/
19:40:12  dave ->  bwahahahaha
19:40:41  jeff ->  http://cheddarvision.tv/
19:41:11  alicemercer ->  You need to find you're inner hero...http://www.marvelvc.com/br/Hero/
19:41:39  alicemercer ->  http://www.marvelvc.com.br/Hero/
19:41:46  DougS ->  get to vote for a name for the cheese too, I see
19:41:54  Durff ->  good try Jeff
19:42:11  alicemercer ->  My 8 yo would like to share that you can now watch vull episodes on Nick Jr. dot com.
19:42:12  Durff ->  like uh what?
19:42:21  Durff ->  sweet man!
19:42:30  CathyE ->  click the power button at the bottom right
19:42:32  CathyE ->  too funny
19:43:02  alicemercer ->  I'm sorry that is full episodes, not vull
19:43:28  alicemercer ->  bwahahaha
19:43:29  DougS ->  Cathy, that is good
19:43:34  alicemercer ->  sorry, I couldn't resist
19:44:13  jeff ->  skypecast: +99001110006845465
19:44:29  dave ->  http://vre.upei.ca/node/15
19:44:48  Durff ->  POST SHOW!
19:45:15  sroseman ->  love the flowers
19:45:15  Durff ->  now you put the Skypecast link in there
19:45:23  Durff ->  and now you are done
19:45:26  Durff ->  thank you
19:45:46  alicemercer ->  http://dangerouslyirrelevant.org has a post on Margaret Spelling and K-12 tech spending.
19:46:30  CathyE ->  Thanks Dave- I can use these
19:48:18  DougS ->  thanks for the link to the 'cast Dave, look fwd to checkin' them out
19:48:25  DougS ->  'casts
19:48:38  dave ->  :)
19:48:51  jeff ->  http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2007/apr07/04-19UPLaunchPR.mspx
19:49:52  DougS ->  and, on the topic of 'casts Dave: have a safe trip to UK, and keep us posted on show possibilties
19:49:54  Jason ->  if they were smart, they would do that in the western world, too :)
19:50:18  dave ->  many thanks doug.
19:50:53  Jason ->  har-geh-don
19:50:54  jeff ->  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppy_linux
19:51:21  Jason ->  i think puppy is hard to use...why not go with xubuntu?
19:51:58  Jason ->  background pic on puppy is cute though :)
19:52:13  Gary ->  But the China annoucment was not without controversry:  http://www.engadget.com/2007/04/20/open-source-protestor-crashes-bill-ga...
19:52:59  alexr ->  night all.
19:53:02  alicemercer ->  http://amercerportfolio.edublogs.org
19:53:06  alicemercer ->  here's mine
19:53:23  sroseman ->  alice ..a load of fun here
19:53:25  DougS ->  cya, have a good wk Alex
19:53:25  sroseman ->  http://www.procreo.jp/labo.html
19:53:38  sroseman ->  from the people who created flower bed
19:53:48  alicemercer ->  http://www.stevehargadon.com/2007/04/seeing-ed-tech-really-working-in.html
19:54:08  alicemercer ->  That's a link on a school in Indiana on linux/opensource
19:54:19  alicemercer ->  http://www.stevehargadon.com/2007/04/amazing-amazing-use-of-old-computer...
19:54:30  alicemercer ->  on using puppy linux with old boxes
19:55:23  Durff ->  why were they protesting?
19:55:40  alicemercer ->  Happy birthday to us...
19:56:00  Durff ->  happy birthday!
19:56:07  Gary ->  There are different levels of rudeness in different cultures
19:56:11  cheryl ->  so if you fix your skyp information you will get more wishes soon
19:56:31  alicemercer ->  Dave can we chat quick offline?
19:57:10  Durff ->  so was that an April Fools?
19:57:55  Durff ->  Nice avatar in Skype, alice
19:58:19  DougS ->  take care all--hope to see you tomorrow night

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